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     超文本语境下,技术因素对翻译造成了极大的影响,甚至改变了翻译的本来面貌。翻译对象的数字化、复杂化是电子工具得以应用的前提,而翻译商业化、产业化则催生了电子工具的研发与使用。翻译记忆工具、机器翻译以及其他翻译辅助工具的大量使用在提高翻译效率的同时,也改变了翻译的认知模式,影响了译者主体性的发挥。翻译记忆对译文的“克隆”以及“机器翻译+人工编辑”模式使得超文本语境下的翻译表现为一种“去主体化”的倾向,已经很难辨别到底是“机助人译”还是“人助机译”。电子工具实际上是译者主体的异化,传统人类译者正经历着向“电子译者”(Cyborg translator)的转变。
Hypertexts are a kind of multi-linear electronic texts, which contain at least two different types of sign elements connected by hyperlinks. On one side, numerous hypertexts have formed the Internet, which has become the translator's new working environment in the digital age. On the other side, Localization, with hypertexts as its working content, has become the bulk of translation practice in the global language service market. Taking traditional translation as a comparison, this research explores the changes of translation in the context of hypertexts, and analyzes the impact that the changes have brought to translation as well as translation studies. Besides, it attempts to reveal the process and nature of translation by analyzing the phenomena of "multi-dimensional transformation of signs" in localization from an informational perspective. The discussions mainly focus on the following topics, namely, the characteristics of hypertexts and their corresponding impact on translation practice, translation ethics in the hypertext context, the impact caused by translation technology, the characteristics and potential rules of "multi-dimensional transformation of signs", the feasibility of "Intersemiotic Translation" of nonverbal signs. The research results suggest that, in hypertext context, translation has taken great changes in terms of text form, translation ethics, translation technology, translation process, translation subject, translation model and the translator's cognition. Due to the utilization of Translation Memory and Machine Translation and the multimodal texts as his working objects, the translator's cognitive process has also changed. The analysis of "multi-dimensional transformation of signs" suggests that translation by nature is an information flow crossing the border of two different sign systems. The process of sign transformation with information as its invariant core, can occur not only between verbal signs, but also between non-verbal signs. Translation has long been considered as a kind of transformation between languages. Since the concepts of translation and language indeed involve non-verbal signs, it is possible to include the transformation of nonverbal signs in the concept of intersemiotic translation.
     The new characteristics of hypertexts, such as multi-linearity, virtuality, multi-modality and interactivity, have led to great changes of translation. As a result of multi-linearity, the texts to be translated are often separated by computer language codes, and these are called "fragmented texts". Translating such fragmented texts usually lead to decontextualized translation, which makes the translator's work more difficult than before. Interactivity of hypertexts offers readers or users opportunities to submit their own translation through the Internet. In the context of hypertext, a large translation project can be completed by the collaboration of a crow of volunteer translators, and this is called "crowdsourcing translation" or "fans translation". It is a kind of user-generated translation and has subverted the traditional relations among the writer, the translator and the reader. The online publishing and marketing of translation products has a lot to do with searching engines, such as Google, Badu, etc., and the translator must take into consideration of searching engine optimization, which is closely related to the translator's choice of key words. Consumption of digital products is somewhat a kind of "sign consumption", and the digital translation shows much more concern for the target user's experience. The working conditions of the translator also change significantly. His work is more complicated than before, and he is more dependent to the Internet.
     Translation ethics have long been an important topic in translation studies. In the hypertext context, the collective author and translator, the transitional step of internationalization, the adaptation to target culture in localization, crowdsourcing translation, have all brought new challenges to translation ethics. With the professionalization and commercialization of translation practice, more research is needed on the translator's ethics.
     In the context of hypertext, translation technology has changed the traditional model. The texts to be translated are digital and very complicated, and translation practice is commercialized and industrialized, which promoted the development and application of translation tools. The utilization of Translation Memory and Machine Translation has improved the efficiency of translation. However, they also changed the translator's subjectivity and creativity in his work and made him more dependent to them. The reuse of former translation by Translation Memory and the popularity of "Machine Translation+human post-edition" lead to desubjectivized translation. So far it is difficult to tell whether a translation is computer-aided human translation or human-aided computer translation. It seems that electronic tools are part of the translator's body, and in some sense the translator has become a cyborg translator.
     The transformation of multi-dimensional signs in localization suggests that both verbal signs and non-verbal signs might have something in common. The existence of a sign depends on the interpretation of it with other signs, so translation is an essential property of signs. In this sense, any sign can be interpreted and translated. Information is reflection of object's structure order in dimensions of time and space. Its existence is objective and is not dependent on human's mind. A sign is the vehicle of information, and a human being receives information with the help of signs. The process of semiosis of verbal-signs is depicturization of signs from a high dimension to a low dimension, which actually is a process of information representation. The interpretation of a sign is a reverse process, that is, repicturization of signs, from a low dimension to a higher dimension, which in essence is the release of information. The research results suggest that, the nature of translation is the information flow crossing the border between two signs systems. The analysis of DNA transcription and protein translation in biology, and the compiling between advanced computer language and binary language also support this hypothesis. Translation contains three steps, namely, decoding, deverbalization and recoding. After the information is deverbalized, it might be stored in the translator's mind in the pattern of bioelectrical or chemical signals instead of signs, which makes it possible for the translator to recode it in another sign system. The common characteristics of verbal signs and pictural signs are also studied. Under the framework of semiotics, it is possible to include non-verbal sign transformation in the scope of intersemiotic translation. This thesis contains seven chapters. The following shows more details for each chapter.
