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The key for private international law treaty to function effectively is thecontracting parties to the treaty should perform the treaty effectively, in which judicialapplication of the treaty is of crucial importance. In order to participate effectively ininternational civil and commercial exchanges and better protect legal rights andinterests of our parties, Chinese government has concluded plenty of privateinternational law treaties. Whether these treaties can be implemented effectively ornot, not only influences our reliable international image, but benefits from promotingthe contracting parties to perform the treaties. The aim of this dissertation is toprovide jurisprudential basis for our courts to correctly apply and interpret the treatiesand thereby building a judicial application system of private international law treaty.
     This dissertation includes four chapters surrounding how to ensure privateinternational law treaty to be implemented effectively in our courts. Firstlydelimiting the intension and extension of private international law treaty, and thisdissertation then, starting from four aspects, that is the drawing up, the acceptance, theapplication and the interpretation of the treaty, and from a comparative perspective,analyzes factors in these aspects which affect the application of the privateinternational law treaty in the court and puts forward the resolutions to them, andsums up the experiences of the developed countries in performing treaties which canbe used by our courts for reference and to establish and improve an application systemof private international law treaty of our courts.
     The first chapter of the dissertation studies “What is the private international lawtreaty”. Firstly, centering on the judiciary and basing on the historical development asdimension, this part, through discussing the resolution to conflict of laws, delimits thescope of private international law as the basis for defining the scope of the privateinternational law treaty. Secondly, because the goal of the unification movement ofprivate international law is to unify private laws of nations, in which the privateinternational law treaty is an important means, and because the unification movementof private international law is closely linked with the emergence and development ofprivate international law treaty, this part thus, by introducing the unificationmovement of private international law, elaborates the thought basis of the emergence and development of private international law treaty. Thirdly, after defining the scopeof private international law and the thought basis of the emergence and developmentof the private international law treaty, this part elaborates the concept, types, namesand value of the private international law treaty explicitly, by which the treaty’ sintension and extension are correctly determined. Its extension includes civilprocedural law treaty, substantive private law treaty and conflicts of law treaty, and itsintension is an agreement of states with the purpose of creating rights and obligationsin international law containing private international law rules.
     Chapter II discusses “How to formulate high-quality private international lawtreaty”. The international organizations in charge of drawing up private internationallaw treaty and their achievements are first introduced. And then, this part studies indetail the quality of private international law treaty and its effect on judicialapplication. By introducing and analyzing the Amonoweller Aircrash case and theBoll case, the author, from an empirical perspective, expound on the importance ofthe quality of private international law treaty to its judicial application. Thirdly, inlight of the current legislative situation of private international law treaty, the partattempts to put forward principles and means of legislation, which should be followedin formulation high-quality private international law treaty. Fourthly, the author alsointroduces in this chapter our government’s active participation in the legislation ofinternational organizations and the private international law treaty our government hasconcluded, analyzes the major problems which exist in our government’s formulationof private international law treaty, which is overemphasizing the participation ofgovernment officers while overlooking the advice of experts.
     The third chapter studies “How private international law treaty should beaccepted by Chinese law and its legal status in China”. Firstly, the treaty’s acceptancesystem and domestic legal hierarchy are briefly introduced. Secondly, this chapterdiscusses how private international law treaty has been obtained domestic legal effectin the U.S., the U.K., Germany and France, etc., and by introducing and studyingcomparatively these countries’ domestic legal systems, the author attempts to find outsomething in common. Lastly, the part illustrates the effect of private internationallaw treaty in China, in which our legal provisions concerning treaty’s conclusion,acceptance and domestic legal hierarchy are introduced, the effect of civil procedurallaw treaty, conflicts of law treaty and substantive private law treaty in China areanalyzed, provisions on applying private international law treaty are designed. The system Quasi-automatic adoption which is adopted in Germany and Tai Wan districtshould be in consideration when it comes to the treaty acceptance system in China. Tobe specific, in order to adopt the treaties into our legal system, on one hand, theStanding Committee of the National People's Congress should formulate the law oftreaties when ratifying the treaties; On the other hand, the State Council should makeformulation of the Decree of the State Council when the agreements are approved.Another solution to adopt the treaties into our legal system, under the present system,is to stipulate some provision in the general provision when formulating the CivilCode, which is:“Where the treaty the P.R.C. has concluded so stipulates, the treatyshall apply. Where provisions of the treaty conflicts with civil laws, the treaty shallprevail.” Similarly, some provisions of Civil Procedure Law can be revised also.
     Chapter IV discusses “How China’s courts should interpret private internationallaw treaty”. The theoretical issues of the interpretation of private international lawtreaty are firstly studied. The author probes into how the courts of contracting statesshould interpret private international law treaty from the necessity, the object, the aim,the classification, the means and the rules of interpretation. And then, the practices ofinterpreting private international law treaty by developed countries such as the U.S.and the U.K. are introduced and by comparison, something in common has beenfound out. Lastly, starting from YangPing case, Chongqing ZhengTongPharmaceutical Industry case, and SiChuang Pepsi case, the author analyzes ourcourts’ practices in interpreting private international law treaty, and puts forward theidea that our courts, in interpreting treaties, should comply with the principle of goodfaith and the principle of autonomous interpretation.
    ③See J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on Private International Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&Shelley Roberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, p.278.
    ②国际统一私法协会在1956年、1959年、1963年、1987年召开会议就统一法的适用和解释问题进行研讨。1987年会议与会学者的发言可见:International Uniform Law in Practice, Ocean Publication, Inc.,1988, pp.
    ④See Benedetto Conforti, translated by René Provost in collaboration with Shauna Van Praagh, International Lawand the Role of Domestic Legal Systems, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1993, pp.25-41.
