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Microorganism plays a great part in soil ecosystem by involving in soil biochemical cycle. Both soil environment and agricultural production management can lead to changes in soil microbial community and function, which then has an impact on the cycle of soil nutrient as well as soil quality.
     Soil is consisted of large numbers of different sizes of particle size fractions and original particles. Soil particle size fractions, the basic functional cells of soil, are formed through binding of soil minerals with organic matter and/or soil organisms with varying strengths as a process of interaction of mineral, organic matter and biota in soils. It is the great differences in nutrient, aeration and water among different fractions in size that results in the variation in microbe and enzymes-involved nutrient transformation in the microhabitat. Therefore, research on enzyme activities and microbial biomass from the angle of soil microhabitat can reflect a more objective biological process in filed.
     In this paper, variation of enzyme activity and microbial biomass nitrogen in particle size fractions and their responses to fertilization practices were studied in a paddy soil under a long-term fertilizer application trial, including the treatments of chemical fertilizer with straw return (CFS), chemical fertilizer plus pig manure (CFM), chemical fertilizer alone (CF) and no fertilizer application (NF). Particle size fractions (2000-200,200-20,20-2 and <2μm) were obtained by low-energy sonication along with a combination of wet sieving and centrifugation. The main results were as follows:
     1. The aggregates were dominated by the size fractions of 2000-200μm and 20-2μm. However, the size fraction of 2000-200μm was increased and that of 20-2μm decreased under the fertilization treatment of chemical fertilizer plus pig manure compared to that under no fertilization, which showed that the use of organic fertilizer benefits the formation of small particles to large ones.
     2. The predominance of enzyme activities in different particle size fractions differed from each other. Urease and invertase activity were mainly found in the clay fraction (<2μm), whereas the coarse sand particle accumulated the higher amounts of cellulase, polyphenoloxidase and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis activity. Moreover, the use of fertilizer, especially combined fertilization of inorganic and organic fertilizers, significantly increased the activities of urease, invertase, cellulase and FDA hydrolase in the coarse sand fractions. And the size difference of the fraction exerted a greater effect on the variation of the enzyme activities than the fertilization treatment did. Overall, the size fraction of 2000-200μm had higher contribution to total enzyme activity in bulk soil, which may make the coarse size fraction significant in soil nutrient cycling and environmental process.
     3. The content of microbial biomass nitrogen in different size fractions differed from each other. The size fraction of<2μm contained the highest microbial biomass nitrogen, while the 200-20μm fraction accumulated the least. Furthermore, the combined fertilization of inorganic and organic fertilizers, especially the chemical fertilizer plus pig manure dramatically increased the content of microbial biomass nitrogen in particles. However, soil fraction has a greater effect on the content of microbial biomass nitrogen in different size fractions than fertilization does, which is the same as enzyme activities.
     4. The geometric mean of the assayed enzymes (GMea) was used as a combined soil enzyme activities index, which was higher in the size fraction of 2000-200μm and significantly increased by fertilization as well, indicating a high sensitivity of enzyme activity in larger aggregates to fertilization practices. Soil bio-function was enhanced by the combined fertilization of inorganic and organic fertilizers through the formation of larger aggregates and the increase of enzyme activities in them.
     5. GMea/MBN was considered as an indicator to evaluate the influence on enzymatic function by soil microbes. The contribution of the microbial biomass nitrogen to enzyme activities was greater in larger particle size fractions under different fertilization treatments. The trend of GMea/MBN was different from GMea in the treatments of CFM and CFS, whereas that similar in NF and CF. The size fractions of 2000-200μm and<2μm both had higher GMea, while GMea/MBN is higher only in larger fractions, possibly implying the different mechanisms maintaining enzyme activities in the two size fractions.
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