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     除了国家之间在传统的各领域中正式的外交关系之外,非国家行为体之间的互动也显著增加,后者之间的交流与合作主要集中在目标相同的非政府组织之间,其互动反映了市民社会(Civil Society)的形成与发展。在全球治理背景下的国际政治中,跨国治理不断衍生出各种治理方式和途径,学术界对于跨国治理组织的认识主要有四个方面内容——跨国关系的研究、认知共同体(Epistemic Community)概念、跨国倡议网络(Trans-governmental Advocacy Network)的发展以及跨政府网络(Trans-governmental Network)的兴起。本文第一章以全球治理为背景分析了跨政府网络的理论来源及其理论,并结合欧盟多层级治理论述了欧盟将跨政府网络整合到其治理模式当中,为接下来的案例分析铺垫基石。第二章提出环境问题,阐述了全球环境治理概况以及欧盟的区域环境治理,并介绍了欧盟环境治理相关的机构和其多层级环境治理体系。文章的第三章以欧盟的环境治理为例,探讨了跨政府网络在欧盟内部的应用和发展。具体列举了欧盟多层级环境治理中的环境行动规划(Environmental Action Program)、环境协议以及“欧洲应对气候变化行动网”(Climate Action Network Europe),从跨政府网络的角度对三个案例进行分析,阐释跨政府网络理论在欧盟多层级环境治理中的应用。
Since late twentieth century, apart from the main actors of sovereign states, including intergovernmental organizations such as World Trade Organization, non-governmental organizations based on common goals and values as well as transnational economic actors such as multinational corporations. The emergence of non-state actors further signifies the pluralistic nature of current world order. With the deepening of the trend of globalization, these non-state actors also become significant participants of world politics. In the meantime, interactions among all these actors are of great significance for the international community faced up with serious global issues.
     In addition to the traditional formal diplomatic relations among the states, interactions among non-state actors have also increased tremendously. These communications and co-operations are mainly carried out by nongovernmental organizations with common goals, manifesting the formation and development of the Civil Society community. In the international sphere, transnational governance has created various methods and ways of governance. In the eyes of academic scholars, there are four perspectives for the understanding of the organizations of transnational governance: transnational relations; epistemic communities; trans-governmental advocacy networks; trans-governmental network.
     The first chapter of the thesis analyses the theoretical origin and contents of transgovernmental network. This chapter discusses EU’s incorporation of transgovernmental network into its mode of multi-level governance with a view to paving the way for the case study in the following chapters. The second chapter puts forward environmental issue and expounds the general conditions of regional and global environmental governance. It’s followed with the introduction of relevant EU organs and its multi-level environmental governance system. The third chapter focuses on cases of EU environmental governance practices, in this way interpreting the incorporation and development of transgovernmental network inside EU. Specifically, the author makes study on cases such as Environmental Action Program, Environmental Agreement and Climate Action Network Europe. The research is to explain the incorporation of transgovernmental network in the EU’s multi-level environmental governance from the above-mentioned perspectives.
     The ending chapter comes with a summary of transgovernmental network theory as well as its significance to EU’s multi-level environmental governance. And it also infers from the foregoing discussions some implications for the global environment governance.
    5 Thurner, Paul W. , Martin Binder (University of Mannheim): EU Transgovernmental Networks: The Emergence of a New Political Space beyond the Nation State?, September 2006, p.7, http://www.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/
    6 Keohane, Robert O. and Joseph S. Nye.,“Transgovernmental Relations and International Organizations.”World Politics, 1974. Vol. 27. p.48.
    8 EmanuelAdler, PeterM. Haas,“Conclusion: Epistemic Communities, World Order, and the Creation of a Reflective Research Program,”International Organization, Vol. 46, No.1, Winter 1992, pp.383 - 384.
    11 Thurner, Paul W., Martin Binder (University of Mannheim): EU Transgovernmental Networks: The Emergence of a New Political Space beyond the Nation State?, September 2006, pp.5-6. http://www.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/
    12 Wessels, Wolfgang.“An Ever Closer Fusion: A Dynamic Macro-Political View of Integration Processes”Journal of Common Market Studies, 1997.Vol.35, pp.267-299.
    13 Thurner, Paul W., Martin Binder (University of Mannheim): EU Transgovernmental Networks: The Emergence of a New Political Space beyond the Nation State?, September 2006, p.8. http://www.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/
    21 B·盖伊·彼得斯[美]:《政府未来的治理模式》,中国人民大学出版社,2001年版。
    23 Stephen Krasner, International Regimes, Cornell University Press, 1983, p.2.
    25 Stephen Krasner, International Regimes, Cornell University Press, 1983, p.62-63.
    26 John Mccormic, Understanding the European Union : A Concise Introduction, Macmillan Press, 1999. P.15.
    29 Woods N, The Political Economy of Globalization. London: Macmillan, 2000.p.31.
    30 Zaring D.,“Informal procedure, hard and soft, in international administration”, International Law, 2005. Vol.5, p.547.
