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Land is one of the most fundamental factors of production and land problem is one of the basic problems in social economic life. Thus, the study of land is directly related to the deep problem of social economy. From the perspective of research evolution and practical development of land use problem, from the reform of land use system, the reform of land expropriation system, the reform of land use control to macro control, it is obvious that the study of land use problem is always associated with the reform and opening up of this country, it breaking through the argument, developing through breakthrough and improving through development.
     Land resources allocation is the core problem of land economy and land management. China is at the fast stage of urbanization development currently, the food and cultivated land protection problems that China has to face to owing to the immense population base, both of the above two factors have made the allocation of urban land resources very strategic and important. Faced with the requirement of transforming the mode of economic growth, maintaining scientific concept of development and realizing sustainable development, the way to distribute urban land resources, major carrier of different kinds of construction, has to be cracked.
     For the research of urban land resources allocation, scholars have offered their proposals from all angles based on their own area. To sum up, there are several points as follows: first, to analyze the urban land resources allocation at the fast process of urbanization based on the specific historical stage of China's social and economic development; second, to analyze the game behavior of local government from the angle of China's administrative system and the structure of power separation; third, to analyze the effective management method from the angle of optimizing administrative system and giving play to the market mechanism.
     This thesis studies how to allocate urban land resources effectively from the government behavior perspective. Governments in China are not only the supervisors but also the promoters and participants of local economy. With the implementation of the financial system of decentralization of power and transfer of profits and decentralization of tax, local governments, who have greater power to allocate resources, have become the political organizations to pursue maximum economical benefits at the same time. The special position the governments hold has made that the feature of governments' behavior, motivation of action and constraint in action have to be researched first during the distribution of urban land resources. Based on the literature on the research of urban land resources allocation and government behavior at home and abroad, this thesis researches and analyzes the evolution of China's urban land resources allocation system in order to analyze the primary factor to determine and the effective way to influence the urban land resources allocation; the author, from the perspective of government competition, government failure and government creation, discusses the influence of government behavior on land lot price and further analyzes the degree of influence of government behavior on the aim of government, analyzes the reasons why government administration and market regulation fail to take effect for the existence of much unused land and probes into the government creation and its influence in the process of land use control. This thesis puts forward the proposition to realize the intensive allocation of urban land resources in hopes that it can provide certain policy basis for the practice and reform of the intensive allocation of urban land resources in China.
     This thesis comprises of introduction and the main body of seven chapters. The first chapter is introduction, which describes the background and significance of this research, introduces the basic conception and assumption, presents the framework and method of the research and possible creation and insufficiency of this research; the second chapter gives an overview of the development of the research on urban land resources allocation and government behavior at home and abroad; the third chapter reviews and summarizes the change of the regulations in the process of urban land resources allocation from the angle of the regulation evolving theory. It analyzes the change of land use control regulation, land property rights regulation, land requisition regulation and land use regulation respectively; the forth chapter deals with the study of governments and analyzes the leading aims and control means of the macroscopic, middlescopic and microscopic behavior subjects during the process of urban land resources allocation. According to the influence level on urban land resources allocation, macroscopic level refers to central government, while middlescopic level indicates provincial governments and microscopic level refers to local governments; the fifth chapter studies the land price. It starts from the government competition, takes low price competition of industrial-used land as the typical example of the land price competition and analyzes the embodiment and law of low price competition existed currently. In order to further analyze different elements that influence the specific land lot price during government competition and to which extent this competition affects the investment promotion, the author tries to conduct detailed research from two angles based on real evidence. The first angle is the effect on land lot price of government competition while the second is the extent of the influence on investment promotion from preferential land price and tax incentives during government competition; the sixth chapter takes land-related tax for research subject. It analyzes the evolution of government-regulated land tax and makes a comparison with the land tax abroad. It conducts analysis of the three aspects of the influence on land resources allocation from tax regulations and points out that the existence of large amount of unused land is resulted from the low acquisition price and a lack of effective punishment. Land tax, as a market control measure, should play a positive role in regulating land resources allocation. Improving land value-added tax and introducing vacant land tax are two necessary measures if from the perspective of regulating the phenomenon of unused land by means of improving the current taxes; the seventh chapter analyzes the creating action of the government during districted administration and reviews two major management measures occurred at home and abroad during districted administration. One is land use control and the other is the right of land development. It puts forward four suggestions on how to use the right of land development and how to improve districted administration regulation in China; the eighth chapter completely raises the aim of government behavior in order to realize intensive allocation of urban land resources on the basis of the analysis of government behavior in land price, land tax and total adjustment during the process of urban land resources allocation in the above seven chapters.
