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In this study, the preparation and property characterization of biochars under different tempertures(350℃-750℃) with bagasse and manioc waste (bagasse marked by GZ350-GZ750; cassava wastemarked by MS350-MS750) as precursors was demonstrated. The thesis also studied its adsorptionproperties and influencing factors in soils and discussed the quantitative relationship between thestructure characteristics of biochars and the adsorption mechanism. The result shows that:(1) Withpyrolysis temperature going up, pyrolysis extent of bagasse and manioc waste is enhancing, the C/Hof biochars is increasing gradually and the aromaticity is also enhancing. Additionally, cationexchange capacity (CEC) of biochars is going up constantly.(2) Biochars amendment not onlyenhances the sorption affinity for atrazine in soils but also changes the adsorption isothermnonlinearity. And negative hysteresis effects are also observed during desorption process.(3)Atrazine's adsorption in all soil with biochars is a spontaneous and endothermic reaction, and thehigher temperature is favor of adsorption reaction. Adsorption forces includes hydrogen bonding, theexchange between ionic and ligand, the dipole force and chemical bond.
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