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Capital structure of company has not been optimized for a long time in China. A very important reason is the development of investment bank in China. According to the current major phenomenon. Lying in optimizing capital structure, international investment banks are playing a more and more important role in China. We must make rapid progress in developing investment bank of China in terms of financial operation of international investment banks. It becomes an urgent problem in economic development of China.
    The thesis consists of five chapters, and it is organized as follows. In chapterl I discuss the status of investment bank in economic development, point out the purpose of studying the investment bank optimizing capital structure of company in the view of finance. In chapter2 I analyze the finance theory of investment bank, point out the future developing method of investment bank of China. In chapter3 I research the relationship between investment bank and capital structure of company from the view of financial rights flowing. I pointed out the important experience that investment bank of China should study according to the analysis of capital operation of international ' investment bank in China. In charpter4, by analyzing all kinds of financial operations of optimizing capital structure, I make detailed research for debt-for-equity, the non-performing loan and the state-owned shares. In chapters, I research the non-performing loan securitization as a new financial operation in details. At last, some feasible suggestion is given about the application of financial operation of investment bank in optimizing capital structure.
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