     Chapter One begins with the rationality and offers a brief introduction to the present situation of related research. Since most of the research with hypertext translation is published in terms of "localization", the common features and differences between the two concepts of "translation" and "localization" are also discussed. In the context of hypertext, great changes have taken place in many aspects of translation, including text form, translation ethics, translation tools, and translation process, etc. What impact the changes might bring to translation and translation studies is worth studying.
     Chapter Two first analyzes the differences between hypertext and printed texts, then it discusses the impact on translation practice due to the new characteristics of hypertexts. Taking printed texts as a comparison, the first section analyzes the new features of hypertext. The second section studies the changes of translation partially caused by the features of hypertexts, including multi-linearity, virtuality and interactivity. The third section discusses the changes in the translator's working conditions in the context of hypertext.
     Chapter Three explores the challenges and impact that digital translation might bring to translation ethics. The first section analyzes the previous studies of translation ethics, and then it goes on to discuss the challenges digital translation brings to translation ethics. The second section discusses the translator's ethics in the context of industrialized translation practice. The third section tries to discuss the new ethic problems in crowdsourcing translation.
     Chapter Four is concerned with the impact caused by the utilization of translation tools. The first section categorizes the electronic tools according to their different functions, and analyzes the reasons why so many electronic tools are used. The second section studies the impact on the translator's cognitive process due to the use of Translation Memory tools. The third section first analyzes the reasons for the wide use of Machine Translation and then discusses its impact on translation model and the translator's subjectivity.
     Chapter Five tries to conclude the characteristics and rules of multi-dimensional signs transformation in localization. The first section, with traditional literary translation as a comparison, analyzes the transformation of nonverbal signs in hypertexts translation. The second section tries to conclude the characteristics and rules of multi-dimensional transformation of signs. The third section analyzes the relations between verbal signs and pictural signs in hypertexts. The fourth section explores the changes in the translator's cognitive process while translating hypertexts.
     Chapter Six explores the feasibility of including nonverbal-sign transformation in the scope of intersemiotic translation. The first section focuses on the relations among the concepts of information, sign, translation and language. The second section discusses the feasibility of nonverbal translation in the scope of intersemiotic translation. It first discusses whether the concept of translation could include the transformation of nonverbal signs. For more evidence, it also explores DNA transcription and protein translation in biology, and the compiling between advanced computer language and binary machine language. It also discusses the feasibility of translating pictural signs as well as their different degrees of translatability. Finally it analyzes some phenomena of intersemiotic translation in our daily life, and tries to interpret it in an informational perspective.
     Chapter Seven summarizes the main discoveries of the research, and points out its limitations. Some suggestions for further research are also offered.
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    2 值得一提的是,1987年,法国学者简奈特(Gerard Genette)也提出了一个概念“Paratext”,国内也翻译成“超文本"。 Genette, Gerard. Paratexts: Thresholds of interpretation [M]. (Trans, by Jane E. Lewin; forwarded by Richard Macksey).Cambridge University Press, 1997.实际上Genette的"Paratext"的概念最初主要指图书内外的装饰性要素(例如图书封面的设计、颜色等),后来其概念扩展到文学作品产生的文化环境、经济条件、政治体制及审查制度等等大环境因素,所以Paratext实际上相当于“言外要素”(Extralinguistic elements)。2010年6月在西班牙巴塞罗那还召开了“翻译中的超文本成分国际翻译研讨会”,Mona Baker、张美芳等学者均在会上宣读和发表了与'Paratext"旧关的论文。参见Baker, Mona. Paratexts as Sites for Renarration in Written and Web-based Translation[A]. presented at the Ⅶ International Conference on Translation: the Paratextual Elements in Translation, Barcelona, 06/2010;张美芳.翻译中的超文本成分:以新闻翻译为例[J1.中国翻译,2011,(1).但"Paratext"与本文欲重点分析的的超文本(Hypertext)是两个完全不同的概念。
    1 严格来说,虽然内部由超链接联系但仅仅包含一种符号形式的电子文本不能算超文本,例如通过启用宏功能制作的Word文档,文本内部也可以形成跳转,因为它缺少作为超文本重要特征的多模态性,事实上这种文本形式很罕见。
    2 Coover, Robert. The End of Books[N]. New York Times Book Review, June 21, 1992,1.
    3 实际上,游戏也是一种以娱乐为目的的软件,只是由于其相对于计算机系统软件及应用软件而言,在设计、开发及运营都有很大的区别,故这里我们专门将它分为一类来讨论,称之为娱乐软件似乎更为合适。
    4 Baker, Mona and Gabriela Saldanha. (eds) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies[M]. Second Edition, Abingdon, Oxon & New York: Routledge, 2009. P157.
