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The mainstreaming of integration issues in the EU, together with essential aim of abolishment of internal border in four categories, that is, the free movement of goods, capitals, services and persons, has led EU to establish considerably internal and external regional legal system in immigration context. Hence, the research of EU international immigration law by the method connecting regional legal system together with activities of person mobility may leave many to answer how regional harmonization of legal system of international immigration is realized. The argument of this paper is divided into eight chapters and organized as follows:
     Chapter one will firstly analysis and describe the definition, nature, categories of international immigrant and dynamic theories of person mobility. International immigration should be defined as the person may carry out cross-border movement and resident the period of time outside nationality state or birth state voluntary or involuntary. The types of international immigrant can be divided into legal immigrant, illegal immigrant, forced immigrant and return immigrant. Nevertheless the process of immigration activity witnesses the diversity of incentives which are combined together to push the international immigration step forward continuously. Yet the comprehensive impulsion of international immigration dominated that the legislation and policy managing immigration are always coupled with dual contradictions, named acceptance or refusal and inclusive or exclusive which to a great extent undermine the immigration reform and integration policy. Moreover the paper will also recognize the fundamental theories by which legal system of international immigration should be founded. Firstly the principle of nationality impose politico-legal term denoting membership of a State, which creates the linkage of belongs between individuals and different nations, wherever the international immigrant stay or present, he may enjoy the protection of nationality state through the norm of nationality. In an international sense, citizenship may posses the similar meaning with nationality. however, there are some distinctive characteristics between them, for instance, the norms of citizenship had extend to the supranational sphere, under which EU citizenship had been created to maintain their rights of free movement inside EU. Furthermore, the right of free movement should be considered as the core rights relating to international immigrants, which include right of leave, right of return, right of resident etc. Finally, in immigration context, guarantees of non-discrimination and equal treatment have been implemented at the European level and have been construed to facilitate free movement of person.
     Chapter two will attempt to elaborate a theoretical framework for understanding several distinct approaches to integration policy govering free movement of person in the EU, including historical evolution of EU transnational immigration, orientation of EU integration policy and structural foundation of EU legal system of international immigration. In response to its complicated experiments involved transformation from international common policy to external third-country national polity, EU institutions and its member states have endeavored to harmonize immigration policies, improve control over external borders, unify the common visa policy, coordinate the EU refugee and asylum legal system as well as anti-illegal immigration measures. Nonetheless, the treaty of Amsterdam created a higher cooperation by integrating the area of freedom, security and justice into EU first pillow which represents the supranational-based cooperation. It is notable that at the Tampere Summit in October 1999, the EU Council outlined the elements of a comprehensive immigration policy. It called for a balance between humanitarian and economic admissions and provided that Third country nationals legally residing in EU member states should be granted a set of uniform rights which are as near as possible to those enjoyed by EU citizens by council directive of family union and the long-term resident directive.
     Chapter three will focus on the establishment of EU common internal immigration policy under its integrated market. The European Union has achieved impressive levels of economic harmonization; the free movement of goods and services within the common market is the cornerstone upon which the rest of European integration is based. Under the EC Treaty, European citizenship guarantees citizens, as well as goods, the right of free movement within the common market, albeit subject to other conditions within the Treaty. Nonetheless, European citizenship--carefully crafted as a supplement to national citizenship rather than its replacement sets a precedent, that is, citizens of any Member State possess the right to enter, reside, work, or attend school in any other Member State. Whereas those rights are not deemed to considered as exclusive freedom, but orientated by economic factors and coupled with the restriction of provisions of public policy as well. Nevertheless, after completion of enlargement, EU is facing the most pressing challenge of EU 27, which present two significant questions which are addressed from various perspectives, first is how international mobility ruptures the neat coincidence of territorial enlargement and state membership. And second is how much extends the immigrant flowing from new EU member states with economically-undeveloped features into old industrial member states effects the domestic labor market of the latter. It is believed that there are supposed to be two kinds of settlements currently, including the short-term method relying on restricting accession of immigrants in transition period and the long-term aim with development of the economies of the newcomers of EU.