    ①See F. A. Mann, Foreign Affairs in English Court, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986, pp.84-114.
    ②See Jordan J. Paust, International Law as Law of the United States,2nd, Carolina Academic Press,2003, pp.67-80.
    ③See Virginia A. Leary, International Labour Conventions and National Law: The Effectiveness of the AutomaticIncorporation of Treaties in National Legal Systems, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1982. p.36.
    ①See J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on Private International Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&Shelley Roberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, pp.221-243.
    ②See J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on Private International Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&Shelley Roberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, pp.221-243.
    ③See Fritz Enderlein, edited by Unidroit, International Uniform Law in Practice, Ocean Publication, Inc.1989,pp.329-353.
    ③See Friedrich K. Juenger, Choice of law and Multistate Justice, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher,1993, pp.8-9.
    ⑥Cf. H. Batiffol, Le pluralisme de methods en droit international prive, RCADI1973II, p.179.转引自黄进主编:《国际私法》(第二版),法律出版社2005年版,第108页。
    ⑤See Julian G. Ku, The Crucial Role of the States and Private International Law Treaties: A Model forAccommodating Globalization,73Mo. L. Rev.1063.2008.
    ⑥See Filip De Ly, International Business Law and Lex Mercatoria, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.1992, pp.209-210.
    ①See Martin Gebauer, Uniform Law, General Principles and Autonomous Interpretation, seecisgw3.law.pace.edu.
    ④See Fritz Enderlein, edited by Unidroit, International Uniform Law in Practice, Ocean Publication, Inc.1989, p.335.
    ①Tang Ping-Hoi v. Attorney General,[1987] HKLR324.
    ②See J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on Private International Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&Shelley Roberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, p.274.
    ①93Cal. Rptr.3d893,09Cal. Daily Op. Serv.6141。
    ①Swed. v. Neth.,1981I. C. J.55.
    ②See Sedler, Professor Juenger’s Challenge to the Interest Analysis Approach to Choice-of-Law: AnAppreciation and a Response,23U. C. Davis L. Rev.898,899(1990).
    ③In re Pairs Air Crash of March3,1974,399F. Supp.732(C. D. Cal.1975).
    ②Swed. v. Neth.,1981I. C. J.55.
    ①Swed. v. Neth.,1981I. C. J.55.
    ②Swed. v. Neth.,1981I. C. J.55.
    ②See Jacob W. F. Sundberg, A Uniform Interpretation of Uniform Law,10Scandinavian Stud. L.223(1966).
    ①See Prel. Doc. No20of November2002-Report on the first meeting of the Informal Working Group on theJudgments Project of October2002,p.4.
    ②See Trevor Hartley&Masato Dogauchi, Explanatory Report on the2005Hague Choice of Court AgreementsConvention,p.18.
    ③http: www.unidroit.org/english/documents/1989/study72/s-72-01-e.pdf.
    ④UNIDROIT1989-Study LXXII-Doc.
    ⑤UNIDROIT1993-Study LXXII-Doc.
    ⑥UNIDROIT1992-Study LXXII-Doc.
    ⑦UNIDROIT1993-Study LXXII-Doc.7.法学教授分别是:萨斯喀彻温大学法学院教授Bonald RCCCuming先生、意大利西耶那大学银行法教授G. Ferrarini先生、德国伍兹堡大学法学教授K.F.Kreuzer先生、法国巴黎第九大学助理教授S.Martin-Le Corre女士、代表美国国家部门的宾夕法尼亚大学法学教授C.W.Moony Jr.、巴黎第二大学法学教授H. Synvet,律师分别是代表美国国家部门的华盛顿D.C. Condon&Forsyth合伙人T.J. Whalen、东京Mori Sogo律师事务所合伙人H. Uchida、蒙特利尔De Billey Lavery合伙人K.M.Smith、伦敦Freshfields合伙人S.J. McGairl,意大利航空公司法律顾问P. Girardi,俄罗斯联邦对外经济贸易部条法司常务副司长V. Kouvshinov,拉各斯尼日利亚大陆商业有限责任银行前法律顾问、总经理、法律事务代理人G.K. Olufon。
    ①See E. Allan Farnsworth, Uniform Law and Its Impact on Business Circles, International Uniform Law inPractice, Ocean Publication, Inc.1988, p.550.
    ①Convention of30June2005on Choice of Court Agreements,Text adopted by the Twentieth Session,Explanatory Report byTrevor Hartley&Masato Dogauchi,p.16.
    ①See International Regulation of Certain Aspects of Security Interests in Mobile Equipment: Study, prepared byProfessor Ronald C.C. Cuming, UNIDROIT1989-Study LXXII-Doc.1.
    ③See John Honnold, A Uniform Law for International Sales,107U. Pa. L. Rev.317(1958).
    ④UNIDROIT1989-Study LXXII-Doc.1.
    ①See Jacob W. F. Sundberg, A Uniform Interpretation of Uniform Law,10Scandinavian Stud. L.232(1966).
    ③See Virginia A. Leary, International Labour Conventions and National Law: The Effectiveness of the AutomaticIncorporation of Treaties in National Legal Systems, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1982, p.35.
    ②See Jacob W. F. Sundberg, A Uniform Interpretation of Uniform Law,10Scandinavian Stud. L.225(1966).
    ③See Virginia A. Leary, International Labour Conventions and National Law: The Effectiveness of the AutomaticIncorporation of Treaties in National Legal Systems, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1982, p.37.
    ④F. A. Mann, Foreign Affairs in English Courts, Clarendon Press,1986, p.101.
    ⑥比如,瑞士。See Virginia A. Leary, International Labour Conventions and National Law: The Effectiveness ofthe Automatic Incorporation of Treaties in National Legal Systems, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1982, p.37.
