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With the topic of Study on the Compliance Mechanism of the Host States'Legislation to the International Rules and Regulations of World Expositions, this dissertation discusses how the host states of World Exposition, under the legal framework of international rules and regulations, observe and follow the international rules while playing an active part in functioning domestic legislation. The thesis consists of seven chapters with a preface and conclusion.
     Chapter I From Host States'Legislations to International Cooperative Regulation, gives a brief look at the history and development of World Expositions from legal perspectives. During the 160 years since the inception of the modern World Exposition in 1851, nearly half of the history saw the absence of international legislation. The history of World Exposition, therefore, is the how the international cooperative regulation was gradually enhanced. From the failed attempt of Berlin Convention of 1912, to the conclusion of Paris Convention of 1928, and to its five Amendments since it came into effect in 1931, the entire process of World Expositions since the 20th Century has witnessed international legislative efforts.
     Despite a century's development, the international community has not yet concluded a comprehensive, rigorous and detailed international legislation on World Expositions. For one thing, since the conclusion of the Paris Convention, international efforts were focused on key issues including defining the categories and the frequency of World Expositions, in order to react directly to the situation where World Expositions were held in a frequent but disorderly way. Meanwhile, some issues such as customs clearance, entry into and exit from the host country, and preferential tax policies involved in organizing and hosting World Exposition relate to sovereignty of some countries, therefore it is difficult to put in place a uniform international rule. Chapter II Legislation in Host Country under International Cooperative Legislation, defines the characteristics of the international rules and regulations on World Expositions, analyzes the functions of the legislation in the host country under the international regulation, and thus presents the theory of Compliance Mechanism of the host states' legislation with the international rules and regulations.
     While organizing or hosting World Expositions, the host country shall guarantee that the international regulations be strictly followed and implemented and that national legislation be compliant with the international rules and regulations on World Expositions. According to the common practice in previous World Expositions, the majority of the host countries had adopted "transformation" which means to adopt indirect approaches to implement the international rules on World Expositions. Consequently, the legislation in the host country not only plays a role of transformation and elaboration, but also complements and improves the existing legislation. Compliance with the international convention, and actively function the host country's own legal competency, therefore, constitute the two aspects of compliance of the host state's legislation with the international rules and regulations.
     While empowering the host country to a certain degree of flexibility, the BIE, as the international organization that formulates, supervises and guarantees the implementation of the Paris Convention, has established a holistic system to guarantee that the host states'legislation comply with the international rules and regulations, and that the former would not go astray from the latter by taking advantage of the directive yet non-specific features of the latter. Chapter III Safeguard Mechanism for Compliance of the Host States'Legislation with the International Rules and Regulations, introduces and analyzes major mechanisms that BIE adopts during the entire process of bidding, organizing and hosting World Expositions to guarantee that the legislation in host countries comply with international rules and regulations:(1) Inspection of the Bidding Plan. This include the inspection of candidate countries by BIE Executive Committee, and the examination of Registration/Recognition Documents of the host country the by the BIE; (2) Examination of the General Regulations and Special. Regulations, which means BIE review before consent to the General Regulations and Special Regulation formulated by the host or the Organizer that apply to that World Exposition; (3) Counterbalance Mechanism of the Steering Committee. It means from the middle or late part of the preparation and during the operation of a World Exposition, Participants have their interests counterbalanced, through the spokesman which represents their common interests, i.e. the Steering Committee, with those of the host and the Organizer. Participants urge the host and the Organizer to adjust the domestic legislation that does not comply with the international rules and regulations in the view to guarantee full compliance. The sound functioning of the three aspects of the mechanism is due largely to the international organization of the BIE, which plays an indispensible role by exercising its power and operational capability to the full.
