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The dissertation is an emprical research on Chinese peasant's land usufruct abdication during the period of accelerating development of industrilization and urbanization. It is a key prerequisite to maintain harmonious development among industrilization, urbanlization and agriculture modernization that peasant would give back their fractional and scattered land to rural collective economic orgnization. Contemparary correlated researches elaborate the significance of peasant's land usufruct quittance, but documents which furtherly study its influential ingredients are relatively insufficient. The paper expounds, mainly on the prospect of peasant's own alternative, their real will and demands towards rural land quittance, which means in the Constitutional framework and with the principle of basic rural property and management system steady and fast, peasant voluntarily return their contracted land usufruct and residential land usufruct to rural collective economic orgnization.
     ⅠQuestion Advance
     According to the classical theoretical model of urban-rural dual structure initially established by A. Lewis in 1954 and amended by John C. H. Fei and Gustav Ranis in 1961, with peasants entering cities to pursue more job opportunities, the marginal agricultural productivity would be enhanced to the same level with the marginal non-agricultural productivity, and due to the inter-related influence, the gap between urban and rural area would be erased at last. However, it not occur in China that when peasant enter cities for better job chances, the gap between urban and rural area is enlarged, not shrinked. An explanation is:the theoritical model is based on the hypothesis on land and capital's freely flow and it is not suit for demestic real situation. Therefore, how to resovle the question on this two basic factors' free flow, are two necessary theoritical prerequirements to reduce the gap of Chinese uban and rural development. The essay, based on the peculiar prospect of land factor, focuses on how peasants voluntarily quit their wasted and scattered land which may be the necessary prerequirement to improve urban-rural land resources' use efficiency.
     The core questions of the research include:If peasant voluntarily abdicate their land usufruct, is there any prerequisites? What on earth are factors to influence peasants' willingness to quit their lands? Is it exisiting any relationship between the behavior of peasant's land qittance and their agricultural census register abdication? To resovle the questions, the dissertation mainly use the methods of standard analysis as well as empirical analysis, ties to give a possible theoretical explanation.
     ⅡResearch Objectives
     The paper studies the issue how peasants who enter cities for non-agricultural activities abdicate their rural land usufruct.
     The sub-objectives are included as following:Overall recognition of peasants'land functions; Finding out conditions and factors about peasants'quittance of their lands; An underlining research on patterns how peasants quit their lands.
     The research route is:Based on look back on the correlated economic theories, the paper firstly definite its objects as well as contents; then mainly uses "behavior economy" theory, to analyze the prerequisites on peasants' land quittance; then uses the methods of standard analysis as well as empirical analysis, to analyze the factors which may influence peasants'willingness and demands on land qittance; then based on the definition of connotation and denotation on peasants' land quittance, to design a practical way as well as a sustainable development machanism for those who want to abdicate their land rights. Finally, the dissertation would give conculsions and suggestions.
     ⅢResearch Contents
     1.Definition of research'question, objective, methods as well as framework;
     2.Overseas regions'similar experience and lessons in the similar development periods.
     3.Overall analysis on peasants'land function. An critical analysis of contemporary forms on peasants'land re-distribution which are government's take over of peasants' land and peasant's land circulation in private.
     4. Analysis of prerequisites on peasant's land quittance. Based on behavior economy, from the two aspects of government's stimulation and peasants'decision, the paper formulates the conditions which may give a positive influence on peasants'land quittance.
     5. Based on the quiz of 2261 peasants which extract from 2500 samples in 65 villages,12 districts, in different rural areas in Chongqing, the paper ties to demonstrate ingredients which may influence peasants'willingness and demands on land quittance.
     6. A design of practical ways on peasants who go into cities for non-agricultural activities want to give up their rural land rights. Based on peasants' authentic will and demands on land quittance, the paper formulates specific ways and means.
     7.An extended discussion on peasants' sustainable development guarantee when they eventually give up their land rights. With combination of "state guarantee ", "rural collective organization guarantee" and " individual guarantee", the paper aims to establish a synthetic safeguarding mechanism for peasants who abandon their agricultural identity as well as rural land rights.
     ⅣConclusions and Suggestions
     1. if government plays a positive role in guiding peasants to abdicate their land usufruct, it would be of great importance to resolve the dilemma that small-scale peasant economy reversely grows up during the period of industrialization and urbanization's accelerating development. To assimilate other counties'experiences and lessons on rural land issue in the similar phase in history, the paper concludes two enlightenments:One thing is that government should play a "visible hand" role to encourage peasants orderly return their fractional and scattered lands to rural collective economic organization; and the other thing is that adequate rural land capitalization would be necessary because it could better improve the resources use efficiency in the way of "two-polar combination" of land and finance.
