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Eco-efficiency issues related to ecology, environment and sustainable development, are hot ones focused on by people of all ranks and classes, which are comprehensive research jobs covered a range variety of intersected and infiltrated disciplines. It is an urgent demand on theory and practice research of the improvement of co-efficiency because of grim situation of resources ecology, and environment. Research of eco-efficiency theory falls behind the needs of the development of practice because the limits of evaluating theory foundation research and evaluating methodology research of mainstream economics, as well as one-sidedness of evaluating index system of eco-efficiency. This paper aims at studying three main problems that are in urgent need of solving in the course of eco-efficiency evaluation, namely, making innovations of theory foundation research, valuating index system and research methodology. By integrating theories of micro-economics with ecological economics in a wide sense, management science, physical chemistry, physics, statistics, econometrics and those having relevance to this discipline, adopting an interdisciplinary and systematic science research methodology, combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, normative research with empirical research, this paper has studied the theory foundation of enterprise's eco-efficiency evaluation, built up theory research framework of eco-efficiency evaluation, system-support theory model, and mathematic model, designed index system of eco-efficiency evaluation which is suitable to production enterprise's eco-efficiency evaluation in China. According to the theoretical research results, this paper applies the index system and mathematic model to empirical research of the iron and steel enterprise's eco-efficiency evaluation in China and analyses risk factors of their eco-efficiency.
     The main originalities of this paper lie in the following. First, this paper has put forward a theory foundation of enterprise's eco-efficiency evaluation, including enterprise's ecological boundary, hypothesis of bounded rational ecological economic man, evaluation criterion of appropriate best eco-efficiency, and a framework of eco-efficiency analysis based on material. Second, this paper has designed an index system of enterprise's eco-efficiency valuation, integrating resource efficiency, energy efficiency and environment efficiency. Third, this paper has put up a comprehensive mathematical model, taking capital, labor, resources, energy, as well as environment impacts as inputs.
     Under the framework of theory research paradigm of mainstream economics, utilizing the theory of ecological economics in a wide sense, this paper has built up a theory foundation framework of enterprise's eco-efficiency evaluation, which defines and analyzes enterprise's ecological boundary, hypothesis of bounded rational ecological economic man, puts up a appropriate best eco-efficiency criterion, the analysis framework of eco-efficiency based on material. A system-support theory model of eco-efficiency evaluation is built up, and the theory basis of a mathematic model is discussed.
     Traditional performance evaluation methods do not fit in with the needs of eco-efficiency evaluation because they fail to take environmental impacts of economic activities into consideration. Based on the theory foundation of enterprise's eco-efficiency evaluation, authoritative definition of eco-efficiency, designing objects and criterion, this paper has designed an index system of enterprise's eco-efficiency valuation, integrating resource efficiency, energy efficiency and environment efficiency, in which consist of four sub-systems of eco-efficiency index of natural resources efficiency, energy efficiency and environment efficiency as well as their concrete variables. It reflects enterprise's ecological operating performance, kernel competitive superiority and their impacts on society and environment.
     Applying the theory foundation framework of enterprise's eco-efficiency evaluation built by this paper, system-support theory model, and theory foundation of mathematic model building, integrating panel data model, a melioration of tranditional production function is made, and a comprehensive accurate mathematical model valuating eco-efficiency is built up. The production function model containing multivariate involves the feedback impacts of waste material produced in the process on production. It takes material and energy as inputs, as well as undesirable outputs into consideration.
     According to the theoretical framework, the index system and mathematic model, as well as the authoritative definition of eco-efficiency, taking capital, labor, material, energy and environment impacts as inputs, this paper studies the impacts of these index and energy-saving technology on the eco-efficiency of the iron and steel enterprises in China and analyses risk factors of eco-efficiency by empirical research. The main risk factors of eco-efficiency of the iron and steel enterprise in China are lower utilization efficiency of natural resources, inadequate environmental protection investments, and high energy consumption. Technical innovations should be advocated in order to improve utilization efficiency of natural resources and energy, decrease environment impacts, not only to increase investments.
     The research results suggest that great melioration should be made about the efficiency research framework of mainstream economics in order to meet the developing requirements of eco-efficiency theory and the reality of economy, society and environment developing in harmony and sustainability. Traditional economics pays close attention only to value circulation, while ecological economics in a wide sense focuses on the unification of material circulation, energy circulation, value circulation, and information circulation on the premise of hypothesis of bounded rational ecological economic man and enterprise's ecological boundary. Eco-efficiency analysis is based on material, and logical variation of ecological economics reveals transformation of efficiency evaluation criterion, which is changed from traditional Pareto efficiency of input-output to appropriate best eco-efficiency. Accordingly, valuating index system and methodology of eco-efficiency should take environment impacts of enterprise's economic behavior into account. Empirical research results prove that the conclusions drawn by theoretical research are right.
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