     The Chapter V Practices in the Compliance of the Host States'Legislation with the International Rules and Regulations introduces mains means adopted by the host country to ensure compliance and recent World Expositions practice to achieve compliance. When the existing system of the host country is not in compliance with or even contradictory to the international rules and regulations of the World Expositions, it becomes a key issue for the host country to properly handle the conflicts between domestic laws and international rules and regulations. Generally, the host country of World Expositions will be guided by the Doctrine of Consistent Interpretation and Principle of Prevention, and issue special laws in accordance with the requirements of World Expositions, so as to assure compliance between domestic laws and international rules and regulations, during the preparation and operation periods of World Expositions. Some host countries have enacted special legislation that is based on the General Regulations and Special Regulations of the Expositions it is holding. In 2008, Zaragoza Exposition invented the idea to sign Headquarters' Agreement with the BIE to elaborate and define the detail content of privileges and advantages granted to the Participants by the host country. The contents become the foundation for domestic special legislation.
     Based on introduction of the practice during Servile Expo 1992, Lisbon Expo 1998, Aichi Expo 2005 and Zaragoza Expo 2008, Chapter IV gives more elaboration on the innovative practice of Shanghai Expo in terms of legal compliance. To achieve compliance of domestic legal system with international rules and regulations of World Expositions, China government invested all-round, multi-level, consistent and series efforts in legal system adjustment and creation that involved customs clearance, inspection and quarantine, taxation preference, personnel entrance and exit, IPR protection, import/distribution/sales of promotion materials, etc. Many of these practices will provide reference to host countries of future World Expositions and to future great events organized by China.
     ChapterⅤ~Ⅶfocus respectively on the Customs supervision of Goods, preferential tax policy and entrance and exit of personnel, three major fields to analyze the compliance between the host states'legislation and international rules and regulations. In terms of the Customs supervision of cargo and articles of participants, the Customs Annex, formulated when Convention was amended in 1972, clarifies the cargo scope for which participating countries enjoy temporary admission and duty free goods, as well as custom supervision required by the host country. The Customs Annex has laid down solid foundation for compliance trend of the customs supervision system of the host country. In the fields of preferential tax policy and entrance and exit of personnel, international rules and regulations of World Expositions lack specific regulations or requirements while host country still have long way to go before compliance with international regulations. Chapter VI mainly deals with the turnover tax preference of participant's procurement of goods or services inside the host country, and personal income tax exemption for the overseas staffs of the Participants. Chapter VII mainly analyzes the practices related to visa application, work permit, residence permit, temporary vehicle permit and temporary driver's permit.
     The last part makes a conclusion while purposes six suggestions on the future development of the legal system of World Expositions and on the continuous compliance of legal system of host country and international conventions: (1) International cooperation mechanism of World Expositions should still be respected and enhanced with its goals from regulating to improvement of the quality of World Expositions; (2)Recognition of the reality of each host country, respect for its actual situation and existing legal system should be the trend of international community's cooperation and compliance in holding World Expositions.(3)BIE should continue to strengthen its guidance and regulation over the organization, operation and participation through compulsory regulations and model regulations.(4)BIE should positively expand cooperation with other international organizations to push forward world expo in wider areas.(5)BIE should enhance its capacity building, push forward a more important role of its secretariat in terms of the regulation, combing and management of Expo regulations. (6)BIE should strengthen its piling, analyze and promotion of innovative practice of host country legal system, which will serve as a basis for the amplification and development of the international rules and regulations for World Expositions.
     Compliance and benign interaction between the legal system of host states and international rules and regulations of World Expositions are the origins of the lasting force of the legal system of World Expositions.
1本文所称的世界博览会,是指目前各国在《国际展览会公约》框架下举办的国际展览会(International Exhibition)。由于各国在举办《国际展览会公约》项下的国际展览会时,通常冠以世界博览会(World Exposition)的名称,以区别于其他国际展览会。新中国自1982年开始参加世界博览会以来,也一直沿用此种用法。故如无特别说明,本文中世界博览会、国际展览会、世博会等称法具有相同的含义,均特指《国际展览会公约》框架下举办的国际展览会。
    1 See Origin of the Convention, by Maurice Isaac (First Director of BIE), from Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Convention of Paris, BIE Bulletin 2003-2004, P32.