     2.The paper deduces that beyond peasants'private land rights, there are existing three different interest demands involved with central government, local government and peasants themselves, so rational distribution of land resources and peasants' maximum welfare is difficult to be accomplished. Furthermore, some profound reasons lies in:three external factors including unstable rural land property structure, monopoly of rural contracted land usufruct and impoverishment of peasants' sustainable development protection, as well as one internal factor which peasant will not transact their lands in private. Due to the reciprocity of factors above, the "inadequate transfer" phenomenon occurs in the behaviors of peasants' non-agricultural employment and attitudes toward their lands, in another word, when they obtain job offers in cities they don't want to quit their lands or transact them in market. The low efficiency of land resources' distribution, is the essential factor that small-scale peasant economy reversely grows up during the period of industrialization and urbanization's accelerating development.
     3. The paper advocates that only when peasants orderly abdicate their land usufruct is the core factor to enhance the efficiency of land resources'distribution. Based on the hypothesis of "limited rational economic-man ",the dissertation deduced that peasants' attitude and behavior on land quittance is influenced not only by their own incentives to pursue maximum economic interests, but also by behaviors and decision made by government, especially by local government. The paper further derives six conditions to optimize peasants' decision and behavior on land quittance which include three external conditions:clear land property boundary and protection; well-established public product supply; support of policy-related rural land finance, as well as three internal conditions: steady increase of the level of peasants' non-agricultural employment and income; peasants' land property revenue beyond household output on land; peasants' cognitive competence breaking away "land insurance". The latter three conditions are based on the former three conditions, and if there are six conditions available, peasants could determine whether or not they will quit their scattered lands.
     4. The essay analyzes the further ingredients on peasants' land quittance from a micro point of view on peasants' own wish and demands. The 2261 evidences in Chongqing shows:individual factor(age; education level), and family factor(amount of aged persons in family; amount of children in family; amount of lands usufructs; migrant working condition; urban house(apartment) purchase condition; average income of family), and peasants' expectation on economic compensation on land quittance are three determinative ingredients which influence peasants' decision whether or not they return their land usufruct to the rural collective economic organization. According to the investigation results:it is existing the phenomenon that "insufficient effectual demands on land quittance ", that is to say, most people do not want give up their own correlated land rights, but at the same time, most people who already enter cities for non-agricultural endeavor have a "substantial willingness on land quittance". Based on it, a reasonable way of encouraging people to quit their lands should be studied, as for those who have the real demands to quit their lands, and a new public product system on land quittance should be established which may be positive for those who have the substantial demands to quit their lands make the "Yes " decisions in future.
     5. most peasants who have already enter cities for non-agricultural endeavor have a substantial willingness to quit their lands, so it is the main objective of policy making on rural lands' quittance, and government should increase institutional supply on it, to provide adequate services and insurance for those want to give up their land rights.
     1. Making first-phase preparation for those who enter cities for non-agricultural endeavor if they are willing to quit their rural lands. Primarily vocational education as well as skill training for rural workers in cities in the right age should be provided as public products, which would increase their ability and chances on employment. Posteriorly, in addition to this, government may encourage them to be self-employed by the means of varied facilitations.
     2.Drawing up correct policies and measures in the process of peasants' rural land quittance. Firstly, the operational mechanism of peasants' residential lands' quittance should be standardized and demystified, which means peasants voluntarily quitted their lands could enjoy steady and sustaining revenues even if there be inflations in future; Secondly in the preretirement of insisting basic rural contracted land system not changed in a long term, government may try to make policies to compensate those who want to quit their contracted lands, such as land trusts, bonds and funds, to make sure that peasants given up their land titles could obtain both instant yields and option yields when land value appreciates in the process of industrialization and urbanization's rapid development.
     3.Establishing sustainable insurance system for peasants in cities abandoned their rural land rights. Firstly government may speed up efforts in establishment of housing system for those in cities quitted their lands, which includes series of incentive measures such as rural-urban house exchange, public rental housing, and etc. Secondly government may provide peasants in cities quitted their lands with identical services on urban social security which includes old-age security, medical security, unemployment security and work-related injury security; Thirdly government could guide peasant in cities quitted their lands to establish their own " individual insurance " system, especially to design a sort of special fund only served for themselves, in order to avoid risks when they make livings in cities.
     ⅤSubstantial innovation points
     1. Based on the prospect of land transanction, the essay tries to explain the delimma that tradional dual-economy theory is not used in China, then applies behavior economy theory, analyzing conditions of peasants' land quittance, and then furtherly studies two ways of peasants' land quittance by using land property theory.
     2. Based on the investigation and empirical studies, the paper tries to conclude factors on peasants' land quittance, and thinks that at the present, most peasants will not abandon their lands, but most peasants entered cities have a potential willingness to quit their lands.
     3.The dissertation furtherly studies the policys on peasants' land quittance.The view explains:Peasants' substantial willingness on rural land quittance could be converted into real demands on rural land quittance if there is existing a pertinent "system supply" In order to accomplish this goal, government should focus on the very group that have a positive demand on both entering cities for non-agricultural endeavor and quitting their lands, to make policies which include two aspects:one thing is that government may encourage peasants totally to quit their wasted residential land and to reserve some rights on contracted lands in the purpose of rural and scale management, and the other thing is that government should provide them with series of public services and products including employment insurance, education, housing insurance, medical insurance and other related social insurance, to guide peasants quitted their lands to be real city residents.
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