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China has not only the world's largest growing area, but also has the highest total yield of japonica rice. The rice planting area in China is 30 million Ha, which includes 22 million Ha indica and 8 million Ha japonica. Nearly 80 percent of the indica is hybrid, while hybrid japonica rice accounts for just 5% of japonica area. Compared with the hybrid indica rice, hybrid japonica rice has outstanding growth advantage, yield advantage and resistant advantage. The practice shows that we must make full use of heterosis to further improve japonica level of output. Thus, we should do everything to improve the scientific research level of japonica hybrid rice's breeding and supporting technology, which is imperative. Japonica hybrid rice breeding, seed production and reproduction, cultivation are the three core content of hybrid japonica rice research work, and the research level has been a world leader, however, in the world, no one has yet carried out quality management research of japonica hybrid rice. If we can carry out comprehensive and systematic research and develop appropriate technical standards and operational mechanism of hybrid japonica rice, it would be of great significance both theoretically and practically to improve the research efficiency of japonica hybrid rice and the safety of Chinese food rations.
     With the help of Hybrid Rice Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance and China Japonica Hybrid Rice Cooperative Group Secretariat and through analysis synthetically relevant experimental data and interview survey, quality management of japonica hybrid rice has been systematically studied in the paper, and concluded the control node of key steps of japonica hybrid rice in the research process. The main conclusions are as follows:
     1. Through the comprehensive analysis of development status and problems of japonica hybrid rice at home and abroad, It is summarized in research management problems of japonica hybrid rice such as the efficiency of research management is not high, lack of management standards and lack of systematic management in research process.
     2. The research management characteristics of japonica hybrid rice are analyzed in this paper, and established 3 quality control modules of breeding, seed production and reproduction, cultivation of japonica hybrid rice; With total quality management theory, the research quality management system of the japonica hybrid rice is established; The research quality mechanism of japonica hybrid rice based decision-making system, planning system, running system, evaluation system and improving system is established; The research quality management organization of japonica hybrid rice is designed;The research personnel requirements and incentives of japonica hybrid rice is analyzed.
     3. In research of japonica hybrid rice breeding quality management, the principles and techniques of collection, preservation and evaluation of japonica hybrid rice germplasm is analyzed in this paper, drawed up breeding technical standards and technology management measures of japonica hybrid rice CMS line, two-line CMS line, three -line maintainer, three-line restorer, two-line restorer, summarized the goal of japonica hybrid rice combination matching, principles and breeding program, extracted the key technologies and standards of japonica hybrid rice breeding, designed the operating mechanism of implementation and control of japonica hybrid rice breeding quality management.
     4. In research of seed production and reproduction quality management of japonica hybrid rice, according to seed production and reproduction objectives of japonica hybrid rice, established key technologies and standards of japonica hybrid rice seed production and reproduction, including the base environment, parent seed, flowering prediction and regulation, purity, field identification and other factors, developed key technologies and standards for seedling, field management, and flowering prediction and regulation and other aspects, designed the operating mechanism of implementation and control of japonica hybrid rice seed production and reproduction quality management.
     5. In research of cultivation quality management of japonica hybrid rice, according to cultivation objectives of japonica hybrid rice, analyzed the key technologies of japonica hybrid rice cultivation, developed technical standards for various stages such as seed treatment, sowing, seedling, field management, harvesting and storage and quality, designed the operating mechanism of implementation and control of japonica hybrid rice cultivation quality management.
     6. Finally, the quality management system of japonica hybrid rice used in X company. Through comparing the effects, it showed that the number of new varieties, seed production and reproduction yield and,purity, papers, patents have made significant improvement after the implementation of scientific research and quality management system.
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