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     本文在前人研究的基础上,首先从理论上对国际R&D溢出机制的作用路径进行探讨,然后基于知识驱动的内生增长模型,对Coe & Helpman的R&D溢出模型进行推导和扩展,运用中国30个省/直辖市/自治区(西藏自治区、香港、澳门特别行政区、台湾省除外)2003-2007五年的数据,选取24个与中国发生重要经贸关系的国家为代表,对国际R&D溢出对中国区域技术进步的作用进行实证分析,接下来分别以技术水平、人力资本水平、市场竞争水平三个关键影响因素的高低为标准,对30个样本地区进行分组,并实证检验不同外部条件对国际R&D溢出效应作用的区别和联系。
Evidences from both theory and realities show that a country is dependent on technology advancement to achieve long-term growth, which requires that the country not only boosts the research and development ability by itself, but also strengthens its absorbency of foreign R&D spillover. Then, it's important for China to make good use of foreign R&D spillover to accelerate its technology advancement.
     Using the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2003 to 2007, choosing 24 countries, which have close economic relationship with China, including OECD countries USA, Japan, UK, France, German, Canada, Sweden, Turkey, Austria, Belgium, Czech, Danmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Korea, Hungary, Poland and non-OECD countries Singapore and Russia, this paper, based on Coe & Helpman's R&D spillover model, makes an empirical study on the effect of foreign R&D spillover on China's technology advancement. And then this paper divides 30 provinces into 2 groups according to three key affecting factors, technology, human resources and market development level, and analyzes the effect of different conditions on foreign R&D spillover.
     The conclusion is as follows. At the beginning, oversea R&D investment, FDI, outflow FDI, import and technology contract have similar acting mechanism on foreign R&D spillover. Secondly, the country's own R & D resources and FDI play the most significant positive role in the effect of foreign R&D spillover on technology advancement. Next come import and oversea R&D investment. Outflow FDI and technology contract make the least contribution. Finally, technology, human resources and market development all exert remarkable affection on foreign R&D spillover, especially human resources. According to the conclusions, three suggestions are put forward for reference.
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