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自瑞士文化史家雅各布·布克哈特(Jacob Burckhardt,1818-1897)的杰作《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》(1860年)出版以来,文艺复兴主要被看作一个开启西方现代性的伟大时代。笔者认为对文艺复兴的这种认识存在偏差,在笔者看来,文艺复兴主要是一个文化概念,确切的说,文艺复兴是一个通过接受、复兴、利用和改造古典文化传统实现文化革新的伟大运动。因此,笔者打算从这个角度重新审视文艺复兴运动。笔者在论述中有时也把文艺复兴当作一个时期使用,但仅用它指从1350年到1620年这一时段,而祛除了褒贬的色彩。国内外学界有关文艺复兴文化史的研究成果汗牛充栋,但现有研究往往就文化谈文化,将文艺复兴运动与其历史场景(historical context)割裂开来,导致过高估价文艺复兴运动,甚至产生了种种误解。正因为如此,笔者积极响应英国文艺复兴学者德尼斯·海(Denys Hay,1915-1994)的号召,努力把文艺复兴置于其历史场景中。在笔者看来,文艺复兴运动主要是在城市空间里发生的一个文化现象,因此,文艺复兴时期的城市空间就构成了这一伟大文化运动最重要的历史场景,然而,这一点却往往被人们忽略。鉴于目前对文艺复兴文化的思想和艺术形式已有大量出色研究,本文对这一部分内容从略,而是着重呈现文艺复兴运动赖以发生的历史环境以及它的一些表现形式,换句话说,本书的一项主要任务是为意大利文艺复兴运动提供一部“外史”(external history)。
     本文的时间范围大致从1350年(“黑死病”爆发后两年)到1620年,但本文并不是以时间顺序为主的编年史,而毋宁是“共时性”(synchronous)的多专题综合研究。笔者效法伟大的文化史家伏尔泰的《路易十四时代》和布克哈特的《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》的多专题研究法,尤其以后者的《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》为榜样,分成若干专题进行讨论,力求描绘出一幅有机、协调的文艺复兴城市社会图景。由于文艺复兴运动是在意大利城市社会中产生并展开,故而笔者注重从城市地理或“城市空间”的角度理解文艺复兴运动。不过,笔者理解的城市和城市史和流行的见解略有不同。笔者心目中的城市和城市史是非常开放的,至少不是大多数建筑史家所理解的城市和城市史。在笔者看来,任何时期的城市社会都是两个身体或两个空间的复合体,一个是“物理身体”(physical body)或“物理空间”(physical space),一个是“社会身体”(social body)或“社会空间”(social space),有关城市的任何研究都离不开对这两方面的考察。本文对文艺复兴时期意大利城市社会的研究也主要从这两个方面入手。
     另一方面,笔者在论述过程中还力图回应和反思布克哈特关于文艺复兴时代开启了欧洲现代性(modernity)的经典观点。笔者认为,仅仅所谓的“时代精神”或单纯的精英文化史评判文艺复兴时代的现代性存在很大局限,而应当从多个角度来思考这个问题。笔者将从城市空间的角度透视文艺复兴时代的现代性问题,即从城市的物质空间的演变,经济、文化机构、社会生活和社会问题等诸多方面进行反思。笔者尤其注重“自下而上”的研究路径,注重日常生活以及以往被史学研究忽略的层面。从总体上,笔者认为布克哈特提出的文艺复兴现代性的命题只有经过严格的限定方能成立。文艺复兴时期的意大利社会蕴藏着现代性因素,但也夹杂着大量传统的因子。笔者认为,文艺复兴时代的现代性尚处于萌芽状态,未充分展开,是一种稀疏和柔弱的现代性,笔者认为可以用“原初现代性”(proto-modernity)来命名它。文艺复兴时代的“原初现代性”与工业社会时代产生的“高度现代性”(high modernity)和第二次世界大战之后的“晚期现代性”(late modernity)或“后现代性”(post-modernity)之间有很大差异。“原初现代性”这一命名有助于我们对文艺复兴运动发生时代给予时空上的定位,也有助于重新认识欧洲历史的分期问题。人们习惯上把欧洲历史划分为三个发展阶段:古代——中世纪——文艺复兴(近代),但必须指出的是,这个欧洲历史分期的三分模式最初是从文化史的角度提炼出来的,因此综合来看存在很大不足。根据上述对文艺复兴近(现)代性的新认识,笔者认为可将欧洲历史的发展划分为五个阶段:古代——中世纪——现代早期(从文艺复兴到启蒙运动)——现代(从启蒙运动到第二次世界大战)和后现代(从第二次世界大战)。笔者认为,作为历史分期的概念,“现代早期”(early modern)比“文艺复兴”更适宜。
Ever since Swiss cultural historian Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897) published his masterpiece The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860), the Renaissance has been regarded as the great age of initiating the Western modernity, the present author thinks that this definition is problematic, and believes that the Renaissance is mainly a cultural conception, more precisely, the Renaissance is a great movement of cultural innovation by accepting, reviving, appropriating and adapting the classical tradition. Therefore the present author plans to re-examine the Renaissance in this sense. In this dissertation the present author also takes the Renaissance as an age from time to time, but just uses it to signify the time span between 1350 and 1620, and tries to keep the position of the value-free. There have been immense studies and publications on the cultural history of the Italian Renaissance made by both domestic and outside academic world, but the researches available tend to focus on the Renaissance culture as such and seem to isolate the Italian Renaissance from its historical context, such academic practice often results in the overestimation of the