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     (1) 本文研究了真空预压下级配良好土体的蠕变特性和微观结构。
     (2) 研制了一种新的三轴固结仪,并试验研究了中国浙江的温州软粘土随时间变化的特性。
     (3) 因为水流的竖向及水平的流动改变了边界和初始条件,所以本文在太沙基的竖向固结理论竖向和巴隆的水平固结理论的基础上,还研究了真空预压、堆载预压和真空—堆载联合预压下的竖向固结的解析解。
     (4) 流变学是研究真实材料的应力应变状态随时间改变的一门科学。本文考虑了土体体积变化的流变特性,即弹性,塑性,粘滞性。当粘土受恒载,在时间间隔内,粘土的变形会有粘滞性。土体随时间变形的大小取决于粘土的性质。真实体取决于时间的变形由粘土的所有性质:弹性,塑性,粘滞性决定。因为其性质可能以不同的组合出现,对真实体变形的描述是很困难的。因而,真实体的变形是通过考虑了简化了的特性或理想体的特性的模型来解释的。这类模型就是流变模型。在本文中,考虑了于粘滞性有关的主要现象,即蠕变。在恒载下,与时间有关的变形叫做蠕变。在土体中,能区分出两种取决于时间的现象类型:一种是由于超孔压的消散;另一种是由土体框架的内在粘滞性,如蠕变,应力松弛以及应变速率引起。在本文中,由于粘滞性将研究土的时效性。因而,下文中的时间效应,实效变形、时效性等,它们都是由土框架的粘滞性而引发的土的性质。
     (5) 对经过真空预压、堆载预压、真空联合堆载预压后的土样进行电子显微镜扫描,通过使用扫描电微和电脑图象处理系统GEOIMAGE,作为微观结构的量化技术,就能得到土骨料的调整以及它的空隙。用参数来反映各向异性并分析了扫描电微图象的平均信息
Preloading is a popular soil improvement technique for soft soils sometimes named pre-compression. The most common and oldest form of preloading used practically by heaping fill materials of a sand fill inducing mechanical surcharging. Recently, one of the common solutions for soft soil improvement is the use of vacuum preloading as a new method technique.Vacuum preloading is another form of preloading, does not involve a fill material since the load applied to the soil surface is in the form of a vacuum through a sealed membrane system. The vacuum causes the pore-water drain out, and creates negative pore-water pressures in the soil. Vacuum preloading is a technique used to improve the strength of soft clayey soils.In vacuum preloading method, beside of increasing the effective stresses in the soil mass by increasing the total stresses, vacuum preloading relies on increasing the effective stresses by decreasing the pore-water pressure. Thus, vacuum preloading combined with surcharging can shorten the consolidation period, especially the long-term consolidation considerably without endangering the stability of the test embankment. Preloading using a fill surcharge was not feasible as it is difficult to build a fill embankment several meters high on soft soil. Sand drains and more recently prefabricated vertical drains, PVDs are used with vacuum loading to distribute the vacuum and dissipate the pore-water pressure.Predictions of secondary consolidation are important for the maintenance of the earth structures such as highway embankments constructed on soft grounds because they lead to differential settlement. There are many publications on secondary consolidation under one, two, and three- dimensional conditions, but all those studies did not conduct creep consolidation under conditions of vacuum preloading method.This study is concerning on the behaviour of creep and microstructure of fined-grained soils subjected to consolidation by using the vacuum preloading technique. A new triaxial consolidation apparatus has been designed, manufactured, and conducted for experimental investigation of the time-dependent behaviour of a soft clayey soil samples collected from Wen Zhou, Zhe Jiang Province - China.This study is considered a new analytical solution of the vertical consolidation due to the vertical flow of water referring to Terzaghi's theory of vertical consolidation, and reviewing the Barron's theory of horizontal consolidation due to the radial flow of water with changing the boundary and initial conditions to accommodate the vacuum, surcharge, and combined vacuum-surcharge preloading methods. The solution is confirmed the validity of the triaxial apparatus to be used in designing vacuum preloading projects prevails the same three-dimensional conditions.
    This study is also considered the Theological behaviour of bodies possessing rheological properties, namely elasticity, plasticity, and viscousity. When clay is subjected to a constant load, within time interval, the clay will be deformed with viscous behaviour. The magnitude of the time-dependent deformation differs of course according to the properties of the clay and also according to the preloading mechanism. The time-dependent deformation of a real body depends on all the properties of elasticity, plasticity, and viscousity. Just as the properties may appear in diverse combination, description of the deformation of real body often becomes very difficult to deal with. Hence, deformation of real bodies is, generally described by models considering simplified characteristics or the characteristics of ideal bodies. This kind of models is known as rheological models.There is mainly phenomena related to the viscousity of soils considered in this study, namely creep. The development of deformation in the course of time under a constant load is called creep. In soils, two types of time-dependent phenomena can be distinguished. One is due to the dissipation of excess pore-water pressure. The other is caused by the inherent viscousity of the skeleton of soils, such as c
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