     Chapter four will outline the external legal system of EU immigration governing third-country nationals. To facilitate the free movement of persons, the Schengen Instruments aimed to abolish controls at the common, internal frontiers, as well as synchronize controls at the external frontiers by harmonizing immigration, visa, and asylum policies and increasing cooperation in the policing of external borders and enforcing laws. With respect to resident right of non-EU nationals no less three months and right of free movement within the territories between member states of EU, the Member States have retained substantial authority to regulate the access of long-term residents to their respective labor markets. Only a "marginal" mobility between two Member States is foreseen and even that can be further restricted and regulated by the second Member State utilizing various methods, including the application of a quota system. As such, the level of arrangement must move beyond addressing either side of the border abolishment, or the border control, for that matter,two frameworks have been created for the implement of the EU external policies on third-country nationals, which can be recognized as association agreement between EU and third counties and European neighborhood policy.
     Chapter five will further extend to discuss the pattern of EU external immigration policy, that is, EU refugee and asylum legal system. The fundamental characteristic of the approach of the EU towards refugees is the combination of asylum and immigration. Nevertheless, refugee status ought to be about protection at considerable integration level in EU. Trying to prevent the phenomena of asylum shopping and avoid the asylum application being launched in different member states of EU contemporarily, Dublin convention and Dublin II regulation have been designed to allocate responsibility of state for examining asylum application solely in practice. Nonetheless, council directive of reception of asylum seekers make them possible enter into labor market of member states. Moreover, council directive regarding qualification and status of third country nationals as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection and directive regarding procedures for granting and withdrawing refugee status are combined with together to provide a legal framework for protection refugees and asylum seekers substantially and procedurally. However, it should be emphasized that EU refugee and asylum policies impose strong politics discrimination and sensitivity. The usage of concepts of“safe third country”and“safe original country”as its explanation implies, seem to actually interfere the internal affairs of other countries.
     Chapter six will highlight the protetion of social security right of internation immigrants in EU. In general, the right of socail security which is closely related to the identity-based and the state sovereignty of each Member State, has made it very difficult to reach a harmonization of policy at EU level. The lack of full social right integration of immigrants in the Community is likely to increase reliance on the welfare safety net of the Member States. However, the abolishment EU internal borders required EU to take into account the need for consistence policy protecting the immigrants’benefits when they move from one country to others and avoiding the conflicts attributable to divergence of laws in different member states. Therefore, the current legal mechanism involved social security at EU level may be identified as a coordination approach with conflict rules to settle the disputes resulting from diversity of laws.
     Chapter seven will finally stress the scope of international immigration legal framework in China and propose its connected relationship with EU. In China, the flow of immigrant experiencing the contemporary trends has left many to ponder how such development affects our lives and our futures. It can not be simply to impose a temporary, closed-door motivated policy to restrict out-flows of Chinese nationals, which had been proved not being an effective way to the prosperity of the country. Nevertheless Chinese government is accounting for possible multi-national corporations and trade regimes that made international borders increasingly permeable. It is undoubted if the facilitation of person mobility evident today has been met with increasing warning and alarm, then Chinese legal system involved safeguarding the external border security and management immigrant should be consolidated through various facets of measures as follows: (1)promote the theoretical research on international immigration law; (2)consolidate the control and management of external border and harmonize the fragmentation of laws;(3)create the network of exchanging information involved immigration management;(4)cooperate for anti-illegal immigration and defeat organized cross-border crimes and establish readmission of illegal immigrant framework;(5)improve the consular protection system to ensure the safety of Chinese overseas nationals;(6) make high-technological immigrants` return through transferring intelligence out-flows into intelligence in-flows.
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    3 Anthony M. Messina, West European Immigration and Immigrant Policy in the New Century, Wsetport Connecticut, 2002, p2.
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    2 Anthony M. Messina, West European Immigration and Immigrant Policy in the New Century, Wsetport Connecticut, 2002, p6.
