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Byzantine Empire is Eastern Roman Empire which capital is Constantinople. In the year AD 330, Constantine the Great made "New Rome" (namely Constantinople) the new capital of Byzantine Empire. After that, although Byzantine Empire regarded herself as the successor of Rome Empire, as time went by, Byzantine Empire was growing different from Rome Empire. Byzantine Empire was in new transition, and accepting Christianity as state religion in the fourth century was the most pivotal one. From then on, the "small and unknown" Christianity developed quickly, and became the only legitimate religion in Byzantine Empire. By the ninth century, the transition of religion in Byzantine Empire had ended.
     With the Christianizing, Christianity was exerting an influence on the politics, economy, society and culture of Byzantine Empire, and it became one basic element to decide the way of the Empire's developing. Christianity plays a very important role in the history of Byzantine Empire, and some scholar even says that you should know Christianity if you want to study the history of Byzantium. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Christianizing in Byzantine Empire from 4th to 9th Century, and to find the answer to the following two questions:the first one is why Christianity could become the only legitimate religion of Byzantine Empire, the second is what important results appeared after Byzantine Empire's accepting Christianity.
     Christianity developed very quickly in the early period of Byzantine Empire, and this mainly depends on the characters of Christianity itself. Compared with Paganism, That it is an "organizing" group from the beginning is one important character of Christianity. During the early period of Byzantine Empire, the organization of the Christian Church was becoming more perfect and more exclusive. The perfect organization of the Christian Church was the strong fortress for the Christians fighting against Paganism and spreading Christianity. To meet the spiritual need of the people was also an important impetus for the Christianizing during the early period of Byzantine Empire. Christianity not only gave the answer to the questions that the people at that time were caring for, for example, what would be after ones death and why there were so many sufferings in the world, but also gave a "cure" for that——to be a Christian. The Cult of Saints was the most active Christian faith in the early period of Byzantine Empire, it embodied fully the main characters of Christianity itself. On the one hand, the Cult of Saints adopted the popular and traditional conventions of Paganism, on the other hand, it met the needs of the spirit and the world of the people.
     About politics, in the early period of Byzantine Empire, Christianity offered a new "holy theory" to the sovereign, and at the same time, it also benefited the sovereignty by its administrating in localities. As a result, Christianity got the great support from the emperors of Byzantine Empire. Constantine the Great paved the way for the further development of Christianizing by establishing Christianity as legitimate religion. Theodosius the Great made Christianity fighting against Paganism legal by establishing Christianity as state religion. And Justinian the Great made the Christianizing full development by his theory and practice of holy Christian Empire. With the support of the emperors of Byzantine Empire, Christianity began influencing the politics of empire, and at last, it formed the "Byzantine Theocracy"
     At the same time, Christianity had the great influence on the economy and society of Byzantine Empire. After the time of the Edict of Milan in 313, the Christian Church got a series of privileges of economy, and these benefited greatly the development of the economy of the Christian Church. Moreover, the Church of the early period of Byzantine Empire had more ways of revenues than before. As a result, the economy of the Christian Church became a strong power of economy in Byzantine Empire, which could even influence the Sovereignty. With the spreading of Christianity and its large economy, the Church began to play an important social role in Byzantine Empire. The Christian Church began to take fully on the responsibility of almsgiving, and at the same time, the ethics of Christianity had much effect on that of the world.
     In the early period of Byzantine Empire, how to deal with the relations with the Classic Culture was a question that Christianity had to face. Christianity adopted the Classic Culture of Greek and Roman, and the distinctive Christian Culture came into being. Christian Culture mainly includes Christian Literature and Art.
     In summary, in the early period of Byzantine Empire, Christianity became the only state religion of Byzantine Empire from a minor religionary party which covered only 10 percent of the population of the Empire. The answer may be the following four points:the first one is that it meets the needs of the spirit and the world of the people; the second is that it meets the sovereign's political needs and gets the support from them; the third is that it adopts the Paganism and Classical Culture; the fourth is that it has a strong organization of the Christian Church.
     Based on these reasons, Christianity influenced the politics, economy, society and culture of the empire in the early period of Byzantine Empire. And the "Byzantine Theocracy", large economy of the Christian Church, Christian almsgiving and ethics, the distinctive Christian Culture came into being.
    ③ Bury, J.B., History of the later Roman Empire, London,1923.pp.1-2.
    ④ Mango, C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, New York,1980.p.1.
    ① Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), Yale University Press,1984. p.32.
    ② MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, Yale University Press,1997.p.72.
    ③ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), Thames and Hudson Ltd,1971. p.174.
    ④ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.1.
    ②Mango, C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, p.7.
    ②Eusebius, Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine, edit. by Schaff, P., New York: Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1890. In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf201.html另外,尤西比乌斯的《教会史》已有汉译本出版:优西比乌著、瞿旭彤译:《教会史》,生活·读书·新知三联书店,2009年版。
    ③Scorates, Scorates and Sozomenus Ecclesiastical Histories, edit. by Schaff, P., New York:Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1886. In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf202.html.
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius,& Rufinus:Historical Writings, edit. by Schaff, P., New York:Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1892. In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf203.html.
    ① Scholasticus, E., The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus, trans. by Whitry, M., Liverpool University press,2000.
    ③ Athanasius, trans. by Gregg, The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, New York,1980.
    ④ Dawes and Baynes, (trans.), Three Byzantine Saints, Stvladimir's Seminary Press,1977.
    ② Schaff, P.(ed.), The Seven Ecumenical Councils, Christian Ethereal Classics Library,2005.In: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf214.html. See also:Tanner, N.P.(ed.), Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Vol.1, Nicaea I to Lateran V, Sheed & Ward and Georgetown University Press,1990.
    ③ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Pharr, C., Princeton University Press,1952.
    ④ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.20.
    ① The Civil Law, trans. by Scott, S.P., The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.,2001.
    ② Mirow, M.C.and Kelley, K.A., "Laws on Religion from the Theodosian and Justinianic Codes". In:Valantasis, R.(ed.), Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice, Princeton University Press,2000.pp.263-274.
    ③ Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, The University of Chicago Press,1984.
    ③Meer, F. van der, trans. by B.Battershaw and G.R.Lamb, Augustine the Bishop. The Life and Works of a Father of the Church, London and New York,1961.p.44; Dodds, E.R., Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety. Some Aspects of Religious Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Constantine, Cambridge,1965.p.132; Piganiol, A., L'empire Chretien(325-395),2d ed., Pairs,1972. p.259; P. Karmel, "Art Reviewer", in New York Times, Dec.29, 1995. Section C,p.26这些学者认为,异教在罗马帝国的最终消亡是一个自然而然的过程,对异教本身来说,到中世纪晚期,它几乎仅仅剩下一副空壳。
    ① MacMullen. R., Paganism in the Roman Empire, Yale University Press,1981. p.134.转引自罗德尼·斯塔克著、黄建波和高民贵译:《基督教的兴起——一个社会学家对历史的再思》,第115-116页。
    ③ Brown, P., "St. Augustine's Attitude to Religious Coercion", Journal of Roman Studies,54,1964. p.109.
