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A significant task facing the Chinese professional sports workers, the cultivation of elite athletes concerns the continuity of the national athletic talents in the future. Recently more and more studies are carried on in this field concerning the athlete cultivation mode and system. Nowadays, the Chinese professional sports training is bothered by shortage of younger athletes who are supposed to take over from older ones. The athlete cultivation system is also in course of reform in company with heated debate. How to maintain a healthy growth of national sports industry, enhance the physique of the nationals, and boost the sports market is a question to Chinese sports workers. I hope to provide my suggestion and ideas in this matter, to cope with the status quo of Chinese sports. In this thesis, I will give an exploration on what the elite athlete cultivation mode is like and how is it operating in world sports powers, and I hope to find the answer in this study.
     I have referred to plenty of works and researches dating from 1994 about the elite athlete cultivation mode of world sports powers, and consulted related thesis formally publicized on domestic and foreign newspapers and magazines, and searched online for materials by visiting websites including,, and official websites of General Administration of Sports of China, IOC and IOC in the countries. These collections of data and publications provide basis for this thesis. Induction, deduction, analogy, comprehensive analysis and other logical analysis methods are also adopted in the discussion. With help of such documents, I made an exploration of elite athlete cultivation mode in world sports powers including system building and team development etc., exercised a cross-country comparison, summarized similarities and differences, merits and drawbacks, which I hope to serve as reference for the improvement of elite athlete cultivation mode in our country. I also summed up many characteristics by comprehensive survey and provided feasible solution to the problem.
     During the research, I have made a tentative assumption that the most obvious manifestation of a sport superpower is high performance of competitiveness, supported by a scientifically-developed, stable and prosperous sporting environment and sport market, which ultimately result in the growth of national sport population, and improvement of people’s physical condition.
     The thesis also states the author’s understanding about what is sport superpower. A sport superpower should enjoy not only physically strong people, but also enthusiasm of sport participation, well-regulated and flourishing sport market, and adequate sporting facilities.
     According to my study on the materials I collected, the cultivation mode of elite athlete in sport superpowers is in a trend of more academic, professional and being organized in the form of clubs. On the other hand, the state investment in sports is arranged more specifically. For the athletic items that enjoy much public popularity, the government supervises more and gets involved less; but for the athletic items that are not favored very much by the people, the government emphasizes scientific management and investment.
     The academic cultivation mode oriented by market and regulated by government, the cultivation mode organized by clubs, and the professionalized cultivation mode are all helpful to the development of mass sport, the growth of sporting population, the maturity of sport market, the development of sport industry, the raising of athletic competitiveness and the improvement of people’s health. Under such cultivating system, the selection is strict, and the yield ratio of elite athlete is high. A individual athlete is positioned appropriately in the society, and comprehensively developed. Athletes with different achievements can have choices of living, while the government can save state funds, manpower and material inputs, bearing less burden. I think this mode is scientific and reasonable, and represents the trend of future development.
     The government-led sports school cultivation mode, the military cultivation mode, the government-attached club cultivation mode, can concentrate resources rapidly, cultivate elite athletes and enhance their competitiveness quickly. Besides, The government-led training institutions are stable, and the available resources are planned and targeted effectively. However, the government input of manpower, material and funds are large, and loopholes is likely to occur in the management. Large input yields limited talents, and athletes with various achievements can not all have good prospects. In addition, because the government is fully involved, the sport industry and sport market is hard to flourish, to the disadvantage of long-term development. To sum up, the government-led cultivation mode can bring about immediate effect, but it is defective in large input and limited resources to allocate.
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