    ⑦See Virginia A. Leary, International Labour Conventions and National Law: The Effectiveness of the AutomaticIncorporation of Treaties in National Legal Systems, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1982, pp.44-49.
    ①See Carlos Manuel Vázquez, Treaties as Law of the Land: the Supremacy Clause and the Judicial Enforcementof Treaties,122Harv. L. Rev.599,618(2008).
    ③See J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on Private International Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&Shelley Roberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, p.274.
    ①条约接受除了并入和转化两种方式外,还有一种准并入的方式,以德国和意大利为代表,准并入是指立法机关在授权批准条约时制订法律(可称之为条约同意法)将条约引入国内法。准并入议会授权批准条约行为与条约同意法是相关联的,而转换执行条约的立法与条约批准行为没有关联。条约同意法表述简单,主要是同意某条约,条约原始文件则附于该条约法做为附件。附件为条约同意法的部分,因此该条约同意法之内容亦涵盖条约的全部内容。由于准并入方式与并入方式比较类似,因此为研究方便,将准并入划入并入一类。See VirginiaA. Leary, International Labour Conventions and National Law: TheEffectiveness of the Automatic Incorporation of Treaties in National Legal Systems, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1982, pp.36-37.参见黄异:《国际法在国内法领域中效力》,元照出版公司2006年版,第54页。
    ③See Carlos Manuel Vazquez, Treaty-Based Rights and Remedies of Individuals,92Colum. L. Rev.1082,1087(1992).
    ④See Carlos Manuel Vazquez, Treaty-Based Rights and Remedies of Individuals,92Colum. L. Rev.1082,1087(1992).
    ③See F. A. Mann, Foreign Affairs in English Court, Clarendon Press,1986, pp.104-106.
    ②A/CN.9/656, p.5.
    ①A/CN.9/656, p.6.
    ②A/CN.9/656, p.6.
    ①A/CN.9/656, p.6.
    ①De Visscher, Les tendances internationales,563et seq.
    ①A/CN.9/656, pp.7-9.
    ①截止1983年6月1日,美国已经成为906个条约和6571个行政协定的缔约方。See Treaties and InternationalAgreement: the Role of the United States Senate, S.Rprt.20598thCong.,2ndSess., p.38(1984).
    ②See Dames&Moore v. Regan,453U.S.654(1981); Altman&Co. v. United States,224U.S.583(1912);United States v. Belmont,301U.S.324(1937); Wilson v. Girard,354U.S.524(1957).
    ③E.g. E. Borchard, Shall the Executive Agreement Replace the Treaty?53Yale L.J.664(1944); M. McDougal A.Lans, Treaties and Congressional-Executive or Presidential Agreements: Interchangeable Instruments ofNational Policy,54Yale L.J.181(1945); L. Henkin, Foreign Affairs and the Constitution, Oxford UniversityPress,1970, pp.1973-1976.
    ②Whitney,124U.S., p.194.
    ③See Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States§111cmt. i (1987). Some ofCongress’ legislative powers are “concurrent” powers; domestic law within the scope of Congress’ concurrentpowers can be made either by legislation, or by means of the treaty power. In contrast, other Congressionalpowers are “exclusive” powers. The treaty makers cannot make domestic law within the scope of Congress’exclusive powers; such law can be made only by legislation. See id.; see also infra notes215-219andaccompanying text. There is a wide range of scholarly views concerning the proper line of demarcation betweenconcurrent and exclusive powers. At one extreme, Professor Yoo contends (as one of two alternative theses) thatall of Congress’ Article I powers are exclusive powers. See Yoo, Rejoinder, supra note3, p.2220. At the otherextreme, Professor Paust contends that virtually all of Congress’ legislative powers are concurrent powers. SeeJordan Paust, International Law as Law of the United States59-62(1996).
    ①Foster,27U.S. pp.314-15.
    ②Foster,27U.S. p.314.
    ⑥Sei Fujii v. State,38Cal.2d718(1952); Frolova v. USSR,761F.2d370(7thCir.1985); Diggs Richardson,555F.2d848(DC Cir.1976); Rice v. Sioux City Memorial Park Cemetery,349US70(1955); SA Riesenfeld, TheDoctrine of Self-Executing Treaties and GATT,65The Am. J. Int’l L.548(1970); Edwin Borchard, The Charterand the Constitution,39The Am. J. Int’l L.768(1945).
    ⑦Sei Fujii v. State,38Cal.2d718(1952); People of Saipan v. United States Department of Interior,502. F.2d90(9thCir.1974); Rocca v. Thompson,223U.S.332(1912); Eck v. United Arab Airlines, Inc.,15N.Y.2d53(1964).
    ⑧Santovincenzo v. Egan,284U.S.30(1931).
    ⑨Vanity Fair Mills, Inc. v. T. Eaton Co.,234F.2d633(D.C.Cir.1925); Master v. CRIBBEN&SEXTON CO.,40C.C.P.A.872,202F.2d779(1953); Clark v. Allen,331U.S.503(1947); Kolovrat v. Oregon,366U.S.187(1961); Asakura v. City of Seattle,265U.S.332(1924).
    ①State of Ariz. v. State of Cal.,373U.S.546(1963); State of Arizona v. State of California,292U.S.341(1934);Cook v. U.S.,288U.S.102(1933).
    ②Bacardi Corporation of America v. Domenech,311U.S.150(1940); Eck v. United Arab Airlines, Inc.,15N.Y.2d53(1964); Wright v. Henkel,190U.S.40(1902).
    ③Factor v. Laubenheimer,290U.S.276(1933).
    ⑥Restatement (Second) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States,§141(1965).
    ⑦Blessing v. Freestone,520U.S.329,340-41(1997).
    ⑧United Shoe Mach. Co. v. Duplessis Shoe Mach. Co.,155F.842,845(1stCir.1907).
