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Urban land use is the projection of urban economic activities on the ground. Its changes reflect urban development and it affects the city' competitive advantage and future development, so the optimization of urban land use is critical to urban development. The market mechanism and government intervention are complementary, although the way they work together is different depending on the economic system. In a well-developed market economy, the market basically allocates the urban land to users. In a planned economy, urban land use is planned and the land is used for free. This type of allocation method has many drawbacks. On the course of reform and openness, the old urban land usage system can't adapt to the development of urban economy. Therefore, the market has been introduced to allocate land resources through the separation of land use right from ownership. Under the present land use system in our country, the efficiency and structure of urban land usage have been greatly improved. However, there are s
    till many problems in practice. The urban land has not been truly efficiently used with the development of the urban functions and some land is unused or used inefficiently; the urban construction takes away the farming land and consequently threatens agriculture and ecology and exacerbates the existing conflicts; furthermore, there is still considerable loss of revenue in urban land use arising from leasing. So in order to further reform urban land property institutions and perfect the mechanism of urban land use, it is urgent to thoroughly study the urban land use mechanism. No prior research has examined this issue from the viewpoint of urban economics, property economics, and Marxism land rent theory. Building on prior literature and extensive analysis, this paper discusses the urban land use mechanism as follows:
    In chapter 2, both foreign and domestic research on the urban land use is reviewed. Firstly, I review the foreign theories including the classical land rent theory, the classical location theory, the new classical land economic theory, land economics and urban land economics. Secondly, I discuss the domestic theories including urban land property reform, the study of urban land market mechanism and the failure of the government intervention.
    In chapters, the urban land usage in a market economy is discussed. I first analyze the general land market mechanism. Then the basis of the land market mechanism-
    -agglomerative economies and land rent-is analyzed, and the operation of the land market mechanism is illustrated. Thirdly, I discuss the urban land market mechanism in a static urban economics model and a dynamic one respectively. Finally, I explore the conditions of urban land development and redevelopment.
    In chapter 4, the reasons, objectives and methods of government intervention in a land market are discussed. As to the practices of government intervention, the
    representative examples -U.K, USA, and Hongkong, are given. Finally, the
    impacts of government intervention are briefly reviewed.
    In chapter 5, the arrangements of urban land property in our country are analyzed. Firstly, the reform of land use right and the development of the urban land market are briefly reviewed. Secondly, from the perspectives of economic and law, the content and limitations of urban land ownerships and use rights are discussed. Finally, the characteristics of our urban land property in reality are pointed.
    In chapter 6, the market mechanism under present urban land property in our country is researched in detail. Firstly, the objective function and behavior of the participants in the urban land market are described. The competition between them is also described. Secondly, the market mechanism of urban land is generally analyzed. Thirdly, the process of urban land development is researched. Low land expropriation price causes the following problems: decreasing the efficiency of urban land use, distorting traditional mono center land use structure, causing the inequity to peasants, threatening the f
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