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With the enormous increase in popularity of information acquisition and processing technologies, Computer Vision, which effectively analyzing images or videos from our real world, getting information we are interested in, figuring out what is happening and what should to do, has become a very important research topic.
     Biological vision and intelligence full of mystery. Research on biological vision has found a large number of interesting phenomena, structures and functions, however, the working mechanism about them be known is very little. Summary, analysis and synthesis of research results is bound to play a strong role in the development of computer science, artificial intelligence, and computer vision. Computer vision is based on physical computing devices. The maximum capacity of computing devices is mistrusted by the most scientists in the last 70 years. What is computation, and what can they do in the end? Theory of computation is the basic problem and precondition on which computer science, artificial intelligence, computer vision is to dependent.
     Adaptively or intelligence is the biggest obstacle in current computer vision area. Adaptively or intelligence is the biggest obstacle in current computer vision area.
     The answer to those questions, includes how to obtain models autonomously from images of complex environment, how to analyze and make decision under unknown environment by these models, how to get adaptively or intelligence by computation, and what kind of relationship it is between vision and intelligence when both of them act as information processing, is the key to solve the computer vision.
     This thesis summarized biological available evidence about vision and information processing from biological vision. Based on that, proposed and demonstrated evolutionary computation (EC) is more powerful methods than algorithm. A hybrid of EC and ANNs, in which knowledge representation, knowledge evolution, and knowledge utilization based on EC, are proposed. The method of computer vision based on EC is used in Strip surface defect detection. In summary, the works in this thesis can be categorized into the following four aspects.
     (1) Biological vision Introduce and summarize the related research about biological vision of mammals, find out biological evidence about information processing, including homology of vision and intelligence, evolution mechanisms, parallel mechanisms, adaptive mechanism, hierarchical processing mechanisms, competition mechanism and so on.
     (2) Theory of computation The defects of algorithm or Turing machine are proposed and proved that, Turing machine is not an accurate model of all physical computing devices. Put forward the concept of EC and its automaton models, which are more powerful than algorithm or Turing machine.
     (3) Pattern recognition based on EC Evolutionary computation is used in structural pattern recognition and statistical pattern recognition. Many problems, include pattern features selection, classification parameters selection in statistical pattern recognition, and primitives structure, primitives relationship choice, primitives relationship extraction in structural pattern recognition, are benefit from EC. This method not only allows programmers to greatly reduce the intensity of the work, but also to get more reasonable parameters.
     (4) Visual simulation platform To improve the development speed of the vision system and to facilitate the learning, training, and evolution process, a visual simulation platform for defect detection and a visual simulation platform for target tracking, which introduce virtual reality technology to computer vision system design and knowledge acquisition process, is proposed, design and build. Under the simulation platform, classification, training, knowledge acquisition in the research and development are more security, economic, repeatable and independent.
     (5) Target recognition based on EC To solve the problem of surface defects detection, EC method are used to obtain the explicit knowledge about defects, and ANN method to obtain the recessive knowledge about defects, and and GPU parallel computing is used in defects segmentation, classification and judgments. Proposed a plate speed detection method based on mutual information entropy.
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