    ①Restatement (Second) of Foreign Relations Law of the United States,§154(1)(1965).
    ②Cong. Research Serv. for S. Comm. on Foreign Relations,106th Cong., Treaties and Other InternationalAgreements: The Role of the United States Senate39(Comm. Print2001).
    ③See Tim Wu, Treaties’ Domains,93Va. L. Rev.515(2007).
    ①See, e. g., Head Money Cases,112U.S.580(1884); The Chinese Exclusion Case,130U.S.581(1899).
    ④See, e.g., United States v. Belmont,301U.S.324(1937); United States v. Pink,315U.S.203(1942); De Geofroyv. Riggs,133U.S.258(1890).
    ⑤Missouri v. Holland,252U.S.416(1920).
    ⑥Reid v. Covert,354U.S.1(1957).
    ①See, e.g., Head Money Cases,112U.S.580(1884); The Chinese Exclusion Case,130U.S.581(1899); Cook v.U. S.,288U.S.102(1933).
    ②P. Potter, Relative Authority of International Law and National Law in the U.S.,19Am. J. Int’l L.315(1925);H.Tolley, The Domestic Applicability of International Treaties in the United States,15Law.Am.71(1983).
    ④See South Puerto Rico Sugar Co. Trading Corp. v. United States,334F.2d622(Ct.Cl.1964).
    ⑤Restatement (Second) of the law, Foreign Relations Law of the United States (1965), note10at sec.144(1)(b).
    ⑥McClure, International Executive Agreements, Columbia University Press,1941, p.344; H. Dean, Amending theTreaty Power,6Stan.L.Rev.589(1954), p.607; Borchard, Shall the Executive Agreement Replace the Treaty?53Yale L.J.664(1944), p.671; McDougal&Lans, Treaties and Congressional-Executive or PresidentialAgreements: Interchangeable Instruments of National Policy,54Yale L.J.181,317,(1945).
    ⑦Mathews, The Constitutional Power of the President to conclude International Agreements,64Yale L.J.345,381(1955); Moore, Contemporary Issues in an ongoing Debate: the Roles of Congress and the President inForeign Affairs,7Int’l L.733,741(1973); Louis Henkin, Foreign Affairs and Constitution,66Foreign Affairs286(1987).
    ⑧United States v. Belmont,301U.S.324(1937); United States v. Pink,315U.S.203(1942).
    ②Louis Henkin, Foreign Affairs and Constitution,66Foreign Affairs286(1987).
    ③Louis Henkin, Foreign Affairs and Constitution,66Foreign Affairs286(1987). Henkin仅仅引用一个判例去支持其观点,即Etlimar SociétéAnonyme of Casablanca诉美国案(106F. Supp.191[1952])。他并没有提及Etlimar案,后来被Seerey诉美国案推翻。
    ④See Lesser P., Superseding Statutory Law by Sole Executive Agreement: An Analysis of the American LawInstitute’s Shift in Position,23Va. J. Int’l L.671,692,694(1983).
    ⑤Fotochrome Inc. v. Copal Co. Ltd.,517F.2d512(2d Cir.1975); Junker v. Chemical Foundation,287F597(D.C.N.Y.1922).
    ⑥Draft revised Restatement, section135, note5:“…it has been held, however, that such agreements cannotsupersede an earlier treaty…”; Draft revised Restatement, section135, commented, calls it “uncertain”.
    ①Rousseau v. Brown,21App. D.C.73(1903).
    ②Bacardi Corporation of America v. Domenech,311U.S.150(1940).
    ③Master, Wardens, Searchers v. Cribben&Sexton Co,202F2d779(C. C. P. A.1953).
    ②See F. A. Mann, Foreign Affairs in English Courts, Clarendon Press,1986, p.84.
    ③Attorney-General for Canada v. Attorney-General for Ontario,[1937] A. C.326,347.
    ④Attorney-General for Canada v. Attorney-General for Ontario,[1937] A. C.326,83.
    ⑤See R Higgins. Q. C.,edited by Francis G.Jacobs,The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell,1987, p.126.
    ①[1978] A. C.547.
    ②[1975] A. C.591.
    ③[1976] I Q. B.683, p.711.
    ①[1931] A. C.126.
    ②F. A. Mann, Foreign Affairs in English Courts, Clarendon Press,1986, pp.97-101.
    ①R (European Roma Rights) v. Immigration Officer at Prague Airport [2005]2AC1.
    ②See Proposed New Immigration Rules and the European Convention on Human Rights, First Report, HomeAffairs Committee1979-80, February11,1980.
    ③Case of Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali, Judgment, European Court of Human Rights, May28,1985.
    ④See Hansard, July23,1985, vol.83, cols.893-897.
    ①Salomon v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise,(1967)2Q. B.116.
    ②Salomon v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise,(1967)2Q. B.143,144.
    ③Salomon v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise,(1967)2Q. B.143,144.
    ④Pan-America World Airways v. Department of Trade,(1976) L1. L. R.257.该案涉及1949年《民用航空法》,其目的在于执行芝加哥公约。
    ⑤Pan-America World Airways v. Department of Trade,(1976) L1. L. R.261.
    ②43Rivista di Diritto internazionale519,522(1960).该案为宪法法院1960年第32号裁决。
    ③67Rivista di Diritto internazionale672,676(1984).该案为上诉法院1984年第1920号裁决。
    ①67Rivista di Diritto internazionale360,370(1984).该案为宪法法院1984年第170号裁决。
    ②See Thomas M. Franck and Arun K. Thiruvengadam, International Law and Constitution-Making,2Chinese J.Int’l L.467(2003).
