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In the study of World Politics, power and norm which based on different ontology form a pair of antinomies. Realism considers power and benefit to be decisive factors, with the others being subordinate. On the contrary, Constrictivism believes that power could operate only through idea, although the factor of power is important. But in the other hand, the incommensurability between different academic paradigms is out of accord with the practice in international relations. From ASEAN's intervening in the management of Cambodian Problem, it can be seen that the discourses of power and norm are all important means of action for states or international organizations, each one should not supersede the other.
     ASEAN as a regionalistic organization which aimed at regional peace and development, its establishment stemmed in large part from the regional conflict management among the five founder nations. There were many measures for the inter-national conflict management, such as leaguer establishment, regionalism and market integration, but regional integration became a optimal option of five founder nations for regional stabilization and their institutional security. Based on "shared ideas" of which economic, social and cultural co-prosperity being the groundwork of regional peace and stabilization, ASEAN was identified in non-political, non-military cooperation. This identification has a definite political intention: protect the sovereignty and independence, keep away the communist subversion, and then struggle for the dominant status in regional affairs.
     In order to harmonize different benefits and then manage regional conflicts peacefully among member states, ASEAN had established a series of behavioral norms. It include not only the promissory legal-rational norms which should be abode in international community and appeared in statute forms, but also the un-promissory social-cultural norms which based on special development level in ASEAN member states. Because of the historical and contemporary circumstances, there was a disposition of absolutization in ASEAN's understanding of the legal-rational norms, such as the principles of "noninterference in internal affairs" and "non-military cooperation". As a informal behavioral norm and decision-making regime, the "ASEAN Way" was also resulted in the sensitivity to sovereignty of its members. For these reasons, ASEAN was not characterized by sovereignty transfer to constitute its identity of regional integration.
     The third Indochina War and its chain-reacting challenged ASEAN's norms about "sovereign equality", "peacefully conflict resolution" and "noninterference in internal affairs". The war was actually stemmed in the struggle for predomination and anti-predomination between the two nation and their communist parties, Communist Party of Kampuchea and Vietnam Communist Party. The war reflected the great difference about regionalism of Vietnam and ASEAN, and also indicated the latter's failure to diffuse ASEAN's regional norms. Furthermore, fore-and-aft this war, great powers got a chance to intervene in Southeast Asia affairs, then endangered ASEAN's ideal for "Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality" and "One Southeast Asia". Among others, the influx of refugee and conflict in Thai-Cambodian border endangered the stabilization, security and solidarity of ASEAN's member states.
     Despite of the intolerable harm which resulted in Vietnamese aggression, ASEAN's identity confined its action to the conflict management aimed at resume peace in Cambodia, the measure consist of dialogue, communication, mobilization in international community, economic sanction and diplomatic confrontation, etc. But how to evaluate this aggression and how to resolve the Cambodian Problem by political means, there are different views in ASEAN. Embodying the flexibility in "ASEAN Way", "double track" policy stuck to ASEAN's principle of "speak with one voice" as a collectivity in one hand, it also created an atmosphere for communication among factions in Vietnam-Cambodian conflict in the other hand, and this policy got no achievement because of the great gulf between each factions. 1986 and after see a significant transformation in ASEAN's policy towards Cambodian Problem, in which Vietnamese benefits and the puppet government in Cambodia got admitted, at the same time, Vietnam took a policy inclining to economic development. By ASEAN's communication and mediate, the factions in Cambodian Problem entranced into the arena of dialogue based on the foundation of "shared discourse" and every factions' compromise. At the time the third Indochina War went to end, there saw a disposition for Vietnam to accept ASEAN's regional norms.
     Value and norm were both significant in interaction among member states of ASEAN and among ASEAN and Vietnam, but it's not all for resolving the Cambodian Problem through political ways. ASEAN could not neglect the existence of great power in any sixty-four-dollar question in Southeast Asia. Except diplomatic struggle for a conflict resolution according with ASEAN's regional norms, ASEAN should impel great powers to press every faction in conflict to get a compromise. Despite the different views and measures, every member states and ASEAN itself could do very little to mobilize the great power. As to the end of the conflict, ASEAN's efforts were very important, but it was also an outcome of game between powers.