     Compared to other researches existing domestically, this thesis has several characteristics as follows: first, if looking from the perspective and logic of the research, this thesis combines government behavior with urban land resources allocation, which makes the problems needed to be resolved during urban land resources allocation more obvious. During urban land resources allocation, the efficiency of the allocation is mainly embodied by the structure and output of the allocation. Allocating structure is manifested in the ratio of land utilization while allocating output in land price. Therefore, the achievement of the allocation could be made clear only if the allocating structure and allocating output have been studied together. But the current research mostly focuses on one aspect, lacking a complete and systematic research on urban land allocation. Secondly, from the research level, although the participants in the allocation of urban land resources are many, not only governments, but also involving enterprises and individuals, the double positions the governments hold makes it necessary for the governments to start to consider how to enhance and improve the play in allocating urban land resources when trying to improve the achievements of urban land allocation. The existed literature do have talked about the government behavior when studying the urban land allocation, but they only studied about certain layer of the governments. As a matter of fact, government behavior is a collection of multi-layer subjects. Since central government, provincial governments and local governments differ a lot in their purposes and guiding function when they involve in the management, it is of great significance to analyze the behavior model and influence of the governments at different layers in the study of urban land allocation achievements. Thirdly, from the research content, this thesis conducts research on the government behavior's influence on urban land allocation, specifically researching government competition, government failure and government creation during the process of land price control, land tax control and land use control. The author puts land use structure and land use output in an integrated framework, differing from the existed research which only concentrate on one certain element.
     Main conclusion and creation of this thesis could be summed up as:
     First, the author makes a summary of the evolution of the intensive allocation of urban land resources in China from the perspective of institutional economics analysis. The existed research has discussed a lot about the evolution of urban land use regulations. However, this thesis renews the explorations of the attributions from the change of regulations and induced evolution of the institutional economics.
     Secondly, it makes clear that middlescopic and microscopic governments are the dominant factors in the allocation of urban land resources through the analysis of the effects on land allocation of macroscopic, middlescopic and microscopic governments. The author says due attention should be paid to differentials of the government behavior at middlescopic and microscopic level in different places. During the macro adjustment, more importance should be attached to how to make the middlescopic and microscopic governments play a guiding and positive role through policy guiding and control. Most of the former research spent more time on the analysis of local governments and regarded local governments as the beneficiaries of the urban land allocation. Policy transmission mechanism and variation could be explained more objectively and more thoroughly if analyzing the three-layer governments at the same time.
     Thirdly, the author analyzes low land price incited by government competition from government behavior perspective. Through the discussion of the influence on local governments' behavior of the government's current performance appraisal system and the centralization and decentralization of the financial system, this thesis points out that the competition among different places is incited by the fact that the local governments are the beneficiaries. This chapter explains how land price has been affected during the competition and how the variation of land price affects the investment promotion in different places.
     Fourthly, the author analyzes the different elements' impact on the government performance in detail by means of classification and attribution of preferential policies. Former research mostly centered on one certain element and analyzed the element's effect on investment promotion from tax incentives and land price incentives perspectives respectively but they didn't conduct systematic research by combining different elements together as one integrated system based on actual situation. This thesis is the first one to analyze the tax incentives and land price incentives together and the course of simulation analysis conforms more to reality. Thus the result is conducive to examine how the existed policies affect urban land resources allocation directly and indirectly.
     Fifthly, the author analyzes to which extent the government's low price strategy affects on investment promotion by referring to real evidence. Although the former research talked about the impact of the land price, they seldom applied real statistics or undertook model analysis. This thesis makes use of large amount of statistics and plot resources in 64 cities in Zhejiang Province and puts forward suggestions on the adjustment of low land price strategy based on the result of real evidence analysis.
     Sixthly, the author discusses how to strengthen the role of market mechanism in guiding the utilization of land when the land property right has been defined strictly from the regulation improvement perspective. The vague part of the land use right benefits enjoyed by and the punishment to land users has caused the low efficiency of land resources allocation. This thesis suggests improving regulation control by means of market measure, especially tax measure under the situation of low efficiency of land utilization.
     Seventhly, this thesis discusses how to implement the polices from the central government in different places in the situation of their own actual level of economic development under the background of land macro-regulation system from the angle of regulation creation. Through theoretical analysis, operation effectiveness and the case comparison with that in US based on "prime farmland interchange and protection" case in Zhejiang Province, the author explores the regulation creation theoretically in land implementation mechanism.
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