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Room-temperature Ionic Liquids (RTILs) are widely used in organosynthesis, catalysis, electrochemistry, separation and so on. Chiral Ionic Liquids (CILs) which have good chiral recognition ability and Supported Ionic Liquids (SILs) which have potential application have caused public concern over the recent years. Imidazolium salts ILs are one of the most ILs. N-subsitituted imidazate is synthesized by L-lactamine with formaldehyde, glyoxal and ammonia. Then, it is esterified with methanol. The MCM-41 supported imidazolium ILs are synthesized by two methods. The preparation conditions of L-1-(imidazoleyl) propanote are selected or confirmed through repetitious experiments. The structure of productions is characterized by elementary analysis, IR, NMR, MS and DSC-TG.
     The achievable immobilizated method in which the structural feature of alkoxylsilane is taken advantage and the synthesis of ILs is integrated with immobilisation process has been developed. Moreover, the configuration of CILs will not be changed in immobilization process.
     The MCM-41 supported immodazolium ILs has been synthesized for the first time. The result shows that the SILs have better thermal stability.
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