     It could be seen in ASEAN's conflict management in the third Indochina War that ASEAN's norms had different effect in different level of conflict, it had successfully controlled bilateral conflicts among member states. As to conflicts with and among external actors, ASEAN could not but appealed to substantial powers.
     To sum up, norm was an important factor in the multi-discourse framework of international politics, but it was power which gives a crucial and final function. In order to resolve the Cambodian Problem, ASEAN's took material or immaterial measures according to circumstances in the conflict management. This proved that there are many distinctions between diplomatic decision-making and doctrinal research about norm and power. Which factor should be assorted to, power or norm, depends on the context in which leaders pursue the ideal of one's country or of some league.
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    [1]Stephen J.Morris,Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia:Political Culture and the Cause of War,California:Stanford University Press,1999.
    [2]Thu-huong Nguyen-vo,Khmer-viet Relations and the Third Indochina Conflict,North Carolina:McFarland &Company,Inc.,Publishers,1992.
    [3]Chang Pao-Min,Kampuchea between China and Vietnam,Singapore University Press,1985.
    [4]此类研究还可见Malcolm Salmon(ed.),The Vietnam-Kampuchea-China Conflicts:Motivations,Background,Significance,Department of Political and Social Change Research School of Pacific Studies Australian National University,(Working Paper);Evans.G & Rowley K.,Red Brotherhood at War:Vietnam,Cambodia and Laos since 1975,London and New York:Verso,1990;Burchett Wilfred G.,The China-Cambodia-Vietnam Triangle,Chicago:Vanguard,1981.
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    [3]Dewi Fortuna Anwar,Indonesia in ASEAN:Foreign Policy and Regionalism,singapoer.ISEAS,1994,pp.182-189.
    [4]Ralf Emmers,Cooperative Security and Balance of Power in ASEAN and ARF,New York:Routledge Curzon,2003.
    [5]Micheal Leifer,ASEAN and the Security of South-East Asia,London & New York:Routledge,1989,pp.89-120.
    [1]Bilveer Singn,Soviet Relations with ASEAN(1967—1988),Singapore:Singapore University Press,1989.
    [2]Estrella D.Solidum,Towards a Southeast Asian Community,Quezon City:University of the Philippines Press,1974.
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    [4]Sheldon W.Simon,The ASEAN States and Regional Security,California,Hoover Institution Press,1982.
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    [1]Gareth Porter,Vietnam:the Politics of Bureaucratic Socialism,Ithaca,New York:Cornell University Press,1993.see also:"The Transformation of Vietnam's Woddview:From Two Camps to Interdependence",Contemporary Southeast Asia,Vol.12,no.1,(June 1990).
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    [2]Jurgen Haacke,ASEAN's Diplomatic and Security Culture:Origins,development ana prospects,London & New York:Routledge Curzon,2003,p.33.
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    [2]Evelyn S.Colbert,Southeast Asia in International Politics:1941-56,Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1977,p.292.
    [3]Bilveer Singh,Soviet Relation with ASEAN,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1989,p.19.
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    [1]Michael Leifer,ASEAN and the Security of South-east Asia,London & New York:Routledge,1989,p.150.
    [1]Chin Kin Wah,The Defense of Malaysia and Singapore,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1983.pp.256-259,cited in Michael Leifer,ASEAN and the Security of Southeast Asia,p.34.
    [2]Michael Antolik,ASEAN and the diplomacy of accommodation,Armonk,New York:M.E.Sharpe,1990,p.156.
    [1]Michael Leifer,ASEAN and the Security of Southeast Asia,London & New York:Routledge,1989,pp.38-39.
    [2]Michael Antolik,ASEAN and the diplomacy of accommodation,New York:M.E.Sharpe,1990,pp.51-52.
