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     2.淀山湖蓝藻暴发是营养盐总量增加、生态系统退化以及特殊的水文、气象条件共同作用的结果。淀山湖目前氮、磷营养盐的净输入量分别由1985年的220.2 t/a、6.0 t/a上升至2009年的3026.5 t/a、39.3 t/a,造成净输入量增加的主要原因包括:上游来水的水量及营养盐浓度均大幅度增加,湖体自身的净化作用已经无法承受,尽管出湖区域的水质较好,仍有大量的营养盐滞留在水体里;淀山湖底泥较薄,湖泊生态系统较为脆弱,高等水生植物大面积的消失几乎瓦解了整个生态系统的基础,与此同时鱼类和底栖生物的生物量由于人为干扰强度过大而下降,在淀山湖营养盐条件充足的环境下,缺少竞争压力的浮游植物逐年成为影响生态系统演替的主要因素,其中蓝藻凭借特殊的生理机能逐渐成为浮游植物的优势种群。
     由于青草沙原水中营养盐浓度较低,蓝藻的倍增时间被拉长至20 d左右,甚至低于绿藻门的倍增时间,从根本限制了蓝藻生物量在短时间内大量增殖的可能。水温达到24℃时蓝藻生长最好,因此野外生物增加可以从5、6月份即开始,而光照对于蓝藻的影响并不明显,仅当水文条件被改变时,特别是水流速度加快时,蓝藻的生长受限制开始下降,10d左右在营养盐供给不够的前提下有可能分解、沉降甚至死亡,因此对于水库这种半自然水体而言,水力调度有可能成为水库蓝藻暴发最有效的控制措施。
With a rapid increase rate of economic development and population expansion, the sum of pollutants in the water increased every year, especially in the downstream region of Yangtze River, which suffered a rapid urbanization process recently, the eutrophication occurred in every shallow lakes in that region. These lakes were the main drinking water source for the local residents, and due to the increase of the frequency and scale of Cyanobacteria blooming, the water supply was in danger, the water plant nearby was off-set. Shanghai is located in both the lower regions of Taihu Lake basin and the Yangtze River estuary region, and the first time of Cyanobacteria blooming occurred in Shanghai was 1985 in Lake Dianshan. Recently, Cyanobacteria blooming also appeared in the new reservoir in Yangtze River estuary region, so it became a urgent problem for the safety of the drinking water source in Shanghai. This thesis chose the water sources as the objects in upper stream region of Huangpu River and in Yangtze River estuary region, and used the theory and measurement of the environmental science, environmental engineer, ecology and management to analysis the Cyanobacteria blooming in Shanghai in many aspects, based on the results of the simulation experiments and the ecological survey. For the lakes, the research focused on the cause and evaluation of Cyanobacteria blooming, and set up a management system including the ecology restoration and response system fo rthe blooming. For the reservoir, the research method changed to ecological survey and stimulation, and the forces of management changed to early warning and control for the blooming. All the results showed below:
     The core of the water source in Shanghai had changed due to the deterioration of water quality. In 2010s, there were three main changes:the sum of water supply was gradually expanding to 1.72×107 m3/d from the level of 9.51×106 m3/d in the end of last century, and the new core of water source was Yangtze River estuary region, and the mode of water supply changed from the open resource to the reservoir. The analysis results showed that the main problem of water quality in different water source was the increasing concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus. The quality in minor rivers was more inferior to that of Lake Dianshan and Huangpu River, but the quality in Yangtze River estuary region was superior. In that case, the water quality of Shanghai would be improved by the water from Yangtze River estuary region, but it didn't mean all the problems were solved. Occasional cyanobacteria blooming in Chenhang Reservoir in summer showed that the prevention and control of alga would last for a long time.
     Cyanobacteria blooming in Lake Dianshan were a complex consequence of nutrient increase, ecological degradation and environmental factors. The net input of nutrient was increase to 3026.5 tN/a in 2009 from the number of 220.2 in 1985, and the numbers in 2009 and 1985 for phosphorus were 39.3 and 6.0 tP/a. The causes included the net amount of the nutrient increase mainly from the increasing concentration of upper stream, which had overload. Another was the ecological degradation caused by Macrophytes disappear, and the biomass of fish and Benthos decreased. Phytoplankton became the key factor of the lake succession, and the biomass of cyanobacteria blooming became the largest.
     Increased nutrient loading was one reason of blooming, and another were the environmental factors, which effected the unfixed blooming time and region. The variations of blooming time, region (based on the results of MODIS analysis), hydrology and weather revealed some rulers about blooming in Shanghai during the cyanobacteria blooming in 2007-2009:the high temperature in Shanghai induced a large biomass in short time; the backwater effect to Lake Dianshan from Huangpu River and Taipu River extended the hydraulic retention period, and benefited the cyanobacteria proliferation; cyanobacteria floated up to the surface controlled by a special buoyancy regulation mechanism, and gathered in a low pressure, so the blooming formed eventually.