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    1 Vassil Genchev, Immigration to the European Union Challenges and Opportunities for a Europe of 25+, Paper of Munich Personal RePEc Archive, No.4249, 2005.
    2 Ferruccio Pastore, Visas, Borders, Immigration: Formation, Structure, and Current Evolution of the EU Entry Control System, Oxford University Press, 2006, p88.
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    2 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union,Kluwer Law International, 2000, p94.
    1 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union,Kluwer Law International, 2000, p95.
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    2 Vassil Genchev, Immigration to the European Union -Challenges and Opportunities for a Europe of 25+, Paper of Munich Personal RePEc Archive, No.4249, 2005.
    3 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2006, p9.
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    2 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell Limited, 2005, p57.
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    2 Marie-Nathalie D'Hoop v Office national de l'emploi,Case C-224/98,at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61998J0224:EN:HTML, Feb 10,2008.
    3 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell Limited, 2005, p61.
    4 Kunqian Catherine Zhu and Man Lavette Chen v Secretary of State for the Home Department, Case C-200/02, at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:62002J0200:EN:HTML, Feb 10,2008.
    1 Gina Clayton, Immigration and Asylum Law, Oxford University Press, 2006, p121.
    2 C.A.Robin White, Citizen of the Union, Governance and Equality, Fordham International Law JournalVol.29, 2006.
    1 Richard Plender, Basic Documents on International Migration Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2007, p329.
    2 T.C.Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p129.
    1理事会第2004/38/EC号指令的英文版内容参见:Richard Plender, Basic Documents on International Immigration Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2007, pp329-352.
    2 T.C.Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p158.
    1 Lynne Watson and Alessandro Belmann, Case 118-75, at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61975J0118:EN:HTML, Feb 10,2008.
    2 T.C.Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p165.
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    2 Gina Clayton, Immigration and Asylum Law, Oxford University Press, 2006, p132.
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    1 Christopher J. Cassise, The European Union v. the United States Under the NAFTA: A Comparative Analysis of the Free Movement of Persons Within the Regions, Syracuse Law Review, Vol.46, 1996.
    2 Gina Clayton, Immigration and Asylum Law, Oxford University Press, 2006, p152.
    3 Bettray v Staatssecretaris van Justitie, Case 344/87, at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61987J0344:EN:HTML, Feb 10,2008.
    4 Gina Clayton, Immigration and Asylum Law, Oxford University Press, 2006, p161.
    5理事会第1612/68号条例的英文版参见: Richard Plender: Basic Documents on International migration law, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, 2007, pp305-320.
    6 The Queen v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Gustaff Desiderius Antonissen, Case C-292/89, at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61989J0292:EN:HTML, Feb 10,2008.
    7 T C Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p30.
    1 Richard Plender, Basic Documents on International migration law, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, 2007, p295.
    2 Christopher J. Cassise, The European Union v. the United States Under the NAFTA: A Comparative Analysis of the Free Movement of Persons Within the Regions, Syracuse Law Review, Vol.46, 1996.
    1 Richard Plender, Basic Documents on International migration law, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, 2007, p305.
    1 T C Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p 146.
    2 T C Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p 148.
    1 Georgina Clayton, Immigration and Asylum Law, Oxford University Press Inc, 2006, p183.
    2 T C Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p 152.
    1 Elspeth Guild, Immigration Law in the European Community, Kluwer Law International, 2001, p162.
    1 Elspeth Guild, Immigration Law in the European Community, Kluwer Law International, 2001, p163.
    2 T C Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p 155.
    3 T C Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p 156.
    4 Roland Rutili v Ministre de l'intérieur, Case-law 61975J0036 of Eur-lex, at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61974J0036:EN:HTML#MO, Feb 10,2008.
    1 Yvonne van Duyn v Home Office, Case 41-74, at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61974J0041:EN:HTML#MO, Feb 10,2008.
    2 T C Hartley, EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p 157.
    4 T C Hartley: EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p 15.
    1 Carmelo Angelo Bonsignore v Oberstadtdirektor der Stadt K?ln, Case 67-74, at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61974J0067:EN:HTML#MO, Feb 10,2008.
