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     各畦长处理条件下,W20处理拔节至开花期耗水量和耗水模系数最低,开花至成熟期耗水量和耗水模系数最高,对60~140cm深层土壤贮水的消耗量较高。W20总耗水量、灌水量及其占总耗水量的比例显著低于其他处理。开花期土壤相对含水量为L10条件下,W20显著高于W10处理; L20、L40、L60和L80条件下,W20显著高于其他处理;L100条件下,W20与W10、W15无显著差异,显著高于W25处理。表明,W20拔节至开花期耗水少,开花期土壤相对含水量较高,总耗水量少,有利于节水。
A field experiment was conducted in Shiwang village (35°24′N,116°24′E), Yanzhou,Shandong during the2009to2013growing seasons using the high-yielding winter wheatcultivar Jimai22as test material. The objective of this experiment was to study the effects ofdifferent field border length and width for irrigation on water consumption characteristics andgrain yield of wheat, and to provide theoretical basis for water-saving and high-yieldingcultivation of wheat.
     During the2009to2010wheat growing season, three field border widths wereestablished. These field border widths were1.0(W10),1.5(W15) and2.0m (W20). Undereach field border width, four field border lengths were installed, namely,10(L10),20(L20),40(L40) and60m (L60). All treatments were irrigated at jointing and anthesis stages.
     During the2010to2011wheat growing season, four field border widths wereestablished. These field border widths were1.0(W10),1.5(W15),2.0(W20) and2.5m(W25). Under each field border width, six field border lengths were installed, namely,10(L10),20(L20),40(L40),60(L60),80(L80) and100m (L100). All treatments wereirrigated at jointing stage. The soil water content reached the expected amount because ofprecipitation at anthesis stage, so no irrigation was performed at this stage.
     During the2011to2012and2012to2013wheat growing seasons, three field borderwidths were established. These three field border widths were1.5(W15),2.0(W20) and2.5m (W25). Under each field border width, four field border lengths were installed, namely,40(L40),60(L60),80(L80) and100m (L100). All treatments were irrigated at jointing stage.No irrigation was performed at anthesis stage because of the soil water content at this stage.
     1Effect of field border length for irrigation on water consumption characteristics andyield of wheat
     1.1Effect of field border length for irrigation on water consumption characteristics ofwheat
     Under the condition of W10treatment, the total water consumption, irrigation amount,ratio of irrigation amount to total water consumption, water consumption from jointing toanthesis and evaporation amount at jointing, anthesis and grain-filling stages of L80treatmentwere significantly lower than those of L100. The average relative soil water contents of L80were significantly higher than those of L40, L20and L10. Under the condition of W15 treatment, the total water consumption and evaporation amount at jointing, anthesis andgrain-filling stages of L80treatment were significantly lower than those of L100. The waterconsumption from jointing to anthesis and its percentage of L80were significantly lower thanthose of other treatments. The average relative soil water content of L80was not differentfrom that of L100, but significantly higher than those of other treatments. Under the conditionof W20treatment, L80treatment resulted in the lowest total water consumption andpercentage of water consumption from jointing to anthesis. The evaporation amount atjointing, anthesis and grain-filling stages of L80was not different from that of L60, butsignificantly lower than those of other treatments. The average relative soil water content ofL80was not different from those of L60and L100, but significantly higher than those of othertreatments. Under the condition of W25treatment, the total water consumption of L80treatment was significantly lower than that of L100. The percentage of water consumptionfrom jointing to anthesis of L80was significantly lower than those of other treatments. Theevaporation amount at grain-filling stage of L80was significantly lower than that of L100.The average relative soil water content of L80was not different from that of L60, butsignificantly higher than those of other treatments. These results indicate that the averagerelative soil water content of L80was higher, whereas the percentage of water consumptionfrom jointing to anthesis, evaporation amount at jointing, anthesis and grain-filling stages andtotal water consumption were lower. These trends were beneficial for water saving.
     1.2Effects of field border length for irrigation on carbon metabolism of wheat
     Under the conditions of W10and W15treatments, during the mid-and late grain-fillingstages, the net photosynthetic rate, SPS activity, SOD activity and soluble protein content ofthe flag leaf of L80were not different from those of L100, but significantly higher than thoseof other treatments. Dry matter accumulation, dry matter distribution to grain and contributionto grain after anthesis of L80treatment were significantly higher than those of L40, L20andL10.
