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  • 英文题名:Eco-Chemistry of sulfur under Impact by Acid Deposition--A Case Study of Forest Ecosystem in Mt. Lushan
  • 作者:石盛莉
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:土壤学
  • 学位年度:2000
  • 导师:潘根兴
  • 学科代码:090301
  • 学位授予单位:南京农业大学
  • 论文提交日期:2000-07-01
  • 答辩委员会主席:曹志洪
     1.03kmol/(ha a)。森林冠层可明显缓冲酸雨,阔叶林冠层的缓冲能力大于
     流水中 SO4‘”浓度变化较针叶林滞后约 4 ,J’时。
    相的相互作用及其季节动态。也就是说,生态系统的化学过程及其 可能比
Taking a example of a ecodessetera in the Botalcal Garden, Mt. Lushan under
    intense acid deposition, both of sulfur chendstry and its dynamics of in forest
    ecosystem was studied by means of field monitoring and sulfur fraction analysis.
    Both the rooting zone soil and non-rooted soil under different vegetation and in
    different season were smpled, and the fOrest ecosystem resPOnse to acid
    deposition was monitored in sitU. The purpOse of this Wor is to describe the
    ecological effects on sulfur distributions of dynamics of the fOrest ecosystem by the
    acid dePosition and to help enhancement of scientific data for atmospheric
    deposition control. The results were as follows:
    l. The total sulfur in soil of Mt. Lushan was up to 365. l7 t l l5.89mg/kg, of which
    40.3% being adsorbed sulfuL In the subsurface soil, adsorbed sulfor was l78.82I
    94.62mg/kg. Whn In-organic sulfur increased, orgboc sulfor decreases, vice versa.
    Adsorbed sulfur and soluble sulfur in soil under coniferous forest was higher than
    that under deciduous forest, indicating bigger caPacity for adsorbed sulfur of soil
    under coniferous forest. In the rooting zone soil under coniferous forest, the total
    sulfur soluble sulfur and organic sulfur were higher than tha of none-rooted soil.
    The roots of coniferous significantlY innuenced distribndon of sulfur fractions.
    2. The annua decomPOsihon rate of the litters was about 21.l% under coniferous
    and 24.l% under deciduous. DecomPosition the of deciduous litters were bigger
    than that of coniferous litters. DecomPOsition of litters tends to enhance mobile of
    sulfur in soils under coniferous foreSt, While increase adsorbed sulfor in soils under
    deciduous forest.
    3. The average sulfate concentraion in precipitation was 2.98mg/L in l998 in the
    stUdied area. The anntal sulfor dePOsition by preciPitation was l.03kInOU(ha a).
    Acid rain was greaily buffered by forest canopy, and the canopy of deciduous was
    able to bther more acidity of acid taln than canOPy of coniferous. The sulfate
    concentration in throughfall and stem-flow were sighficanly higher than that in
    precipitation. As comPared with coniferous ecosystem, the inPut of SO4'-
    deciduous ecosystem was more, while output less.
    4. The seasonal change pattem of acidity in water Phase and sulfate concefitration
    in throughfall and stem-flow were consistent with precipitation, being signiflcanly
    higher in winter than in sununeL Sulfate concentration in throughfail and
    stem-flow under coniferous fOrest change greatly in differeni seasons. Fractionation
    of sulfur has apparently seasonal changes. Soluble sulfur was high in spring, and
    content of sulfate in rooting zone soils was higher than that of in non-rooted soil.
    Organic sulfur accumulated in autumn. In A horizon of soil under coniferous, there
    were accumulation of adsorbed sulfate in spring and winter, while in subsoil under
    deciduous adsorbed sulfated increase sharply' showing that rootS of deciduous
    greatIy improved adsorption of sulfate in soils.
    5. The chemical coopnent in rain were various during precipitation, and the
    sulfate dominated the asid dePOsition to eco-system. Ligh rain and rains in auumn
    made greater contribution for acid dePOsition. The chemical components in
    throughfall aiso changed actively, and had close relationship with charaCer of
    precipitation. The runoff chemical under forest give prompt resPOnd tO
    precipitation. During precipitation, pH of runoff declined, While electricity rose.
    The pH of runoff under deciduous forest was more susceptible than that of
    coniferous fOrest, while the electricity of runoff under coniferous fOrest noticeabIy
    responded to precipitation pulse effect. After precipitation, the nmoff chemical
    under coniferous forest recovered qulcker than that under deciduous forest. The
    change sulfate concelltr8ion in runoff under deciduous went in a pattem 4 hours
    behind under coniferous forest.
    In summarize, the sulfur dePOsition fiux in Mt. Lushan was great, and
    gradually increased.
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