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The study about anaphor has been an explosion since the 1980s. Many linguists have made studies on anaphor from different perspectives, including syntax, pragmatics, cognition and functionalism. However, the study on anaphor with consideration to its evaluative function is seldom. The thesis aims at studying the realization of evaluative functions of anaphor in English editorials within the framework of APPRAISAL System.
     The author chooses twenty English editorials written by native speakers from New York Times and twenty English editorials written by non-native speakers from China Daily respectively and then annotates and classifies the evaluative anaphors in the editorials. The study aims at finding the similarities and dissimilarities in realizing evaluative functions of anaphor in native-speaker editorials and non-native speaker editorials.
     This study has found out that there are some similarities in native speaker and non-native speaker editorials: there are more evaluative nominal anaphors than pronominal anaphors in both native and non-native English editorials; in attitude system, the realization of appreciation is common while the realization of affect is rare; in engagement system, the realization of dialogic expansion is more common than the realization of dialogic contraction; in graduation system, the realization of focus is rare while the realization of force is common.
     There are also some dissimilarities: there are more evaluative pronominal anaphors in native English editorials; in attitude system, the realization of judgment and the realization of positive attitude are more common in non-native English editorials; in graduation system, the realization of dialogic contraction by anaphors are more common in non-native English editorials; the anaphors in non-native English editorials tend to raise the positive aspect of attitude and lower the negative aspect, whereas there is not such obvious situation in native English editorials.
     In view of the similarities and dissimilarities between them, the functions of editorials and some social-cultural factors are cited to explain the similarities and dissimilarities.The study is signifieant for enriehing the methodologies on the study ofanaPhor.Moreover,it may be helPful for English leamers to know the dissimilarities onevaluative funetions of anaPhor in different eultural baekground.
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