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欧洲一体化是多种合力共同作用的结果,其中欧共体竞争法发挥着独特作用。本文从自由建构主义(liberal-constructivism)的角度对欧共体竞争法的产生和作用进行了分析。这里所谓的自由建构主义指的是国际关系理论中自由主义和建构主义相互综合的一种分析范式(paradigm)。自由建构主义认为,建构一种各国认同的制度,可以节省国家间的交易成本(transaction cost),促进各国的国家利益。依据这一范式,本文认为从舒曼计划到欧洲煤钢共同体的建立并不是人们想象的自然过渡那么简单,以竞争法为导向的欧洲煤钢共同体的建立,是以欧洲复兴和国际压力为策动,在美国干预之下的,竞争法观念悄然作用于欧洲政治精英的产物;欧共体竞争法通过消除共同市场上成员国政府以及成员国企业的限制竞争的行为,有力地维护了欧洲共同市场上的自由竞争,成为欧洲一体化尤其是经济一体化的基石;欧共体竞争法分散执行权的“现代化改革”妥善解决了共同体与成员国之间权力分配的矛盾,形成了以共同体为引导,成员国积极参与,促进共同利益发展的协调机制,成为了欧洲一体化得以深化发展的重要制度因素;而欧洲竞争制度对于市场经济的普适性,使得欧共体竞争法可以作为“欧洲模式”的载体,而成为入盟前“接轨”的先决条件在联系国中推广,从而成为欧洲扩大的重要制度因素。总之,欧共体竞争法体现的价值观念和制度特点是其能够成为欧洲一体化促进因素的关键原因。
Many forces lead to European integration, among which European Community competition law (ECCL) plays a unique role. This paper takes a view of liberal-constructivism to study creation and effect of European Community competition law. This liberal-constructivism refers to a comprehensive analytical paradigm of liberalism and constructivism. liberal-constructivism believes that constructing an institution identified by nations can reduce transaction costs among nations to increase interests of nations. According to that paradigm, this paper believes that transference of Schuman Plan to European Coal and Steel Community was not as smooth as people thought, which directed by competition law is a result of combination of endeavor of European renaissance, international pressure, American intervention and politic elites' acceptance to competition law; and though abolishing anti-competition behaviors of member states and their undertakings, European Community competition law has strongly sustained competition in European common market, therefore become a footstone of European integration especially European economic integration. The "Modenization of European Community competition law", which decentralizing the power of enforcement of European competition law, well settles allocation of power between supranational organization and member states, helps to form a common effort to common interests which is leading by supranational organization and supported by member states, thus makes it an important institutional factor of further and deeper development of European integration. With its applicable to every market economy countries, European Community competition law can be a pre-condition to access European Union, which at the same time generalizes European model to the association countries, thus becomes an important institutional factor for European Enlargement. In a word, the value and nature revealled by European Community competition law is the main factor which makes it become a important factor in the process of European integration.
1 朱晓中著:《中东欧与欧洲一体化》,社会科学文献出版社 2002年版,扉页。
    2 余敏友,“20世纪的国际组织研究与国际组织法学”,载邵沙平、余敏友主编:《国际法问题专论》,武汉大学出版社 2002年版,第96页。
    3[法]让·莫内著:《欧洲第一公民:让·莫内回忆录》,孙慧双译,成都出版社 1993年版,第360页。
    5 王晓晔著:《欧共体竞争法》,中国法制出版社 2001年版,第432页。
    6 哈贝马斯在《公共领域的结构转型》中认为,在19世纪末,最晚到一战时期,当市场主体的利益冲突无法继续在私人领域内部得以解决时,冲突便会向政治层面转移,从而使干预主义得以产生;而随着资本集中和国家干预的加强,在国家社会化和社会国家化的过程中,便产生了不能完全归于传统私法领域或公法领域的一个新领域,这是对古典的私法制度的突破。(参见哈贝马斯:《公共领域的结构转型》,曹卫东等译,学林出版社1999年版,第170-179页。)哈贝马斯所称的这个“新领域”有学者称为“第三法域”(参见(日)金泽良雄著,《经济法概论》,满达人译,甘肃人民出版社 1985年版,第30-33页;
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    程信和:《公法、私法与经济法》,《中外法学》 1997年第1期,第13页。),不过我国学术界通说认为,这类经济法律规范以国家协调经济运行过程中发生的经济关系为挑战对象,仍应归属于公法所调整的服从关系的范围(参见杨紫煊主编:《经济法》,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社,第45页)。
    7 叶卫平:竞争法国际协调的法经济学分析,《北京政法职业学报》,2007.1
    8 王中美:竞争规则的国际协调与统一,厦门大学博士学位论文,2004年,第5页。
    9 杨世超:法律全球化背景下的主权国家,《法制与社会》,2007.2.
