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With the globalization of the world's economy, the research on theinternationalization growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has become oneof the most popular topics in the area of international economics. This is because onthe one hand SMEs have located important roles in the national economy; on the otherhand the globalization of economy will have a profound influence on the sustaineddevelopment of China's economy. At present, domestic and foreign research on theinternationalization of SMEs, mainly focus on the internationalization performance ofSMEs, the internationalization models of SMEs, the internationalization strategy ofSMEs and how to evaluate the internationalization degree of SMEs. However, thisarticle concentrates with the mechanisms and appraisal system of theinternationalization growth of SMEs.
     Based on the theory and the appraisal system on the internationalization growthof enterprise, firstly, this article analyses the performance of the internationalizationof SMEs after the opening reform, in a micro way. Then, we study the mechanism ofthe internationalization growth of SMEs through three levels and construct atheoretical model of the internationalization growth of SMEs. Exportation and foreigninvestment are the external performances of the internationalization growth of SMEs.While the external performances are depend on whether the enterprise's levermechanism, innovation mechanism and control mechanism run effectively. But these mechanisms are ultimately determined by the learning ability of the enterprise. Inorder to confirm the validity of the theoretical model, we have constructed anappraisal system to evaluate the internationalization ability of SMEs on the basis theabove theories. We have also used this appraisal system to evaluate 10 SMEs, theresult sounds satisfactory. Finally, this article has proposed some measures from bothgovernment and enterprise aspect in order to help SMEs growth smoothly and quicklyin the internationalization process.
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    12 注:这里的SMART不是指一个单词,而是Specific,Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound, 五个单词首字母的合成;来源:http://www.cfemag.com.cn/old/view.asp?id=291。
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