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When the traditional public administration transformed into the new public administration, government's attention changed "fair" into "efficiency".Then when the new public administration transformed into the new public management, government began to introduce marketing tools to improve public sector efficiency and effectiveness. But in the process of these transformation,several problems also emerge:fragmenting of public service, hollowing out of government, marginalization of public power and so on.In view of these problems, the constant expansion of the citizenship promoted the formation of public-private partnership beetween government and citizen, non-profit organization. Therefore, governance theory which in order to promote the forming of this relationship also began to prevail, such as synergy governance, holistic governance, collaborative governance, network governance, and so on.In these theory of governance, collaborative governance is the only theory which accords with citizen's rights and promote democracy.
     Based on this fact, this paper selected collaborative governance according to the characteristics of Hong Kong and targeted it as a theoretical tool to analyze the district council of Hong Kong. As an special administrative region, Hong Kong after the reversion of sovereignty retained its past reasonable part, and Chinese central government has also actively ensure Hong Kong's local autonomy, these actions promoted Hong Kong democracy at the grassroots level, which contains the district council
     At the beginning of1980s, British colonial government in Hong Kong established District council in the reform of local administration". District council acted as an political structure for council system in HKSAR. District councils has been playing an active role in the consultation affairs since its establishment.Districts Councils also plays an important role in promoting community building, monitoring the delivery of public services on the district level,reflecting publicopinion as well popularizing the measures of the government of Hong Kong.
     Its roles,structure, function and its democratic process have been enriched,adjusted, and perfected with the development of Hong Kong political system.This paper focuses on the structure and function of district councils and uses literature review method and interview method to analyse the characteristic of district councils from the insights of history, governance and political perspective.At last,this paper put forward the future perfect path according to the existence the question which district council may exist.
     In the insights of history, based on the history development of district council of Hong Kong, the background and history of district councils and its formation, function and operation has been analysed. The aim of the British colonial government intended to make an arrangement to extend its influence in the jregion.After1997, HKSAR Government has strengthened the consultation role of district councils and further expanded council's function.The development and evolution of district councils in Hong Kong shows that HKSAR Government do intend to practically enhance the administrative efficiency and truly offer substantial autonomy, and bases on the principle that the people of Hong Kong administrate Hong Kong affairs. So far the councils has difficulty to operate smoothly because of factors about economy and systerm.
     In the insights of the governance, the author summarized function of Hong Kong district board based on the governance concept, governance power, governance mode,then analyze the relationship between district board and HKSAR Government.The Hong Kong SAR government feeled more and more helpless due to the complexity of public affairs increases, so the SAR government began to transfer power to a lower level and introduced district board to the system of governance in order to take part of the public management function rely on district board, then as far as possible improves the ability of governance in Hong Kong.
     In the insights of politice, the author not only analyzed and compared the similarities and differences of the political system between the period of British government and the period of Hong Kong SAR government, but also analyzes the district council's role in the whole framework of Hong Kong's political system,then explain the structure and function of district board in the level of organization, system, law. In the period of British government, democracy and general election is the goal of Hong Kong's political system, but the center of Hong Kong's political system has not develop towards this direction and district council's function mostly focus on certain social service. After the return of Hong Kong, the structure of the district council has change in some exent, and many experts and intellectuals began to flood into the district council.Furthermore, the SAR government also started to support and promote the development of the district council, which made the district council played an important role in public problem solving.
     Finally, according to the lacking part which Hong Kong district board's structure and function may exist, this paper proposes strategies as following:increase participation opportunities; strengthen financial support, the function of the district council members, improve quality, increase work accountability system, solving the political way, enhance attraction countermeasures. As a whole, as the basic unit of the representatives, the district council meets the public opinion and promote the local affairs development to a certain extent.However, in order to maximize the efficacy of collaborative governance, the following aspects of district board needs to be improved:structure, functions, personnel, financial and operational methods and so on.As an important part of Hong Kong, district board can cater to China's system design of "one country, two systems", then promote mutual mutual promotion and development between Hong Kong's capitalism and the mainland's socialist.
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