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Land is the most basic elements of agricultural production, but also human survival and social development of the premise. In this regard, William ? Petty has given a brilliant exposition, "labor is the father of wealth, land is the mother of wealth." Current social and economic development of China's key problem is the "three rural" issue, and solve the "three rural "The primary problem is the problem of land. On the one hand the right to land contractual management and stable long-term change is an important system to protect the livelihood of farmers, and therefore can not be shaken free; the other hand, the development of modern agriculture is to achieve the scale of agricultural land management, and professional requirements of modern agriculture on rural land the optimal allocation of resources and reasonable. This contradiction can only be contractual right in the land of farmers to solve.
     This paper defines the connotation of rural land and rural land transfer need. Analysis of the status of rural land, revealed in China's rural land transfer system of land ownership there is clearance, land contract and management right is not complete, rural land market is lower, government mismanagement and other rural land problem.
     Then analyzes the constraints of the main reasons for rural land, one of the existing system of rural land property rights restrictions on the land transfer; Second, the rural land market is not perfect on the land transfer restrictions; Third, the government does not regulate land transfer behavior restrictions on land transfers.
     Finally, on the basis of the previous analysis made further promote the orderly transfer of rural land in China's basic ideas. Pointed out that to ensure orderly transfer of agricultural land must follow the basic principles of first rural land must ensure that the total cultivated area is not reduced; second land transfer must ensure that the rights and interests of farmers of the land; Third, land transfer mode of choice must be respected the wishes of the majority of farmers. While also speeding up the establishment and improvement of the rural land transfer system.
     The establishment of rural land and improve the transfer system is an arduous and complicated systematic project, which is not a problem can be solved overnight, and only in strict accordance to the actual situation, step by step to establish conditions for the land transfer system in China, solve the problem of rural land is the fundamental way out.
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