     Cyanobacteria blooming were a natural feedback mechanism to the nutrient overload in water. The blooming occurred in every shallow lake located in the downstream of the Yangtze River region. In this way, nutrients in water were reduced, but the cyanobacteria were not easy to collect due to a large area, so it became a main problem for drinking water supply. a fundamental measure for controlling outbreaks was to rebuilt the eco-system in Lake Dianshan by increasing biodiversity and extending the recycle processes of nutrient.
     The blooming possibilities in Qingcaosha Reservoir were quite low, but it didn't include the stagnant water areas in the reservoir. The water quality in Yangtze River estuary was good, and the impact from land emission was low, but the increasing nutrient concentrations had been close to the respective limit values. The concentration of nutrient in Qingcaosha Reservoir was lower than the origin, and the ratios of inorganic forms was low, which means the consumption of nutrient were mainly from the increasing biomass of phytoplankton, especially for the cyanobacteria, and the less part were Deposition into the sediments.
     The distribution areas of macrophysics were large, but the construction was simple, and the biomass would decline if the human activities enhanced. The total amount and types of phytoplankton were lower than that of Lake Dianshan, but increased with the higher temperature, and the peak value appeared in August. The community construction of phytoplankton had been completely changed as the freshwater reservoir types. The main types of Cyanobacteria were Oscillatoria and Anabaena, increasing with higher temperature. The biomass of Cyanobacteria increased to the largest in some spots in August. Cyanobacteria are mainly distributed in the swallow water like the influent area and both side of Qingcaosha. The specific heat capacity of the reservoir was so high that the temperature in October was still benefit for the reproduction, and it may be an adverse factor in the reservoir.
     The double proliferate time of cyanobacteria was extended to about 20 days, even lower than chlorophyta, due to low nutrient concentrations in the reservoir, and it fundamentally limits the possibility of cyanobacteria blooming in the short period of time. The best temperature for cyanobacteria was 24, so the result of ecological survey showed that the biomass increase of cyanobacteria started from May, and the illumination did no effect on it. However, the changes in hydrology conditions could limit the growth of cyanobacteria, especially in a rapid flow.10 days was the longest time for cyanobacteria in a rapid flow without nutrient supply, and the cells became decomposition, or even death. So for the semi-nature reservoir, hydro scheduling may be the best management for the blooming control.Due to the reasons above, the possibility of cyanobacteria blooming in Qingcaosha Reservoir was low in a longest hydraulic retention period of 21 days, but considering the nutrients from the sediment, the blooming may appeared in some parts of the reservoir when the hydrological conditions changed.
     To control the cyanobacteria blooming in urban water source in Shanghai, the management should consider the types of water sources, nutrient status, hydrological characteristics and history of the blooming, and establish different management system for different water source aimed at the blooming control. The management system for Lake Dianshan includes two parts:emergency response and algal control measurement. The time-based feature evaluation index system was employed to evaluate the blooming in Lake Dianshan, and some control measures to protect drinking water sources. But these emergency measures couldn't solve a fundamental core issue of excessive nutrient concentrations in the lake, so a long-term control measures including Lake Ecosystem Restoration need to adopt in the management system.
     Both the ecosystem and water quality in Qingcaosha Reservoir were in a good condition. Although the probability of the cyanobacteria bloomin was low, it still may appear in under the benefit hydrological or weather conditions in such a semi-nature water source. The management should include both the early warning, prevention and control strategy, in order to establish a stable ecosystem in the reservoir, cut off the source load, increase the diversity, et al., aimed to reduce the probability of the cyanobacteria blooming
1 注:根据陈国光等(陈国光等,2003)、车越等(车越等,2005)、程济生(程济生,1997)资料重新整理、统计
    2 根据根据鄢忠纯等(鄢忠纯等,2009)资料重新统计
    3 根据《上海市主要饮用水水源保护区边界划定和调整专项规划》调研的数据汇总、统计
    34 同上
    35 作者根文中所列文献以及《淀山湖现状与水源保护方案(油印稿)》(华东师范大学环境科学所,1983)、《淀山湖水生生物与环境容量关系的研究(油印稿)》(华东师范大学环境科学所,1985)、《淀山湖富营养化与蓝藻水华发生的生态学机制》等报告的相关内容按时间序列统计、整理。
    44 作者根据陈卫民(2009)、李英杰(2004)、刘伟龙(2007)、苏文华(2004)、由文辉(1994)和赵爱萍(2005)等研究结果,结合淀山湖地区底泥、湖泊特性等自然条件整理、设计。
    46 作者根据Chorus.1. etal(1999)提供的资料整理。
    47 同上
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