    2 T C Hartley: EEC Immigration Law, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978, p 62.
    2 1973年,英国、丹麦和爱尔兰加入;1981年,希腊成为欧共体第10个成员国;1986年,葡萄牙和西班牙加入;1995年,奥地利、瑞典和芬兰加入欧盟。
    1 Roger J. Goebel, the European Community and Eastern Europe:“Deepening”and“Widening”the Community Brand of Economic Federalism, New Europe Law Review, Vol.1, 1993.
    2 Nicola Roger and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet & Maxwell, 2005, p84.
    1 Wim Van Aken, Labour Mobility in an Enlarged European Union, 2001,at http://www.iue.it/Personal/Researchers/WimVanAken/index_files/Labour_Mobility.pdf, July 12 2008.
    2 Frigyes Ferdinand Heinz and Melanie Ward-Warmedinger, Cross-border Labour Mobility within an Enlarged EU, Occasional Paper Series of European Central Bank, No 52, 2006,p11.
    3 Natalie Shimmel, Freedom of Movement and the May 2004 Expansion of the European Union, Berkeley Journal of International Law, Vol.24, 2006.
    4 Catherine Phuong, EU Accession, Asylum, and Immigration in Candidate Countries, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.52, 2003.
    1 European Commission, Employment in Europe 2008, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p119.
    2 Saleheen.Blanchflower, The impact of the recent migration from Eastern Europe on the UK economy, Discussion Paper of IZA Institute for the Study of Labor, No. 2615, 2007.
    3 Hughes. Doyle, Freedom of movement for workers from Central and Eastern Europe: experiences in Ireland and Sweden, Paper of Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Vol.5, 2006.
    4 H. Bonin, Wage and employment effects of immigration to Germany: evidence from a skill group approach, Discussion Paper of IZA Institute for the Study of Labor, No.1875, 2005.
    5 H. Brücker, Migration and the wage curve: a structural approach to measure the wage and employment effects of migration, Discussion Paper of IZA Institute for the Study of Labor, No.3423, 2008.
    6 Wim Van Aken, Labour Mobility in an Enlarged European Union, 2001. at http://www.iue.it/Personal/Researchers/WimVanAken/index_files/Labour_Mobility.pdf, July 12 2008.
    3 Nicola Roger and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet & Maxwell, 2005, p88. 112
    1 Nicola Roger and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet & Maxwell, 2005, p86.
    1 Frigyes Ferdinand Heinz and Melanie Ward-Warmedinger, Cross-border Labour Mobility within an Enlarged EU, Occasional Paper Series of European Central Bank, No 52, 2006, p15.
    2 Nicola Roger and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet & Maxwell, 2005, p90.
    3 Natalie Shimmel, Freedom of Movement and the May 2004 Expansion of the European Union, Berkeley Journal of International Law, Vol.24, 2006.
    1 Frigyes Ferdinand Heinz and Melanie Ward-Warmedinger, Cross-border Labour Mobility within an Enlarged EU, Occasional Paper Series of European Central Bank, No 52, 2006, p13.
    1 European Commission, Employment in Europe 2008, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p119.
    2 Nicola Roger and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p86.
    1 Kerry E McCarron, The Schengen Convention as a Violation of International Law and the Need for Centralized Adjudication on the Validity of National and Multilateral Asylum Policies for Members of the United Nations, Boston College International and Comparative Law Review, Vol.18, 1995.
    2 Barbara Melis, Negotiating European`s Immigration Frontiers, Kluwer Law International, 2001, p124.
    1 Catherine E. Halliday-Roberts, Building a Common Frontier or Deconstructing National Identity? An Analysis of the Effort to Centralize Control of Third Country Immigration in the European Union, ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol.9, 2003.
    2 Barbara Melis, Negotiating European`s Immigration Frontiers, Kluwer Law International, 2001,p124
    2 1990年申根条约内容,http://www.unhcr.bg/euro_docs/en/_schengen_en.pdf,(访问日期:2008年7月12日)。
    2 Satvinder S. Juss, the Decline and Decay of European Refugee Policy, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol.25, 2005.
