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As the main provider of human food - the importance of land for human self-evident. In fact, the land also provide accommodation for people carrying and as a function of the main arena of the people. According to Marx and Engels's theory, land is the main agricultural production. How rational allocation and use of land to determine the reasonableness of the relations of production, which determines the level of productivity. When the relations of production does not meet the time requirements of the development of productive forces, will be eliminated by productivity. From China thousands of years of history, the demands on land reform have become the key incentives and change the outcome. Fact that not only China, the United States history also shows a similar situation. American Civil War is one of the incentives the federal government decided the newly developed land is no longer allocated to the production of human slavery. Other Western countries such as France, Britain, Germany, Russia, Italy, the history of all verification with the above assertion in the past quite a long period of time is correct.
     Accordance with the "Republic of China Land Management Law" stipulates that part of the People's Republic belong to the state part of the land owned by collectives. But modern society by the separation of ownership and use of production makes use of more flexible and efficient. On the one hand the normal give farmers long-term land use rights and promote the farmers for agricultural production initiatives; the other hand, farmers can subcontract, lease, loan, exchange, transfer, shares, etc. of land use right, which ensure that land use flexibility. But the Government has been concerned about the rural land of the political, security function, the relative neglect of its economic function, the nature of property. Therefore, the land of "exchange value" will not be able to achieve well. This early stage of development in China has established is reasonable, but after the economic function of land to play, play to maximize their effectiveness and achieve real economic reform in China, must walk the road of agricultural land transfer.
     This thesis is divided into seven chapters:
     The first chapter is an overview of the legal system of land transfer, land transfer in China to write this chapter in the history of the evolution of the law, the Chinese legal system, the status of land transfer and the characteristics of the Chinese legal system, land transfer issues and in particular the conclusion of this chapter, a summary induction.
     ChapterⅡof the EU legal system of land transfer overview of the EU to write this chapter in the history of land transfer legal evolution of the EU the status of land transfer and the characteristics of the legal system, legal system of the EU land transfer legal analysis and empirical analysis, the EU land transfer the special problems of the legal system and the conclusion of this chapter gives a summary.
     The third chapter is the German legal system, an overview of the land transfer, land of Germany wrote a chapter in the history of the evolution of the legal transfer, the German legal system of land transfer status and characteristics of the German legal system of land transfer legal analysis and empirical analysis, the German land transfer law the special problems of the system and to summarize the conclusion of this chapter.
     ChapterⅣis a British overview of the legal system of land transfer, this chapter was the British legal system of land transfer historical evolution, the British legal system, the status of land transfer and features of the British legal system of land transfer legal analysis and empirical analysis, British Land Transfer the special problems of the legal system and to summarize the conclusion of this chapter.
     The fifth chapter is the French legal system of land transfer overview chapter written by the French legal system of land transfer history of the evolution of the French legal system of land transfer status and characteristics of the French legal system of land transfer legal analysis and empirical analysis, the French land transfer the special problems of the legal system and to summarize the conclusion of this chapter.
     ChapterⅤis the U.S. legal system, an overview of the land transfer, this chapter of the United States land transfer to write the history of the evolution of the legal system, the United States the status of land transfer and the characteristics of the legal system, the U.S. legal system, land transfer legal analysis and empirical analysis, the United States land transfer the special problems of the legal system and to summarize the conclusion of this chapter.
     ChapterⅦis the Comparison of the system, the article concludes. Only rationalize the existing land system reform, it can only play the role of the land's political and security, and economic role played by land.
    55The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Article 39(2)(ex Article 33 TEC) In working out the common agricultural policy and the special methods for its application, account shall be taken of: (a) the particular nature of agricultural activity, which results from the social structure of agriculture and from structural and natural disparities between the various agricultural regions; (b) the need to effect the appropriate adjustments by degrees; (c) the fact that in the Member States agriculture constitutes a sector closely linked with the economy
    56Michael Cardwell: rural development in the European community: charting a new course Drake Journal of Agricultural Law, Spring, 2008
    57Robert A. Coulthard: The Changing Landscape of America's Farmland: A Comparative Look at Policies Which Help Determine the Portrait of Our Land--Are There Lessons We Can Learn From The EU , Drake Journal of Agricultural Law Fall 2001
    58European Union Preparatory Acts,European Commission,Report from the Commission to the Council ,Review of the transitional measures for the acquisition of agricultural real estate set out in the 2003 Accession Treaty,2008/07/16
    60 European Union Preparatory Acts,European Commission,Report from the Commission to the Council ,Review of the transitional measures for the acquisition of agricultural real estate set out in the 2003 Accession Treaty,2008/07/16
    61 European Union Preparatory Acts,European Commission,Report from the Commission to the Council ,Review of the transitional measures for the acquisition of agricultural real estate set out in the 2003 Accession Treaty,2008/07/16
    62 European Union Preparatory Acts,European Commission,Report from the Commission to the Council ,Review of the transitional measures for the acquisition of agricultural real estate set out in the 2003 Accession Treaty,2008/07/16
    63 The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Article 18 (ex Article 12 TEC) Within the scope of application of the Treaties, and without prejudice to any special provisions contained therein, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited.