    [1]阿米塔·阿查亚:《建构安全共同体:东盟与地区秩序》,上海人民出版社 2004年,第32-33页。
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    [2]Zone of Peace,Freedom and Neutrality Declaration,Kuala Lumpur,27 Nov.1971,http://www.ascansec.org/1210.htm
    [3]Treaty of Amity and Co-operation in Southeast Asia,Bali,24 February 1976,http://www.aseansec.org/1210.htm
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    [2]Alexander B.Woodside,Vietnam and the Chinese Model,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1971,p.234.
    [1]Thu-huong Nguyen-vo,Khmer-Viet Relations and the Third Indochina Conflict,North Carolina:McFarland &Company,1992,pp.2-14.
    [2]Alexander B.Woodside,Vietnam and the Chinese Model,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1971,p.254.
    [3]梁英明、梁志明等:《东南亚近现代史》昆仑出版社 2005年,第186-190页。
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    [2]Thu-huong Nguyen-vo,Khmer-Viet Relations and the Third Indochina Conflict,North Carolina:McFarland &Company,1992,p.35.
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    [3]Thu-huong Nguyen-vo,Khmer-Viet Relations and the Third Indochina Conflict,North Carolina:McFarland &Company,1992,pp.30-31.
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    [3]Stephen J.Morris,Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia,California:Stanford University Press,1999,p.48.
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    [1]Chang Pao-Min,Kampuchea Between China and Vietnam,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1985,pp.42-43.
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    [2]Henry A.Kissinger,Years of Upheaval,Boston:Little,Brown,1982,p.16.
    [3]Stephen J.Morris,Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia,California:Stanford University Press,1999,pp.63-65.
    [1]Vietnam Courier,no.45,February 1976,p.3.
    [2]Stephen J.Morris,Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia,California:Stanford University Press,1999,pp.92-93.
    [3]Vietnam Courier,no.52,September 1976,p.7.
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    [1]1976年,居留柬埔寨的越南人尚有1万余人,到1978年底,已全部被红色高棉所消灭。参考Ben Kiernan,The Pol Pot Regirne:Race,Power,and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge,1975-1979,New Haven,Conn.;London:Yale University Press,2002,p.458.
    [2]Chang Pao-Min,Kampuchea between China and Vietnam,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1985,pp.43-44.
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    [1]Vietnam Courier,no.40,September 1975,p.3.
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    [4]Chang Pao-Min,Kampuchea between China and Vietnam,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1985,p.54.
    [5]Chang Pao-Min,Kampuchea between China and Vietnam,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1985,pp.58-59.
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    [2]Communist Party of Vietnam,Fourth National Congress:Documents,Hanoi:Foreign Languages Publishing House,1977,pp.248-249.
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    [4]Chang Pao-min,"The Sino-Vietnamese Dispute over the Ethnic Chinese",The China Quarterly,June 1982.
    [5]M.Rajendran,ASEAN's Foreign Relations:the shift to Collective Action,Kuala Lumpur:Arenabuku sdn.Bhn.,1985,pp.89-91.
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    [7]Joint Press Statement The Special ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting On Indochinese Refugees,Bangkok,13January 1979.东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1258.htm
    [8]Joint Communique Of The Twelfth ASEAN Ministerial Meeting,Bali,28-30 June 1979.东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1242.htm
    [1]Statement by Prasong Sansuri,Deputy Secretary General of the National Security Council,Thailand,in Far Eastern Economic Review,15 June 1979,p.29.
    [2]M.Rajendran,ASEAN's Foreign Relations:the shift to Collective Action,Kuala Lumpur.Arenabuku sdn.Bhn.,1985,p.94.
    [1]M.Rajendran,ASEAN's Foreign Relations:the shift to Collective Action,Kuala Lumpur:Arenabuku sdn.Bhn.,1985,p.88.notes 6.
    [2]Michael Richardson,ibid,pp.92-95.以上数字仅包括根据各国官方或联合国难民署统计的难民营内人数。
    [3]Michael Leifer,ASEAN and the security of South-East Asia,London & New York:Routledge,1989,p.97.
    [4]Far Eastern Economic Review,June 27,1980,p.10.