    ①57Rivista di Diritto internazionale131,136(1974).该案为宪法法院1973年第183号裁决。
    ②58Rivista di Diritto internazionale766,769(1977).该案为宪法法院即1980年第188号裁决。
    ③64Rivista di Diritto internazionale662,671; the English translation is taken from5Italian Yearbook ofInternational Law253(1980-1981).
    ④See P. Mori, Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo Patto delle Nazioni Unite e Costituzione italiana,66Rivista di Diritto internazionale306et seq.(1983).
    ⑤58Rivista di Diritto internazionale766,771; the English translation is taken from3Italian Yearbook ofInternational Law374(1977).该案为宪法法院1975年232号裁决。
    ①54Rivista di Diritto internazionale688(1971).该案为宪法法院1971年第109号裁决。
    ②62Rivista di Diritto internazionale803,809(1979).该案为宪法法院1979年第54号裁决。
    ③68Rivista di Diritto internazionale888,900(1985).该案为宪法法院1985年132号裁决。
    ④47Rivista di Diritto internazionale295, at296(1964).该案为宪法法院1964年14号裁决。
    ⑤57Rivista di Diritto internazionale131, at138(1974).该案为宪法法院1973年183号裁决。
    ①This is Constitutional Statute No.1of July21,1967.
    ②21Rivista di Diritto internazionale private e processuale859,862(1985).该案为上诉法院1984年第6570号裁决。
    ③137Giurisprudenza Italiana I,1,183,186-187(1985).该案为上诉法院1984年2643号裁决。
    ④35Foro Padano37,48-50(1980); the English translation is taken from5Italian Yearbook of International Law
    ①See “Rapport Italien” in Deuxiēme colloque international de droit européen,1963(Zwolle: N.V.Uitgeversmaatschappij W.E.J Tjeenk Willink,1966, p.115.
    ②Luigi Condorelli and Giorgio Gaja, Judicial Decisions, Italian Yearbook of International Law365(1976).
    ③Luigi Condorelli and Giorgio Gaja, Judicial Decisions, Italian Yearbook of International Law371(1976).
    ④Condorelli, EEC Treaty and GATT, Italian Yearbook of International Law21-22(1977).
    ①See generally on incorporation A. Randelzhofer, Innerstaatlich erforderliche Verfahren fur das Wirksamwerden(with an English summary), AoR1974, Beiheft1, pp.18-38.
    ③Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfGE)1,396,410.
    ⑥Decisions of German Courts relation to Public International Law,1976-1980,1982, p.151.
    ①Informationsbrief Auslanderrecht,1984, p.287.
    ③Parliamentary Documents: BR-Drs.224/83, May20,1983; BT-Drs.503/83, October20,1983.
    ⑤T. Meron, The Meaning and Reach of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of RacialDiscrimination,79Am. J. Int’l. L.283-297(1985).
    ⑥R. Kuhner, Das Recht auf Zugang zu Gaststatten und das Verbot der Rassendiskriminierung, NJW1986, p.1397.
    ⑦E.g. VGH Kassel NJW1973,439=Fontes DGC1971-1975, pp.257-258.
    ①See Pierre Michel Eisemann and Raphaele Rivier, National Treaty Law and Practice, Martinus Nijhoff,2005, pp.253-273.
    ①Wildhaber and Luzius, Treaty-Making Power and Constitution: An international and comparative study,Helbing&Lichtenhahn,1971, pp.198-234.
    ②Lardy, La force obligatorire, p.112.
    ③“Rapport francais” in Deuxiēme colloque international de droit européen,1963(Zwolle:N.V.Uitgeversmaatschappij W.E.J Tjeenk Willink,1966), p.235.
    ①Decision74-54of January15,1975D. C.转引自J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on PrivateInternational Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&Shelley Roberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law,Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, p.57.
    ①See J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on Private International Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&Shelley Roberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, p.60.
    ②D.1968.285, Actualité juridique1968Ⅱ235, opinion of Mme Questiaux, R.G.D.I.P.1968, pp.1130-1134.转引自J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on Private International Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&ShelleyRoberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, p.57.
    ①Netherlands Nyugat Case, Hoge Raad (Netherlands Supreme Court), March6,1959,10N.T.I.R.(1963), pp.82-91.
    ②Netherlands Yearbook of International Law,1974, p.309.
    ③Netherlands Yearbook of International Law,1979, p.488.
    ①Netherlands Yearbook of International Law,1982, p.363.
    ②Netherlands Yearbook of International Law,1971, p.226.
    ③Netherlands Yearbook of International Law,1979, pp.454-458.
    ④Netherlands Yearbook of International Law,1986, pp.1-2.
    ⑤See Van Panhuys, The Netherlands Constitution and International Law: A Decade of Experience,58Am. J. Int’lL.88,100(1964).
    ⑥Netherlands Bosch Case Hoge Raad May18,1962, N. J.1965, p.115;12Netherlands International LawReview (N. I. L. R.),1965, pp.318-322.
    ①In re the Portalon,8November1968, N. J.1969, No.10; reported in16Neth. Int’I L. Rev.97(1969).本案涉及对接受海牙规则提单法的解释而不是对公约本身适用的解释。
    ②L. Erades, The1924Brussels Convention on Bills of Lading is Non-Self-Executing,16Neth. Int’I L. Rev.99(1969).
    ③See Van Emde Boas, The Impact of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms onthe Legal Order of the Netherlands, Part Ⅱ,14Neth. Int’I L. Rev.1,13(1967).
    ④See van Emde Boas, The Impact of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms onthe Legal Order of the Netherlands, Part Ⅱ,13Neth. Int’I L. Rev.337,342(1966).
    ⑤Nederlandse Spoorwegen v. Vakbonden, Rechtspraak van de Week1986, No.120.
    ⑥See Takao Kawakami, National Treaty Law and Practice: Japan, Martinus Nijhoff,2005, pp.415-439.
