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Accompanied by the end of cold war and the globalization of economy, because of China’s going into WTO and the development of market-oriented economy, a new challenger is coming into being ,which the reformation of state-owned institution of defense technology research should face up to. State-owned institutions of defense technology research have done much for defense, modernization and development of economy. However, it is the transformation of economy system that results in the defect which exists in the administration system, especially the ownership system, of state-owned institution of defense technology research. To some degree, this kind of shortcoming is hampering the combination between science and economy, which means on one hand, a great deal of scientific outcome can’t be applied, but on the other hand, there is not enough technology for the enterprises to apply. Therefore, how to reform the ownership system, to resolve the problems during the course of reformation, to find out a successful mode of reformation is the question that this paper will supply the answer.
     This paper analyses the inner and outer environment of state-owned institution of defense technology research, reveals the necessity of ownership system’s reformation, expound the emphasis of the reformation of ownership system. As a result, some proposal are put out, which the structure of property right and research system are set up, how to adjust and optimize form, how to promote the reform of personnel and distribute system. In the end this paper demonstrate the viewpoint of the paper, the reformation of one sate-owned institution of defense research is cited.
     By and large, state-owned institution of defense technology research should be reformed into conglomerate of high technology, which bases on the system of multi-shareholders. To realize this goal, something is obligatory, for example, reasonable calculation of state-owned share is, establishment of motivation system, and the conversion of workers. This may be a suitable mode of the reformation of state-owned institution of defense technology research.
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