significance of the Renaissance or even many misunderstandings. It's for this reason that the present author, by actively echoing the appeal of British Renaissance scholar Denys Hay (1915-1994), is planning to place or replace the Renaissance in its historical context. In present author's view, the Renaissance is mainly a cultural phenomenon taking place in urban space, naturally, the urban space of Renaissance Italy formed the most important historical context for this great cultural movement, but unfortunately this fact has always been neglected. Since there have been plenty of outstanding studies on the ideas and forms of the Renaissance culture, this dissertation will leave limited pages to this aspect but rather try to present the historical environment in which the Renaissance movement took place and developed, and to present the certain expressions of the Renaissance movement, in other words, one of the major tasks of this dissertation is to provide an external history for the Italian Renaissance movement.
     The dissertation covers roughly the time span from 1350 (two years after the Black Death) to 1620, but the dissertation is not a chronicle or history in timely order but rather a "synchronous" and synthetic study consisted of many themes. The present author follows the methods of thematic synthesis which are adopted by two masterpieces of cultural history, i.e. Voltaire's Le Siecle de Louis XIV and Burckhardt's The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, the present author particularly takes the latter as a model, and divides the dissertation into several themes, and tries to paint an organic and harmonious image of the urban society of Renaissance Italy. Since the Renaissance movement took place in the urban society of Renaissance Italy, the present author especially wants to understand it from the perspective of urban geography or "urban space". However, my vision of city and urban history are different from those that are held by popular views. My view of city and urban history are very open, at least are not the city and urban history understood by most architectural historians. In my view city is a complex of two bodies or two spaces, one is physical body ox physical space, another is social body or social space, any researches on cities will have to focus on these two aspects. This dissertation also makes an investigation of the urban society of Renaissance Italy by focusing the two aspects.
     The former part of this dissertation (Chapter I to chapter V) mainly deals with the physical space or morphologies of Italian Renaissance cities. In the past, the urban history is mainly a monopoly of architectural historians, common historians seldom ventured into this field. The urban constructions and buildings, urban landscape, urban theory and practices occupy a large proportion in the traditional urban history, and all of these are often categorized as urbanism by historians. The present author focuses on the built environment of Italian Renaissance cities, and the interaction between the Renaissance movement and urban space (particularly the cityscape). In sum, the aim of the first part of this dissertation is to help the readers to understand the material environment of the Renaissance movement.