    1 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Interantional, 2000, pp130-131.
    2 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Interantional, 2000, pp130-131.
    1 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Interantional, 2000, pp130-131.
    2 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Interantional, 2000, pp130-131.
    1 Bryan Paul Christian, Visa Policy, Inspection and Exit Controls: Transatlantic Perspectives on Migration Management, Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, Vol.14, 1999.
    3 Bryan Paul Christian, Visa Policy, Inspection and Exit Controls: Transatlantic Perspectives on Migration Management, Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, Vol.14, 1999.
    1 2002年2月18日理事会第334/2002号条例对理事会第(EC)1683/1995号条例第2条和第6条作出修改,2008年7月24日理事会第(EC)856/2008号条例对第(EC)1683/1995号条例第2条,第3条作出修改,并增加了新的附件内容。
    5 Fiorella Dell`Olio, The Europeanization of Citizenship between the Ideology of Nationality, Immigration and European Identity, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2004, p63.
    1 Fiorella Dell`Olio, The Europeanization of Citizenship between the Ideology of Nationality, Immigration and European Identity, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2004, p63.
    2 Ben Hayes, From the Schengen Information System to SIS II and the Visa Information (VIS): the proposals explained, Statewatch Report, 2004.
    1 Ben Hayes, From the Schengen Information System to SIS II and the Visa Information (VIS): the proposals explained, Statewatch Report, 2004.
    3 Bryan Paul Christian, Visa Policy, Inspection and Exit Controls: Transatlantic Perspectives on Migration Management, Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, Vol.14, 1999.
    1欧盟理事会第767/2008号条例英文版由欧盟官方期刊2008年8月13日发表, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2008:218:0060:0081:EN:PDF,(访问日期:2008年12月1日)。
    1 International Migration Law and Legal Affairs Department Report(IOM), Comparative Study of theLaws in the 27 EU Member States for Legal Immigration,2008, p25.
    1 Münz, R., T. Straubhaar, F. Vadean and N. Vadean, What are the migrants contributions to employment and growth? A European approach, Migration Research Group, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, 2007.
    2 European Commission, Employment in Europe 2008, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p57.
    3 European Commission, Employment in Europe 2008, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p60.
    4 Münz, R., T. Straubhaar, F. Vadean and N. Vadean, What are the migrants contributions to employment and growth? A European approach, Migration Research Group, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, 2007.
    5 European Commission, Employment in Europe 2008, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p63.
    6 C.Dustmann, The labour market situation of immigrants, thematic paper prepared for the thematic review seminar on improving access to the labour market for people at its margins with a specialfocus on people with a migrant or minority background, Brussels, 2008.
    1 International Migration Law and Legal Affairs Department Report(IOM), Comparative Study of the Laws in the 27 EU Member States for Legal Immigration, 2008, p36.
    1 European Commission, Employment in Europe 2008, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p60.
    2 International Migration Law and Legal Affairs Department Report (IOM): Comparative Study of the Laws in the 27 EU Member States for Legal Immigration, 2008, p76.
    3 Sergio Carrera, Building a Common Policy on Labour Immigration Towards a Comprehensive and a Global Approach in the EU, Working Document of the Center fro European Policy Study, No. 256, 2007.
    1 J. Niessen, Y. Schibel and C. Thompson ed, Current Immigration Debates in Europe: A Publication of the European Migration Dialogue, Migration Policy Group, 2005, p22.
    2 D. Schmidt, The New German Immigration Law, J. Apap ed., Justice and Home Affairs in the EU: Liberty and Security Issues after Enlargement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004, p. 225.
    3 Elspeth Guild, A First Look at the Commission`s Bule Card Initiative, Center for Europe Policy Study, Policy Brief, No 145, 2007.
    1第2003/109/EC号指令英文版条文参见:Richard Plender: Basic Documents on International Migration Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2007, pp654-671。
    1 Achilles Skordas, Legislative Development: Immigration and Market—the Long-term Residents Directive, Columbia Journal of European Law, Vol.13, 2007.