    [5]Far Eastern Economic Review,June 12,1981,p.12.
    [6]The Straits Times,July 19,1982,p.40.
    [2]王泰平主编:《中华人民共和国外交史》第3卷,北京:世界知识出版社 1999年,第68页。
    [4]Zbigniew Brzezinski,Power and Principle:Memoirs of the National Security Adviser,1977-1981,New York:Farrar· Straus· Giroux,1983,p.409.
    [1]Jusuf Wanandi,"Politico-Security dimensions of Southeast Asia",Asian Survey,Vol.17,no.1,August 1977.
    [2]Declaration of ASEAN Concord,Indonesia,24 February 1976,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1216.htm
    [3]Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia,Bali,24 February 1976,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.ascansec.org/1217.htm
    [4]Joint Communique The Second ASEAN Heads of Government Meeting,Kuala Lumpur,4-5 August 1977,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.ascanscc.org/1224.htm
    [1]Joint Communique Of The Tenth ASEAN Ministerial Meeting Singapore,5-8 July 1977,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1240.htm
    [2]Joint Press Release Of The Eleventh ASEAN Ministerial Meeting Pattaya,14-16 June 1978,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1241.htm
    [3]M.Rajendran,ASEAN's Foreign Relations:the shift to Collective Action,Kuala Lumpur:Arenabuku sdn.Bhn.,1985,pp.93-94.
    [4]Ronald D.Palmer & Thomas J.Reekford,Building ASEAN:20 Years of Southeast Asian Cooperation,New York:Praeger,1987,pp.59-61.
    [1]蒋建东:《苏联的海洋扩张》,上海:上海人民出版社 1981年,第163页。
    [1]The International Institute for Strategic Studies,The Military Balance 1979-1980,London:IISS,1979,pp.66-74.
    [2]Nikolas Busse,"Constructivism and Southeast Asian security",The Pacific Review,Vol.12,No.1,1999.
    [1]Michael Leifer,"Overnight,an oasis may become a desert",Far Eastern Economic Review,8 January 1987.
    [2]David Wurfel & Bruce Burton(eds.),The Political Economy of Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia,Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1990,pp.98-113.
    [1]Statement by the Indonesian Foreign Minister as Chairman of the ASEAN Standing Committee on the Escalation of the Armed Conflict between Vietnam and Kampuchea,Jakarta,9 January 1979.东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1210.htm.
    [2]Joint Statement The Special ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting On The Current Political Development In The Southeast Asia Region,Bangkok,12 January 1979,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1210.htm
    [3]Bilveer Singh,Soviet Relation with ASEAN:1967-88,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1989,p.68.
    [4]Joint Statement:the Asean Foreign Ministers on the Indochina Refugee Problem,Kuala Lumpur,16 August 1979,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1610.htm
    [1]An Appeal for Kampuchean Independence by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers,Jakarta,20 September 1983,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1210.htm.
    [2]Statement by the Philippine Foreign Minister as Chairman of the ASEAN Standing Committee and on behalf of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers,New York,9 July 1980.东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1210.htm.
    [1]Jurgen Haacke,ASEAN's Diplomatic and Security Culture:Origins,development and prospects,London & New York:Routledge.2003,p.89.
    [2]许通美:《探究世界秩序:一位务实的理想主义者的观点》,门洪华等译,中央编译出版社 1999年,第26页、第273页。
    [3]Bilveer Singh,The Soviet Union in Singapore's Foreign Policy:An Analysis,Kuala Lumpur:ISIS Malaysia,1990,pp.75-76.
    [4]Jurgen Haacke,ASEAN's Diplomatic and Security Culture:Origins,development and prospects,London & New York:Routledge,2003,p.240:note 4.
    [5]Chang Pao-min,Kampuchea between China and Vietnam,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1985,pp.139-142.
    [1]Statement by the Chairman of the ASEAN Standing Committee on USSR Appeal,Manila,27 March 1981.东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1210.htm.