     The latter part of this dissertation (Chapter VI to Chapter X) turns attention from the concrete material space to the man-centred social space, that is, the various organizations and the life style of urban dwellers. This part is concerned with many aspects such as social structure, economy, cultural bodies, social life, and social problems. Any city is a civitas (community) made up of people, therefore the present author makes an investigation of the occupational structure, ladder, view of society, and the social hierarchy. In addition the present author also analyses the existence of the special group within the urban society, i. e. minority group (Jews) and the formation of Jewish Ghetto. Economy is the foundation on which the urban life bases and operates, therefore, the present author also makes an investigation into the commercial civilization, which includes the auxiliary tools of capitalism, the types of early capitalism, the consumption of commodities and material culture. One of the advantages of city is its position as the centre of cultural production and diffusion, therefore the present author makes an analysis of the cultural and intellectual organization and institutions, and the mode of cultural production and spreading in this period. Then the present author examines the urban life of Italian Renaissance cities from the perspective of social history and popular culture, and discusses the controversial problem of the religiosity and secularity of the Renaissance times, the present author finds that religion played an important role in the daily life of the urban society of Renaissance Italy, and the majority of citizens (cittadini) were still very pious in Christianity, and Burckhardt's view that people's religious belief in the age of the Renaissance experienced a general decline is not able to hold the water. Besides the present author also investigates the leisure and amusement of this period, and the present author thinks that the social life of Renaissance Italian urban society had the striking characteristics of theatricality. Finally, the present author examines the pathology of the body of the Renaissance urban society, in other words, the social problems, including poverty, poor relief and charity, violence and crime, and prostitution. The presentation and illustrations of the social problems particularly reveal the shortcomings of Burckhardt's elitist view of history. In all, this dissertation is a synthetic study which incorporates the urban history, cultural history and social history together.
     The present author is always echoing and reflecting the classical view that the Renaissance initiated European modernity, which is come up with by Burckhardht. The present author thinks that there is a great limit in evaluating the modernity of the Renaissance merely from the perspectives of so-called Zeitgeist (spirit of times) or elitist cultural history, instead the present author thinks that this problem should be discussed from many perspectives. The present author plans to investigate the modernity of Renaissance times from the perspective of urban space, that is, try to discuss it from the perspectives of the evolution of physical space, economy, cultural bodies, social life and social problem of Renaissance cities. The present author holds that Burckhardt's view of Renaissance Italy was the very beginning of Western modernity only valid under strict qualifications. The urban society of Renaissance Italy did contain the elements of modernity, nonetheless, it also contained lots of traditional ones. The present author in particular emphasizes the approach of history from below, and pays more attention to the daily life, and the historical dimensions neglected by past historical scholarship. Generally the present author believes that the modernity of the Renaissance age was just in the sate of burgeoning, and was immature, and it was the loose and weak modernity. For this reason, the present author thinks that we may name the Renaissance modernity as "proto-modernity". The proto-modernity of the Renaissance times differs greatly from the "high modernity" produced by the industrial society, and from the "late modernity" or "post-modernity" coming into being after the Second World War. Perhaps the naming above is of help to position the era when the Renaissance movement happened and evolved, and is also helpful to revisit the issue of the periodization of the European History. Traditionally the European history is divided into three grand periods: the Classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Modern Times (starting with the Renaissance), but we must bear in mind that this three partition of European history is mainly from the perspectives of cultural history, taking as a whole, this pattern of periodization is problematic. According to the new perception of the modernity of the Renaissance times, the development of European history may be divided into five periods: the Classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Early Modern (from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment), the Modern Times (from the Enlightenment to the World War Two) and the Post-Modern Times (from the World War Two to the present). In my view, as a conception of periodization, "Early Modern" is much better than the "Renaissance".
① 贡布里希:《文艺复兴:西方艺术的伟大时代》,李本正、范景中译,杭州:中国美术学院出版社,2000年,第1-15页。
    ② P. Burke, European Renaissance: Centres and Peripheries, Oxford, 1998, pp. 1-2.
