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As a muliti-level governance polity which differs from sovreign states and normal inter-governmental organizations, the most prominent feature of the European Union's policy-making is related to its complex institutional settings and their impact on the decision-making process. Thus, EU policy-making not only involves an "action process", but also a "social structure", which needs a multi-dimensional angle to investigate, especially with reference to Comparative Politics and Public Administration theories and methodologies. In this thesis, I take the EU's Common Commercial Policy as research subject and try to make theoretical reflections based upon the EU's institutional settings and decision-making theories.
     I try to raise a concept of "Institutional Rationality", after carefully studying three main EU decision-making theories: Neo-Institutionalism fom the IR tradition; Institutionalism tradition from Comparative Politics - Rational Choice Institutionalism, Sociological Institutionalism and Historical Institutionalism; and a enhanced Institutionalism with the Power parameter incorporated, namely Institutional Realism. This notion of "Institutional Rationality" is described as "the rational interaction between actors and institutions affects the decision-making process and determines the policy outcome". In "Institutional Rationality", Rationality is the core (externalized as actors' references - "scale" and "intensity"), while Institutions are conditions, backgrounds and context. It broardens the concept of "institution" , and emphasizes the role of "informal institutions" in shaping actors behavior in EU decison-making process. At the same time, as in real politics it is not appropriate to neglect the power relations in which the institutions operate or the power parameter under the institutional framework, I will take "Issue salience " (the "intensity" of an actor's preference) as one source of actors' endogenous power when taking part in EU collective decision-making. "Issue salience" is supposed to be the factor shaping and detemining the national legitimacy for EU policy outcome, which decides the maneuvre room for EU member states in EU decision-making. For this reason, I take "Issue salience" as a key variable in the Instituional Rationality framework.
     After building up the theoretical framework, I go on with a chapter on the decision-making system of the EU's Common Commercial Policy, after which I will present two case studies respectively on EU participation in negotiations of the GATT Uruguay Round and the WTO Basic Communications Service Agreement in order to test the theoretical assumptions.
①Jeremy Richardson, 2001,转引David Lax and James K. Sebenius, The Manager as Negotiator ( New York: Free Press, 1986), p.30.
    ②Jeremy Richardson, 2001.
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    ①例如,George Tsebelis and Geoffrey Garrett, 2001, pp.357-390.
    ②吴志成,第174页,转引Ben Rosamond, Theories of European Integration (Macmillan Press LTD, 2000), p.115。
    ③杜娟,第129-147页,转引Miles Kahler, "Rationality in International Relations", International Organization 52, 4, 1998, pp.919-941.
    ④Jeffrey Legro, "Culture and Preference in the International Cooperation Two-Step", American Political Science Review 91, 1, 1996, pp.118-137.
    ①Jeffrey Stacey and Berthold Rittberger, "Dynamics of Formal and Informal Institutional Change in the EU", Journal of European Public Policy 10:6 December 2003: 858-883.
    ④Simon J. Bulmer, pp.365-386.
    ④对政治学新制度主义三大流派比较详细的评介,请参见:Mark D. Aspinwall and Gerald Schneider, pp.1-36.
    ②Christopher H. Achen (2003),“Institutional Realism and Bargaining Models”.
    ②Christopher H. Achen (2003) .
    ③Laura Cram, 2001, chapter 3.
    ②Robert Grafstein,“Comments”, The Journal of Politics, Vol.59, No.4 (November, 1997), pp.1040-47.
    ①Robert Grafstein,“What Rational Political Actors Can Expect”, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 14:2 (2002), pp.139-165.
    ④Robert Grafstein,“The Problem of Institutional Constraint”, The Journal of Politics, Vol.50 (1988), pp.577-599.
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    ①刘文秀、科什纳等,第474-475页,转引James E. Anderson, Public Policy-Making (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1976), p.10-12。
    ③刘文秀、科什纳等,第476页,转引Amitai Etzioni,“Mixed Scanning, A“Third”Approach to Decision-Making”, Public Administration Review, XXVII (1967), pp.385-392。
    ①Adrienne Heritier, p.6.
    ②Adrienne Heritier, p.8; Mark D. Aspinwall and Gerald Schneider, pp.1-36.
    ③James G. March and Johan P. Olsen, "Elaborating the "New Institutionalism".