    31 Anne-Marie Slaughter and David Zaring,“Networking Goes International: An Update”, p.217. www.arjournals.annualreviews.org
    32 Anne-Marie Slaughter and David Zaring,“Networking Goes International: An Update”,p.219. www.arjournals.annualreviews.org
    33 Anne-Marie Slaughter, A New World Order, Princeton N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004. pp.15-16.
    34 Keohane, Robert O., and Joseph S. Nye.,“Transgovernmental Relations and International Organizations.”World Politics, 1974, Vol.27, p.43.
    35 Anne-Marie Slaughter and David Zaring,“Networking Goes International: An Update”, p.213, www.arjournals.annualreviews.org
    36 Keohane, Robert O., and Joseph S. Nye. 1974.“Trans-governmental Relations and International Organizations.”World Politics, Vol.27., pp.44-45.
    37 Keohane, Robert O., and Joseph S. Nye. 1974.“Trans-governmental Relations and International Organizations.”World Politics, Vol.27, p.48.
    39 John Ruggie,“Collective Goods and Future International Collaboration”, American Political Science Review, September 1972, Vol.66, pp874 -893.
    40 Peter.M. Haas,“Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination”, International Organization, Winter 1992, Vol.46, No.1, p117.
    42 Peter M. Haas,“Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination”, International Organization, Winter 1992, Vol.46, No.1, p18.
    43 Peter M. Haas,‘Introduction: Epistemic communities and international policy coordination’, International Organization, Winter 1992, Vol.46, No.1. pp.1-35.
    51 Anne-Marie Slaughter,“The Real New World Order”, Foreign Affairs, September.-October 1997, p.184.
    52 Kal Raustiala,“The Architecture of International Cooperation: Transgovernmental Networks and the Future of International Law”, Virginia Journal Of International Law Association, Vol.43, p.51.
    53 Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye,“Power and interdependence in the information age”, Foreign Affairs, 1998, Vol.77, p.88.
    55 Wessels, Wolfgang,“An Ever Closer Fusion: A Dynamic Macro-Political View of Integration Processes.”Journal of Common Market Studies, 1997.Vol.35, pp. 267-299.
    56 Anne-Marie Slaughter,“The Real New World Order”, Foreign Affairs, September.-October,1997, p.195.
    57 Anne-Marie Slaughter, A New World Order. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004, p.208.
    59 Powell W.,“Neither market nor hierarchy: network forms of organization”, Research in Organizational Behavior. 1990, Vol.12, p.325.
    60 Anne-Marie Slaughter ,“Global government networks, global information agencies, and disaggregated democracy”, International Law, 2003.Vol.24, p.169.
    62 Anne-Marie Slaughter and David Zaring,“Networking Goes International: An Update”, p.225., www.arjournals.annualreviews.org
    63“About the International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement”,访问时间2008年11月7日,http://www.inece.org
    64“About the International Competition Network”,访问时间2008年11月7日, http://www.internationalcompetitionnetwork.org/index.php/en/about-icn
    65“About the Basel Committee”,访问时间2008年11月7日,http://www.bis.org/bcbs/index.htm
    66 Cohen J. and Sabel C.,“Norms and Global Institutions”, Prepared for Princeton Global Governance Workshop, Princeton University, April.2006, pp.16–18.
    68 Peter van Ham, European Integration and the Postmodern Condition: Governance, democracy, identity, London: Routledge, 2001, pp.125-126.
    70 Philippe Schmitter, How to Democratize the European Union and Why Bother, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000, p.35.
    71 E. Grande,“Institutions and Interests: Interest Groups in the European System of Multi-Level Governance”, Working Paper, No.1, Chair for Political Science, TU München, 2001, p.7.
    72 Fritz W. Scharf,“What have We Learned? Problem-Solving Capacity of the Multi-level European Polity”, Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung Working Paper, 01/4, July 2001, pp·4-10, http://www.mpi-koeln.mpg.de/pu/workpap·1
    73 Prodi R,“Shaping the New Europe”, Speech Delivered to the European Parliament in Strasbourg 15 February 2000, European Commission Working Group,“Multi-Level Governance: Linking and Networking the Various Regional and Local Levels , Working Group 4a, European Commission, 2001, p.1.