    ① D. Hay, The Italian Renaissance in Its Historical Background, Cambridge University Press, 1977, p. 9.
    ② P. Burke, "The Historical Geography of the Renaissance", in G. Ruggiero ed., A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance, Oxford, 2002, pp. 88-103; R. Maekenney, Renaissances: the Cultures of Italy, c. 1300"c.1600, New York, 2005, pp. 56-76; R. Crum & J. Paoletti eds., Renaissance Florence: A Social History, Carnbddge University Press, 2006.
    ③ 《意大利城市大观》在17世纪被译为意大利文(Teatro delle Citta d'Italia,1616);乔万尼·波泰罗的《论城市伟大至尊之因由》已有中文译本(刘晨光译,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2006年)。
    ① 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·辉煌的复兴》,徐波、刘君、毕玉译,武汉:湖北美术出版社,2003年,第323页。
    ② 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·巨人的时代》(下),刘耀春等译,武汉:湖北美术出版社,2003年,第363-364页。
    ③ 钱穆的原话为:“历史学有两只脚,一只脚是历史地理,一只脚就是制度。”这些文字转引自严耕望的《怎样学历史——严耕望的治史三书》(沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,2006年),第265页。
    ④ J. Bodin, Method for the Easy Comprehension of History, trans. by B. Reynolds, New York: Octagon Books, 1966,pp.25-26.波丹在谈论阅读历史的次序时,指出历史的分类和世界地理的分类有相似性,并指出历史和地理之间的关系是“你中有我,我中有你”(the one seems to be a part of the other)。
    ⑤ L. Fevre, A Geographical Introduction to History, trans, by E.G. Mountford & J. H. Paxton, London, 1996.
    ⑥ 布罗代尔对“地中海世界”整体性的重视极可能也受到比利时史学家亨利·皮雷纳(Henri Pirenne,1862-1935)的影响。读者只要把皮雷纳的《中世纪的城市》(陈国樑译,北京:商务印书馆,2006年 第二版)和《中世纪欧洲经济社会史》(乐文译:上海人民出版社,2001年)与布罗代尔的《地中海世界》对照阅读自然会产生这样的联想。
    ① 目前有一本很好的教材,即美国学者保罗·平奇的《城市社会地理学导论》(柴彦威、张景秋等译,北京:商务印书馆,2005年).
    ② 斯宾格勒:《西方的没落》,齐世荣等译,北京:商务印书馆,1991年,第199-200页。这段引文承蒙王挺之先生提示。
    ③ P. Hall, Cities in Civilizations, New York, 1998, pp. 3-288.
    ① 关于这一点,可参考R. Goldthwaite, Wealth and Demand for Art in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore,1993.
    ② 泰勒·考恩:《商业文化礼赞》,严忠志译,北京:商务印书馆,2005年,尤其参看该书第106-136页论资本主义和文艺复兴文化的部分。
    ③ L. Martines, Power and Imagination: City-States in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore, 1988, pp. 191-217.
    ① 关于文艺复兴运动在意大利之外的传播或被接受的情况,目前最好的著作是伯克的《欧洲文艺复兴:中心与边缘》(P. Burke,European Renaissance: Centres and Peripheries, Oxford,1998)。
    ② 英文中的modern和modernity是颇难翻译的词语,因为这两个词既可译成“近代”和“近代性”,亦可译作“现代”和“现代性”,然而在中文里,“近代”和“近代性”同“现代”和“现代性”在语义上有一定的差异,后两个词语指示的时代更贴近当代.但是,鉴于学术界习惯上把modernity的译为“现代性”,笔者也采用这一译法。关于“现代性”的一般讨论,可参考周宪的《审美现代性问题》(北京:商务印书馆,2005年)。
    ③ 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,北京:商务印书馆,1979年,第125页。
    ④ W. Ferguson, The Renaissance in Historical Thought, Cambridge Mass., 1948, pp. 133-396.