    ⑤MacMullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400).
    ⑥ MacMullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries.
    ① MacMullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries.
    ② MacMullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), pp.102-119.
    ③ Ibid., p.1.
    ④ MacMullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.159.
    ⑤ Frend, W. H. C., Religion Popular and Unpopular in the Early Christian Centuries, Variorum Reprints, 1976.Chapter Ⅺ,p.487.
    ② Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity(AD150-750), Thames and Hudson Ltd,1971.
    ③ Ibid., n.7.
    ④ Ibid., p.8.
    ⑤ Barnes, T.D., Constantine and Eusebius, Harvard University Press,1981.
    ⑥ King, N.Q., The Emperor Theodosius and the Establishment of Christianity, Westminster Press,1960.
    ⑦ Herzfeld, M., "Icons and Identity:Religious Orthodoxy and Social Practice in Rural Crete", Anthropological Quarterly, Vol.63, No.3(Jul.,1990).pp.109-121.
    ① Frantz, A., "From Paganism to Christianity in the Temples of Athens", Dumbarton Oaks Papers, xix(1965).pp.185-206.
    ② Kenna, M. E., "Icons in Theory and Practice:An Orthodox Christian Example", History of Religions, vol.24, No.4(May,1985).pp.345-368.
    ⑥ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture:A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine, A Galaxy Book,1957.p.180.
    ⑦ Ibid., p.215.
    ⑧ Barnes, T.D., Constantine and Eusebius, Harvard University Press,1981参考:雅各布·布克哈特著、宋立宏等译:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,译后记,第356页。
    ⑨ MacMullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), pp.44-48.
    ① Dvornik, F., Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy:Origins and Background, Ⅱ, Dumbarton Oaks Studies, ix, Washington,1966.pp.634-5. See Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, Cambridge University Press,1977. p.7.
    ② Barker. J.W., Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, the University of Wisconsin Press,1977.p.18.
    ① Brown, P., "The Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity", Journal of Roman Studies, Vol.61(1971).pp.80-101.
    ② Johnston, J. and Hayward, P.(eds.), The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Oxford University Press,1999.
    ③ Ringrose, K.M., Saints, Holy Men and Byzantine Society,726 to 843, Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, Ph.D.,1976.
    ④ Ibid., p.194.
    ① Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford University Press.1997. Preface, p.xvii.
    ② Bury, J. B., History of the Later Roman Empire.
    ③ Bury, J.B., History of the Eastern Roman Empire.
    ④ Bury, J. B., History of the Later Roman Empire, p.2.
    ⑥ Runciman, S., Byzantine Civilization, Longmans, Green and Co.,1993参考:陈志强:《拜占廷学研究》,人民出版社,2001年版。第17页。
    ⑦ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture:A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine.
    ①Sordi. M.. The Christians and the Roman Empire, London,1983.
    ②Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, Cambridge University Press,1977.
    ③Ibid., Introduction, p.1.
    ② Geanakoplos, D.J., "Church and State in the Byzantine Empire:A Reconsideration of the Problem of Caesaropapism", Church History, vol.34, No.4(Dec.,1965).pp.381-403.
    ① Barker, J.W., Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, p.96.
    ② Drake, H.A., Constantine and the Bishops, The Johns Hopkins University Press,2000.
    ④ Hendy, M.F., Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy(c.300-1450), Cambridge University Press,1985.
    ⑤ Andreades, A.,"Public Finances:Currency, Public Expenditure, Budget, Public Revenue".In:Baynes and Moss (eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, Oxford,1948.pp.71-85.
    ⑧ M.M.波斯坦主编、朗立华等译:《剑桥欧洲经济史》,第一卷,经济科学出版社,2002年版;M.M.波斯坦和爱德华·米勒主编、钟华等译:《剑桥欧洲经济史》,第二卷,经济科学出版社,2004年版。
    ① Grant, R.M., Early Christianity and Society:Seven Studies, Happer & Row, Publishers, Inc.,1977.
    ②Op,R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice, Oxford University Press, 2006.
    ③ Raya, J., Bvzantine Church and Culture, Alleluia Press,1992.
    ④ Sevcenko, I., Ideology, Letters and Culture in the Byzantine World, London,1982.
    ⑤Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, Oxford University Press,2000. p.3
    ⑥Cormack, R., Byzantine Art.
    ① Cormack, R., Writing in Gold:Byzantine Society and its Icons, London,1985.
    ② Eastmond, A and James, L.(eds.), Icon and Word:The Power of Images in Byzantium, Ashgate,2003.
    ③ Haldon, J.R., Byzantine in the Seventh Century:the Transformation of a Culture, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
    ④ Ibid.,p.426.
    ⑤ Hussey, J.M., The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire, Oxford,1986.
    ⑥ Frend, W. H. C., The Rise of Christianity, Fortress Press,1984.
    ② Baynes, N.H., The Byzantine Empire, London,1925.
    ③ Gibbon, E., The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London,1905-1906.
    ④Ostrogorsky, G., History of the Byzantine State, Oxford,1956.
    ⑤ Vasiliev, A. A., History of Byzantine Empire, The University of Wisconsin Press,1952.
    ⑥ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602, Oxford,1964.
    ⑦ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, Oxford University Press,2002.pp.96-119.
    ⑧ Mango, C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome.
    ① Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford University Press,1997.在2001年,作者特里高德又以该书为基础,出版了一部拜占廷简史(A Concise History of Byzantium),其观点与《拜占廷国家与社会史》基本相同。
    ② Williams, M.(ed.), The Making of Christian Communties in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Anthem Press, 2005. Introduction, pp.1-2.
    ④ Williams, M., (ed.), The Making of Christian Communties in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Perface,p. X.
    ① Frend, W. H. C, The Rise of Christianity, Fortress Press,1984.p.139.
    ③ Ignatius, "Epistle to the Smyrnaeans", Chapter viii, p.146.In:Schaff, P.(ed.), The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenoeus, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,2001. In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf01.html.
    ④ Ibid., p.147.
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ⑥ Frend, W. H. C, The Rise of Christianity, p.139.
    ⑦ Ibid., p.140.
    ② Ignatius, "Epistle to the Smyrnaeans", Chapter viii, p.147.
    ⑦ Irenaeus, "Against Heresies", book Ⅲ, chapte Ⅳ, p.689. In:Schaff, P.(ed.), The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenoeus.
    ⑧ Irenaeus, "Against Heresies'", bookⅣ, chapte ⅩⅩⅥ, p.832.
    ② Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, Oxford, 1964.pp.874-875.
    ③Eusebius, Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine, edit. by Schaff, P., New York: Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1890.pp.609-610.
    ⑥ Frend, W. H. C., Town and Country in the Early Christian Centuries, Variorum Reprints,1980. X, p.269.
    ⑧ Frend, W. H. C., The Rise of Christianity, p.398.
    ② Frend, W. H. C., Town and Countnv in the Early Christian Centuries, X,p.275.