    6 Georgia Papagianni, Institutional and Policy Dynamics of EU Migration Law Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2006, p56.
    1 Achilles Skordas, Legislative Development: Immigration and Market—the Long-term Residents Directive, Columbia Journal of European Law, Vol.13, 2007.
    1 Steve Peers, Implementing Equality? The Directive on Long Term Resident Third Country Nationals, European Law Review, Vol.29(4), 2004.
    1 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p248.
    2 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p271.
    3欧洲协定是欧共体与入盟前的EU-12国所签订的“预入盟协定”。参见:Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p279.
    1 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p273.
    2 Elspeth Guild, Immigration Law in the European Community, Kluwer Law Interantional, 2001, p125.
    3 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p274.
    2 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p275.
    3 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005 ,p248.
    4 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p249.
    1协定的英文版条款参见:Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005,Appendix 18, pp537-542.
    1 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p251.
    2协定的英文版条款参见:Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005,Appendix19, pp543-566.
    1 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p344.
    2 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p348.
    1 Nicola Rogers and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, 2005, p253.
    1 E. Krivonos, From Lome to Cotonou: The new EU-ACP Agreement, C. Bjornskov Danish Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Economic and IFPRI and the University of Maryland, 2005.
    4 [瑞]让--马里亨克茨,路易丝多斯瓦尔德—贝克主编:《习惯国际人道法规则》,法律出版社2005年版,第20页。
    1 [瑞]让--马里亨克茨,路易丝多斯瓦尔德—贝克主编:《习惯国际人道法规则》,法律出版社2005年版,第439页。
    3 Jacobson: Environmental refugees: A yardstick of habitability, Worldwatch Paper of Worldwatch Institute, No.86, 1988.
    4 [德]沃尔夫刚.格拉夫.魏智通主编:《国际法》,吴越等译,法律出版社2001年版,第315页。
    5 [德]沃尔夫刚.格拉夫.魏智通主编:《国际法》,吴越等译,法律出版社2001年版,第316页。
    2 [英]詹宁斯瓦茨修订:《奥本海国际法》第一卷第二分册,王铁崖等译,中国大百科全书出版社1998年版,第319页。
    3 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International, 2000, p356.
    4 Satvinder S. Juss, the Decline and Decay of European Refugee Policy, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol.25, 2005.
    5 Kay Hailbronner: Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International, 2000, p358.
    1 Ariel Meyerstein, Returning the Harmonization of EU Asylum Law: Exploring the Need for an EU Asylum Appellate Court, California Law Review, Vol.93, 2005.
    3 Ariel Meyerstein, Returning the Harmonization of EU Asylum Law: Exploring the Need for an EU Asylum Appellate Court, California Law Review, Vol.93, 2005.
    4 The UN Refugee Agency Report, Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries First Half 2008-- Statistical Overview of Asylum Applications Lodged in 38 European and 6 Non-European Countries, at http://www.unhcr.se/Pdf/statistics_firsthalf_2008.pdf,Oct 18 2008.
    5 Geoff Gilbert, Is Europe Living Up to Its Obligations to Refugees, European Journal of International Law, Vol.15, 2004.
    1 Geoff Gilbert, Is Europe Living Up to Its Obligations to Refugees, European Journal of International Law, Vol.15, 2004.
    2数据由OSCE官方网站发布,at http://www.osce.org/, Visited on 2 May 2008.
    3全称为The Ad hoc Committee of Experts on Legal Aspects of Territorial Asylum, Refugees and Stateless Persons (简称CAHAR)。
    1 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International, 2000 p359.
    2 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International, 2000, p367.
    3 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International, 2000, p380.
    1 Peter J. van Krieken, The Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis, The EU Directives in an Expanded Europe, T.M.C Asser Press, 2004, pp3-5.
    2 Jane McAdam, Regionalising International Refugee Law in The European Union: Democratic Revision or Revisionist Democracy, Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, Vol.38, 2007.
    3 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International, 2000, p381.
    4 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International, 2000, p382.
