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There are 8.77 million persons with visual disabilities in 2006. The neural electrical stimulation could be provided at various stages to restore the vision. Each of the proposed approaches is expected to artificially generate visual sensations called phosphenes, which convey limited but crucial functional visual information. Its feasibility has already been confirmed by some Euramerican scientists. This paper is the subproject of the“973”project《Basic Research on the Key Issues of Visual Function Recovery For Blindness》
     .Firstly, we provide various image processing strategies used for visual prostheses based on the complexity of various images, and we Introduction the algorithm used in strategies. Secondly, this paper introduce the experiment of pixelized images of objects and simple scenes recognition using simulated prosthetic vision, We hope these results will be helpful for the researchers of visual prosthesis in rehabilitation of image recognition for blind implanted with limited numbers of stimulating electrodes. Then, we introduce a set of image processing system developed by our team based on DM642, which could applied to all types of visual prostheses. The system could uses CMOS sensor and CCD sensor as image-grabbing equipment, so that it is feasible to adapt to various image processing strategies. Finally, we present the method of the flow of software development for which are implemented on our platform, and conducted a preliminary assessment of the performance. It was found that the system can meet the demand of the first generation visual prostheses.
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