    ①参见美国《对外关系法重述》§301,comment a.。
    ②Telenor mobile communications v. Storm LLC,584F.3d396.
    ②《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》正本一份,其阿拉伯文本、中文本、英文本、法文本、俄文本和西班牙文本都具有同等效力。意大利文不是公约的正本,意大利学者Paola CARLINI将该国对《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的翻译出现的错误分为三类:一是语言错误,通过损害条约用语的清晰度使解释更加困难。根据公约意大利文译本第14条第1款的用语可以得出结论,即使要约没有指明货物也是足够明确的,也就是要约人无须直接指明出售的货物,其可以通过制订条款在将来确定。而公约该条款的本意
    ②See Robert Alexy, Theorie der juristischen Argumentation,2. Aufl.(Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp Verlag,1991), S.305。
    ④Salomon v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise,(1967)2Q.B.116.
    ①Salomon v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise,(1967)2Q.B.143,144.
    ②Salomon v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise,(1967)2Q.B.143,144.
    ③Pan-America World Airways v. Department of Trade,(1976) L1.L.R.257.该案涉及1949年《民用航空法》,其目的在于执行芝加哥公约。
    ④Pan-America World Airways v. Department of Trade,(1976) L1.L.R.261.
    ①Wright v. Henkel,190U.S.40,57(1903).
    ⑤Decision of June16,1982, IPRax1984,27et seq.
    ①James Buchanan&Co. Ltd. v. Babco Forwarding and Shipping (U.K.) Ltd.,[1978] A.C.141,152.
    ②Judgement of June14,1983, IPRax1984, pp.262-263.
    ⑦其他的案例还有:Nielson v. Johnson,279U.S.47(1929); State ofArizona v. State of California,292U.S.341
    ①Draft revised Restatement, section325, comment d.
    ②Pigeon River Improvement Slide&Boom Co. v. Charles W. Cox,291U.S.138(1934); Sumitomo ShojiAmerica v. Avagliano,457U.S.176(1982); United States v. Decker,600F.2d733(9thCir.1979).
    ③The Digests edited by Wharton Moore, Hackworth and Whiteman and the more recent annual digests.
    ④Draft revised Restatement, section325, note4.
    ⑤Fontes DGC1966-1970,1979, p.294-296=NJW1968,1044.
    ①Wright v. Henkel,190U.S.40,57(1903). Ross v. Mc Intyre,140U.S.453,457(1891); Ford v. United States,273U.S.593,618(1927).
    ②Sullivan et al. v. Kidd,254U.S.433,440(1921).
    ③(1801),4C. Rob.33,35.
    ①See Albert Jan van den Breg, The New York Arbitration Convention of1958: Towards a Uniform JudicialInterpretation, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers,1981, p.3.
    ②See R. Wijffels: Legal interpretation of C.M.R: the Continental Viewpoint in (1976) E.T.L.208at230.
    ③See Martin J.Stanford.,The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs, Sweet&Maxwell,1987, p.269.
    ④See John Honnold, The United States Uniform Commercial Code: Interpretation by The Courts of The States ofThe Union, International Uniform Law in Practice, Ocean Publication, Inc.,1988, p.183.
    ⑤[1961] A.C., Lord Hodson, p.874.
    ⑥(1980)2All E.R.696.
    ⑦Draft revised Restatement, section325, note5.
    ⑧Draft revised Restatement, section325, note5.涉及国际银行的重建和发展的问题,17F.C.C.450,p.461
    ②Jerome Frank, Law and the Modem Mind, Gloucester, Mass, Peter Smith,1970, p.7.
    ③Jerome Frank, Law and the Modem Mind, Gloucester, Mass, Peter Smith,1970, p.269.
    ③See Honnold, Uniform Law for International Sales under the1980United Nations Convention, Deventer,Anterp, Boston, London, Frankfurt,1982, p.127.
    ①See Honnold, General Report for Sydnry,1986, p.42.
    ②See Maarten Bos, Theory and Practice of Treaty Interpretation,27Netherlands International Law Review143
    ④To give only two examples, Decision of the German BGH referred to in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift,(1976),Heft35, p.1583. with notes by J.Kropholler and decision of the OLG Dusseldorf, see Revue de droit uniforme,Uniform Law Review,1981, p.257.
    ⑤See Fritz Enderlein, Uniform Law and Its Application by Judges and Arbitrators, International Uniform Law inPractice, Ocean Publication, Inc.,1988, p.337.
    ①See J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on Private International Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&Shelley Roberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, p.259.
    ①370F.2d508, p.5.
    ②[1933] A.C.402. p.411.
    ③See J. H. A.van Loon, The Hague Concentions on Private International Law, edited by Francis G. Jacobs&Shelley Roberts, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol.7,1987, p.256.
    ④R Higgins. Q.C., United Kingdom.
    ①[1981] A.C.258. edited by Francis G.Jacobs, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell,1987, p.139.
    ②(1801),4C. Rob.33,35.
    ③James Buchanan&Co. Ltd. v. Babco Forwarding and Shipping (U.K.) Ltd.,[1978] A.C.141,152.
    ④Fothergill v. Monarch Airline,[1981] A.C.258.
    ①Geofroy v. Riggs,133U.S.258(1890).
    ②Fontes DGC1976-1980,1982, p.555, et seq.=RIW/AWD1981,558.
    ①See Frank Diedrich, Maintaining Uniformity in International Uniform Law via Autonomous Interpretation:Software Contracts and the CISG,8Pace Int’l L. Rev.303(1996).