    75 Simon Hix, The Study of the European UnionⅡ:“The New Governance’Agenda and Its Rival”, Journal of European Public Policy , March 1998 , (5) :1转载自刘文秀、汪曙申《欧洲联盟多层治理的理论与实践》,中国人民大学学报,2005年第4期第125页。
    76 Anne-Marie Slaughter, A New World Order, Princeton N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004, pp.44-45.
    78 Gray Marks , Liesbet Hooghe, Kermit Blank European Integration from the 1980s: State-Centric v Multi-level Governance, Journal of Common Market Studies , Vol134 , September 1996 (3)转载自刘文秀、汪曙申《欧洲联盟多层治理的理论与实践》,中国人民大学学报2005年第4期第124页。
    82 Burkard Eberlein Abraham Newman,“Innovating EU Governance Modes: The Rise of incorporated transgovernmental networks”, Council for European Studies at Columbia University, Working Papers, p.1. http://ces.columbia.edu/pub/papers/EberleinNewman.pdf
    84 Burkard Eberlein Abraham Newman,“Innovating EU Governance Modes: The Rise of incorporated transgovernmental networks”, Council for European Studies at Columbia University, Working Papers, p.7.http://ces.columbia.edu/pub/papers/EberleinNewman.pdf
    85 Burkard Eberlein Abraham Newman,“Innovating EU Governance Modes: The Rise of incorporated transgovernmental networks”, Council for European Studies at Columbia University, Working Papers, p.5. http://ces.columbia.edu/pub/papers/EberleinNewman.pdf
    86 Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood, the Report of the Commission on Global Governance, Oxford University Press, 1995.转引自王宏斌、陈一兵:《论全球环境治理及其历史局限性》,《世界经济与政治论坛》2005年第2期第62页。
    92 Ole Jacob,“Sending Construction, Choice and Change: Problems with‘Logic of Appropriateness’and its Use in Constructivist Theory”, European Journal of International Relations, 2002, Vol8 (4), p.1.
    99 Wessels, W. and D.Rometsch,‘German administrative interaction and the European Union: the fusion of public policies’, in Y. Mény, edited by P. Muller and J.-L Quermonne,“Adjusting to Europe: The Impact of the European Union on National Institutions and Policies”, London: Routledge, 1996.pp.73-109.
    100 Weale, A., G. Pridham, M. Cini, D. Kongstadakopulos, M. Porter and B.Flynn, Environmental Governance in Europe: An Ever Closer Ecological Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, p.117.
    101 Sbragia, A.M.,‘Environmental policy’, in H. Wallace and W. Wallace, Policy-Making in the European Union., Oxford University Press, 4th edition. 2000, p.299.
    102 McCown, M.,‘Judicial law-making and European integration: the European Court of Justice’, in J.Richardson, European Union: Power and Policy-making. Milton Park: Routledge, 2006, pp.171-186.
    104 Council Regulation (EEC) No 1210 /90 of 7May 1990, on the Establishment of the Europe: An Environment Agency and the European Environment Information and Observation Network, http: / / eur - lex. europa. Eu /LexUriServ/LexUriServ. douri =CELEX: 31990R1210: EN: HTML,登陆时间为2008年11月1日。
    105 Wynne, B. and C. Waterton,“Public information on the environment: the role of the European Environment Agency”, in P.D.Lowe and S.Ward, British Environmental Policy and Euope: Politics and Policy in Transition. London: Routledge, 1998, p.128.
    112蔡守秋主编:《欧盟环境政策法律研究》,武汉大学出版社, 2002年版,第74页
    121 Climate Action Network, http://www.climnet.org/about/whois_can.htm,登录时间为2009年1月3日。
    122 European Environment Bureau, http://www.eeb.org/mission/Index.html,登录时间2009年1月3日。
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    124 CAN-Europe Members publications, November 2005: Environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency of the EU ETS: Structural Aspects of Allocation WWF EPO & Oeko Institut,参见http://www.climnet.org/resources/members_pubs.htm登录时间为2009年1月3日
    125 Letter to Commissioners to express concerns over the sustainability of the EU's policy on bio-fuels and its likely environmental and social impacts - FoEE et. al.参见http://www.climnet.org/resources/members_pubs.htm登录时间2009年1月3日
    128 Burkard Eberlein and Abraham Newman,“Innovating EU Governance Modes: The Rise of Incorporated Transgovernmental Networks”, Council for European Studies at Columbia University, Working Papers, p.7, http://ces.columbia.edu/pub/papers/EberleinNewman.pdf.
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