    ②Ben Soetendorp and Madeleine O. Hosli, "Negotiations in the European Union: the Hidden Influence on Council Decision-Making", International Studies Association, 41st Annual Convention, Los Angeles, March 14-18, 2000.
    ③Adrienne Heritier, p.17.
    ②Manfred Elsig, The EU’s Common Commercial Policy: Institutions, Interests and Ideas (Ashgate, 2002), p.27-28.
    ①Stephen Woolcock,“European Trade Policy: Global Pressures and Domestic Constraints”, Policy-Making in the European Union, eds. Helen Wallace and William Wallace (third edition, Oxford University Press, 1996, chapter 14), p.373-399.
    ②Manfred Elsig, p.3-9.
    ③Youri Devuyst, The European Union at the Crossroads: the EU’s Institutional Evolution from the Schuman Planof European Public Policy 1:2, (1994), pp.283-302.
    ①学者Meunier和Nicolaidis对该问题有着详细阐述, Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaidis,“EU Trade Policy: The Exclusive versus Shared Competence Debate”, The State of the European Union: Risks, Reforms, Resistance and Revival, eds. Maria Green Cowles and Michael Smith (Volume 5, Oxford University Press, 2000, chapter 16), p.325-346.
    ③Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaidis (1999), pp.477-501.
    ④Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaidis (2000), p.325-346.
    ⑥Rafael Leal-Arcas,“The EC in the WTO: The Three-level Game of Decision-Making. What Multilateralism can Learn from Regionalism.”European Integration Online Paper Vol. 8, No.14, (2004b), http://eiop.or.at/eiop/texte/2004-014a.htm
    ②参见Griller and Gamharter (2002), Lukaschek and Weidel (2002)两文的分析。
    ③Kalypso Nicolaidis and Sophie Meunier (2002), p.173-201.
    ④Christoff Herrmann (2002).
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    ①关于《里斯本条约》中共同贸易政策的规定及其详细分析,参见George-Dian Balan, "The Common Commercial Policy Under the Lisbon Treaty", Jean Monnet Seminar, Advanced Issues of European Law, 6th Session, April 20-27, 2008, Dubrovnik, Re-thinking the European Constitution in an Enlarged European Union.
    ②Michael Smith (1994), pp.283-302.
    ③参见Neill Nugent, p.411-412; Desmond Dinan, p.484-486.
    ①Manfred Elsig (2002), p.69.
    ②Ibid, p.70.
    ③Ibid, p.28.
    ④Ibid, p.154.
    ①Manfred Elsig (2002), p.155-156.
    ②Ibid, p.154.
    ③John Petersen and Elisabeth Bomberg (1999), p.90-119.
    ①Rafel Leal-Arcas (2004b).
    ②John Petersen and Elisabeth Bomberg (1999).
    ③Stephen Woolcock (2000).
    ④Stephen Woolcock and Michale Hodges (1996).
    ⑤John Petersen and Elisabeth Bomberg (1999).
    ①John Petersen and Elisabeth Bomberg (1999).
    ②Rafael Leal-Arcas (2004b).
    ③John Petersen and Elisabeth Bomberg (1999).
    ④Manfred Elsig, p.36.
    ①Rafael Leal-Arcas (2004b).
    ②Baroness Elles (1996), p.19-30.
    ③关于欧洲法院咨询性意见1/75、1/78和2/94的讨论,参见Stephan Griller and Katharina Gamharter (2002).
    ①Desmond Dinan, p.261.
    ②Ibid, p.261.
    ③有关这些特例的讨论,参见Horst Gunter Krenzler and Christian Pitschas (2001).
    ①Rafael Leal-Arcas (2004b).
    ②John Petersen and Elisabeth Bomberg (1999).
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    ②Michael Smith (1994).
    ③Rafael Leal-Arcas,“Exclusive or Shared Competence in the Common Commercial Policy: From Amsterdam to Nice”, Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 30(1), (2003b), pp.3-14.
    ①关于欧盟与多哈回合,参见Markus Krajewski (2005)有关论述。
    ③Alastair Iain Johnston,“Conclusions and Extensions: Toward Mid-Range Theorizing and Beyond Europe”, International Organization 59, Fall 2005, pp.1013-1044.
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