    ① 关于布克哈特的文化史方法的黑格尔主义哲学基础,可参考贡布里希的《理想与偶像》(范景中等译,上海人民出版社,1989年)中的“探索新文化史”一文。
    ② R. Gardner, "Jacob Burckhardt as a Theorist of Modernity: Reading The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy", Sociological Theory, Vol. 8, No. 3 (1990), pp. 48-57.
    ③ 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,北京:商务印书馆,1979年,第125页。
    ④ 我国文艺复兴学者朱龙华先生是文艺复兴近(现)代性的坚定拥护者,参见朱龙华的《意大利文艺复兴起源与模式》(北京:人民出版社,2004年)。
    ① 罗志田:《乱世潜流:民族主义与民国政治》,上海古籍出版社,2001年,第142-184页。
    ② 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,北京:商务印书馆,1979年,第387-393页。
    ③ R. Trexler, Dependence in Context in Renaissance Florence, New York, 1994.
    ① S. Cohn Jr., "Burckhardt Revisited from Social History", A. Brown ed., Language and Renaissance, Oxford, 1995, pp. 217-234.
    ① L. Martines, Power and Imagination: City-States in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore, 1988.
    ② D. Hay ed., Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, 1380-1530, London: Longman, 1989.
    ③ J. Najemy ed., Italy in the Age of the Renaissance 1300-1550, Oxford University Press, 2004.
    ④ I. Cloulas et al eds., L'Italie de la Renaissance: un monde en mutation, 1378-1494, Paris: Fayard, 1990.
    ⑤ D. Hay, The Italian Renaissance in Its Historical Background, Cambridge University Press, 1977, pp. 7-8.
    ① 彼得·伯克的《欧洲文艺复兴:中心与边缘》(Peter Burke, European Renaissance: Centres and Peripheries, Oxford,1998)是一个明显的例外。
    ② 例如,在20世纪80年代,我国学者吴泽义编著的《文艺复兴时期巨人的时代》(北京:人民出版社,1988年)和赵海江的《文艺复兴时期的艺术大师》(北京:中国人民大学出版社,1992年)。
    ③ 刘君的未刊博士论文《从工匠到“神圣”天才:意大利文艺复兴时期艺术家的兴起》(四川大学历史文化学院 2006年6月)对意大利城市的文化环境和文化创造进行了颇有新意的讨论。
    ④ 参见刘耀春:《文艺复兴时期妇女史研究》,《历史研究》,2005年第4期,第176-187页。
    ① F. Kisby ed., Music and Musicians in Renaissance Cities and Towns, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
    ② C. Frick, Dressing Renaissance Florence: Families, Fortunes, and Fine Clothing, Baltimore, 2002; E. Welch, Shopping in the Renaissance, New Haven, 2005; S. Stuard, Gilding the Market, Luxury and Fashion in Fifteenth Century Italy, Philadelphia, 2006; P. Reilly, The Biography of the Object in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy, Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.
    ① R. C. Davis, Shipbuilders of the Venetian Arsenal: Workers and Workplace in the Preindustrial City, Baltimore, 1991; R. C. Davis, The War of the Fists: Popular Culture and Public Violence in Late Renaissance Venice, Oxford University Press, 1994.
