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In recent years, due to the effect of American subprime lending crisis and Europeandebt crisis, the finance and substantial economy all over the world have been shocked indifferent levels. In face of the unprecedented crisis,most national and local governmentsmake use of treasury bonds, local government bonds and other fiscal investment ways tostabilize and promote the economy, improve the efficiency of the resource allocation andthen readjust the economy structure well. Without exception, China has been taking thesame measures as well as other countries. China has taken advantage of the fiscalinvestment way to stress the investments of infrastructure, key industry, agriculture, highand new technology and western development. Although under the background of theeconomy crisis, these measures have been achieved good effects. Reviewing the progressof reform and openness for more than30years, despite of experiencing numerousdomestic strife and foreign aggression, it is obvious that Chinese economy keeps stableand healthy. The fiscal investment measures have played a significant role in thedevelopment. However, how to apply the fiscal investment measures well in the keyperiod of to change the economic development mode and adjust economy structural so asto give full play to regulate the economy, to optimize the allocation of the resources thento promote the structural transformation and the change of the development way,continue to improve the people livelihood, actually create the real “beautiful China” andrealize “China dream” that we together expect becomes the focus that people keep awatchful eye. Based on what have been discussed above, this article conducts studies thataim at the view of fiscal Investment and loan performance evaluation system. We striveto establish a set of scientific and effective fiscal Investment and loan performanceevaluation system which will be used to examine the current preformance of fiscalInvestment and loan and eventually contributes to improve the efficiency of the use offiscal Investment and loan.
     This article takes the relevant category and theory of the fiscal investment and loanperformance evaluation as the entry point, and systematically introduces the researchstatus of fiscal investment and loan performance evaluation and summarizes its researches’ trend and important points. Through tidying the different development stagesand current status of Chinese fiscal investment and loan performance, we conclude thecurrent problems that exist of fiscal investment and loan performance. Then the articleintroduces some experience that the developed countries ever have gone through, whichcan lay a foundation of performance evaluation. After that, basing on different fields ofempirical methods at home and abroad about fiscal investment and loan performanceevaluation system, in view of the actual situation of our economy, we set up the systemframework of fiscal investment and loan performance evaluation and determine the indexweight through the empirical screening. Finally, we demonstrate fiscal investment andloan performance evaluation system that we have constructed by the form of case study.
     This article mainly apply literature research methods, inductive and deductivemethods, experts evaluation methods, analytic hierarchy process(AHP)and case analysismethods and so on to study our fiscal investment and loan performance evaluationsystem. Then we analyze the issues that we have discussed through six chaptersincluding introduction, theoretical foundation, current situation analysis, experiencereference, system building and case study.
     The first chapter is the introduction, elaborating the background, theoreticalsignificance and practical significance of this research study and inducing theperformance aspects of the Fiscal Investment and Loan from home and abroad view atthis stage; the second chapter analyzes the scope of the financial investment andfinancing performance evaluation, as well as the definition of related concepts. Then theresearch summarizes the pertinent theories such as the allocation of resources theory, theprincipal-agent theory, the quasi-public goods theory. Based on these theories, theresearch illustrates the necessity for the implementation of the Fiscal Investment andLoan performance evaluation from the macro and micro levels; Undertake the lastchapter, the third chapter discusses the status quo and the problems on China's FiscalInvestment and Loan Performance evaluation. First, the paper reviews for the FiscalInvestment and Loan Performance evaluation, based on two perspectives of the worldand our history, to find out its developmental context. Secondly, summarizing thesituation of our country at this stage for the Fiscal Investment and Loan PerformanceEvaluation concludes three modes of China's Fiscal Investment and Loan Performance evaluation: Fiscal Investment and Loan performance-oriented model, a comprehensiveevaluation and performance indicators management combined mode and third-partyperformance evaluation center organization management model. Finally, the chapterthree points out the defects in our finance performance evaluation according to its statusquo.Chapter fourth introduces the experience of developed countries about the FiscalInvestment and Loan Performance Evaluation for performance evaluation. Combiningwith the status quo of China's Fiscal Investment and Loan and the analysis of problemsas well as introducing representative for the United States, Germany, Japan, Australiafour developed countries in the fiscal Investment and Loan performance Evaluation’s richmature experience, the chapter build and improve for the next chapter in line withChina's national conditions, the fiscal Investment and Loan performance EvaluationIndex System; Chapter fifth is about China's financial investment and financing methodsand indicators of the performance evaluation. On the basis of system construction andimprovement of the chapter index system drawing on the experience of foreign matureexperience of the developed countries in the fiscal Investment and Loan performanceEvaluation and several provinces in China, the research creates text index system basedon economic, social and environmental dimensions. Initial index system is based on theabove experience and expert evaluation method and then the paper screened this articlethrough the test of reasonableness, validity, relevance and discernment of the initial indexsystem performance evaluation system framework. Next, the paper uses the AnalyticHierarchy Process on the index system of the right to re-calculate. At last, the researchgives the method of calculation of the fiscal investment and loan performance evaluationsystem in line with China's national conditions, providing a methodology foreshadowingresearch for the final case analysis; Chapter VI is about the specific case for the financialinvestment and financing projects. This chapter is mainly based on the specific case basisand uses the index system built for the practical application of the fiscal Investment andLoan performance Evaluation on China at this stage. Then, by the form of casesummarize, we can say that it’s the ultimate point of the entire article.
①Yoichi Gokan. The speed of convergence and alternative government financing. Journal of Economic Dynamics&Control. Journal of Economic Dynamics&Control27(2003):1517–1531.
    ②Fu-Sheng Hung:Optimal composition of government public capital financing. Journal of Macroeconomics27(2005):704–723.
    ③C. Emre Alper, Oya Pinar Ardic, Ay e Mumcu, Ismail Saglam. The welfare effects of government's preferences overspending and its financing. Economic Modelling25(2008):1–12.
    ④Ryuta Ray Kato. Government Deficit, Public Investment, and Public Capital in the Transition to an Aging Japan.Journal of the Japanese and International Economies16,462–491(2002).
    ①Magda Kandil. Variation in the Effects of Government Spending Shocks with Methods of Financing: Evidence fromthe U.S. International Review of Economics and Finance15(2006)463–486.
    ③Jeff Romm, Courtland Washburn, Raul Tuazon and Judy Bendix. Public Subsidy and Private Forestry Investment:Analyzing The Selectivity and Leverage of a Common Policy Form. Land Economics, Vol.63, No.2.
    ⑤Ji-Chung Yang. Impact Measurement for Public Investment Evaluation: An application to Korea. Journal of PolicyModeling27(2005)535–551.
    ①Mary A. Malina, Frank H. Selto. Choice and change of measures in performance measurement models. ManagementAccounting Research15(2004)441–469.
    ②Gerald Brown. Property Investment and Performance Measurement: A Reply. Journal of Property Valuation andInvestment. Vol.4Iss:1pp.33–44.
    ③W.K. Wang. A Knowledge-based Decision Support System for Measuring the Performance of Government RealEstate Investment. Expert Systems with Applications29(2005)901–912.
    ④Kamel Bala,Wade D. Cook. Performance Measurement with Classification Information: an Enhanced Additive DEAmodel. Omega31(2003)439–450.
    ⑤Sanjeev Gupta, Marijn Verhoeven. The efficiency of government expenditure Experiences from Africa. Journal ofPolicy Modeling23(2001)433–467.
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    ①Ross S. A. The Economic Theory of Agency: the principal Problem [J], American Economic Review, Vol.63.1973
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