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Since digital multimedia resources, such as digital pictures and digital videos, areeasily manipulated, duplicated, and conveniently transmitted, the amateur caneffectively edit or tamper with digital multimedia resources by means of commonmultimedia processing and editing software without visual clues of forgery. Blinddigital media forensics technology becomes a new topic in the field of informationsecurity, which passively identifies the origination, authenticity and integrity of thedigital media without the aid of previous embedded information. This dissertationwhich belongs to the field of passive blind video forensics, focuses on two issues:source digital video identification and detection of novel tampering operation. Themain achievements reveal as following:
     (1) A new source video coding system identification is proposed based on thefeatures in the video stream. More specifically, it takes full advantage of thedifferent characteristics in the rate control module and the motion predictionmodule, which are two main open parts in the MPEG-2video compressionstandard. Three feature sets are extracted, and combined with a support vectormachine classifier to build an intelligent computing system for video sourceidentification.
     (2) A method is presented to detect double MPEG-2compression. Throughqualitatively and quantitatively analyzing the variation of DCT coefficientsduring double MPEG-2compression in depth, it is found that the distribution ofquantized DCT coefficients regularly changes. Then, a new detection algorithm isheuristically designed based on the differences in statistic distributions ofquantized DCT coefficients between the single compression and the doublecompression. Experiment results show that the proposed scheme can effectivelydetect doubly MPEG-2compressed videos under the conditions of diverse codingparameters.
     (3) A detection algorithm for video transcoding is proposed based on a model forreconstructed Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients which is formulatedwith the distribution of quantization parameters. This model is utilized to revealthat the distribution of quantized DCT coefficients in the transcoded video has aseries of local maximas or minimas with a period. Finally, two sets of features are proposed to detect the periodical variation. Experimental results demonstrate thevalidity and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
     (4) A new method is presented to detect frame tampering based on thehigh-frequency features of reconstructed DCT coefficients in the tamperedsequences. The frame tampering operation impacts the distribution of the codingtype of frame in the original video, and then causes new periodicities in thedistribution of the coding type of frame in the tampered video. Since differentkinds of frames have different high-frequency features of DCT coefficients due tothe non-linear quantization, the distribution of high-frequency features will alsopresent periodicities. By Morlet wavelet tools, a coarse-to-fine location approachis proposed to precisely locate breakpoints in the tampered sequences.
     (5) A novel algorithm for detecting smoothing filtering in digital videos is proposedbased on the frequency residual. The suspected frame is re-filtered with aGaussian low-pass filter, and the difference between the initial frame and there-filtered frame in Fourier domain is called the frequency residual. Thesmoothing filtering not only eliminates the noise, but also cuts down the highfrequency information, and different filters cause different levels of distortion,which respond to different properties of the frequency residual. Finally, theRadon transform and curve modeling method are utilized to analyze thefrequency residual for distinguishing the original frame and the smoothed frame.The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can not only detectthree typical smoothing spatial filters, including Gaussian filter, average filter,and median filter, but also can predict parameters of these filters to complementthe existing state-of-the-art methods.
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