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美国著名经济学家、诺贝尔经济学奖获得者乔治·斯蒂格勒(George J?Stigler)在《通向垄断和寡占之路——兼并》的论文开篇就说:“一个企业通过兼并其竞争对手的途径成为巨型企业是现代经济史上的一个突出现象。”,"没有一个美国大公司不是通过某种程度、某种形式的兼并收购而成长起来的,几乎没有一家大公司主要是靠内部扩张成长起来。"可见,企业并购是世界经济中的一种常见行为,它已成为企业扩大规模、调整产业结构、改善经营管理的手段和方式。并购通常需要大量的资金支持,当企业没有足够的自由资金但收购时机已臻于成熟时,一种特殊的收购方式——换股并购能解决这个问题。本文从换股并购的基本理论出发,针对换股并购中的几个实际问题进行分析。最后结合一个实际发生的换股并购案例进行讨论。
    第一章 换股并购在我国存在的价值
    第二章 换股并购中目标企业的价值分析及定价
    第三章 换股并购中换股比例的确定
    换股比例的确定是换股并购过程中一项重要的决策,如何确定合适的换股比例是换股并购中的核心问题。换股比例的高低,直接影响到购、并双方的股东在并购之后的主体中所拥有的权益份额。在某种意义上,换股并购中换股比例的确定是并购成功与否的关键中的关键。在本章中,首先介绍了几种确定换股比例的常用方法:1、用税后利润确定换股比例。2、用预期收益确定换股比例。3. 用市场价格确定换股比例。然后对在“每股收益不被稀释”约束条件下如何对换股比例进行优化的问题进行了深入的讨论,寻找到并购双方都能满意接受的最优换股比例区间:[ERB、ERA]。本部分涉及内容比较单一,虽极重要,用墨却不多。
    第四章 换股并购的会计处理
    1. 阐述换股并购适用的会计处理方法购买法、权益结合法的特征。
    2. 比较分析换股并购中两种不同的会计处理方法对处理结果的的不同影响。主要有五个方面的不同。
    3. 在换股并购的实际操作中应该如何选择使用何种会计处理方法。在本文中,我的观点是购买法优于权益法, 对权益法应慎重使用。
    4. 就企业并购中会计处理的问题提出了几点建议:⑴应尽快对企业并购会计处理方法作出规范。⑵应改进对并购差价的会计处理。⑶提供企业集团分行业财务报告。
    第五章 案例分析
George J?Stigler ,American famous economist and also the Nobel Prize winner in economics, wrote in the beginning of his paper The Way to Monopolization and oligopoly---Annexation:“ That an enterprise becomes a giant enterprise through annexing its competitive adversaries is a protrusion phenomenon in modern economic history",“ None of American large companies grows up through certain degree and form of annexation and purchasing. Nearly no such companies grows up by their internal expansion." So, it is clear that enterprise annexation and purchasing is a common behavior in the world economy, and it has become means and manner for enterprises to expand scale, adjust industrial structure and improve operation and management. Annexation and merging generally needs a lot of funds. When an enterprise has not enough funds, but it is good time for purchasing, a special purchasing manner--stock replacement annexation and merging can solve this problem. Starting with the basic theory of stock replacement annexation and merging, this paper aims to analyze several practical problems in stock replacement annexation and merging and finally discusses a practical case.
    The entire paper is arranged with theory before practice and tries to make them closely combined, in the purpose of summarizing the general rule of stock replacement annexation and merging to instruct the author's practices. This paper is composed of the following five chapters.
    Chapter 1 The existing value of stock replacement annexation and merging in China
    Stock replacement annexation and merging refers to the annexation of master annexation company barter the shares of object company through issuing new share( or storage share). It is featured by :(1)it is
    unnecessary for the master annexation company to pay large amount of cash, so its status of funds will not be affected;(2)After annexation, the shareholders of objective company will not lose their rights and interests. They will still have legal rights and interests as new shareholders in the new company. The shareholders of new company are composed of those of master company and object company, but the original shareholders of the master company occupy dominant position in operation and control right. Starting with the basic concept of enterprise annexation, this chapter compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of several commonly existing annexation manners, further discusses the necessity and possibility of implementing bartering shares annexation in China, thereby revealing the existing value of bartering shares annexation in China.
    Chapter 2 Value analysis and fixing the price of object company in bartering shares annexation
    In bartering shares annexation, the evaluation and fixing the price of the value of object company is of vital importance to the success of annexation. Like any annexation manners, the problems of performing value evaluation and fixing price of master company and annexed company also exist in implementation of annexation. The method of evaluation and fixing price is in accordance with other annexation forms. In this chapter; the value composition of object company is first analyzed, then such evaluation method as discount method,P/E ratio method and assets value method for evaluating the value of object company are introduced; Finally, how to determine the annexation price in bartering shares annexation is discussed, i.e., to ascertain the highest price acceptable for master annexation enterprise, the lowest price acceptable for annexed enterprise and the equilibrium price acceptable for both parties.
    The value evaluation and fixing price for object company is a very
    important link in bartering shares annexation. However, due to the limited length of this paper, it is only qualitatively described.
    Chapter 3 Determination of the proportion of bartering shares in bartering share annexation
    The determination of the proportion of bartering shares is an important decision in bartering share annexation and how to determine pr
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    1乔治?斯蒂格勒(George J?Stigler):《通向垄断和寡占之路--兼并》
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    9Arthur M.Louis:The Bottom Line on 10 Big Mergers.May 3,1989.

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