    [1]雷迅马:《作为意识形态的现代化:社会科学与美国对第三世界政策》,牛可译,中央编译出版社 2003年,中文版序。
    [2]梁英明、梁志明等著:《东南亚近现代史》,北京:昆仑出版社 2005年,第39-43页。
    [3]参见尼古拉斯·塔林主编:《剑桥东南亚史》,贺圣达等译,云南人民出版社 2003年,第十章第471-484页。
    [1]Michael Leifer,ASEAN and the Security of South-East Asia,London & New York:Routledge,1989,p.97.
    [2]Rabindra Sen,China and ASEAN:Diplomacy during the Cold War and After,Howrah:Manuscript India,2002,p.19.
    [3]Jurgen Haacke,ASEAN's Diplomatic and Security Culture:Origins,development and prospects,London & New York:Routledge Curzon,2003,pp.84-85.
    [4]Leo Suryadinata,lndonesia's Foreign Policy under Suharto:Aspiring to International Leadership,Singapore: Times Academic Press,2006,p.128.
    [1]Leszek Buszynski,"ASEAN:A Changing Regional Role",Asian Survey,Vol.27,No.7,July 1987.
    [2]D.Jenkins,"Maintaining an Even Keel",Far Eastern Economic Review,June 1,1979.
    [3]Jurgen Haacke,ASEAN's Diplomatic and Security Culture:Origins,development and prospects,London & New York:Routledge Curzon,2003,p.87.
    [1]Justus M.van der Kroef,"ASEAN,Honoi,and the Kampuchean Conflict:Between 'Kuantan' and a 'Third Alternative'",Asian Survey,Vol.21,No.5,May 1981.
    [2]有关波尔布特时期柬埔寨人道主义灾难的情况可见:Ben Kiernan,The pol pot regime:race,power,and genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge,1975-79,New Haven,Conn.& London:Yale University Press,2002.
    [3]Odd Arne Westad & Sophie Quinn-Judge(eds.),The Third Indochina War:Conflict between China,Vietnam and Cambodia,1972-1979,London & New York:Routledge,2006,pp.178-179.
    [4]Bilveer Singh,The Soviet Union in Singapore's Foreign Policy:An Analysis,Kuala Lumpur:ISIS Malaysia,1990,p.30.
    [1]D.Jenkins,"Maintaining an Even Keel",Far Eastern Economic Review,June 1,1979.
    [2]Andrew J.Maclntyre,"Interpreting Indonesian Foreign Policy:the case of Kampuchean,1979-1986",Asian Survey,Vol.27,No.5,May 1987.
    [3]Michael Leifer,ASEAN and the Security of South-East Asia,London & New York:Routledge,1989,p.137.
    [1]Indonesian Times,Jakarta,Dec.,17,1979.Cited from Andrew J.Maclntyre,ibid.
    [1]Andrew J.Macintyre,"Interpreting Indonesian Foreign Policy:The Case of Kampuchea,1979-1986",Asian Survey,Vol.27,No.5,May 1987.
    [2]K.Das,"Kuantan Principle",Far Eastern Economic Review,April 4,1980.
    [1]Justus M.Kroef,ASEAN,"Hanoi,and the Kampuchean Conflict:Between 'Kuantan' and a 'Third Alternative'",Asian Survey,Vol.21,No.5,May 1981.
    [2]M.Nagendra Prasad,Indonesia's Role in the Resolution of the Cambodian Problem,Aldershot(England):Ashgate Publishing Ltd.,2001,pp.48-49.
    [3]R.Nations,"The Looming Split in the Five",Far Eastern Economic Review,June 20,1980.
    [1]Andrew J.Maclntyre,"Interpreting Indonesian Foreign Policy:the case of Kampuchea,1979-1986",Asian Survey,Vol.27,No.5,May 1987.
    [2]Joint Communique of the thirteenth ASEAN Ministerial Meeting,Kuala Lumpur,25-26 June,1980,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1243.htm
    [3]Justus M.Kroef,ASEAN,"Hanoi,and the Kampuchean Conflict:Between 'Kuantan' and a 'Third Alternative'",Asian Survey,Vol.21,No.5,May 1981.