    ② 参见刘耀春:《文艺复兴时期妇女史研究》,《历史研究》,2005年第4期,第176-187页。
    ① 孙锦泉:《论意大利文艺复兴的文化基础》,《历史研究》,1993年第5期,第157-172页。
    ② 赵立行:《宗教与世俗的平衡及其相互制约:意大利人文主义者的宗教观》,《历史研究》,2002年第2期,第132-144页。
    ① 关于刘景华教授对中世纪城市史的研究,可参考他的《西欧中世纪城市新论》(长沙:湖南人民出版社,2000年)。顺便说一下,刘教授还对近代早期的英国城市作了专门的研究(《城市的转型与英国的勃兴》,北京:中国纺织出版社,1994)。
    ② 参见姜芃:《城市史是否是一门学科?》,《世界历史》,2002年第4期,第98-104页。
    ③ 王挺之:《文艺复兴研究的新趋势》,《历史研究》,1991年第1期,第178-179页。
    ① 郑樵[宋]:《通志二十略》下(图谱·索象),王树民点校,北京:中华书局,1995年,第1825页。
    ② 郑樵[宋]:《通志二十略》下(图谱·原学),王树民点校,北京:中华书局,1995年,第1827页。
    ① 转引自曹意强:《艺术与历史》,杭州:中国美术学院出版社,2001年,第92页。
    ② 转引自曹意强:《艺术与历史》,杭州:中国美术学院出版社,2001年,第72页。
    ③ 西方学术界关于“图像证史”的重要著作还包括: F. Haskell, History and Its Images: Art and Interpretation of the Past, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993; P. Burke, Eyewitnessing: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence, London: Reaktion Books, 2001.国内学术界关于这个问题的探讨可参考:葛兆光:《思想史的写法——中国思想史导论》,上海:复旦大学出版社,第145-166页(思想史研究视野中的图像);曹意强:《图像证史——两个文化史经典实例》,《新美术》 2005年第2期,第24-38页。
    ④ 笔者注意到,一些研究中国文学史的学者开始以诗词或小说研究特定时期的城市生活和社会变迁,如杨万里的《宋词与宋代的城市生活》(上海:华东师范大学出版社,2006年),葛永海的《古代小说与城市文化研究》(上海:复旦大学出版社,2005年)和方志远的《明代城市与市民文学》(北京:中华书局,2004年)。
    ① 伯克:《历史学与社会理论》,姚朋、周玉鹏等译,上海人民出版社,2001年,第23页。
    ② 新近翻译出版的‘城市社会地理学导论》([美]保罗·平奇著,柴彦威、张景秋等译,北京:商务印书馆,2005年)也充分显示了“跨学科”的特点。
    ③ 例如,20世纪20和30年代出版了两部重要的社会史著作:《16世纪的意大利社会习俗)(Thomas Crane, Italian Social Customs of the Sixteenth Century, New Haven, 1920)和《16世纪意大利的决斗:关于文艺复兴社会史的一项研究》(Frederick Bryson, The Sixteenth Century Italian Duel: A Study in Renaissance Social History, Chicago, 1938)。
    ④ R. Weissman, "Reconstructing Renaissance Sociology: the 'Chicago School' and the Study of Renaissance Society", in R. Trexler ed., Persons in Group, New York, 1981, pp.39-46.目前关于城市社会学的一本较好的入门读物是:Savage & A. Warde, Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity, London: Macmillan, 1993.
    ① 帕特南的《使民主运转起来》(王列、赖海榕译,南昌:江西人民出版社,2001年)运用“社会资本”研究意大利公民社会激发了广泛的讨论,文艺复兴学者为此还专门展开了讨论。虽然一些学者对帕恃南的研究提出了严厉的批评,但不可否认的是,帕特南对意大利市民传统和现代民主政治关联的阐释是极富启发性的,相关的研究可以参考:R. I. Rotberg ed., The Patterns of Social Capital, Cambridge, 2000,pp.19-68.
    ② C. Klapisch-Zuber, Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy, Chicago, 1985.
    ③ P. Burke, The Historical Anthropology of Early Modern Italy, Cambridge, 1987, pp. 183-190.
    ④ 曹意强:《艺术与历史》,杭州:中国美术学院出版社,2001年,第15页。
    ① C. La Rocca ed., Italy in the Early Middle Ages, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 181-182.
    ① C. Cipolla, Clocks and Culture, 1300-1700, New York, 1977, pp. 15-16.
    ② "Il cammino d'andare della Tana al Gattaio e sicurissimo e di di e di notre", F. Pegolotti, La Pratica della Mercatura, ed. by A. Evans, New York: Kraus Reprint Co., 1970, p. 22.
    ③ L. Benevolo, European City, Oxford, 1993, pp. 23-73.
    ① 布罗代尔:《15世纪的经济与资本主义》
    ② P. Burke, Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy, Cambridge, 1999, pp. 229-230.