    64 The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Article 63 (ex Article 56 TEC) 1. Within the framework of the provisions set out in this Chapter, all restrictions on the movement of capital between Member States and between Member States and third countries shall be prohibited.
    65 The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Article 65 (ex Article 58 TEC) 1. The provisions of Article 63 shall be without prejudice to the right of Member States: (a) to apply the relevant provisions of their tax law which distinguish between taxpayers who are not in the same situation with regard to their place of residence or with regard to the place where their capital is invested; (b) to take all requisite measures to prevent infringements of national law and regulations, in particular in the field of taxation and the prudential supervision of financial institutions, or to lay down procedures for the declaration of
    70 EU: Case C‐515/99,European Court reports 2002 Page I‐02157
    72 Decision SKC-410/2010 Unreported 2010 (Latvia)
    73 European Union Preparatory Acts,European Commission,Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament,EU Guidelines to support land policy design and reform processes in developing countries [SEC(2004) 1289],2004/10/19
    74 European Union Preparatory Acts ,European Parliament,Comm. Agriculture and Rural Development (94),The future for young farmers under the ongoing reform of the CAP - European Parliament resolution of 5 June 2008 on the future for young farmers under the ongoing reform of the CAP (2007/2194(INI)),Official Journal C 285E, 26/11/2009 p. 43
    75 European Union Preparatory Acts,European Commission,Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament,EU Guidelines to support land policy design and reform processes in developing countries [SEC(2004) 1289],2004/10/19
    96明格.《英格兰的土地与社会》1750~ 1980[ Z],朗曼出版公司,1994年版,第145页。
    97 Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries And Food ,A Century Of Agricultural Statistics, Great Britain1866-1966 . London1968: 24.
    98奥威和威瑟姆.《英国农业史》1846~ 1914年[ Z],朗曼出版公司,1964年。
    100明格.乡绅:《一个统治阶层的兴衰》[ M],伦敦,1975年版,第59页。
    102明格.《英格兰的土地与社会1750~ 1980》[ Z],朗曼出版公司,1994年版,第30页。
    104 Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries And Food, A Century Of Agricultural Statistics, Great Britain1982,London1983.
    114 Uthwatt Report 1942;http://www.gdupi.com/upload/200762215291417125.pdf.
    115 U.K. government, Town and Country Planning Act 1947.
    118 J.Barry Culling worth and Vincent Nadin ,Town &country planning in the UK(12th Edition), Routledge,1997.
    119 U.K. government ,Town and country planning act 1990
    121 U.K. government, The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
    122 U.K. government, Planning and Compensation Act 1991
    123 U.K. government, Planning and Compensation Act 1973.
    124 The planning and compulsory purchase act 2004, stationery office,2004.
    127 U.K. government, Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
    129 Contributing to sustainable communities-a new approach to planning obligations[R],ODPM,2003.
    133武剑:农地市场流转管理机制的构建——以法国土地治理和乡村建设组织为鉴,【J】,安徽农业科学, 2009年11期。
    134武剑:农地市场流转管理机制的构建——以法国土地治理和乡村建设组织为鉴,【J】,安徽农业科学, 2009年11期。
    169 Open Space Subvention Act Eligible Acreage and Entitlement Per City/County, Department of Conservation.
    170 Special Topic Survey: Assessment of Properties Under California Land Conservation Act Restrictions, 1997, California State Board of Equalization, page 7.