    [1]Justus M.Kroef,ASEAN,"Hanoi,and the Kampuchean Conflict:Between 'Kuantan' and a 'Third Alternative'",Asian Survey,Vol.21,No.5,May 1981.
    [2]M.Nagendra Prasad,Indonesia's Role in the Resolution of the Cambodian Problem,Aldershot(England):Ashgate Publishing Ltd.,2001,pp.51-52.
    [3]David Jenkins,"Second Thoughts on Kuantan",Far Eastern Economic Review,October 10,1980.
    [4]Nayan Chanda,"New patterns in a Kaleidoscope",Far Eastern Economic Review.October 17,1980.
    [1]M.Nagendra Prasad,Indonesia's Role in the Resolution of the Cambodian Problem,Aldershot(England):Ashgate Publishing Ltd..2001.p.53.
    [2]根据联大关于柬埔寨问题的35/6号决议案指出,为了全面政治解决柬埔寨,应该采取一些适当的步骤:外国军队限期内完全撤出柬埔寨、举行联合国监督下的自由选举、采取必要的措施以保证柬埔寨国内事务不受外部力量的干预。A/RES/35/6:The Situation in Kampuchea,http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/35/a35r6e.pdf
    [3]Andrew J.Maclntyre,"Interpreting Indonesian Foreign Policy:the case of Kampuchea,1979-1986",Asian Survey,Vol.27,No.5,May 1987.
    [1]Indonesian Times,Jakarta,December 5,1981,p.1.
    [2]Andrew J.Maclntyre,"Interpreting Indonesian Foreign Policy:the case of Kampuchea,1979-1986",Asian Survey,Vol.27,No.5,May 1987.
    [3]An Appeal for Kampuchean Independence by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers,Jakarta,20 September 1983,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1605.htm
    [1]J.Wanandi,"Prospects for Peace and Stability in Southeast Asia and for the Solution of the Conflict in Kampuchea",Indonesian Quarterly,12:2,1984.
    [5]Amitav Acharya,The Quest for Identity:International Relations of Southeast Asia,Oxford University Publishing House,2000,p.118.
    [1]M.van der Kroef,ASEAN,"Hanoi,and the Kampuchean Conflict:Between 'Kuantan' and a 'Third Alternative'",Asian Survey,Vol.21,No.5,May 1981.
    [1]R.Nations,"A Foot in the Mouth",Far Eastern Economic Review,May 2,1985.
    [2]Joint Communique of The Eighteenth ASEAN Ministerial Meeting,Kuala Lumpur,9 July,1985,东盟秘书处网站:http://www.aseansec.org/1248.htm
    [1]Bilveer Singh,Soviet Relations with ASEAN:1967-88,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1989,p.70.
    [2]M.Caballero-Anthony,Regional Security in Southeast Asia:Beyond the ASEAN Way,Singapore:ISEAS,2005,p.98.
    [1]M.Caballero-Anthony,Regional Security in Southeast Asia:Beyond the ASEAN Way,Singapore:ISEAS,2005,p.100.
    [2]Shaun Narine,"ASEAN and the Management of Regional Security",Pacific Affairs,Vol.71,No.2,Summer 1998.
    [1]"Sihanouk unveils 5-point peace plan",Straits Times,28 July 1988.
    [1]Michael Leifer.The Balance of Power in East Asia,Hampshire:Macmillan Press Ltd.,1986,p.143.
    [1]Stephen M.Walt,The Origins of Alliances,Ithaca,New York:Cornell University Press,1987,pp.25-26.
    [2]Henry Kissinger,American Foreign Policy,New York:W.W.Norton & Company,1976,p.97.
    [3]Donald E.Weatherbee,"U.S.Policy and the two Southeast Asia",Asian Survey,Vol.18,No.4,April 1978.
    [2]Bilveer Singh,Soviet Relations with ASEAN:1967-88,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1989,pp.12-13.
    [3]Bilveer Singh,Ibid.,p.107.
    [4]"Mochtar interviews",New Straits Times,18 April,1985.