    ① 布鲁克尔:《文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨》,朱龙华译,北京:三联书店,1985年,第8页。
    ② D. Waley, Italian City-States, London, 1988, p. 69.
    ③ J. Lamer, Italy in the Age of Dante and Petrarch, 1216-1380, London, 1980, pp. 154-155.
    ④ 布鲁克尔:《文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨》,朱龙华译,北京:三联书店,1985年,第8-9页。
    ① 《马克思恩格斯选集》第一卷,北京:人民出版社,1972年,第255页.
    ② P. Skinner, "Material Life", in D. Abulafia ed., Italy in the Central Ages, 1000-1300, Oxford, 2004, p. 148.
    ③ P. Skinner, "Material Life", in D. Abulafia ed., Italy in the Central Ages, 1000-1300, Oxford, 2004, pp. 152, 157-160.
    ① H. Baron, In Search of Florentine Civic Humanism, Vol.1, Princeton, 1988, pp. 158-225.
    ① 钱存训:《中国纸和印刷文化史》,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2004年,第277-278页。
    ② G. Duby, "The Diffusion of Cultural Patterns in Feudal Society", Past and Present, No. 39 (1968), p. 3.
    ① M. Rubin, "Religious Culture in Town and Country: Reflection on a Great Divide", D. Abulafia ed., Church and City, 1000-1500, Cambridge, 2002, pp. 3-22.
    ② 布罗代尔:《菲利普二世时代的地中海和地中海世界》,北京:商务印书馆,1998年,第34-35页。
    ③ 卡罗·金兹伯的《夜间的战斗》(朱歌姝译,上海人民出版社,2005年)和《奶酪和蛆》表明,迟至16世纪,在意大利一些乡村里,非正统信仰仍很流行,这一事实表明,我们不能想当然地认为欧洲的基督教化业已渗透到欧洲的每一个角落。
    ④ 奇波拉(主编):《欧洲经济史》第一卷,徐璇译,北京:商务印书馆,1988年,第58页。
    ① L. Martines, Power and Imagination, Baltimore, 1988, p. 73.
    ② J. Lamer, Italy in the Age of Dante and Petrarch, London, 1980, p. 172.
    ③ L. Martines, "The Italian Renaissance Tale as History", A. Brown ed., Language and Images of Renaissance, Oxford, 1995, pp. 321,324-326.
    ④ M. Plaisance, "Les Rapports Ville Campagne dans les Nouvelles de Sacchetti, Sercambi et Sermini" in Culture et Societe en Italie: du Moyen-Age a la Renaissance, Paris: 1985, pp. 64-65.
    ⑤ D. Hay & J. Law, Italy in the Age of the Renaissance: 1380-1530, London, 1989, p. 49.
    ① F. W. Kent ed., Patronage, Art, and Society in Renaissance Italy, Oxford, 1987, pp. 173-174.
    ① D. Nicholas, The Later Medieval City, 1300-1500, London, 1997, p. 70.
    ① L. Martines, Power and Imagination, Baltimore, 1988, p. 168.
    ② I. K. Hyde, Society and Politics in Medieval Italy, London, 1978, pp. 178-186.
    ③ I. Cloulas ed., L'Italie de ia Renaissance, Pads: Fayard, 1990, p. 283.
    ④ C. Allmand ed., The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. 7, Cambridge, 1998, p. 125.
    ① S. R. Epstein ed., Town and Country in Europe, 1300-1800, Cambridge, 2001, p. 298.
    ① S. R. Epstein ed., Town and Country in Europe, 1300-1800, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 300-303, 308.
    ② S. R. Epstein ed., Town and Country in Europe, 1300-1800, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 320-322.
    ① G. Chittolini, "Cities, 'City-States' and Regional States in North-Central Italy", in C. Tilly & W. Blockmans eds., Cities and the Rises of States in Europe, Oxford, 1994, pp. 28, 38-40.
    ② R. Mackenney, Renaissances: the Cultures of Italy, c.1300-c.1600, New York, 2005, p. 56.