    ③ Treadgold,W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford University Press,1997. Introduction, p.5.
    ④ Jones. A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey. D.72.
    ⑥ Treadgold,W.. A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.119.
    ⑦ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (ADI50-750), Thames and Hudson Ltd,1971. p.82.
    ⑩ Frend, W. H. C., The Rise of Christianity, p.558.
    ③ Haldon, J.R, Byzantium in the Seventh Century, Cambridge University Press,1990. p.292.
    ④the Epanagoge Aucta,in J.and P.Zepos,eds.,Jus graeco-romanum[Athens,1930-31],vol.6,pp.66-67.1n: Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, The University of Chicago Press,1984.pp.163-164.
    ⑤ Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.292.
    ⑦ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), pp.85-86.
    ① Urbainczyk, T., Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and State, The University of Michigan Press, 1997.p.120.
    ② Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.292.
    ④ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.99.
    ⑤ Treadgold,W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.259.
    ② Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), Yale University Press,1984. p.6.
    ④Neville, G.(trans.), Saint John Chrysostom:Six Books on the Priesthood, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984.p.74.
    ① Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.21.
    ③ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.64.
    ⑤ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, Yale University Press, 1997.pp.65-66.
    ①MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.3.
    ② Ibid., p.5.
    ③ Eunap. Frg.78(FHG 4.49). See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p,63.
    ④ Rufin., H.E,2.29(PL21.55.6f.=GCS9,2, pp.1034f). See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.
    ⑤ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), pp.63-64. 100-400), p.63.
    ① MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.13.
    ② Ibid., p.12.
    ③ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.6.
    ③ M.A., Kugener, Severe patriarche d'Antioche 512-518. Textes Syriaques, Ⅰ:Vie de Severe par Zacharie le Scholastique, Paris 1903(Patrologia orientalis 2,1, Pairs 1907,2-115), pp.22-27,47,55,60-69,73. See MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.26.
    ①Firm. Mat., De erroreprof. relig.20.7. See MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.13.
    ② Rufinus, H.E.2.28. See MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.53.
    ③ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.14.
    ①Brown. P., The World of Late Antiquity (ADI50-750), p.104.
    ②Scorates, Scorates and Sozomenus Ecclesiastical Histories, edit. By Schaff. P., New York:Christian Literature Publishing Co 1886 Sco H F 715nn 293-294
    ③ Brown, P.,The World of Late Antiquity'(AD150-750), p.104.
    ④MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.13.
    ① Dionysiac,希腊酒神。
    ② Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.11.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Dodds, E.R., Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety, Cambridge University Press,1965. p.74.
    ⑥ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.12.
    ⑦ Ibid.
    ⑧ MacMullen, R., "Two types of conversion to early Christianity," Vigiliae Christianae 37(1983)174-192, 190n.41.See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), pp.18-19.
    ① Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.12.
    ② Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, Oxford University Press,2002.p.96.
    ③Dawes and Baynes, (trans.), Three Byzantine Saints, Stvladimir's Seminary Press,1977. p.ix.
    ⑧"Cemetery." in The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford:Clarendon Press 1978,2:217参见阿尔文·施密特著、汪晓丹和赵巍译:《基督教对文明的影响》,第55页。
    ⑤ Athanasius, Select Works and Letters, edit. by Schaff, P., Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1892. Life of Antony, p.514.In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf204.html.
    ⑥ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture:A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine, A Galaxy Book,1957.pp.263-264.
    ⑤ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture:A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine, p.241.
    ⑥ Cyprian,The Epistles of Cyprian, Epistle LXXⅡ. In:Schaff,P.(ed.), Fathers of the Third Century:Hippolytus,Cyprian.Caius,Novatian,Appendix, Christian Classics Ethereal Library,2004.p.680. In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf05.html.
    ⑧ Tertullian,On Baptism,Chapter Ⅰ.In:Schaff,P.(ed.),Latin Christianity:Its Founder,Tertullian, Christian Classics Ethereal Library,2006.p.1162. In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf03.html.
    ④ Tertullian, Treatise On the Soul,ChapterXLI.In:Schaff.P.(ed.),Latin Christianity:Its Founder,Tertullian, p.354.
    ⑤ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture:A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine, p.241.
    ⑥ Ibid.,pp.241-242.
    ⑦ Ibid.,p.242.
    ③ Tertullian,The Five Books Against Marcion,BookⅣ,ChapterⅨ. In:Schaff,P.(ed.),Latin Christianity:Its Founder,Tertullian, p.594.
    ④Tertullian, On Repentance, ChaptersⅡ,Ⅸ. In:Schaff,P.(ed.),Latin Christianity:Its Founder,Tertullian, pp.1143-1144,1154-1155.
    ① Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.57.
    ③ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.107.
    ④ John Moschus, Pratum Spirituale c.50, PG LXXXVII,2905B.See Brown, P., "The Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity", The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol.61,1971.p.97.
    ⑤ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.106, picture 76.
    ⑥ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.11.
    ⑦ Orig., C.Cels.8.48, trans. by Chadwick. See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.19.
    ⑧ Aug., De cat. rud.5.9. See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.64.
    ① Joh. Chrysos., Homil. I in Jud.4 (PG48.848). See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D. 100-400), p.64.
    ②优西比乌著、瞿旭彤译:《教会史》,生活·读书·新知三联书店,2009年版。第397-399页。另见:Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, pp.29-30.
    ④ Theodoret, H. E.3.9. In:Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius,& Rufinus:Historical Writings,p.175.
    ⑤ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.73.
    ⑧ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture:A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine, p.155.
    ④Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.17-18.
    ⑤Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.54.
    ① Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.56.
    ⑤ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.55.
    ① Orig., C.Cels.8.11, trans. by Chadwick. See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.18.
    ② Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.91.
    ③ Ibid., p.113.
    ④ Max. Taurinensis(CCSL23.414), sermo 106.If. See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D 100-400), p.113.
    ② Macmullen, R.,Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.108.
    ③Ibid., p.22.
    ④ Ibid.,p.24.
    ⑤ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.11.
    ⑥ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), pp.108-109.
    ⑦ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.55.
    ① Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750),. p.108.
    ② Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.107
    ③ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.56.
    ④ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.11.
    ① Farmer, D., The Oxford Dictionary of Saints, Oxford University Press,1978. Introduction, p.14.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Delehaye, H., Les Origines du Culte des Martyrs, Brussels,1933; Rordorf, W., Aux Origines du Culte des Martyrs.lrenikon, no.46,1972,pp.315-331转引自陈文海:“中世纪教廷“封圣”问题研究——对“封圣”过程的非宗教层面考察”,《中国社会科学》,2002年第4期。第189页。
    ⑤ Farmer, D., The Oxford Dictionary of Saints, Introduction, pp.17-18.
    ⑥ Wilson, S., Saints and Their Cults, Cambridge,1983.p.193.
    ⑦ Kleinberg, A.M., Prophets in Their Own Country, Chicago,1997. p.8.
    ① Kleinberg, A.M., Prophets in Their Own Country, p.6.