     Under the conditions of W20and W25treatments, during the mid-and late grain-fillingstages, the net photosynthetic rate, SPS activity, SOD activity and soluble protein content ofthe flag leaf of L80showed the highest values. Dry matter accumulation, dry matterdistribution to grain and contribution to grain after anthesis of L80treatment were notdifferent from those of L60, but significantly higher than those of other treatments. Theseresults indicate that L80had favourable effects on photosynthetic ability during the mid-andlate grain-filling stages, and was beneficial for improving accumulation and translocationafter anthesis.
     1.3Effects of field border length for irrigation on nitrogen metabolism of wheat
     Under the conditions of W10and W15treatments, the amount of nitrogen accumulatedat maturity stage of L80was not different from that of L100, but significantly higher thanthose of other treatments. The amount of nitrogen translocated and its contribution to grainnitrogen of L80were higher than those of L40, L20and L10. Under the condition of W20treatment, the amount of nitrogen accumulated at maturity stage of L80was not different fromthat of L60, but significantly higher than those of other treatments. The amount of nitrogenabsorbed after anthesis and its contribution to grain nitrogen of L80showed the highest values.Under W25condition, the amount of nitrogen accumulated at maturity stage of L80showedthe highest value. The amount of nitrogen absorbed after anthesis and its contribution to grainnitrogen of L80were not different from those of L60, but significantly higher than those ofL20, L40and L100. These results indicate that L80had favourable effects on increasingnitrogen accumulation, and was beneficial for improving the translocation of nitrogen.
     1.4Effects of field border length for irrigation on grain yield and water use efficiency ofwheat
     Under the conditions of W10and W15treatments, the grain yield of L80was notdifferent from that of L60, but significantly higher than those of L10, L20and L40. The wateruse efficiency of L80was significantly higher than that of L100. Under the condition of W20treatment, the grain yield and water use efficiency of L80showed the highest values. Underthe condition of W20treatment, the grain yield of L80showed the highest value. The wateruse efficiency of L80was significantly higher than those of L10, L20and L100. These resultsindicate that L80obtained the highest grain yield and water use efficiency under the conditionof W20treatment. Thus, L80was the optimal field border length for irrigation in our study.
     2Effect of field border width for irrigation on water consumption characteristics andyield of wheat
     2.1Effect of field border width for irrigation on water consumption characteristics ofwheat
     Under the same border length condition, W20treatment showed the lowest percentage ofwater consumption from jointing to anthesis but the highest water consumption from anthesisto maturity and its percentage. Soil water consumption in the60cm to140cm soil layer ofW20treatment was higher than those of other treatments. The total water consumption,irrigation amount and ratio of irrigation amount to total water consumption of W20treatmentwere significantly lower than those of other treatments. Under L10condition, the averagerelative soil water content at anthesis of W20treatment was significantly higher than that of W10. W20treatment showed the highest values under the conditions of L20, L40, L60andL80. Under the condition of L100, W20treatment showed no difference with W10and W15,but was significantly higher than W25. These results indicate that W20treatment resulted inlow water consumption from jointing to anthesis and high average relative soil water contentat anthesis. Moreover, the total water consumption of W20was low. These trends werebeneficial for water saving.
     2.2Effects of field border width for irrigation on carbon metabolism of wheat
     Under the same border length condition, during the mid-and late grain-filling stages, thenet photosynthetic rate, SPS activity, SOD activity and soluble protein content of the flag leafof W20showed the highest values. Dry matter accumulation at maturity and dry matteraccumulation and its contribution to grain after anthesis of W20treatment were significantlyhigher than those of other treatments. These results indicate that W20treatment hadfavourable effects on photosynthetic ability during the mid-and late grain-filling stages, andimproved accumulation and translocation after anthesis.
     2.3Effects of field border width for irrigation on nitrogen metabolism of wheat
     Under the same border length condition, the amount of nitrogen accumulated at maturitystage of W20showed the highest value. Under the conditions of L10, L20and L40, theamount of nitrogen translocated and its contribution to grain nitrogen of W20were higherthan those of other treatments. Under the conditions of L60, L80and L100, the amount ofnitrogen accumulated after anthesis and its contribution to grain nitrogen of W20showed thehighest values. W20treatment absorbed more NO3––N content at the0cm to120cm soillayer. These results indicate that W20had favourable effects on the utilisation of soil nitrogen,and improved the accumulation and translocation of nitrogen.
     2.4Effects of field border width for irrigation on grain yield and water use efficiency ofwheat
     Under the same border length condition, the grain yield of W20treatment was moreuniformly distributed in different regions of the same border than that of other treatments. Theaverage grain yield and water use efficiency of W20treatment were significantly higher thanthose of other treatments. These results indicate that W20treatment resulted in the highestgrain yield and water use efficiency, and could be the optimal field border width for watersaving and high yield in this study.
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