    10 邵景春著:《欧洲联盟的法律与制度》,人民法院出版社 1999年版。
    11 阮方民著 《欧共体竞争法》,中国政法大学出版社 1998年版;
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    许光耀著:《欧共体竞争法研究》,法律出版社 2002年版。
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    13 王晓晔:当罚则罚--欧共体竞争法中的罚款规则,《国际贸易》,2001.2.;
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    张瑞花:欧盟对企业集中的竞争法规制,载胡光志主编:《欧共体竞争法前沿研究》,法律出版社 2005年版;
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    邓纲:《欧共体条约》第81条、第82条及其立法借鉴意义,载胡光志主编:《欧共体竞争法前沿研究》,法律出版社 2005年版。
    14 黄杰华:欧共体竞争法下的“关键设施原则”,《西南政法大学学报》,2003.7.,谢红慧:欧共体竞争法中的“必要设施原则”,《北京政法职业学院学报》,2005.2.。
    15 许光耀:欧共体竞争法实施机制及其对我国的启示,《湘潭大学学报》,2006.1.;
    罗凌:欧共体委员会与欧共体竞争法:经验、改革与发展,载胡光志主编:《欧共体竞争法前沿研究》,法律出版社 2005年版。
    杨学飞:成员国在执行欧共体竞争法中的作用,载胡光志主编:《欧共体竞争法前沿研究》,法律出版社 2005年版。
    17 陈力:经济全球化背景下美欧竞争法冲突及国际协调,《国际贸易问题》,2002.5.
    18 徐士英、郏丙贵:欧共体竞争法的新发展及其对我国的启示,《法学》 2004.8.
    19 白艳:欧美竞争法比较研究,中国政法大学博士学位论文,2004。
    20 Michel Waelbroeck,Aldo Fdgnani,European Competition Law,Transnational Pub,1999.
    21 Brian Kennelly,and Philip Riches,EU Competition Law:General Principles(EU Competition Law Library),Oxford University Press,2006.;
    Margaret Gray,Maya Lester,Cerry Darbon,and Gerry Facenna,EU Competition Law:Procedures and Remedies(EU Competition Law Library),Oxford University Press,2006;
    Mark Jephcott,Horizontal Agreements and EU Competition Law(EU Competition Law Library),Oxford University Press,2006.
    22 Claus Dieter Ehlermann & Laraine L.Laudati,European Competition Law Annual 1997:The Objectives of Competition Policy,Hart Pub 1998.;
    Claus Dieter Ehlermann,European Competition Law Annual 1999:Selected Issues in the Field of State Aid,Hart Pub,2001.;
    Claus Dieter Ehlermann,European Competition Law Annual 2000:The Modernisation of Eu Competition Law,Hart Pub,2001.;
    Claus Dieter Ehlermann &Isabela Atanasiu,European Competition Law Annual 2002:Effective Private Enforcement of Ec Antitrust Law,Hart Pub,2004.;
    Claus,Dieter Ehlermann & Isabela Atanasiu,European Competition Law Annual 2002:Constructing the EU Network of Competition Authorities,Hart Pub,2004.;
    Claus Dieter Ehlermann &Isabela Atanasiu,European Competition Law Annual,2003:What Is an Abuse of a Dominant Position?,Hart Pub 2006.;
    Isabela Atanasiu & Claus Dieter Ehlermann,European Competition Law Annual 2004:The Relationship Between Competition Law And the Liberal Professions,Hart Pub,2006.;
    Isabela Atanasiu &Claus Dieter Ehlermann,European Competition Law Annual 2005:The Interaction Between Competition Law And Intellectual Property Law,Hart Pub,2007.;
    Claus Dieter Ehlermann & Isabela Atanasiu,European Competition Law Annual 2006:Enforcement of Prohibition of Cartels,Hart Pub,2007.;
    Claus Dieter Ehlermann & Mel Marquis,European Competition Law Annual 2007:A Reformed Approach to Article 82 Ec,Hart Pub,2008.