    1 Marat kengerlinsky, Shifting Borders: Immigration, Refugee and Asylum Matters & Public Policy: Immigration and Asylum Policies in the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights: Questioning the Legality of Restrictions, The Georgetown Public Policy Review, Vol.12, 2007.
    2 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International,2000, p378.
    1 Peter J. van Krieken, The Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis, The EU Directives in an Expanded Europe, T.M.C Asser Press, 2004, p2.
    2 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International,2000, p379.
    3 Neil Walker ed., Europe`s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Oxford University Press, 2007, p 153.
    1 Peter J. van Krieken, The Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis, The EU Directives in an Expanded Europe, T.M.C Asser Press, 2004, p1.
    2 Geoff Gilbert, Is European Living Up to Its Obligations to Refugees, Symposium: Europe and International Law, Vol.15, 2004.
    1 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International,2000, p385.
    2《都柏林条约》第4条。都柏林条约具体条款内容参见:Richard Plender, Basic Documents on International Migration Law, Matinus Nuhoff Publisher, 2007, p471-481。
    2都柏林二条例具体条款内容参见:Richard Plender, Basic Documents on International Migration Law, Matinus Nuhoff Publisher, 2007, pp558-575.
    1 The UNHCR Report: the Dublin II Regulation, 2006. at http://www.unhcr.ch/include/fckeditor/custom/File/Protection/EU%20Allemand/EU_Asyl_DublinII_UNHCRengl.pdf, Oct 20 2008.
    1 Paul McDonough, Magdalena Kmak and Joanne van Selm, Sharing Responsibility for Refugee Protectioin Europe Dn ublin Reconsidered, European Council on Refugees and Exiles Report, 2008,p25.
    2 Peter J van Krieken, The Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis, TMC Asser Press, 2004, p102.
    3 Peter J van Krieken, The Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis, TMC Asser Press, 2004, p103.
    1理事会第2003/9/EC号指令第1条,该指令英文版条款内容参见:Richard Plender: Basic Documents on International Migration Law, Matinus Nuhoff Publisher, 2007, p544-557.
    1 John Handoll, Directive 2003/9 on Reception Conditions of Asylum Seekers: Ensuring Mere Subsistence or a Dignified Standard of Living.Anneliese Baldaccini, Elspeth Guild, Helen Toner ed: Whose Freedom, Security and Justice? EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy, Hart Publishing, 2007, p210.
    2 John Handoll, Directive 2003/9 on Reception Conditions of Asylum Seekers: Ensuring Mere Subsistence or a Dignified Standard of Living. Anneliese Baldaccini, Elspeth Guild, Helen Toner ed: Whose Freedom, Security and Justice? EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy, Hart Publishing, 2007, p212.
    2 C Phuong: Persecution by Non-state Agents, Comparative Judicial Interpretations of the 1951 Refugee Convention, European Journal of Migration and Law, Vol.4, 2003.
    1 Peter J. van Krieken, The Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis, The EU Directives in an Expanded Europe, T.M.C Asser Press, 2004, p150.
    1 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International, 2000, p428.
    2 J Mcadam, the European Union Qualification Directive: the Creation of a Subsidiary Protection Regime, International Journal of Refugee, Vol.17, 2007.
    3 Kay Hailbronner, Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union, Kluwer Law International, 2000, p431.
    1理事会第2005/83/EC号指令英文版内容,参见Official Journal of the European Union L 326/13,http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2005:326:0013:0034:EN:PDF,(访问日期:2008年5月7日)。
    1 Peter J van Krieken, The Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis, TMC Asser Press, 2004, p139.
    2 Peter J van Krieken, The Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis, TMC Asser Press, 2004, p140.
    1 Franck Duvell, Illegal Immigration in Europe beyond Control? Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, p23.
    2 Franck Duvell, Illegal Immigration in Europe beyond Control? Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, p16.
    1 Chadwick M. Graham, Defeating an Invisible Enemy: the Western Superpowers`s Efforts to Combat Terrorism by Fighting Illegal Immigration, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol.14, 2004.