    1参见时任比利时参议会主席的狄内夫(Digneffe)先生在1908年召开的永久性展览会委员会(Federation of Permanent Exhibition Committees)会议上对当时世博会的评奖体制所作的批评。转引自Origin of the Convention, by Maurice Isaac(First Director of BIE), from Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Convention of Paris, BIE Bulletin 2003-2004, P37。
    2“法国展览会委员会”成立于1895年11月4日,其前身是1885年12月成立的“展览会行动委员会(Committee of Initiative of Exhibitions)".
    1《1928年巴黎公约》中秘书长的英文表述为Director,1972年修正后才改为"Secretary General"。
    3参见BIE行政理事会1936年6月和1936年11月会议的纪要,转引自M..A. De Geouffre de la Pradelle, The International Exhibitions Bureau, its Powers relating to the Application of the Convention of 22nd November 1928, from Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Convention of Paris, BIE Bulletin 2003-2004, P75-76。
    2如奥康奈尔的“协调论”(theory of harmonization)、布朗利的“对等理论”(theory of co-ordination)等。
    2参见余民才 主编:《国际法专论》,中信出版社,2003年8月第1版,第9页。
    1WTO相关协议的成员方除了主权国家外,还包括一些独立关税区(independent customs territory)。
    3全体大会的表决方式包括一致通过(adoption by unanimous vote)、举手表决(voting by a show of hands)、对成员国点名表决(voting by roll call of the member states)以及秘密投票(voting by secret ballot)四种方式。
    See Reports of the Steering Committee of the College of Commissioners General of Section Expo 2005 Aichi Japan, by Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition, P11,P19,P603.
    1See Participants'Labour Legislation Handbook, by State Cooperation for the 1992 Seville Universal Exposition S.A. PP13-15.
    See Application for Recognition of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea, P12-13.
    1 《出版管理条例》系于2001年12月12日经国务院第50次常务会议通过,自2002年2月1日起施行。
    1 See Special Regulations No.6 of Expo 2000 Hannover:concerning Conditions of Transportations, Customs Clearance and Handling of Goods, Articles 3,6,7.
    2日本的海关机构为海关关税局(Customs and Tariff Bureau),直属于日本财政部。
    1 See Article 13, Special Regulations No.6 of Expo 2000 Hannover, concerning Conditions of Transportation, Customs Clearance and Handling of Goods, and Article 26, Special Regulations No.6 of Zaragoza 2008 International Exposition, Regulations concerning Customs and Logistics Rules.
    1 See Article 28, Special Regulation No.6 of Expo 2000 Hannover:concerning conditions of transportation, customs clearance and handling of cargo.
    3 See Article 23, Special Regulation No.7 of 2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan:concerning transportation, customs clearance and handling of cargo.
    1《批复》中同时规定,上海世博(集团)公司继续享受财税[2005] 180号文件中规定的税收优惠政策,但享受税收优惠政策的收入应单独核算,不能单独核算或核算不全的,应按规定缴纳相关税收。
    1 《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》系由第五次全国人民代表大会第三次会议于1980年9月10日通过,经1993年10月31日、1999年8月30日、2005年10月27日、2007年6月29日和2007年12月29日五次修正。修正后的《个人所得税法》自2008年3月1日起施行。
    See Article 11, Model Participation Contract for Registered International Exhibitions
    1 See Participants'Labour Legislation Handbook, by State Cooperation for the 1992 Seville Universal Exposition S.A. PP13-15.
    1 See Article 7, Expo 2000 Hannover Special Regulation No.13:concerning Privileges and Advantages of Commissioner of Section
    2 See Part B.8 Entering Germany, Residence and Work Permits, Participants Manual of Expo 2000 Hannover
    2 See Article 6, Zaragoza 2008 International Exposition Special Regulation No.11:Regarding the Privileges and Advantages of the Section Commissioners and their Personnel.