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    4 《易.系辞下》:“上古结绳而治,后世圣人易之以书契,百官以治,万民以察”。又《周易正义》引郑玄注云:“事大,大结其绳:事小,小结其绳。《老子》第八十章:“使民复结绳而用之。”《庄子·胠箧》:“昔者容成氏、大庭氏、伯皇氏、中央氏、栗陆氏、骊畜氏、轩辕氏、赫胥氏、尊卢氏、祝融氏、伏羲氏、神农氏,当是时也,民结绳而用之”。
    5 《后汉书·乌恒传》曰:“大人有所召呼,则刻木为信,虽无文字,而部众不敢违犯。”《魏书·帝纪序》:“不为文字,刻木记契而己。”《周书·突厥传》:“其征发兵马,科税杂畜,辄刻木为数。”《唐会要》卷97吐蕃条说:吐蕃“无文字,刻木结绳为约。”
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    2 学界的主流观点认为,相对传统纸质文本来说,超文本是一种非线性(non-Sequential/non-linear)的文本,但笔者认为用多线性(multi-sequential/multi-linear)来形容超文本的网状立体结构似乎更为准确。
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    1 参见美国弗里斯特研究公司(Forrester Research Inc.)公司网址:http://www.forrester.com/.
    2 “网络爬虫”也称“网络机器人”(Searching engine robot),它是一个自动提取网页的程序,不定期地从互联网的不同节点爬行,记录不同URL网页的内容并对数据进行分析和过滤,并将数据存入搜素引擎的数据库,并建立相应的索引,供用户检索使用。网站管理员可以通过网站日志(Log)查看爬虫是否光顾自己网站,及时了解搜索引擎对网站的收录情况。
    3 “百度指数”以及"Google关键字规划师”分别是百度和Google供市场分析人员使用的关键词分析工具。百度指数入口:http://index.baidu.com/;Google关键词规划师入口:https://adwords.google.com/
    1 搜索引擎的数据是动态变化的,上述数据的具体检索日期为2014.1.15
    1 此数据是笔者分别在百度指数与Google关键词规划师中输入“板式家具”与"panel furniture"获得的关键词热度排名,均剔除了不含“家具”或‘'furniture'2 的结果。
    2 Intitle是用于搜索引擎的一个指令,可以查看搜索引擎收录的标题包含该关键词的文章总数,例如,在百度中输入命令"Intitle智能手机原理”即得到标题包含“智能手机原理”的文章总数。
    1 该数据的具体检索日期:2014.1.15
    2 长尾关键词指网站上非目标关键词但可带来搜索流量的关键词,长尾关键词的特征是比较长,通常由2-3个词以上构成,也可以是短语。长尾关键词搜索量非常少,而且不稳定,但由于针对性强,其带来的用户转化为网站产品客户的概率比目标关键词高很多。
    1 “关键词堆砌”指为了提高网页目标关键词密度,故意在网页上以各种形式堆砌关键词.例如采用超小号字体或与网页背景同样颜色的字,这样用户看不见,但是搜索引擎却能够抓取。
    2 通过在搜索引擎中使用“Site:+域名”命令即可获得某网站被该引擎收录的网页数量,从而能实时了解搜索引擎对网站收录情况的变化,例如,在百度中输入'Site: sina.com"可以了解“新浪网”被百度收录的情况。
    3 停用词(Stop words)4 指在信息检索时没有具体含义的功能词,例如英语中的which, that, over, above" "at、on、a、the、as、to、等,搜索引擎在索引页面或处理搜索请求时,通常会忽略这样一些词。停用词的概念最先由美国信息学家、情报学家Hans Luhn(1896-1964)提出。
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    1 1 EB(艾字节)约等于1,000,000,000 GB,而1ZB(泽字节)约等于1,000EB。
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    2 植物拉丁名称数据库:http://www.zhiwutong.com/ku.asp;国际通信联盟ITU术语库查询人口:http://www.itu.int;欧盟翻译服务部术语库:http://europa.eu.int/eurodicautom/.
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    2 笔者注:英语中“符际翻译”的定义是指‘'Verbal signs"与"non-verbal signs";之间的翻译,但是如果将“Verbal signs"翻译成“语言符号”显然不妥,因为汉语中“语言”一词的意义比英语中的'Verbal sign"词义更宽泛的多,例如,“自然语言”、“视觉语言”、“手语”、“计算机语言”等,译成“言语”也不妥,因为该词多指“口语”,笔者曾见国外有学者使用‘'historical-natural language"(意为“历史积淀形成的自然语言”)的说法,似乎较贴切,故将该词译为“自然语言”,以示区别。
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    1 笔者注:值得一提的是,“人脸”符号中为什么“鼻子”可以省略,但“眼睛”与“嘴”却不能,是否因为“眼睛”是最主要的信息输入器官,而“嘴”确实最重要的信息输出器官?难道符号在简化过程中,符号中的元素的“去除”及“保留”与元素的“信息量”有关?
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