    2 Akis Kalaitzidis, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in the Balkans: Is it Fortress Europe? Journal of the Institute of Justice and International Studies, Vol.5, 2005.
    3 Sophie Robin-Olivier, Citizen and Noncitizens in Europe: European Union Measures Against Terrorism after September 11, Boston College Third World Law Journal, Vol.25, 2005.
    1 Christina Boswell, Migration in Europe, A paper prepared for the Policy Analysis and Research Programme of the Global Commission on International Migration,at http://www.gcim.org/attachements/RS4.pdf, Aug 12 2008.
    2 Akis Kalaitzidis, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in the Balkans: Is it Fortress Europe? Journal of the Institute of Justice and International Studies, Vol.5, 2005.
    1理事会第2004/81/EC号指令条款内容:Peter J. Van Krieken, the Consolidated Asylum and Migration Acquis, the EU Directives in an Expanded Europe, T.M.C Asser Press, 2004, p267-275.
    1 Arístides Díaz-Pedrosa, A tale of Competing policies: the Creation of Havens for Illegal Immigrations and the Black Market Economy in the European Union, Cornell International Law Journal Vol.37, 2004.
    2 Arístides Díaz-Pedrosa, A tale of Competing policies: the Creation of Havens for Illegal Immigrations and the Black Market Economy in the European Union, Cornell International Law Journal Vol.37, 2004.
    1欧盟理事会第2002/93/EC号指令的具体条款内容:Official Journal of the European Communities,L 328/18,2002,at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2002:328:0017:0017:EN:PDF, Aug 21 2008.
    1第2008/115/EC号指令英文版条款内容,见Official Journal of the European Union L 348/99, 2008, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2008:348:0098:0107:EN:PDF,(访问日期:2009年1月2日)。
    1第2008/115/EC号指令英文版条款内容,见Official Journal of the European Union L 348/99, 2008, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2008:348:0098:0107:EN:PDF,(访问日期:2009年1月2日)。
    3 Florian Trauner & Imke Kruse, EC Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements: Implementing a New EU Security Approach in the Neighbourhood, Working Document of the Center for European Policy Study, No.290, 2008.
    5 Florian Trauner & Imke Kruse, EC Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements: Implementing a New EU Security Approach in the Neighbourhood, Working Document of the Center for European Policy Study, No.290, 2008.
    2 [英]内维尔.哈里斯等著:《社会保障法》,李西霞等译,北京大学出版社2006年版,第15页。
    3 [法]C.米尔:《法国社会保障的经验教训与出路—与中国学者的交流》,载《国外社会科学》2001年第2期。
    1 [英]内维尔.哈里斯等著:《社会保障法》,李西霞等译,北京大学出版社2006年版,第5页。
    3 T.H.Marshell, Citizenship and Social Class and Other Essay, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1963, p107.
    4 Anton Hemerijck, EU Social Policy Beyond National Welfare Regime, In Michael Burgess and Hans Vollaard ed, State Territoriality and European Integration, Routledge, 2006, p200.
    5 Anton Hemerijck, EU Social Policy Beyond National Welfare Regime, In Michael Burgess and Hans Vollaard ed, State Territoriality and European Integration, Routledge, 2006, p202-203.
    1 Anton Hemerijck, EU Social Policy Beyond National Welfare Regime, In Michael Burgess and Hans Vollaard ed, State Territoriality and European Integration, Routledge, 2006, p203.
    4 Anton Hemerijck, EU Social Policy Beyond National Welfare Regime, In Michael Burgess and Hans Vollaard ed, State Territoriality and European Integration, London: Routledge, 2006, p207.
    6 Nicola Roger and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet & Maxwell Limited, 2006, p222.
    7 Nicola Roger and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet & Maxwell Limited, 2006, p221.
    1 Barbara Melis, Negotiating Europe`s Immigration Frontiers, Kluwer Law International, 2001, p86.
    1 Nicola Roger and Rick Scannell, Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union, Sweet & Maxwell Limited, 2006, p225.
    3 E-111表格已被欧洲医疗保险卡取代。
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