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In recent 20years ,China has keeping surprising growth rate, the reform and
    open policy bring great power which push economic growth, especially the
    development-zone model become regional development strategy under the special
    district model effecting. As designed institution, how long wills this model can be
    live?Some one said that this zone will die in the future when special arrangement
    become homogeneity. Does this model die sooner?
    Thus the first task is to answer whether development-zone has life cycle and what is
    the feature of them in different stage.
    This article use the term "life cycle "and apply relative theory to research
    development-zone model with the tool of institution analysis.
    In this paper development-zone's life means that a evolution process which
    experience institution designation, institution adjusting and arrangement ,from
    inform institution to form, from part area to all area ,from special arrangement to
    homogeneity institution. When the policy gap become smooth the development-zone
    accumulates continues internal self-develop power.
    Thus, development-zone life cycle is different the cycle of nature things .It is
    evolution process of an organization and a process of self-renew and growth, it live in
    the global working divide and regional competition. Different district come to being
    division industry cluster.
    From China experience, people have seen that different stage although it has short
    The first stage is strong institution stage .In this stage institution innovation create
    institution barrier and gap which push development zone growth rapidly .Because
    of geographic connection, investors mostly come from Hongkang , Macao and
    Taiwan ,and lots of money was invested in the eastern and southtern area.These
    area become growth plot. Institution innovation began to expand and be copied in
    bigger area for these strong effecting appeared in short time .This expand trend come
    from government and bottom demand. Interest competition between them and this
    competition bring new institution arrangement .Therefore; the model effecting and
    accumulation acquired from institution gap expand from part to all country. The
    development-zone model enters into weak institution stage.
    In this stage, extra area institution gap become smooth as the deepening of economic
    reform and marketing reform, but institution creation do not stop, institution
    difference and institution barrier still exist. Due to self-development capacity is
    different, development zones appear distinguish. Part of them have accumulated
    industry base and can self develop ,but part of them do not .This can be observed by
    enterprise go out-in-rate in these zones .If in certain stage such as a fiscal
    year, companies which entered in development -zone are more than go out
    ones ,it is said that development zone have great attraction ,on the contrary, it means
    that this area economic competition come down. So, in this stage go out-in -rate can
    tell us regional constant development capacity.
    The third stage is after institution stage. Special institution arrangement has
    expanded in all area; technology improvement and market demand boost regional
    industry growth. But development-zone institution
    Strength will not die away when it be expand .Institution innovation strength come
    to being industry cluster development strength which include learning ability and
    technology creation ability and marketing innovation ability.
    The second problem is how the special institution evaluated and how the evolution
    effect the development zone locus .In this article the author distinguishes
    evolution path to interest game and balance of cost - gains .We take the development
    zone as an economic organize which can be revalued by putting-earning model. The
    gain from development zone will be shared by the center government, local
    government, internal enterprise and also include local residents. Because everyone has
    its own aim, they begin to compete gains from development zone. On the contrary, the
    competition will change some special institution, such as financial institution, land
    usage institution and labor flow institution which are key institution.
    As to the balance mechanism of cost-gain, the author split cost items and gain items, it
    looks that the invisible cost is very huge and it will baffle the zone future
    Thirdly, Apply the life theory to analyze China development zone .It testify that
    institution is vital factor to those special development zones which has double effect.
    The author consider that China development zone have grown from the first stage to
    the second stage .Local government should cultivate regional industry ,incubate small scale enterprise and unify the factor market .At the end the author summarize three vital factor which baffle these region development. Those factors are resources restriction, cost restriction and institution restriction. The development zone must conquer that restriction and fulfill self renovation.
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    1. Krugman, 1980, "Scale economies, product differentiation and the pattern of trade", Amercan Economic Review 70, pp, 950-959. 1991 "Increasing returns and economic geography", Journal of Political Economy 99, pp, 483-99.
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    7.参见:鄢烈山 2006年4月13日,东方早报评论版。“事实也正是这样。对于当时的普通老百姓来说,他们吃不饱、穿不暖,连肥皂、火柴、灯油都要凭票限量供应,所谓“国民经济到了崩溃的边缘”不是丑化和恫吓,而是一种无日无之的生存体验和沉重压力;而对于具有国际视野的邓小平等中央领导人,更有与周边国家发展速度相比较而产生的紧迫感。正是这种种内外因素,促成了真理标准大讨论,达成了“不改革开放,只能是死路一条”的基本共识,最终促使我们在实现现代化的路径上选择了市场取。”
    8.详见:陆幸生 往前走 别回头 新民周刊2006年1月26日这 篇袁庚的访谈记录了蛇口工业区诞生的历史。1978年,已经61岁的袁庚被交通部党组委派赴港参与招商局的领导工作。1979年1月26日,叶飞给李先念副主席去信,请他抽空听取袁庚汇报并给予指示。1月31日,大年初四,袁庚接到通知,让他进中南海汇报。袁庚表示:要把香港有利条件,如资金、技术和国内土地、劳动力结合起来。李先念连连点头:“现在就是要把香港外汇和国内结合起来用,不仅要结合广东,而且要和福建、上海等连起来 考虑。”袁庚想请中央大力支持,在宝安县的蛇口划出一块地段,作为招商局工业区用地。这个地方就是后来的蛇口工业园区。
    10.英属(The British Virgin Islands)维尔京群岛是一个面积只有153平方公里,有1.95万人人口的小岛,位于大西洋和加勒比海之间,背风群岛的北端。原始土著居民为加勒比地区的印第安人。1493年哥伦布发现该岛。1672年被英国兼并。1872年成为英国殖民地背风群岛的一部分,受背风群岛总督管辖至1960年。此后该岛由被任命的首席部长负责管理。正是这样一个小岛因为其宽松的注册制度,税收和严格的保密制度,这个地方已经成为国际上离岸资本最主要的注册地。离岸公司具有高度的信息保密性,没有外汇管制,更不用承担沉重的税务负担。所有的离岸开发区均不同程度地规定了离岸公司所取得的营业收入和利润免交当地税,有的甚至免交遗产税。如果企业通过设立离岸公司妥善安排税务,就能取得合理避税的结果。离岸金融中心因此被称为“避税天堂”。成立离岸公司还是企业避开关税壁垒的有效途径。企业,尤其是发展中国家的企业向美国等发达国家出口产品,通常需要申请配额及一系列的相关手续,为此需要多花费一两倍的成本。如果该企业拥有一家海外离岸公司,由企业向离岸公司出口产品,再由离岸公司向发达国家出口,就有可能规避关税壁垒和出口配额限制等。此外,部分企业开展跨国经营可能会受到母国政府的种种限制,而这点在发展中国家特别突出。在这种情况下,离岸公司便捷的申请过程和优惠的税收政策就显得相当具有吸引力,注册一家海外离岸公司是企业走向世界、开展跨国业务的捷径,也成为企业避税的天堂。
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