    ② Wilson, S, Saints and Their Cults, p.194.
    ③ Kleinberg, A.M., Prophets in Their Own Country, p.8.
    ④ Ringrose, K.M., Saints, Holy Men and Byzantine Society,726 to 843, Rutgers University,The State University of New Jersey, tne Paper of Ph.D.,1976.p.10.
    ② Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.132.
    ③ Eunapius, Vita Aedesii, See Cochrane.C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.268.
    ④ Schaff,P.(ed.), The Seven Ecumenical Councils, Christian Classics Ethereal Library.2005.Canon Ⅶ of the Seventh Ecumenical Council,p.798.In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf214.html.
    ⑥ Basil, Letters and Select Works, edit. by Schaff, P., Christian Classics Ethereal Library,2003.De Spiritu Sancto,p.177.In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf208.html.
    ① Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.134.
    ③ Athanasius, trans. by Gregg, The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, New York,1980.
    ④ Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.135.
    ⑤ Jerome, The Principal Works of St. Jerome, edit. by Schaff, P, Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1892. "Aganist Vigilantius",6, p.787.1n:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf206.html.
    ① Brown, P., "The Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity",p.98.
    ④ Macmullen. R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.133.
    ⑤ Dawes and Baynes, (trans.), Three Byzantine Saints, Stvladimir's Seminary Press,1977. pp.ix-xii.See also: Frend. W. H. C., Religion Popular and Unpopular in the Early Christian Centuries, Variorum Reprints, 1976.chapter Ⅷ,sp.16.
    ① Brown, P., "The Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity", p.97.
    ④ Brown, P., "The Rise and Fuction of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity", p.85.
    ① MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, pp.17-18.
    ③ Ringrose. K.M., Saints, Holy Men and Byzantine Society,726 to 843, p.82.
    ②Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.135.
    ① Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.131.
    ② Ibid.,p.138.
    ③ Dawes and Baynes, (trans.), Three Byzantine Saints, p.126.
    ④ Ep.78 (Bidez and Cumont, no.79), no paging. See Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.268.
    ⑤ Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, pp.132-133.
    ① Gatier,P.-L.(ed.),Inscriptions de la Jordanie,2:Region centrale(IGLS), Paris,1986.143f.. See Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.138.
    ② Spieser, J.M.,"The Christianisation of Pagan Sanctuaries",p.13. In Spieser, J.M.,Urban and Religious Spaces in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium, Ashgate/Variorum,2001.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Brown, P., "The Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity", p.93.
    ⑤ Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.138.
    ② Beaujaid, B., "Cites, eveques et martyrs en Gaule α la fin de l'epoque romaine", Les fonctions des saints dans le monde occidental(Ⅲe-ⅩⅢe) siecle. Actes du collogue...1988, Rome,1991.p.187. See Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries,p.132.
    ③ Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, pp.133-134.
    ④ Ibid., p.155.
    ⑤ Brown, P., "The Rise and Fuction of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity", pp.80-101.
    ① Treadgold,W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society,pp.121-122.
    ② Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.117.
    ③ Ibid., p.119.
    ③ Tertullian, Liber ad Scapulam,in J.P.Migne,Patrologia Latina,I, col.778. See Runciman. S., The Byzantine Theocracy,Cambridge University Press,1977. p.20.
    ⑤ Barker J.W., Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, the University of Wisconsin Press,1977.p.96.
    ⑥ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.23.
    ① Dvornik, F., Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy:Origins and Background, I, Washington D.C.,1966.pp.84-101.
    ② Ibid.,pp.9-19.
    ③ Aristotle, politics, ed. H. Rackham, Loeb edn, London,1932.p.246.See Runciman.S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.21.
    ④ Isocrates, Address to Philip, Loeb edn, London,1928.pp.322ff. See Runciman. S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.21.
    ⑤ Stobaeus.J., Anthologium, ed. C.Wachsmuth and O.Hense, IV, Berlin,1909.pp.82ff.,265,270. See Runciman.S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.21.
    ⑥ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.22.
    ③ Geanakoplos.D.J.(ed.), Byzantium:church,society,and civilization seen through contemporary eyes,University of Chicago Press,1984. p.18.
    ④ Lact. Divin. Instil.vii.26.(Migne).See Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture:A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine, A Galaxy Book,1957.p.186.
    ① Geanakoplos.D.J.(ed.), Byzantium:church,societv,and civilization seen through contemporarv eves,p.18.
    ② Ibid.,pp.19-20.
    ④ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.188.
    ③ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.31.
    ④ Mango, C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, New York,1980.p.35.
    ②Runciman,S.,The Byzantine Theocracy,pp.111-112.
    ⑤Bury, J. B., History of the Later Roman Empire,Vol.1, London,1923.nn.442-443
    ②Mango. C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, p.36.
    ③Runciman,S.,The Byzantine Theocracy,p.117.
    ②Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.116.
    ⑤Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), Thames and Hudson Ltd,1971. p.65.
    ③Macmullen,R.,Christianizine the Roman Empire(A.D.100-400) Yale University Press 1984 p.32
    ① MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, Yale University Press, 1997.p.72.
    ② Mango, C.(ed.), The oxford History of Byzantium, Oxford University Press,2002.p.111.
    ③ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.248.
    ⑤ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford University Press,1997.p.120.
    ⑥ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.115.
    ⑦ Barker, J.W., Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, pp.17-18.
    ③ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.180.
    ④ Ibid.,p.215.
    ⑤ Barnes, T.D., Constantine and Eusebius, Harvard University Press,1981.
    ⑥ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), pp.44-48.
    ⑦ Barker, J.W., Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, p.18.
    ② Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.31.
    ③ Ibid.
    ⑤ Treadgold,W.,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,p.25.
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ④ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.180.
    ⑤ Otto W. Neuhaus, "Constantine I and Nicene Creed", Lutheran Journal,1993, p.16参见阿尔文·施密特著、汪晓丹和赵巍译:《基督教对文明的影响》,第20页。
    ⑥ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.177.
    ⑦ Runciman. S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.6.
    ① Eusebius, Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine, edit. By Schaff, P., New York: Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1890.pp.794-797.
    ② Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, pp.7-8.
    ③ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.87.
    ① Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.195.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr, Princeton University Press,1952.p.441.
    ④ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.49.
    ⑤ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.208.
    ⑥ Gaudemet, J., L'Eglise dans l'empire romain(Ⅳe-Ⅴe siecles), Paris,1959,311f. See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.49.
    ⑦ Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius,& Rufinus:Historical Writings, edit. By Schaff, P., New York:Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1892.1.10 (p.87) and 4.4(p.193).
    ⑧ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.49.
    ① Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.115.
    ② Geanakoplos, D.J.(ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.133.
    ③ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.209.
    ④ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.39.
    ⑤ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.87.
    ① Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.208.
    ③ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, pp.39-40.
    ④ Eusebius, Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine, edit. By Schaff, P., pp.1036,1038.
    ② Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.127.
    ③ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-10-2, p.472.
    ④ Ibid.,16-10-4, p.472.
    ⑤ Ibid.,16-9-2, p.471.
