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During the 10th Five Year project, lots of landscape ecological forest was planted in Chongming Island, Shanghai, and the local environment was improved greatly. In order to attain economic benefits besides the ecological benefits, the underforest economy was explored in Chongming Island. Raising poultry under forest was a common mode of the underforest economy. With the aim of analyzing the principle of mutual relationship among the main factors in the“poultry-woods”silvopastoral system, methods such as field observation and experimental design were used to study the multi-ecosystem. In the paper, the effect of raising poultry under forest on the woodland environment was analyzed; all these were expected to provide theory support for the effective development of raising poultry under forest.
     The main results were shown as follows:
     1.In the Salix babylonica plantation, with the increase of the canopy density, the species numbers of understory herbaceous plants increased at first and decreased subsequently; Significant negative correlations were observed between the mean coverage (y1), mean density (y2) of herbaceous plant and the canopy density(x): y1=-0.7277x+0.9129,y2=-36.603x+44.65.
     2. The effect of underforest raising poultry on the species of herbaceous plants in the woodland was not significant (p<0.05).The diversity index of the herbaceous plants community declined.
     3. Significant difference were not found between the different treatments, after one year of underforest raising poultry (p<0.05).
     4. The effect of underforest raising poultry on the physicochemical property of the soil was complicated. Soil bulk density, soil porosity, organic matter, soil moisture content, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium had different characteristics. In which, the value of soil bulk density in all but the control treatment became big, but these changes did not reach the significant level. The range ability of the soil organic matter in the chicken and goose plot was 0.8%-17.78%, 1.69%-13.13%, respectively.
     It is concluded that the multi agro-forest system feeding poultry in woodland can get both ecological and economic benefits, and shall be a sustainable underforest economy mode in the Chongming region.
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