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The unique of China's economic development model determines the particularity of corporate investment behaviors under this background. The economic development of China is at the transition stage from resources fully distributed by government to market,"transition" means that the non-equilibrium status of economic model and the power of transform. During the dynamic process of transition, understanding the effect that transition economic model on investment and efficiency of enterprises could effectively improve the actual level of government investment efficiency, and it is essential to enhance the vitality and sustainability of economies at the micro level.
     This paper based on the background of transition process of public company in China. The characteristic of transition economic system is government takes deeply part in the micro-economic, and its intervention and extent is different from the Western economics. These differences are the ownership distinction of micro-economics as the main body of resources distribution, the economic model between areas in transition process and the unique way of government control rights transfer of resources. The introduction of these institutional factors in this paper comprehensively and deeply analyzed the influencing factors of corporate investment in China. It aimed to explore the role of institutional environment and the results caused in these factors leading corporate investment, and how to improve the investment efficiency. To solve these questions, this paper studied in three levels:
     Firstly, this paper researched the historical development and the current status of public company's investment efficiency in China. From the perspective of institutional background, we searched the many influencing factors of public company's investment efficiency, explored its change regularity and the institutional mark by transition process transform. This research started from the determination of the public company's investment efficiency in China and the timing analysis of system environment, and then emphasized on the change about the historical process of time affecting the investment efficiency.
     Secondly, we studied the motivation of public company's investment and governance effects. It could not evade exploring the investment itself if we study the affection of investment efficiency. Investment efficiency, the result of investment, will be restrained and impacted by the initial motivation and internal contracts. Therefore, we could not study the influence of investment efficiency under institutional background without the many transform chains of internal influencing factors. In this paper, we studied the transform of the unique institutional environment of China's economic on motivation and corporate governance, and the affection on the level investment efficiency. These provided strong empirical research evidences for us to find out the transform process of institutional environment.
     Finally, we analyzed the investment efficiency of public company and institutional background in China. Based on the above, through the understandings of the model that influencing investment efficiency during the transition economic development and its many transform chains, we studied the consequences that governmental ownership interfere the micro-economic under the background of transition economic institution and the affection and development direction of corporate investment efficiency. Thereby, we could improve the level of investment efficiency, establish the capital investment model which suitable for China's national condition, and clarity the goals and directions of economic transition, and then achieve the objective of this research.
     The innovation of the study is that, based the perspective of institution of transition economic, exploring the level of dynamic investment efficiency of company and its transform system in the process of transition economic in China. This paper greatly extends the previous research framework of corporate governance, and from three main parts to achieve research breakthroughs of influencing factors of corporate investment efficiency.
     First, we measured the level of dynamic investment efficiency in the process of corporate reform in China, and from the time-efficiency to describe the investment efficiency in the process of transition economic.
     Second, based on the model of "investment efficiency-economy sector-time series", we further measured the historical development of investment efficiency, and researched the influence of the changes of institutional environment of transition economic for the level of efficiency.
     Last, based on the transform chain of the corporate governance framework for the corporate investment efficiency in China and the introduction of institutional factors in transition economic, we discussed the influencing factors and transform system of corporate investment efficiency in the process of transition economic in China.
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