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AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle)是一种可广泛运行于仓库、码头、生产车间等场所的无人驾驶自动搬运车,是现代物流技术的代表性设备,其关键技术之一是实现自动定位与导引。目前,AGV多采用激光制导、惯性制导等技术,实现毫米级的定位成本昂贵。同时,由于光污染等现场因素,使得其广泛应用受到局限。而RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)作为一种自动识别技术,除实现多目标、超视距识别外,利用其电磁特性实现定位己受到广泛关注。特别是随着物联网概念的兴起和其应用技术的深入发展,作为其关键技术的RFID将更加普及,相关技术与设备的应用成本将越来越低廉。研究基于RFID的AGV定位与导引技术和方法,具有理论和现实意义。
AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) is a kind of unmanned automated guided vehicles which can be widely used in warehouses, docks and manufacturing facilities. It is a representative technology and equipment in the field of logistics and automation. One of the key technologies involved in AGV is the automatic positioning and guiding. Currently, Most AGV use laser guidance or inertial guidance technologies. It is very expensive to achieve millimeter-level positioning. Meanwhile, Factors existing at the application sites such as light pollution limit its applications. While existing positioning and guiding technologies are expensive in manufacturing and limited in their applications, Radio Freqency Identification (RFID), as an automatic identification technology, in addition to its usage for multi-target and beyond visual range recognition, the usage of its electromagnetic properties to enable positioning has attracted widespread attention. Especially with the emergence of the concept of the Internet of Things and the further development of its application, RFID, as the key technology, will become more and more popular and the relevant technologies and equipments will cost significantly less. This research explores RFID-based positioning and guiding technology used by AGV, which has theoretical and practical significance.
     This paper examines the deficiencies of current AGV positioning and guiding technologies and the AGV positioning and guiding requirements under different scenarios. Based on in-depth study of the RFID system theoretical basis and analysis of the deficiencies of current RFID positioning theories and methods, we first propose two new approaches, "Error Suppression Positioning Based On Solving Orientational Correlation Function" and "Precise Coverage Positioning Based On Magnetic Field Strength Contours", for far-field and near-field RFID systems respectively. We analyze and proof these two approaches, based on which practical implementation design of AGV positioning and guiding systems, for active far-field, passive far-field and near-field RFID respectively, are suggested followed by simulations.
     (1) Errors Suppression Positioning Method By Solving Orientational Correlation Function
     Existing Far-field RFID systems adopt more frequent use of Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and the path loss model for positioning, which has major problem of low accuracy. This paper first proposes a new method called "Error Suppression Positioning By Solving Orientational Correlation Function":according to the signal strength of tags measured by the reader antenna, a field strength contour equation can be determined which corresponds to an Orientational Correlation Function. The positioning can be achieved by solving more than three such field strength contour equations. In the system design and implementation process, based on the analysis of a variety of factors that would possibly weaken the received signal strength, we improve the positioning accuracy by eliminating or suppressing the error factors.
     Existing path loss model only takes the relationship between RSSI and distance into consideration and overlooks the impact of antenna directivity on RSSI. We first propose a method that solves far-field electric field strength contour equations based on Orientational Correlation Function, which eliminates errors from their origin theoretically. Multi-path effect produced by environmental reflection is the main factor that influences the received signal strength negatively in indoor environment. We propose to eliminate the main vertical reflected signals by taking advantage of the fact that the First Null Beamwidth (FNBW) is less than the complementary angle of incidence angle, and thereby eliminate multi-path interference. The horizontal reflection is suppressed by increasing the reflector and controlling the signal coverage. For the first time, a suppressing approach is proposed based on a microscopic consideration of the impact frequence hopping has on signal strength. Besides, we proposed suppression measures after analyzing the impact of the electromagnetic environment on the passive systems.
     For active RFID systems, after the analysis of the Friis transmission equation and its influence factors, we suggest a layout design of AGV positioning and guiding system via arranging tags carried by vehicles and fixing reader antenna arrays. The vehicle tags adopt 8-cell Duelfer-Chebyshev antenna array and they are all directly supported by the AGV's power. In this way, the data transmission interval is shortened to meet the requirement of real-time positioning. It also avoids the positioning error caused by the fluctuation of battery input power. Meanwhile, reader antennas adopt Duelfer-Chebyshev plus plate reflector to suppress the errors caused by vertical and horizontal reflection. The same tag's four largest antenna signal strength read by the readers can determine the field strength contour equations. After solving the equation set and selecting the adjacent six numerical values, the geometric center is computed for the final positioning. This system can be used for AGV guiding in both fixed path and free path circumstances. It is suitable for multi-vehicle operation environment. It is featured by low calculation load and low cost.
     For passive RFID systems, the radar backscatter equation is analyzed along with its influence factors, especially the impact of the tags'scattering area. Based on this analysis, we suggest an AGV positioning and guiding system design which is featured by mobile readers and fixed-layout tag array. We adopt the ordinary symmetric oscillator passive tags, which are vertically arranged and equally spaced on one or both sides along the vehicles'route. We adopt the Duelfer-Chebyshev antenna array together with reflector with angles, which obtains the linear polarization in order to inhibit vertical, horizontal and environmental reflection. Besides, each reader can cover three or more tags at one time. With the tags'reading and their relative signal strength, AGV can be located and guided by solving the field strength contours equations established by every tag and its reader's antenna. This system is suitable for fixed-route guidance in complex environment.
     (2) Precise Coverage Positioning Based On Magnetic Field Strength Contours Method
     Based on the principle and basic characteristics of near-field coupling RFID systems, and the fact that near-field RFID systems are previously used only for positioning through recognition, this work first propose a method called "Precise Coverage Positioning Based On Magnetic Field Strength Contours". According to the requirements of AGV's positioning and guiding, a special near-field antenna is designed to be installed at the bottom of a AGV and generate stable and accurate circular magnetic field contours covering the ground. By taking advantage of the geometric characteristics that the geometric center of an equilateral polygon and its circumcircle coincide, equally spaced tags are arranged in the shape of an equilateral triangle and the reader antenna is adjusted to cover the tags arranged in the triangle shape. As such, accurate positioning is achieved.
     This work studies and proofs that the magnetic field contours generated by a circular antenna coil along its central vertical line is a circle. By analyzing the relationship between field extrema and the distance to the center, we proof that there exists a suitable area, within which the field contour is a stable circle. After analyzing the relationship between magnetic field vertical component, the distance to the coil, and coil diameter, we proof that the contour is an accurate circle. We also study the positioning accuracy dependency on the radius of the field contour circle, the spacing and size of tags.
     Using the method as described above, an AGV positioning and guiding system is designed for near-field RFID to meet the operation requirements. Reader antennas with different diameters are mounted beneath the vehicle. Large-diameter driving antenna coils are used for coarse positioning with greater aerial coverage in order to achieve cost-effectiveness. Small-diameter stopping antenna coils are used for precise positioning and posture correction. Correspondingly, same types of tags are arranged on the ground with equal spacing. Large triangular arrays are used at driving zones to fit the large-diameter antennas. High density tagging of smaller triangular arrays is used at stopping zones. Simulation and test are conducted for the design.
     This work established theoretical foundation and conducted simulation for achieving high accuracy requirement of AGV. The simulations demonstrate that the highest achievable positioning accuracy can reach millimeter range. This could make AGV systems autonomously driving and stopping without auxiliary devices, meeting application requirements. The low cost of RFID tags and readers which are the core devices of positioning and guiding system leads to low manufacturing cost of AGV and free AGV from the application limitation imposed by factors such as light pollution. The system can be used for both fixed and free route guidance.
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