    23 如 Peter Roth,Vivien Rose,European Community Law of Competition(6~(th) edition),Oxford University Press,2008;
    Michel Waelbroeck,Aldo Frignani,European Competition Law,Transnational Pub,1999;
    Valentine Korah,Exclusive Distribution and the EEC Competition Rules:Regulations 1983/83 & 1984/83(European Competition Law Monographs),Sweet & Maxwell;2Rev Ed edition,1992.;
    David Vaughan,Sarah Lee,Brian Kennelly,and Philip Riches,EU Competition Law:General Principles,Oxford University Press,2006.;
    Margaret Gray,Maya Lester,Cent Darbon,and Gent Facenna,EU Competition Law:Procedures and Remedies,Oxford University Press,2006;
    Mark Jephcott,Horizontal Agreements and EU Competition Law,Oxford University Press,2006.;
    Felix Dinger,The Future of Liner Conferences in Europe:A Critical Analysis of Agreements in Liner Shipping Under Current European Competition Law,Peter Lang Publishing,2004.;
    Christopher Jones,Enrique Gonzalez,The Eec Merger Regulation,Sweet & Maxwell UK,1992.等。
    24 如 James C.Cooper,Luke Froeb,Daniel P.O'Brien,& Michael Vita,A Comparative Study of United States and European Union Approaches to Vertical Policy,http://ssrn.com/abstract=699582;Manuel Morasch,A Comparative Study of Trade-mark Laws and Competition Laws in Canada and the European Union,LL.M.Graduate Paper,University of Toronto,2004.;
    Francois Leveque and Howard Shelanski,Merger Remedies in American and European Union Competition Law,Edward Elgar Publishing,2004.等。
    25 如 Andrew Oppenheimer,The relationship between European community law and national law:the cases,Cambridge University Press,2003.;
    Tom Ottervanger,Competition Law of the European Union and the Netherland,1st edition,Kluwer Law International,2002.等。
    26 如 K.J.Cseres,M.P.Schinkel,& F.O.W.Vogelaar,Remedies and Sanctions in Competing Policy:Economic and Legal Implications of the Tendency to Criminalize Antitrust Enforcement in the EU Member States,2005 Available at SSRN:http://ssrn.com/abstract=684921.Last visit 2008-4-30.,Claus Dieter Ehlermann,Isabela Atanasiu,Effective Private Enforcement of Ec Antitrust Law,Hart Publishing,2003 等。
    28 McGowan,Lee,"Theorising European Integration:Revisiting Neo-Functionalism and Testing its Suitability for Explaining the Development of EC Competition Policy?".European Integration Online Papers,Vol.11,No.3,2007.
    3 Eric Hobsbawm,The Age of Capital 1848-1875,Vintage,1996,pp..27-45.
    4 高德步、王珏,世界经济史(第二版),中国人民大学出版社,2005年版,第342页。
    5 Joseph A.Schumpeter,History of Economic Analysis:With a New Introduction(Revised Edition),Oxford University Press,1996,pp.852-860.
    6 Albet Schaffle,Zum Kartellwesen und Zur Kartellpolitik,Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft,1989,p.467,转引自[美]戴维.J.格伯尔:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第62页。
    7 Josef Grunzel,Aber Kartelle,Leipzig,1902,pp.1-20.
    转引自[美]戴维.J.格伯尔著:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第63页。
    8[美]戴维.J.格伯尔:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第98-108页。
    9[美]约瑟夫·阿洛伊斯·熊彼特:《经济分析史》(第三卷),朱泱等译,商务印书馆 1994年版,第93页。
    10[美]戴维.J.格伯尔:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第111页。
    11[美]戴维.J.格伯尔:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第111-116页。
    12[美]E·博登海默:《法理学-法哲学及其方法》,邓正来译,中国政法大学出版社 1999年版,第121页。
    13 Harald Steindl,"Die Einfuhrung der Gewerbefreiheif",in 3/Ⅲ Handbuch der Quellen und Literatur der neueren Europaischen Privatrechtsgeschichte:Das 19,Jahrhunderf/Gesetzgebung zu denprivatrechtlichen Sondergebieten(Helmut Coing,ed.Munich,1986)
    [1]事实上,欧洲煤钢共同体条约中的有关在竞争法指导下建立欧洲煤钢共同市场的规定和思想,也成为6年后起草《罗马条约》时制定以竞争法为基础的欧洲共同市场规定的重要参考文本。 律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第44页。
    14 高德步、王珏:世界经济史(第二版),中国人民大学出版社,2005年版,第343页。
    15 Adolf Menzel,"ferat uber die wirtschaftlichen Kartelle und die Rechtsordnung" Schriften des Vereins fur Socialpolitik,1895,23,p.61.