    ⑥ Ibid.,16-8-7, pp.467-468.
    ⑦ Ibid.,9-16-4, p.237.
    ⑧ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.97.
    ① Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.96.
    ② The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,9-16-7, p.238.
    ③ Cochrane, C.N.. Christianity and Classical Culture, p.295.
    ④ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,9-16-8, p.238.
    ⑤ Ibid.,16-5-3and 16-5-4, p.450.
    ⑥ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.56.
    ⑦ Ibid.,p.56.
    ⑧ Ibid., p.58.
    ⑨ Ibid.,p.91.
    ⑩ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.318.
    ①Treadgold. W.. A Historv of the Bvzantine State and Societv. p.69.
    ② Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.321.
    ③ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,6-13-1, p.130.
    ④ Cochrane,C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.321.
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.322.
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ① The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-1-2, p.440.
    ② Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture,pp.178-179.
    ③ Ibid.,p.328.
    ④ Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, pp.129-130.
    ⑤ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.14.
    ⑥ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-10-7, p.473.
    ⑦ Cochrane.C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.329.
    ⑧ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-10-9, p.473.
    ① The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-10-9, pp.473-474.
    ② Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.73.
    ③ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-10-14, p.474.
    ④ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries,p.16.
    ⑤ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.20.
    ⑥ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.101.
    ① MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, pp.23-24.
    ② Cochrane.C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.331.
    ③ Ibid.,p.325.
    ④ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-2-41, p.447.
    ⑤ Cochrane.C.N,, Christianity and Classical Culture, p.330.
    ① The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-5-42, p.457.
    ② Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.334.
    ③ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-7-1, p.465.
    ④ Ibid.,16-7-5, p.466.
    ⑤ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.5
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ⑦ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.53参考罗德尼·斯塔克著、黄建波和高民贵译:《基督教的兴起——一个社会学家对历史的再思》,第235页译文。
    ⑧ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.85.
    ② MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.27.
    ④ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.27.
    ⑤ Procop., Anec.13.7. See MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.27.
    ⑥ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr, Novels of Theododius Ⅱ,3-8,p.489.
    ⑦ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.26.
    ⑧ Ibid., p.16.
    ② MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, pp.58-59.
    ④ See MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.27.
    ⑤ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.27.
    ⑦ The Civil Law, trans. by Scott, S.P., The Central Trust Company,1932.Nov.144,2, Vol.17,p.167.
    ⑧ Ibid., C.1,5,5, Vol.12, p.65.
    ⑨ Ibid.,Nov.132, pr, Vol.17, p.132.
    ⑩ Moorhead, J., Justinian, Longman Group UK Limited,1994.p.27.
    ① Moss, H.st.L.B., The Birth of the Middle Ages(195-814), Oxford University Press,1979.p.113.
    ② Evans, J.A.S., The Ages of Justinian:The Circumstances of Imperil Power, Routledge,1996.p.68.
    ④ Frazee, C.A., "Late Roman and Byzantine Legislation on the Monastic Life from the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries", Church History, Vol.51, No.3(Sep.,1982). p.271.
    ⑦ The Civil Law, C.1,3,2. Vol.12,pp.29-30.
    ⑨ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.174.
    ① Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750),p.184.
    ② Frend, W. H. C., Religion Popular and Unpopular in the Early Christian Centuries, Variorum Reprints,1976. Chapter Ⅷ, p.20.
    ③ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, Introduction p.1.
    ④ Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.131.
    ① Geanakoplos. D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.131.
    ⑤关于这一点,也可参见Eusebius, Church History, Life of Constantine. Oration in Praise of Constantine, edit. by Schaff, P., Life of Constantine, Book i, ChapterXLⅣ:p.953.
    ⑥ See Runciman. S., The Byzantine Theocracy, pp.12-13.
    ⑦ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.13.
    ① Eusebius, Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine, edit. by Schaff, P., Life of Constantine, Book iv, Chapter XLII,pp.1051-1052.
    ② Ibid., Book iv, Chapter XXIV,p.1042.
    ③ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy,p.24.
    ⑤ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, Introduction, pp.3-4.
    ① Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.187.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Athanasius, Select Works and Letters, edit. by Schaff, P., Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1892.Arian History, Part Ⅵ,p.632.
    ④ Ibid., Part Ⅶ.638.
    ⑤ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.259.
    ⑥ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.27.
    ① Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.257.
    ② Runciman. S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.30.
    ④ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.347.
    ⑥ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.347.
    ② Dvornik, F., Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy:Origins and Background, II, Dumbarton Oaks Studies, ix, Washington,1966. pp.803-12.See Runciman,S., The Byzantine Theocracy, pp.44-45.
    ③ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.122.
    ⑤ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.35.
    ⑥ Bury, J. B., History of the Later Roman Empire(A.D.395-565), I, London,1923.pp.429-432.
    ① Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.43.
    ② Geanakoplos, D.J.,"Church and State in the Byzantine Empire:A Reconsideration of the problem of Caesaropapism",Church History, vol.34.p.395.
    ③ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, pp.36-37.
    ④ Scorates, Ecclesiastical Histories, Ⅶ,29. In:Scorates, Scorates and Sozomenus Ecclesiastical History, edit. By Schaff, P., p.309.
    ⑤ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.257.
    ⑥ Ibid., p.259.
    ⑦ Frazee, C.A., "Late Roman and Byzantine Legislation on the Monastic Life from the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries", Church History, Vol.51, No.3 (Sep.,1982).p.266.
    ① Frazee, C.A., "Late Roman and Byzantine Legislation on the Monastic Life from the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries", p.266.
    ② Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, Cambridge University Press,1990.p.293.
    ③ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.45.
    ⑤ Barker, J.W., Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, p.97.
    ⑥ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.45.
    ① The Civil Law, Nov.6, pr, vol.16, p.30.
    ④ Frazee, C. A., "Late Roman and Byzantine Legislation on the Monastic Life from the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries", p.276.
    ⑤ Halon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.24.
    ⑥ Barker, J.W., Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, p.98.
    ① Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.136.
    ② Bury, J. B., History of Later Roman Empire(A.D.395-565),Ⅱ, pp.360-361.
    ① Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.136.
    ② Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy,1977.p.46.
    ④ Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.137.
    ⑤ Bury, J. B., History of the Later Roman Empire(A.D.395-565), vol.2, p.362.
    ⑥ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic and Administrate Survery,2 vols, Basil Blackwell Ltd,1986. p.291.
    ③ A Manual of Roman Law:The Ecloga,ed.and trans. by E.H.Freshfield,Cambridge,1926.esp.pp.66-70. See Runciman, S.,The Byzantine Theocracy, p.20.
    ④ Barker, J. W., Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, p.97.
    ① Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.68.
    ② Ibid., p.53.
    ③ Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.137.
    ① Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes. p.138.
    ② Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.121. ③ Ibid., pp.86-87.
    ④ Theodore of Studion,Epistulae,col.1417. See Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.86.
    ⑤ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.185.
    ① Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.139.
    ② Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.296.
    ③ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries,p.30.
    ④ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750),p.89.
    ⑤ MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, pp.29-30.
