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作为云计算的关键性基础设施,系统级虚拟机技术是当前计算机体系结构领域的研究热点之一。系统级虚拟机技术成功的将许多物理设备抽象成内存或硬盘中的数据结构,如网卡、硬盘、内存等,但GPU(Graphic Processing Unit,图形处理单元)从来不曾被完善的虚拟化。这其中一个主要原因在于GPU缺乏统一的硬件接口和开放的体系规范。在实践中,学术界和工业界选择在协议栈的更高层——用户API(Application Programming Interface,应用程序编程接口)层进行虚拟化,一些针对传统图形API的虚拟化工作已取得阶段性成果。CUDA (ComputeUnified Device Architecture)是一套崭新的GPU应用编程API,专注于通用计算(General-Purpose computation)而不是图形应用,是目前事实上的通用计算工业标准。它向程序员提供了直接控制GPU执行并行计算的能力,而不再依赖于传统图形API如OPENGL。CUDA框架的出现为系统级虚拟化技术带来了新的问题:已有的针对图形API的虚拟化工具对虚拟化CUDA没有任何帮助,运行在虚拟机中的应用程序无法调用CUDA API,从而不能利用GPU先进的并行加速功能。
     为了解决这个问题,本文提出并实现了首个针对通用计算的虚拟化解决方案——vCUDA(virtual CUDA)。vCUDA允许虚拟机中的应用程序访问位于虚拟机外部的通用计算资源,向它们提供GPU通用计算能力,对加速虚拟机环境下的高性能计算具有重要意义。vCUDA的设计和实现有四个主要的方面:API重定向(API remoting)、懒惰RPC(lazy RPC)、虚拟机专用RPC系统VMRPC(VirtualMachine Remote Procedure Call)和虚拟机高级特性支持。
     由于CUDA应用可能涉及成千上万个API,针对每个API发送RPC将导致极大的性能开销。vCUDA借鉴了图形项目中延迟更新(lazy update)的优化思路,采用了懒惰RPC的方法。尽可能地推迟RPC的发生时刻,通过累积、过滤、合并上层调用,合理确定发送RPC的时机,将连续的API打包一次性发送,有效的提高了系统性能。相关实验显示,懒惰RPC可将RPC次数减少至30%,开启懒惰RPC后vCUDA虚拟化性能最高可提升148%。
System virtual machine is an important research topic of virtualization, which is thefundamental infrastructure of cloud computing. The system virtual machinetechnology successfully virtualized lots of I/O devices, while the GPU (Graph PrecessUnit) is an exception. In particular, the general precessing ability of GPU (GPGPU)was never fully virtualized in system virtual machine platform. In practice, theacademic circles and VMM industry choose to realize the GPU virtualization inhigher layer: Application Programming Interface (API). Some primitive results whichfocus on the traditional graphic API have been published. CUDA (Compute UnifiedDevice Architecture) is a brand new API directly designed for GPGPU. It provides theability to manipulate the GPU hardware without the help of Graphic API. The rise ofCUDA shows that the virtualization of graphic API is not enough for the GPGPUusing a dedicate API framework: the existing graphic API virtualization have noeffect for CUDA applications. So an independent GPU API framework calls for anindependent virtualization method.
     In order to improve the usability of GPGPU in virtualization environment, thispaper describes vCUDA, a general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU)computing solution for virtual machines (VMs). vCUDA allows applicationsexecuting within VMs to leverage hardware acceleration, which can be beneficial tothe performance of a class of high-performance computing (HPC) applications. Thekey insights in our design include API call interception/redirection, lazy RPC, adedicated RPC system for VMs and the support for advance features of VMM.
     With API interception and redirection, Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA) applications in VMs can access a graphics hardware device and achieve highcomputing performance in a transparent way, without the modification of theapplication or operating system. The evaluation about the official examples and thirdparty applications show that vCUDA mimics the original CUDA protocol invirtualization environment, all test get the same result as the native environment.
     Thousands of CUDA APIs could be called in a CUDA application. If vCUDA sendevery API call to remote site at the moment the API is intercepted, the same numberof RPCs will be invoked and the overhead of excessive world switch will beinevitably introduced into the vCUDA system. vCUDA borrowed the idea from thegraphic API virtualization and adopted an optimization mechanism called Lazy RPC to improve the system performance by intelligently batching specific API calls. Therelated experiments show the Lazy RPC reduces the numbers of remote call to30%,and speed up the vCUDA performance to148%.
     In the current study, vCUDA achieved a near-native performance with the dedicatedRPC system, VMRPC. VMRPC is a light-weight RPC framework specificallydesigned for VMs that leverages heap and stack sharing to circumvent unnecessarydata copying and serialization/deserilization, and achieve high performance. Ourevaluation shows that the throughput of RPC has improved by two orders ofmagnitude. We carried out a detailed analysis of the performance of our framework(vCUDA+VMRPC). Using a number of unmodified official examples from CUDASDK and third-party applications in the evaluation, we observed that CUDAapplications running with vCUDA exhibited a very low performance penalty (lessthan21%) in comparison with the native environment, thereby demonstrating theviability of vCUDA architecture.
     vCUDA expose the device multiplex and suspend/resume function at the base ofCUDA virtualization, any CUDA application built on top of these features can run asusual in virtual machines without any modification. vCUDA develops a one-to-manymodel to multiplex GPU device in the VM. Under the coordination of the vCUDAstub, two different service threads can cooperatively manipulate one hardwareresource by connecting to a single working thread. The suspend/resume is realized bystore and restore the CUDA state while the kernel is not running. The devicemultiplex and suspend/resume tests show the performance degradation comes fromvCUDA is trivial. Base on the CUDA state tracking technology of the vCUDA, werealize the inter-kernel checkpoint scheme on GPU.
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