    转引自[美]戴维.J.格伯尔著:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第66-68页。
    16 参见Georg Rotthege,Die Beurtilung von Kartellen und Genossenschaften durch die Rechtswissenschaft,Tubingen,1982,p.127.
    转引自[美]戴维.J.格伯尔著:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第149页。
    17[美]戴维.J.格伯尔:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第152-153页。
    19[美]戴维.J.格伯尔:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第202页。
    20 Franz Dohm,Wettbewerb und Monopolkampf:Eine Untersuchung zur Frage des wirtschaftlichen Kampfrechts und zur Frage der rechtlichen Struktur der geltenden Wirtschaft sordunung,Berlin,1933,p.107.
    转引自[美]戴维.J.格伯尔:《二十世纪欧洲的法律与竞争》,冯克利、魏志梅译,中国社会科学出版社 2004年版,第304页。
    21[德]瓦尔特·欧肯:《经济政策的原则》,李道斌译,上海人民出版社 2001年版,第267-310页。
    22[德]瓦尔特·欧肯:《经济政策的原则》,李道斌译,上海人民出版社 2001年版,第316-325页。
    23 数据来源于全民国防教育网,www.gf81.com.cn。
    24 Henry A.Kissinger,Years of Upheaval,1st ed,Little Brown&Co(T),1979,pp.143-148。
    25 American Council,FRUS,1955-1957,Editorial Note,Remarks by Eisenhower,Vol.4,p.349.
    26 周建平:《欧洲一体化政治经济学》,复旦大学出版社 2002年版,第54页。
    27[法]让·莫内:《欧洲第一公民:让·莫内回忆录》,孙慧双译,成都出版社 1993年版,第333页。
    28 胡瑾、郇庆治、宋全成:《欧洲早期一体化思想与实践研究(1945-1967)》,山东人民出版社 2000年版,第123页。
    29 李世安、刘丽云等,《欧洲一体化史》,河北人民出版社 2006年版,第43页。
    30 Giuliano Marenco,"The Birth of Modem Competition Law in Europe",in European Integration and International Co-ordination - Studies in Transnational Clause-Dieter Ehlerman,Kluwer Law International 2002,p.288.
    31 Giuliano Marenco,The Birth of Modem Competition Law in Europe,in European Integration and International Co-ordination - Studies in Transnational Clause-Dieter Ehlerman,Kluwer Law International 2002,p.287.
    32 李世安、刘丽云等:《欧洲一体化史》,河北人民出版社 2006年版,第46页。
    33 V.R.Berghahn,The Americanization of West German industry,1945-1973.Blackwell Publishing,1986,p.145-146.
    34[法]让·莫内:《欧洲第一公民:让·莫内回忆录》,孙慧双译,成都出版社 1993年版,第190页。
    35 Giuliano Marenco,The Birth of Modern Competition Law in Europe,in European Integration and International Co-ordination - Studies in Transnational Clause-Dieter Ehlerman,Kluwer Law International 2002,p.292.
    36 Gillingham,"Solving the Ruhr Problem:German Heavy Industry and the Schuman Plan",in:K.Schwabe(Ed.),The Beginnings of the Schuman-Plan,Baden-Baden,1988,19.62.