    ② Barker. E. (trans.), Social and Political Thought in Byzantium, The Clarendon Press,1957.pp.194-196.
    ③ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, pp.135-136.
    ① Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.30.
    ② Halon,J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.24.
    ③ Geanakoplos, D.J., "Church and State in the Byzantine Empire:A Reconsideration of the problem of Caesaropapism", p.395.
    ④ Geanakoplos, D.J. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, p.136.
    ⑤ Halon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.24.
    ① Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, pp.24-25.
    ③ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, Introduction., p.4.
    ⑤ Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.296.
    ⑥ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, pp.121-122.
    ①Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, Cambridge University Press,1990.p.281.
    ② The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr, Princeton University Press,1952.
    ③ Ibid.16-2-2,p.441.
    ④ Eusebius, Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine, edit. By Schaff, P., New York: Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1890.p.805.
    ⑤ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-2-4,p.441.
    ⑥ Ibid.,16-2-5,p.441.
    ⑦ Elliott,T. G., "The Tax Exemptions Granted to Clerics by Constantine and Constantius Ⅱ", Phoenix,32(1978). p.328.
    ⑧ Gaudemet, J., L'Eglise dans l'empire romain(Ⅳe-Ve siecles), Paris,1959.31 If. See Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), Yale University Press,1984. p.49.
    ⑨ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-2-8,p.442.
    ① The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,16-2-10,p.442.
    ② Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture:A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine, A Galaxy Book,1957.p.256.
    ③ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr, 16-2-14,pp.442-443.
    ④ Ibid.,16-2-15,p.443.
    ① Spieser, J.M.. "The Christianisation of the City in Late Antiquity", pp.6-7. In:Jean-Michel Spieser, Urban and Religious Spaces in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium, Ashgate/Variorum,2001.
    ③ Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.289.
    ④ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, Oxford, 1964.p.896.
    ⑤ Ibid., pp.896-897.
    ④ The Civil Law, (trans.and ed.) by Scott, S.P., The Central Trust Company,1932. The Code of Justinian,1,3,2. Vol.12,pp.29-30.
    ⑤ Ibid.,Nov.117,13.Vol.17,p.58.
    ⑥ Ibid., Nov.132, Preface.Vol.17,p.132.
    ⑥ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), Thames and Hudson Ltd,1971.p.109.
    ③ Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius,& Rufinus:Historical Writings, edit. By Schaff. P., New York:Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1892.1.10 (p.87) and 4.4(p.193).
    ⑤ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.49.
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ⑦ Hendy, M.F., Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy (c.300-1450), Cambridge University Press, 1985.p.203.
    ① Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, Oxford, 1964.p.90.
    ② Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.208.
    ④ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.109.
    ⑤ Hendy, M.F., Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy(c.300-1450), p.200.
    ⑥ Ibid., p.197.
    ⑦ Ibid., p.199.
    ① Jones. A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.895.
    ② Ibid.,p.895.
    ③ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), pp.108-109.See also:Mango, G., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, New York,1980.p.39.
    ⑥ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey,p.90.
    ⑦ Ibid., p.96.
    ①Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Suryey,p.895.
    ① Spieser, J.M., "The Christianisation of the City in Late Antiquity",pp.5-6. In:Jean-Michel Spieser. Urban and Religious Spaces in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium.
    ⑤ Vasiliev, A.A.,History of the.Byzantine Empire 324-1453,2 vols, The University of Wisconsin Press,1958.vol.1, p.158.
    ⑥ Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.291.
    ⑦ Ibid.,p.290.
    ① Spieser, J.M., "The Christianisation of the City in Late Antiquity", p.5. In:Jean-Michel Spieser, Urban and Religious Spaces in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium.
    ① Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.294.
    ③ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.904
    ④Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.109.
    ② Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.905.
    ③ Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.289.
    ④ Hendy, M.F., Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy(c.300-1450), p.5
    ⑤ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, pp.54-55.
    ⑥ Hendy, M.F., Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy(c.300-1450), p.231.
    ⑦ Fourmy, M. H. and Leroy, M., "La vie de S. Philarete," Byzantion,9 (Brussels,1934),113. See Charanis, P., "The Monastic Properties and the State in the Byzantine Empire", Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol.4 (1948). p.54.
    ⑧ Hendy, M.F., Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy(c.300-1450), p.157.
    ② Hendy, M.F., Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy(c.300-1450), p.204.
    ③ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.934.
    ④ Ibid.,p.906.
    ⑤ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.109.
    ⑦ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.934.
    ⑧ Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.289.
    ⑨ Spieser, J.M., "The Christianisation of the City in Late Antiquity", p.6. In:Jean-Michel Spieser, Urban and Religious Spaces in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium.
    ① Spieser, J.M., "The Christianisation of the City in Late Antiquity", p.9.
    ② Hatlie, P., The Monks and Monasteries of Constantinople(CA.350-850), Cambridge University Press, 2007.p.322.
    ④ Oikonomides, N., Social and Economic Life in Byzantium edit. by Elizabeth Zachariadou, Burlington, Ashgate /Variorum,2004.chap.Ⅰ, p.322.
    ⑤ Ibid., chap.Ⅰ, p.324.
    ⑧ Oikonomides, N., Social and Economic Life in Byzantium edit. by Elizabeth Zachariadou, chap.Ⅰ, pp.322-323.
    ① Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.260.
    ③ Jerome, "The Life of Malchus, the Captive Monk".In:Jerome, The Principal Works of St. Jerome, edit. by Schaff, P., Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1892.pp.613-614.
    ④ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.260.
    ① Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.296.
    ④ Grant,R.M., Early Christianity and Society:Seven Studies, Happer & Row, Publishers,1977.pp.130-131.
    ① Op.R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), Oxford University Press,2006.pp.1-3.
    ① Agrimi, J. and Crisciani, C., "Christy and Aid in Medieval Christian Civilization". In:Grmek, M.D.(ed.), Western Medical Thought from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Harvard University Press,1998.pp.170-171.
    ④ Grant,R.M., Early Christianity and Society:Seven Studies, p.62.
    ⑥ Grant,R.M., Early Christianity and Society:Seven Studies, p.144.
    ① Op,R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), p.58.
    ② Ibid.,p.59.
    ③ Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture,p.347.
    ⑥ Op,R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), pp.19-20圣约翰·克里索斯托在一篇布道中也描述了类似的悲惨场面See St John Chrysostom, trans. by Gus George Christo, On Repentance and Almsgiving, The Catholic University of America Press,1998.p.131.
    ⑦ Scorates, Scorates and Sozomenus Ecclesiastical Histories, edit. By Schaff, P., New York:Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1886.4.3,p.182.
    ④ Mango. C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, New York,1980.p.36.
    ⑥ Grant,R.M., Early Christianity and Society:Seven Studies, pp.142-145.
    ⑦ Justinian, Nov.65(a.538). See Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.29
    ① Grant,R.M., Early Christianity and Society:Seven Studies, p.133; St John Chrysostom, trans. by Gus George Christo, On Repentance and Almsgiving, The Catholic University of America Press,1998.p.131.
