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    资产证券化起源于20世纪70年代末美国的住房抵押贷款,80 年代欧洲各国吸收仿效,90 年代开始在亚洲各国的蓬勃发展,目前已扩展到包括土耳其、巴西、墨西哥在内的新兴市场的交易。改革开放二十多年来,我国的经济实力迅速增强,但是在经济高速增长的同时,资金需求旺盛与资金供应不足的矛盾也日益突出。在全球经济一体化的今天,我国的经济正迅速朝国际化接轨,特别是我国加入WTO后,如何利用西方发达国家已经发育成熟而对我们却是崭新的金融工具——资产证券化来为国民经济建设筹集资金以加速缩短我国同西方发达国家之间的差距问题,确实是我们应该考虑的问题。
    资产证券化对我国的意义:1、资产证券化有利于盘活我国银行的巨额不良资产;2、有利于缓解中国目前经济建设中的资金紧张的状况;3、为中国深层次利用外资提供了新的途径;4、有利于改善中国国有企业的经营管理水平和财务状况; 5、对我国金融业的发展具有重要现实意义;6、可改善地方政府的融资渠道。
    国外资产证券化定价模型主要有:静态现金流折现定价模型、 期权
    调整利差法定价模型、蒙特卡罗模拟模型、利率二叉树模型、Black-Scholes期权定价模型、 二项式期权定价模型,根据对我国现状的分析,笔者认为静态现金流折现定价模型目前是最适合我国的定价模型。
1.The Initiation of the Question and Studying Status
    The Assets Securitization means gathering the assets, which lack liquidity but have cash inflows in the future and change them into securities, which can be sold and resold on the finance markets, through the reconstruction.
    Nowadays, the Chinese economy becomes more and more internationally, China have become a member of WTO. How to finance becomingly for the national economy through the Assets Securitization is a task waits us to cope with.
    At present, enormous investment potentiality of resident and institutional investor, investment channel deficient contradiction and settlement state-run commercial bank huge pressure of non-performing loan in our country, call a kind of new financing way strongly, so domestic business circles, financial circle, law circle invest sight in the Assets Securitization.
    The foreign scholars have researched the projected for many years and formed an integrated system, but they have not experience to cope with the risk in different economics background. The Chinese researchers have study on the operate mechanism, structure and profit, but have not find a good Pricing model.
    2.Structure and Major Argumentation in the Paper
    There are four parts in the paper discussing the following subjects separately. Summary of the Assets Securitization, the development and meaning of the Assets Securitization, study on pricing model of the Assets Securitization and analysis of influence factor of Assets Securitization
    1.Summary of the Assets Securitization
    At the beginning of this part, the author described the concept of ABS
    and its development history first.
    The exchange structure of the Assets Securitization contents Original Interest Owners, Special Purpose Vehicle, and the Investors. The exchange can go on wheels with help of assistant organizations such as the service providers, the assignees, the credit judge organizations, the insurance organizations and the investment banks ect.
    The characteristics of the ABS have: 1.It is a kind of assets financing; 2. It is a kind of financing outside the form; 3.It is a kind of structural financing; 4.It is a financing ways of low cost.
    2.The development and meaning of the Assets Securitizatio
    The development of ABS is suitable fast in the world; it has quite important meaning to our country.
    The development trend of the ABS content: 1. The proportion of international securities in international investment is raised by a large margin; 2.Bond financing becomes main means of securitization financing; 3.The scale of ABS is increased rapidly.
    There are the Meanings of ABS in our country: 1. Vitalizes the huge non-performing assets of the bank in our country. 2. Help the state to alleviate tense fund in economic construction at present of China; 3. Have offered a new way for China's profound level utilizes the foreign capitals; 4. Help to improve managerial skill and financial situation of the Chinese state-owned enterprise; 5.Have important realistic meanings to the development of the financial circles of our country; 6.Can improve the financing channel of the local government.
    3.Study on pricing model of the Assets Securitization
    There are several main influencing factors of securitization price: 1. Interest rate; 2. Fluctuating rate of interest rate; 3.Maturity; 4. Repay ahead of time; 5. Fundamental operation condition of the capital market.
    4.Analysis of influence factor of Assets Securitization
    The main pricing model of ABS in abroad have Static Cash Flow Yield model, Option-Adjusted Spread model, Monte Carlo Simulation model, Binomial Interest Rate Tree model and Black-Scholes model.
    According to analysis on current situation of our country, I think Static Cash Flow model is suitable for our country most at present.
    3.The innovation and the idea in the paper
    Theory integrates with the practice. The author has listed a lot of examples to explain and analyze question. Third part of thesis investigate the capital market of our country and analyze influence factor o
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