    37 周建平:《欧洲一体化政治经济学》,复旦大学出版社 2002年版,第68页。
    38[法]让·莫内:《欧洲第一公民:让·莫内回忆录》,孙慧双译,成都出版社 1993年版,第141页。
    1 Mannesman v.High Autority,Case 19/61,[1962],ECR 357,371.
    2 Klaus Hofner,Case C-41/90,[1991],ECR.I-01979.
    3 Ambulanz Glockner Case C-475/99,[2002],4 CMLR726.
    4 ICI V.Commission(Dyestuffs),Case 48/49,[1972],ECR 619,[1972]CMLR 557.
    5 Sugar,[1975]ECR 1663.
    6 许光耀:《欧共体竞争法研究》,法律出版社 2002年版,第76页。
    7 Beguelin Import Co.v GL Import Export,Case 22/71,[1971],ECR,949.
    8 V Emmerich,Kartellercht,7 Aufl.S.562.
    转引自王晓晔著:《欧共体竞争法》.中国法制出版社 2001年版,第228-229页。
    9 Continental can Company v Commission,Case 6-72 R,[1972],ECR,p.00157.
    10 United Brands Company and United Brands Continentaal BV v Commission,Case 27-76 R,[1972],European Court reports,
    11 王晓晔:《欧共体竞争法》,中国法制出版社 2001年版,第229页。
    12 W.Moeschel,Neuere Entwickkung im europeischen Wettbewerbsrecht,in:Festschrift fuer Arved Deringer,Baden-Baden 1993,S.333.
    转引自王晓晔:《欧共体竞争法》,中国法制出版社 2001年版,第227页。
    13 邵景春:《欧洲联盟的法律与制度》,人民法院出版社 1999年版,第466-468页。
    14(英) 约翰·亚格纽:《竞争法》,徐海、盛建明、席红文译,南京大学出版社 1992年, 第188页。
    15 Commission v.France,(Caisse nationale de Crédit agricole),Case 290/83,[1985]ECR,439.
    16 王泰锉,《欧洲欧盟法总论》,三民书局股份有限公司 1997年版,P.457。
    17 Belgium v Commission,Case C-75/97,[1999],ECR I-3671.
    18 Philip Morris v.Commission,Case 730/79,[1980],ECR 2671.
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    21 Philip Morris v.Commission,Case 730/79,[1980],ECR 2671.
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    3 《建立欧洲经济共同体条约》第3条第2款,1957年。
    4 Paul Craig and Grainnede de Burea,EU Law,2~(nd) ed.Oxford University,
    5 Muisque Diffusion Francaise v.commission,Case 100-103/80,[1983],ECR 1825.
    6 《欧洲共同体条约》 第5条第2款,1987年。
    7 European Commission,1993 Notice on Cooperation between the Commission and National Courts in Applying Articles 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty,Official Journal C 39 of 13.02.1993.
    8 European Council,Council Regulation No1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the Implementation of the Rules on Competition Laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty),第1条第2项。
    9 European Council,Council Regulation No1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the Implementation of the Rules on Competition Laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty),Preface(8).
    10 European Commission,Commission Notice on the Co-operation between the Commission and the Courts f the EU Member States in the Application of Article 81 and 82,2004/C 101/04,Article17,19.
    11 European Commission,Commission Notice on the Co-operation between the Commission and the Courts f the EU Member States in the Application of Article 81 and 82,2004/C 101/04,Article19.
    12 European Commission,Commission Notice on Cooperation within the Network of Competition Authority,2004/C 101/03,Preface(1),(3).
    13 European Commission,Council Regulation No.1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the Implementation of the Rules on Competition Laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty,Preface(3).
    14 European Commission,Council Regulation No.1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the Implementation of the Rules on Competition Laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty,Aritcle 17-22.
    15 European Commission,Council Regulation No.1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the Implementation of the Rules on Competition Laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty,Aritcle 23-25.
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    23 Article 68 of Poland's Europe Agreement.
    24 Elanor M.Fox:The Central European Countries and the European Union's Waiting Room:Why Must they Adopt the EU's Competition Law?,in Saul Estrin,Peter Holmes,Competition and Economic Integration in Europe,Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,1998.
    25 European Council,Whiter Paper on the Preparation of the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe for integration into the Internal Market of the Union,Brussels,COM(95)163,1995.
    26 European Council,Whiter Paper on the Preparation of the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe for integration into the lnternal Market of the Union,Brussels,COM(95)58,1995.
    27 Explanatory memoranda COM(94) 639 Final,COM(95) 157 Final,COM(95) 156 Final and COM(95) 528 Final.
    28 Eleanor M.Fox,The Central European Countries and the European Union's Waiting Room:Why Must they Adopt the EU's Competition Law?,in Competition & Economic Integration in Eurone,edited by Saul Estrin,Peter Holmes,Biddies Ltd,1998.
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