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In recent years, with China's economic and social development and the expansion of national interests, China is faced with not only rare opportunities for development, but also in a period of social conflict-prone. Domestic and foreign hostile forces have stepped up to the infiltration and sabotage, terrorism is becoming more and more international, and national separatism and religious issues could be the root cause of terrorist activities and unrest. Prevalence of infectious diseases, food poisoning happened time and time again.The prevalence of infectious diseases of unknown causes may bring about many huge negative influences to the order of social life, development of national economy , and the health of the citizens. At the same time, due to the unique natural geographical environmental factors of China,it occurred quite frequently with floods, earthquakes, geological and marine disasters. All of them pose a grave threat to the national economic construction and the security of people's property. Therefore, the authority has raised a policy of " uniting the army with the people, having reserve soldiers among the people " and called for the establishment of emergency medical rescue system integrating military and civilian, Improving the emergency response mechanism, to take all emergency preparedness, to carry on the implementation of joint defence and joint control of combining military with civilian.
     As an important force of the national emergency medical rescue system, military Hospitals not only shouldered the protection of the armed forces in wartime and medical mission of medical services in peacetime, but also shouldered more and more emergency medical rescue missions of local incidents. As a result of extending the scope of safeguard, increase of social security contents, and varied medical needs. The emergency rescue mission of hospitals had the diversity of uncertainty: it is necessary to do a good job in the medical treatment of emergency preparedness, the implementation of classification with the sick and wounded troops and military health care, but also active participation in national, local public health emergencies and major natural disasters, violent incidents and accident emergency medical rescue work. Therefore, the military organization must be flexible to protect the hospital to carry out modular pumping groups, establish a medical security system which can do perfect response to a variety of security threats and to complete various tasks.In this way,we can improve the medical equipment to enhance mobility in order to adapt to the needs of multi-tasking.
     Modularization refers to the establishment of a specific system modules and application modules activities. The emergency medical rescue modular is the establishment of the system modules and application modules activities in the army. That is, it’s a kind of activity to adopt a series of measures and methods of "system decomposition→Module specification→Modules Combination→Modules application" to reform and reconstruct the emergency medical rescue system, to improve system functionality and efficiency. Which can ensure the military emergency medical rescue system have a number of adaptabilities. The basic target of Emergency medical rescue modular is the the effectiveness of pursuit of the "1 +1> 2" . Compared with the past, this kind of organization has higher degree of synthesis, and more levels, and more flexible methods.
     In this study, drawing on the modular principle, based on the medical field pumping Group, the specialist surgical teams, emergency response unit (a health-center and two teams) drafted from Military Region General Hospital and combining the recent years’experience of the emergency medical rescue in non-war military operations, it adopts expert advice methods, and establishes emergency medical rescue basic medical module library, including basic health care modules, para-medical modules, immunization protection module, adaptation modules, Altogether 5 kinds of first-class modules, 12 kinds of second-class modules, 37 kinds of three-class modules.
     On this basis, I invited experts to filter on the main emergency medical rescue missions assumed by Military General Hospital in recent years, and build five kinds of task modules: anti-terror modules of maintaining social stability, emergency rescues and disaster relief work module (including the medical insurance modules in flood fighting and rescue tasks, emergency medical modules in earthquake relief mission, the medical insurance modules in fire disaster relief tasks), emergency medical rescue mission modules in unexpected public health incidents, medical protection module in safety security alert and the health insurance module in international peacekeeping missions.
     The emergency medical rescue organization modular of Military General Hospital achieves a synthesis of various professions, strengthened its systematicness. It has a good theoretical guidance and practical significance to enhance the functionality of emergency rescue system of hospital, enhance the flexibility of emergency rescue system and to promote efficient use and improve the effectiveness of management in emergency medical rescue system. It can contribute to the construction of integration of hospital emergency medical relief, unified planning of medical and rescue organizations, the necessary equipment to ensure complete verification, complete the development, production sets, complete sets of equipment, to achieve the purposes of interoperability, mutual support and mutual protection. And enhancing the capacity of integrating with other forces to improve adaptability.
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