    ①英国法院的这一作法在弗斯基尔(Fothergill)诉君主航空公司(MonarchAirlines)案([1980]2All E.R.696.)得以改变。在该案中,英国最高司法机关认为,为了推动条约的统一适用,解释国际条约可以使用世界上其他地方法院适用的更为灵活的方法,尽可能扩张解释条约条文的意义。
    ①See Martin Gebauer, Uniform Law, General Principles and Autonomous Interpretation-[AutonomousInterpretation as a Rule of Preference in Favour of Certain Arguments], p.7, cited from cisgw3.law.pace.edu/,last visit on Sep.15th,2011.
    ②国际私法条约所指的基本原则(general principle)与法理学上不同,该基本原则既包括原则(principle,也包括规则(rule)。
    ③See M.J. Bonell, The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and CISG-Alternatives orComplementary Instruments?,26Uniform Law Review36(1996).“The only condition which needs to besatisfied is to show that the relevant provisions of the UNIDROIT Principles are the expression of a generalprinciple underlying CISG.”
    ①Head Case,112U.S.580,587,597(1884); Whitney v. Robertson,124U.S.190,193(1888).
    ②Saloman v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise [1967]2Q.B.116.
    ③[1978] A.C.141.
    ④Pan-Am World Airways v. Department of Trade [1976] LL.L.R.257-261.
    ⑤R Higgins. Q.C., United Kingdom.
    ⑥[1981] A.C.258. Edited by Francis G. Jacobs, The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, Sweet&Maxwell,1987, p.139.
    ①(1801),4C. Rob.33,35.
    ②James Buchanan&Co. Ltd. v. Babco Forwarding and Shipping (U.K.) Ltd.,[1978] A.C.141,152.
    ③Fothergill v. Monarch Airline,[1981] A.C.258.
    ④Factor v. Laubenheimer,290U.S.429(1933); Kolovrat v. Oregon,366U.S.187(1961); Zschernig v. Miller,389U.S.429(1968); Sumitomo Shoji America v. Avagliano457U.S.176(1982); Demjanjuk v. Petrovsky,776F.2d571(C.A.6Cir.1985).
    ⑤Galanis v. Pallanck,568F.2d234(2d Cir.1977).
    ⑥TWA v. Frankin Mint Corp.,466U.S.243(1984).
    ⑦Draft revised Restatement, section326, comment a.
    ⑧Fourteen Diamond Rings v. United States,183U.S.176,180(1901).
    ③United States v. Kember,685F.2d451(C.A.D.C.).
    ④Wright v. Henkel,190U.S.40,57(1903).
    ⑥Wright v. Henkel,190U.S.40,57(1903). Ross v. Mc Intyre,140U.S.453,457(1891); Ford v. United States,273U.S.593,618(1927).
    ⑦Sullivan et al. v. Kidd,254U.S.433,440(1921).
    ⑧Chryssiko v. Demarco,107A.358,134Md.533; Matter of D’Adamo,106N.E,81,212N.Y.214.
    ①其他的案例还有:Nielson v. Johnson,279U.S.47(1929); State ofArizona v. State of California,292U.S.341(1934); Factor v. Laubenheimer,290U.S.276(1993); Cook v. U. S.,288U.S.102(1933).
    ②Draft revised Restatement, section325, comment f.
    ③Draft revised Restatement, section325, note5.
    ④Draft revised Restatement, section325, note5.涉及国际银行的重建和发展的问题,see17F.C.C.450,461(1953).
    ⑤Draft revised Restatement, section325, comment d.
    ⑥Pigeon River Improvement Slide&Boom Co. v. Charles W. Cox,291U.S.138(1934); Sumitomo ShojiAmerica v. Avagliano,457U.S.176(1982); United States v. Decker,600F.2d733(9thCir.1979).
    ⑦Draft revised Restatement, section325, note4.
    ⑧Geofroy v. Riggs,133U.S.258(1890).
    ①Cass. Crim. July26,1867, S.1867.Ⅰ.409.
    ③Cass. Civ. June24,1839, D.1839.Ⅰ.257; S.1839.Ⅰ.577.
    ④Cf. case cited by Ch. Rousseau, Droit International Public, Vol.1, Pedone1970, p.257.
    ⑤Cass. Civ.1stch. Case of Moss, March22,1960, J.C.P.1961.11936, note Aymond, judge rapporteur Ancel.
    ①Cass. Crim. June30,1976, Glaeser, Bull.Crim.1976, p.620.
    ②C.E. Szanianski November14,1884R p.779; C.E. February21,1966R p.129.
    ③这一解释规则在1980年5月16日一个案件中得到进一步重申。C.E. May16.1980R p.266.
    ④Louis Dubouis, Le juge administrative francais et les regles du droit international, A.F.D.I.1971, p.40.
    ⑤Chretien, L’interpretation des traits bilateraux de double imposition, J.C.P.1960I561No.35.
    ①Bundessozialgericht June24,1980reported in: ZaoRV42(1982),124.
    ②BVerfGE36,1,36;40,141,171and passim.
    ④BGB1.1985Ⅱ, p.927=ILM8(1969), p.679.
    ⑥Decision of June16,1982, IPRax1984,27et seq.
    ①BGB1, Teil Ⅱ, Federal Laws Part Ⅱ.
    ②Judgement of June14,1983, IPRax1984,262,263.
    ⑤Fontes DGC1966-1970,1979, p.294,296=NJW1968,1044.
    ⑥IPRax1984,27seq.;NJW1976,1587et seq.
    ⑦RGB1.1961Ⅱ, p.122=LNTS Vol.330, p.38.
    ⑨See Mertens-Rehbinder, Internationales Kaufrecht, Frankfurt1975; Dolle, Hans, Kommentar zum EKG,Munchen1976.
    ②RGB1.1933Ⅱ, p.1040=LNTS Vol.137, p.11.
    ④RGB1.1961Ⅱ, p.122=LNTS Vol.330, p.38.