    172 Agricultural Preservation, Appendix E, Williamson Act Property Tax Calculation, prepared by the Governmental Affairs Division, California Farm Bureau Federation, March 1997。
    173 Department of Conservation Open Space Subvention Act Eligible Acreage and Entitlement Per City/County, FY 01/02。
    174 New Enrollment (Acres): 1991-2001, Department of Conservation Website。
    175 The California Land Conservation (Williamson Act) 2002 Status Report, page10.
    179苏世海、李健:《国外土地流转及对农民利益保护措施的比较与借鉴》,载《劳动保障世界》2010年第7期,第2 0页;
    180李明:《美国土地管理制度考察与借鉴》,载《黑龙江水利科技》2 010年第3期,第2 4页;
    34.秦明周、Richard H.Jackson编:《美国的土地利用与管制》,科学出版社,2004年9月第一版。
    49. [美]丹尼尔·W·布罗姆利著,陈郁、郭宇峰、汪春译:《经济利益与经济制度—公共政策的理论基础》,上海人民出版社,2006年3月第一版。
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    17.武剑:《农地市场流转管理机制的构建——以法国土地治理和乡村建设组织为鉴》,载《安徽农业科学》, 2009年第11期。
    1. Michael Cardwell: rural development in the European community: charting a new course Drake Journal of Agricultural Law, Spring, 2008.
    2. Robert A. Coulthard: The Changing Landscape of America's Farmland: A Comparative Look at Policies Which Help Determine the Portrait of Our Land‐‐Are There Lessons We Can Learn From The EU , Drake Journal of Agricultural Law Fall 2001.
    3. European Union Preparatory Acts,European Commission,Report from the Commission to the Council ,Review of the transitional measures for the acquisition of agricultural real estate set out in the 2003 Accession Treaty,2008/07/16.
    4. EU: Case C‐515/99,European Court reports 2002 Page I‐02157.
    5. European Union Preparatory Acts,European Commission,Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament,EU Guidelines to support land policy design and reform processes in developing countries [SEC(2004) 1289],2004/10/19.
    6. European Union Preparatory Acts ,European Parliament,Comm. Agriculture and Rural Development (94),The future for young farmers under the ongoing reform of the CAP‐ European Parliament resolution of 5 June 2008 on the future for young farmers under the ongoing reform of the CAP [2007/2194(INI)],Official Journal C 285E, 26/11/2009.
    7. Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries And Food ,A Century Of Agricultural Statistics, Great Britain1866‐1966,London1968.
    8. Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries And Food, A Century Of Agricultural Statistics,Great Britain1982,London1983.
    9. U.K. government, Town and Country Planning Act 1947.
    10. J.Barry Culling worth and Vincent Nadin ,Town &country planning in the UK(12th Edition), Routledge,1997.
    11. U.K. government ,Town and country planning act 1973.
    12. U.K. government ,Town and country planning act 1990.
    13. U.K. government ,Town and country planning act 1991.
    14. U.K. government, The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
    15. The planning and compulsory purchase act 2004, stationery office,2004.
    16. DoE Circular 22/83.
    17. Contributing to sustainable communities‐a new approach to planning obligations, ODPM, 2003.
    18. Department of Conservation Open Space Subvention Act Eligible Acreage and Entitlement Per City/County, FY 01/02.
    19. New Enrollment (Acres): 1991‐2001, Department of Conservation Website.
    20. Special Topic Survey: Assessment of Properties Under California Land Conservation Act Restrictions, 1997, California State Board of Equalization.
    21. Open Space Subvention Act Eligible Acreage and Entitlement Per City/County, Department of Conservation.
    22. Agricultural Preservation, Appendix E, Williamson Act Property Tax Calculation, prepared by the Governmental Affairs Division, California Farm Bureau Federation, March 1997.
    23. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Article 18 (ex Article 12 TEC) Within the scope of application of the Treaties, and without prejudice to any special provisions contained therein, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited.
    24. Vorarlberger Grundverkehrsgesetz (Vorarlberg Land Transfer Law) of 23 September 1993 (LGBl. 1993/61), as amended (LGBl. 1995/11, 1996/9, 1997/21 and 1997/85, hereinafter "the VGVG").
    25. Michael Cardwell: rural development in the European community: charting a new course Drake Journal of Agricultural Law, Spring, 2008.
    26. [英]明格:《英格兰的土地与社会》,朗曼出版公司,1994年版。
    27. [英]奥威、威瑟姆:《英国农业史》,朗曼出版公司,1964年版。
    28. [英]明格:《一个统治阶层的兴衰》,朗曼出版公司,1975年版。
    29. [美]贝哈安特:《不动产法(第三版)》,中国人民大学出版社,2002年4月版。

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