    [1]Mahathir Mohammad,"Success of the Asia-Pacific Region",New Straits Times,4 June,1985.
    [2]Bilveer Singh,Soviet Relations with ASEAN:1967-88,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1989,pp.107-108.
    [3]Thanat Khoman,"National Threat Perceptions in East Asia",in Charles E.Morrison(ed.),Threat to Security in East Asia-Pacific,Toronto:Lexington Books,1985,p.20.
    [5]Rizal Sukma,Indonesia and China:the Politics of a troubled relationship,London & New York:Routledge,1999,pp.54-58.
    [2]Donald E.Weatherbee,"U.S.Policy and the two Southeast Asia",Asian Survey,Vol.18,No.4,April 1978.
    [3]Nayan Chanda,"New patterns in a Kaleidoscope",Far Eastern Economic Review,October 17,1980.
    [1]N.Ganesan,"ASEAN's relations with major external powers",Contemporary Southeast Asia,Vol.22,No.2,August 2000.
    [3]Roger E.Smith,Cambodia's Foreign Policy,Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1965,p.123.
    [4]Melvin Gurtov,China and Southeast Asia,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1975,pp.65-66.
    [1]O.A.Weatad & J.Sophie,The Third Indochina War:Conflict between China,Vietnam and Cambodia,1972-79,London & New York:Routledge,2006,p.163.
    [2]Chang Pao-Min,Kampuchea between China and Vietnam,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1985,p.54.
    [3]Stephen P.Heder,"The Kampuchean-Vietnamese Conflict",in David W.P.Elliott(ed.),The Third Indochina Conflict,Boulder:Westview Press,1981,pp.43-47.
    [4]Chang Pao-Min,Kampuchea between China and Vietnam,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1985,pp.61-62.
    [1]Chang Pao-Min,Kampuchea between China and Vietnam,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1985,pp.68-69.
    [2]Bilveer Singh,Soviet Relations with ASEAN:1967-88,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1989,pp.65-66.
    [3]Robert G.Sutter,The Cambodian Crisis and U.S.Policy Dilemmas,Colorado:Westview Press,Inc.,1991,p.47.
    [2]Christopher Brady,United States Foreign Policy towards Cambodia,1977-92,Hampshire:Macmillan Press Ltd.,1999,pp.66-67.
    [4]Leszek Buszynski,ASEAN:A Changing Regional Role,Asian Survey,Vol.27,No.7,July 1987.
    [1]Leszek Buszynski,ASEAN:A Changing Regional Role,Asian Survey,Vol.27,No.7,July 1987.
    [2]Christopher Brady,United States Foreign Policy towards Cambodia,1977-92,Hampshire:Macmillan Press Ltd.,1999,p.114.
    [5]Van der Kroef,ASEAN,Hanoi,and the Kampuchean Conflict:Between "Kuantan" and a "Third Alternative",Asian Survey,Vol.21,No.5,May 1981.
    [1]"The Credibility of China is at stake",Bangkok Post,August 19,1986.
    [2]Bilveer Singh,Soviet Relations with ASEAN:1967-88,Singapore:Singapore University Press,1989,pp.71-72.
    [1]The ASEAN Declaration(Bangkok Declaration),8 August,1967,http://www.aseansec.org/1212.htm
    [2]安全共同体的概念,最早源于Karl Deutsch,et al.,Political Community in the North Atlantic Area(New Jersey:Princeton University Press,1957,pp.5-6.),在这里,多伊奇将安全共同体定义为“一群人已经凝聚到这样的程度:共同体的成员真正确信彼此之间不以武力相害,而是以其他的方式来解决争端”,“共同体的主要形式是多元安全共同体,这种共同体由主权国家组成,成员国间拥有共同制度、共同价值观、共同的共同体感。它们凝聚到了这样的程度:在相互间形成了对国际体系的和平变化产生了可依赖的预期。”
    [1]Shaun Narine,ASEAN and the Management of Regional Security,Pacific Affairs,Vol.71,No.2,Summer 1998.
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