    ⑥BVerfGE40,141,164et seq.
    ⑦BVerfGE4,157,168et seq.
    ②Fontes DGC1976-1980,1982, p.555, et seq.=RIW/AWD1981,558.
    ④L.A.N.M. Barnhoorn, Repertorium op de Netherlandes Volkenrechtelijke Rechtspraak1840-1983, T.M.C. AsserInstituut, The Hague1986.
    ①The Hague Court of Appeal, February28,1969, N.Y.I.L.1970, p.224.
    ②N.Y.I.L.1982, p.371.
    ①See, e. g. Hoge Raad October26,1973, N.Y.I.L.1975, p.290.
    ②Decision of April17,1964, N.J.1965,22.
    ①Henry G. Schermers, International Institutional Law,(2nded.), Sijthoff and Noordoff,1980, p.1207.
    ②Draft revised Restatement, section326, comment a.
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    3. Jordan J. Paust, International Law as Law of the United States,2nd, CarolinaAcademic Press,2003.
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    12. Takao Kawakami, National Treaty Law and Practice: Japan, Martinus Nijhoff,2005.
    13. Paola Carlini, International Uniform Law in Practice, Ocean Publication,1988.
    14. Albert Jan van den Berg, The New York Arbitration Convention of1958:Towards a Uniform Judicial Interpretation, Kluwer Law and TaxationPublishers,1981.
    15. John Honnold, The United States Uniform Commercial Code: Interpretation byThe Courts of The States of The Union, International Uniform Law in Practice,Ocean Publication Inc.,1988.
    16. Jacob W.F. Sundberg, A Uniform Interpretation of Uniform Law, Almqvist ochWiksell,1966.
    17. Jerome Frank, Law and the Modern Mind, Gloucester, Mass, Peter Smith,1970.
    18. Honnold, Uniform Law for International Sales under the1980United NationsConvention, Deventer, Anterp, Boston, London, Frankfurt,1982.
    19. Fritz Enderlein, Uniform Law and Its Application by Judges and Arbitrators,International Uniform Law in Practice, Ocean Publication Inc.,1988.
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    21. Henry G. Schermers, International Institutional Law, Sijthoff and Noordoff,1980.
    22. McClure, International Executive Agreements, Columbia University Press,1941.
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    2. Geofroy v. Riggs,133U.S.258(1890).
    3. Ross v. Mc Intyre,140U.S.453,457(1891).
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    5. Wright v. Henkel,190U.S.40(1902).
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    19. Pigeon River Improvement Slide&Boom Co. v. Charles W. Cox,291U.S.138(1934).
    20. State of Arizona v. State of California,292U.S.341(1934).
    21. United States v. Belmont,301U.S.324(1937).
    22. Bacardi Corporation of America v. Domenech,311U.S.150(1940).
    23. United States v. Pink,315U.S.203(1942).
    24. Watson v. Hoey,59F. Supp.197(S.D.N.Y.1943).
    25. Clark v. Allen,331U.S.503(1947).
    26. Rice v. Sioux City Memorial Park Cemetery,349U. S.70(1955).
    27. Wilson v. Girard,354U.S.524(1957).
    28. Kolovrat v. Oregon,366U.S.187(1961).
    29. State of Ariz. v. State of Cal.,373U.S.546(1963).
    30. Zschernig v. Miller,389U.S.429(1968).
    31. Dames&Moore v. Regan,453U.S.654(1981).
    32. Sumitomo Shoji America v. Avagliano,457U.S.176(1982).
    33. TWA v. Frankin Mint Corp.,466U.S.243(1984).
    34. Factor v. Laubenheimer,290U.S.276(1993).
    35. Blessing v. Freestone,520U.S.329,340-41(1997).
    36. Demjanjuk v. Petrovsky,776F.2d571(C.A.6Cir.1985).
    37. Frolova v. USSR,761F.2d370(7thCir.1985).
    38. United States v. Decker,600F.2d733(9thCir.1979).
    39. Galanis v. Pallanck,568F.2d234(2d Cir.1977).
    40. People of Saipan v. United States Department of Interior,502. F.2d90(9thCir.1974).
    41. Fotochrome Inc. v. Copal Co. Ltd.,517F.2d512(2d Cir.1975).
    42. Lisi v. Alitalia-linee Aeree Itliane,370F.2d508(1966).
    43. Eck v. United Arab Airlines, Inc.,15N.Y.2d53(1964).
    44. South Puerto Rico Sugar Co. Trading Corp. v. United States,334F.2d622(Ct.Cl.1964).
    45. Guy Capps, Inc. v. U.S.,204F.2d655(4thCir.,1953).
    46. Master v. CRIBBEN&SEXTON CO.,40C.C.P.A.872,202F.2d779(1953).
    47. Master, Wardens, Searchers v. Cribben&Sexton Co,202F2d779(C. C. P. A.1953).
    48. Sei Fujii v. State,38Cal.2d718(1952).
    49. United States v. Kember,685F.2d451(C.A.D.C.).
    50. Vanity Fair Mills, Inc. v. T. Eaton Co.,234F.2d633(D.C.Cir.1925).
    51. Telenor mobile communications v. Storm LLC,584F.3d396.
    52. Attorney-General for Canada v. Attorney-General for Ontario,[1937] A. C.326,347.
    53. Salomon v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise,[1967]2Q.B.116.
    54. Pan-America World Airways v. Department of Trade,[1976] L1.L.R.261.
    55. James Buchanan&Co. Ltd. v. Babco Forwarding and Shipping (U.K.) Ltd.,[1978] A.C.141,152.
    56. Fothergill v. Monarch Airline,[1981] A.C.258.
    57. Tang Ping-Hoi v. Attorney General,[1987] HKLR324.

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