    ② Frend, W. H. C., Town and Country in the Early Christian Centuries, Variorum Reprints,1980.Ⅷ, p.69.
    ③ Agrimi, J. and Crisciani, C., "Christy and Aid in Medieval Christian Civilization". In:Grmek, M.D.(ed.), Western Medical Thought from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, p.182.
    ① Op,R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), p.76.
    ④ Frazee, C. A., "Late Roman and Byzantine Legislation on the Monastic Life from the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries", Church History, Vol.51, No.3 (Sep.,1982).p.265.
    ⑤ Brown,P.; The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750),p.110.
    ① Op,R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), p.63.
    ③ Op,R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), p.76.
    ⑤ Op.R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), p.77.
    ⑥ Ibid.,p.82.
    ① Dawes and Baynes, (trans.), Three Byzantine Saints, Stvladimir's Seminary Press,1977.p.202; Geanakoplos, DJ. (ed.), Byzantium:Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, The University of Chicago Press,1984.p.164.
    ② Op,R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), p.77.
    ③ Scorates, Scorates and Sozomenus Ecclesiastical Histories, edit. By Schaff, P., New York:Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1886.4.20.p.516.
    ④ Op,R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), p.79.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.80.
    ① Op,R.F., Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire:Christian Promotion and Practice(313-450), p.81.
    ③ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.67.
    ⑥ Agrimi,J. and Crisciani, C., "Christy and Aid in Medieval Christian Civilization". In:Grmek, M.D.(ed.), Western Medical Thought from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, p.171.
    ① Agrimi, J. and Crisciani, C., "Christy and Aid in Medieval Christian Civilization". In:Grmek, M.D.(ed.), Western Medical Thought from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, p.171.
    ① Plato, The Republic, trans. by Shorey, P., Harvard University Press,1930. pp.459-469; Aristotle, Politics, trans. by Rackham, H., Harvard University Press,1932.pp.617-625参考:阿尔文·施密特著,汪晓丹、赵巍译:《基督教对文明的影响》,第40页。
    ② Basil of Caesarca, The Treatise De Spiritu Sancto, trans. Bloomfield Jackson, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Grand Rapids; Wm. B. Eerdmans,1984. p.227参考:阿尔文·施密特著,汪晓丹、赵巍译:《基督教对文明的影响》,第42页。
    ⑤ Plutarch, Moralia, Vol.Ⅱ, trans. by Babbitt, F.C., Harvard University Press,1928. p.493.参考:阿尔文·施密特著,汪晓丹、赵巍译:《基督教对文明的影响》,第34页。
    ⑥ Clement of Alexandria, The Instructor, in The Ante-Nicene Fathers, ed. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, Grand Rapids:Wm.B. Eerdmans,1982-83.2:279参考:阿尔文·施密特著、汪晓丹和赵巍译:《基督教对文明的影响》,第37页。
    ② The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,5-9-1,p.109.
    ③ Treadgold. W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.41.
    ④ Jones, A.H.M.. Later Roman Emnire 248-602:A Social. Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.92.
    ⑤ OMAN,C.W.C, The Byzantine Empire, New York,1892.pp.146-147.
    ⑥ The Civil Law, (trans. and ed.)by Scott, S.P., The Code of Justinian,8,52,2. Vol.14,p.332.
    ⑧ OMAN,C.W.C., The Byzantine Empire,p.145.
    ② OMAN,C.W.C., The Byzantine Empire, p.145.
    ④ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.41.
    ⑧ Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.63.
    ③Mango, C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, p.223.
    ④ OMAN,C.W.C, The Byzantine Empire, p.147.
    ⑨ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,2-25-1,pp.56-57.
    ⑩ Ibid.,4-7-1,pp.87-88.
    ①OMAN,C.W.C., The Byzantine Empire, p.147.
    ⑦Runciman, S., The Byzantine Theocracy, p.63.
    ⑦ The Theodosian Code and Novels and The Sirmondian Constitutions, trans. by Clyde Pharr,3-16-2,p.77.
    ⑧基督教关于婚姻的教义源于犹太律法,但耶稣基督对它作了修正(《新约·马太福音》。5:31-32);后来,保罗的《哥林多书》和《以弗所书》成为基督教关于婚姻和贞洁的教义基础。参见St John Chrysostom, trans. by Roth and Anderson, On Marriage and Family Life, St Vladimir's Seminary Press,1986.pp.8-9.
    ⑨ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, pp.40-41.
    ⑩ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.92.
    ② The Civil Law, (trans. and ed.)by Scott, S.P., The Code of Justinian,5,26,1.Vol.l3,p.213.
    ③ OMAN,C.W.C., The Byzantine Empire, p.156.
    ④ Grant,R.M., Early Christianity and Society:Seven Studies, p.86.
    ⑤ Amb. De Offic. i, ch.49; iii, chs.8 and 9. See Cochrane, C.N., Christianity and Classical Culture, p.201.
    ⑥ OMAN,C.W.C., The Byzantine Empire,p.155.
    ⑦ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.971.
    ① OMAN.C.W.C., The Byzantine Empire, p.145.
    ② Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.125.
    ③ OMAN,C.W.C., The Byzantine Empire, p.154.
    ② Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), Yale University Press,1984. p.80.
    ③ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, Oxford University Press,2002.pp.98-99.
    ⑤ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, Oxford, 1964.p.1006.
    ② Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford University Press,1997.p.265.See also Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization,The Clarendon Press,1948. p.222.
    ③ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.202.
    ⑤ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), Thames and Hudson Ltd,1971. pp.82,84.
    ⑥ Frend, W. H. C., Town and Country in the Early Christian Centuries, Variorum Reprints,1980.X, p.265.
    ① Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.222.
    ② Frend, W. H. C, Town and Country in the Early Christian Centuries, Ⅷ, p.72.
    ⑤ Frend, W. H. C., The Rise of Christianity, Fortress Press,1984.p.415.See also:Mango, C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, New York,1980.p.132.
    ⑦ Jones, A.H.M.,Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.1005.
    ⑨ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.127.
    ① Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.102.
    ② Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, pp.1005-1006.
    ④ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.103.See also:Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, pp.1005-1006.
    ⑤ Scorates, Scorates and Sozomenus Ecclesiastical Histories, edit. By Schaff, P., New York:Christian LiteraturePublishingCo.,1886.3.16.p.165;5.18.p.557.
    ⑥ Maneo.C. (ed.). The Oxford Histony of Bvzantium. p.103.
    ⑦ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.207.
    ⑧ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.103.See also:Mango, C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, p.133.
    ⑨ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.103.
    ② Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.202.
    ③ Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.997.
    ④ Mango, C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, p.125.
    ⑤ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.84.
    ⑥ Spieser, J.M., "The Christianisation of the City in Late Antiquity",p.8. In:Jean-Michel Spieser, Urban and Religious Spaces in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium, Ashgate/Variorum,2001.
    ①罗伯特·福西耶主编,陈志强、崔艳红等译:《剑桥插图中世纪史(350年—950年)》,山东画报出版社,2006年版。第137页。See also:Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.226.
    ② Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.228.
    ③ Mango, C., Byzantium:The Empire of New Rome, p.137.
    ④ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.200.
    ⑤ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.91.
    ⑥ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.223.
    ⑦Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society,p.267.
    ⑧ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.222.
    ① Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.222.
    ③ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.82.
    ④ Ulysses,罗神,即希腊神话中的(Odysseus)奥德修斯。
    ⑤ Sirens,希神,半人半神的海妖,常以美妙歌声诱惑经过的海员而使航船触礁毁灭。
    ⑥ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.202.
    ⑦ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (ADI50-750), p.90.
    ① Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.221.
    ② Ibid., p.236.
    ④ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.225.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.227.
    ①Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization,p.241.
    ②Ibid., p.223.
    ⑤Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.132.
    ① Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.234.
    ③Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.234.
    ④ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society,p.261.
    ⑥Baynes, N.H. and Moss.H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.216.
    ② Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.129.
    ④ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.227.
    ⑤ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.268.
    ① Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.268.
    ② Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.),Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, pp.208-209.
    ③ Ibid., p.226.
    ④ Ibid., p.228.
    ① Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.228.
    ② Vasiliev, A. A., History of Byzantine Empire:324-1453, The University of Wisconsin Press,1952.p.185.
    ③ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.203.
    ① Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.203.
    ④ Baynes, N.H. and Moss.H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, pp.218-219.
    ⑤ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.211.
    ⑥ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.215.
    ⑦ Ibid.,p.213.
    ① Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.265.
    ② Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.213.
    ④ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.128.
    ① Baynes. N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.200.
    ③ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity(AD150-750), p.93.
    ④ Treadgold. W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, pp.266-267.
    ⑥ Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity(AD150-750), p.174.
    ① Tert., De praescript. Hereticorum 7.9. See MacMullen, R., Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.87.
    ① Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.427.
    ③ Camerom, A., Changing Cultures in Early Byzantium, Variorum,1996.Ⅱ, "Models of the Past in the late Sixth Century:The Life of the Patriarch Eutychius", p.207.
    ④ Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.427.
    ⑤Ibid., p.425.
    ⑥ Mango,C. (ed.),The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.149.
    ① Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.221.
    ② Camerom, A., Changing Cultures in Early Byzantium, XIII, "The Use and Abuse of Byzantium", p.18.
    ③ Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.405.
    ④ Ibid., p.426.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.431.
    ⑥ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.149.
    ⑦ Ibid., p.150.
    ② Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD 150-750), p.94.
    ③ Treadgold, W.. A History of the Byzantine State and Snciety, nn.268-269.
    ④ Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, pp.403-404.
    ① Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.127.
    ② Ibid.,p.268.
    ④ Frend, W. H. C., The Rise of Christianity, p.415.
    ⑤ Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, Oxford University Press,2000. p.12.
    ① Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, pp.12-13.
    ② Frend, W. H. C., The Rise of Christianity, p.415.
    ③ Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.14.
    ④ Cormack,R.,Byzantine Art,p.14.
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.13.
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ⑦Frend,W.H.C.,The Rise of Christianity,p.414.
    ① Vasiliev, A. A., History of Byzantine Empire:324-1453, p.126.
    ② Haldon.J., "Everyday life in Byzantium:some problems of approach",Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 10(1986),51-72.See Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.6.
    ③Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.1.
    ④ Ibid., p.8.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.10.
    ① Cormack, R., Byzantine Art,p.10.
    ② Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.1015.
    ③ Treadgold, W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.270.
    ⑤ Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.37.
    ② Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.40.
    ④ Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.39.
    ⑥ Moss, H.st.L.B., The Birth of the Middle Ages (195-814), Oxford University Press,1979.p.86.
    ⑦转引自Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.37.
    ③ Comack,R.,Byzantine Art,p.29.
    ① Cormack, R., Byzantine Art,pp.49-50.
    ② Ibid., p.29.
    ③ Ibid., p.51.
    ④ Ibid., p.34.
    ① Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.58.
    ② Ibid.,pp.59-60.
    ③ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.151.
    ④ Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.2.
    ⑤ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.151.
    ⑥ Dawes and Baynes, (trans.), Three Byzantine Saints, Stvladimir's Seminary Press,1977. pp.ix-xii.
    ① Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.2.
    ② Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, p.412.
    ③ Schaff, P.(ed.), Gregory the Great(ii),Ephraim Syrus, Aphrahat, Christian Classics Ethereal Library,2004.Epistle ⅩⅢ,p.98.In:http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf213.html.
    ④ Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.78.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.77.
    ① Haldon,J.F.,Byzantium in the Seventh Century,p.424.
    ② Cormack,R.,Byzantine Art,p.70.
    ③ Mango,C.(ed.),The Oxford History of Byzantium,p.152.
    ④ Ibid.
    ② Haldon,J.F.,Byzantium in the Seventh Century,p.423.
    ③ Ibid.,pp.413-414.
    ① Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.66.
    ② Ibid., p.85.
    ③ Schaff,P.(ed.), The Seven Ecumenical Councils, Canon LⅩⅩⅢ of the Quinisext Council,p.570..
    ④ Ibid., Canon LⅩⅩⅩⅡ of the Quinisext Council,pp.575-576.
    ⑤ Ibid., Canon C of the Quinisext Council,p.586.
    ⑥ Ibid. Canon LXX of the Quinisext Council,p.568.
    ① Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.87.
    ⑤ Mango,C. (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium, p.152.
    ⑥ Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, p.76.
    ①Cormack,R.,Byzantine Art,p.81.
    ③Mango,C.(ed.),The Oxford History of Byzantium,pp.151-152.第152页的插图为圣像的典型代表。
    ⑤Cormack,R.,Byzantine Art,p.2.
    ①Camerom,A.,Changing Cultures in Early Byzantium,ⅩⅢ,"The Use and Abuse of Byzantium",p.14.
    ③Giorgio Vasari(1511-1574年),意大利画家、建筑师和美术史家,其画风属风格主义,代表作为《百日壁画》,尤以著作《意大利杰出建筑师、画家和雕塑家传》闻名。
    ⑤Cormack,R.,Byzantine Art,p.2.
    ①活动于公元前5 世纪末的古希腊画家,作品已无存,传说其画形象生动逼真,所绘葡萄曾引来鸟儿啄食。
    ②Cormack, R., Byzantine Art, Preface,p.vi.
    ③Haldon, J.F., Byzantium in the Seventh Century, pp.407-409.
    ④Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602, pp.694-695译文参照陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第78页。
    ①Brown, P., "The Rise and Fuction of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity", p.97.
    ① Brown, P., The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750), p.174.
    ② Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire 248-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, p.74.
    ① Ep.78 (Bidez and Cumont. no.79), no oagine. See Cochrane. C.N.. Christianity and Classical Culture. p.268.
    ② Macmullen, R., Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.138.
    ③ Baynes, N.H. and Moss,H.St.L.B.(eds.), Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.222.
    ② Vasiliev, A. A., History of Byzantine Empire:324-1453, p.127.
    ③ Macmullen, R., Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D.100-400), p.117.
    ④Treadgold.W., A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p.122.
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