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     另一方面,我们用简单的气相沉积生长了Zn_2SiO_4纳米线和Zn_2SiO_4-Zn异质结构纳米同轴线阵列。使用了包括扫描电子显微镜、能量色散X射线谱、高分辨透射电子显微镜以及X射线衍射等各种实验方法对样品进行了表征,提出了一种新的应力促进生长机制,为生长均匀的纳米同轴线提供一种新的技术。同时测量了不同温度下样品的阴极荧光谱,在300 nm左右、560 nm和865 nm左右分别出现了强度依次减弱的峰。各峰的半高宽都随温度增长而增大。通过对比Zn_2SiO_4纳米线的发光特性表明,回音壁模式为光在Zn_2SiO_4纳米线内传播的主要模式,因而不同直径的Zn_2SiO_4纳米线得到不同波长的发光;波长约为560 nm
One of the promising avenues in the current semiconductor science and technology research is the development of the novel semiconductor heterogeneous functional materials. It is extremely important to explore materials and devices with new properties and functions. This thesis aims to grope for new structure, open out new phenomena and provide a thorough insight into their physical mechanisms. Two aspects have been emphasized; one is the material design and preparation of ZnO/Au/Si heterogeneous epitaxial film, and besides, having further considerations of the stress, optical properties and the polarity control; the other one is the preparation of the Zn_2SiO_4 nanowires, the Zn_2SiO_4-Zn nanocable heterostructures and the investigation of their fascinating optical properties.
     First-principles computation based on the density functional theory were performed to investigate the initial growth of ZnO films on Au layer, the results of which provided an intrinsic geometric structure of the formation of the Zn-polar ZnO film. And then, the properties of ZnO grown under different conditions were characterized. The results proved that the Au nanocrystallites can play as the role of crystal nucleus, and that ZnO on Au layer displayed a film structure that had no grain boundary and showed a surface composed of hexagonal hillocks. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction, Raman, and cathodoluminescence data supported that the hexagonal hillock grains were well aligned in the c axis. We believed that Zn was rich on the top of the hillocks where the nuclei initiated. Zn and O reach the stoichiometric ratio when the nuclei grew gradually to the side. The islands of ZnO joined together, and then formed a ZnO film of good quality without grain boundary. With Au as the buffer layer, the misfit stress is minimized, the UV emission is improved, and Zn-polarity is controlled. All of these might affect the electrical conductivity of ZnO.
     Chemical vapor deposition was used to grow Zn_2SiO_4 nanowires and Zn_2SiO_4-Zn nanocable arrays. Morphological, chemical and crystallographic characterizations of the as-grown samples were carried out by SEM, EDS, TEM and
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