    1. Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Convention of Paris (BIE Bulletin 2003-2004)
    (1)Origin of the Convention, by Maurice Isaac (First Director of BIE), extract of his book Interntaional Exhibitions,1936
    (2)The International Exhibitions Bureau, its Powers relating to the Application of the Convention of 22nd November 1928, by M. A. De Geouffre de la Pradelle(Director of International High Study),1937
    (3)52 years of the Convention, by M. Charles Piat (Director of the French Delegation of the BIE), extract from his book International Expositions under the International Exhibitions Bureau,1983
    (4)The Crisis of the Nineteen Eighties, by Mr. Marcel Galopin (Former Member of the French Delegation of the BIE),2004
    (5)International Exhibitions in the 21st Century, by Mr Vicente Gonzalez Loscertales (Secretary General of BIE),2004
    2. M..A. De Geouffre de la Pradelle, The International Exhibitions Bureau, its Powers relating to the Application of the Convention of 22nd November 1928, from Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Convention of Paris, BIE Bulletin 2003-2004
    3. Model Participation Contract for Registered International Exhibitions
    4. Part B.8 Entering Germany, Residence and Work Permits, Participants Manual of Expo 2000 Hannover
    5. Participants'Labour Legislation Handbook, by State Cooperation for the 1992 Seville Universal Exposition S.A.
    6. Reports of the Steering Committee of the College of Commissioners General of Section Expo 2005 Aichi Japan, by Japan Association for the 2005 World. Exposition
    7. Report by the Federal Minister of Economics and Techno logy on the World Exposition EXPO 2000 in Hanover
    8. Universal Exhibitions:The World in Seville by Luis Calvo Teixeira, Editorial Labor,1992.
    1.《国际展览会柏林公约》(Convention Relating to International Exhibitions signed in Berlin)
    2.《国际展览会巴黎公约》(Convention of Paris Relating to International Exhibitions)及其历次《议定书》和《修正案》
    3.国际展览局规章(1)《国际展览局规章》(Regulations of the International Bureau of Exhibitions)(2)《国际展览局注册展览会的程序和期限的有关规章》(Regulations Relating to the Procedures and Deadlines for Registration of an Exhibition by the International Bureau of Exhibitions)(3)《国际展览局认可展览会的程序和期限的有关规章》(Regulations Relating to the Procedures and Deadlines for Recognition of an Exhibition by the International Bureau of Exhibitions)(4)《国际展览局注册或认可国际展览会之前的考察》(Preliminary Enquiry for BIE Registration or Recognition of International Exhibitions) (5)《展览会的注册费用》(Registration Fees for Exhibitions)(6)《注册类国际展览会一般规章范本》(Model Genera] Regulations for International Registered Exhibitions)(7)《认可类国际展览会一般规章范本》(Model General Regulations for International Recognized Exhibitions)(8)《国际展览会组织者编写特殊规章的指南》(Guidelines for the Organizers of International Exhibitions for the Elaboration of Special Regulations)(9)《注册类展览会参展合同范本》(Model Participation Contract for Registered Exhibitions)(10)《认可类展览会参展合同范本》(Model Participation Contract for Recognized Exhibitions)(11)《关于国际展览会参展者进口货物的海关规章》(Customs Regulation for the Importation of Articles by the Participants in an International Exhibition)(12)《展区总代表联席会议指导委员会示范规章》(Model Rules of the Steering Committee of the College of Commissioners General)(13)《关于评奖与奖项的特殊规章》(Special Regulation on Awards and Prizes)(14)《有关公众获取国际展览局文件的规章》(Regulations Related to the Public Access to the Documents of the International Exhibitions Bureau)(15)《有关国际展览局及世界博览会品牌识别及推介材料的规章》(Regulations related to the Brand Identity and the Communication Material of the Bureau International des Expositions and of World and International Exhibitions)

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