    ① 类似的观点可参考R. Macknney, Renaissance: The Culture of Italy, c.1300-c.1600, New York, 2005, pp. 56-76.
    ① D. Waley, The Italian City-Republics, London, 1990, p. 21.
    ② 布鲁克尔:《文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨》,朱龙华译,北京:三联书店,1985年,第35页。
    ③ M. Baxandall, Giotto and the Orators, Oxford, 1971, p. 67.
    ① B. Kohl ed., Major Problems in the History of the Italian Renaissance, Lexington, 1995, p. 276.
    ② B. Kohl & R. Witt eds., Earthly Republic, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981, p. 138.
    ③ G. Argan, The Renaissance City, New York, 1969, p. 24.
    ① F. Craig, Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope, New York, 1962, pp. 109-110.
    ② C. Elam, "Lorenzo de' Medici and the Urban Development of Renaissance Florence', Art History, Vol. 1, No.1 (1978), pp. 43-58.
    ③ N. Machiavelli, Florentine Histories, trans, by L. Banfield & H. Mansfield, Princeton, 1990, p. 361.
    ① G. Brucker, Florence: The Golden Age, 1138-1737, Berkeley, 1998, p. 11.
    ② 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·巨人的时代》(下),刘耀春等译,武汉:湖北美术出版社,2003年,第512页。
    ③ Donateila Calabi, The Market and the City, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004, pp. 134-135.
    ① D. Howard, The Architectural History of Venice, New Haven, 2002, p. 50.
    ② D. S. Chambers, Venice: A Documentary History, 1450-1630, Oxford, 1992, pp. 4-5.
    ③ L.贝纳沃内:《世界城市史》,北京:科学出版社,2000年,第395页。
    ① L.贝纳沃内:《世界城市史》,北京:科学出版社,2000年,第406页。
    ① Leonardo, The European City, Oxford, 1993, pp. 98-100.
    ① D. Howard, The Architectural History of Venice, New Haven, 2002, p. 45.
    ② C. Stinger, The Renaissance in Rome, Indiana University Press, 1985, p. 14.
    ① C. Hibbert, Rome: the Biography of a City, Penguin, 1987, p. 115.
    ② C. Hibbert, Rome: the Biography of a City, Penguin, 1987, p. 122.
    ③ 吉本:《罗马帝国衰亡史》下,黄宜思、黄雨石译,北京:商务印书馆,1997年,第687页。
    ④ 苏阿托妮:《文艺复兴》,夏方林译,成都:四川人民出版社,2000年,第135页。
    ① 帕特里奇:《文艺复兴在罗马》,郐毅译,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2004年,第40页。
    ① L Delumeau, La Civilisation de La Renaissance, Paris, 1967, p. 309.
    ② E. Welch, Art and Authority in Renaissance Milan, New Have, 1995, pp. 31-34.
    ③ N. Miller, Mapping the City: the Language and Culture of Cartography in the Renaissance, London, 2003, pp. 131-133.
    ④ C. Frugoni, A Distant City: Images of Urban Experience on Medieval World, Princeton, 1991, p. 75.
    ① E. Welch, Art and Authority in Renaissance Milan, New Haven, 1995, pp. 120-121.
    ② E. Welch, Art and Authority in Renaissance Milan, New Haven, 1995, p. 166.
    ① E. Welch, Art and Authority in Renaissance Milan, New Haven, 1995, pp. 175-190.
    ① R. Mackenney, Renaissances: The Cultures of Italy, c.1300-c.1600, New York, 2005, p. 92.
    ② P. Arthur, Naples:from Roman Town to City-State, London, 2002, p. 151.
    ③ J. Lancaster, In the Shadow of Vesuvius: A Cultural History of Naples, London, 2005, pp. 59-60.
    ④ C. Bruzelius, The Stones of Naples, New Haven, 2004, p. 45.
    ① C. Bruzelius, The Stones of Naples, New Haven, 2004, p. 130.
    ② J. Bentley, Politics and Culture in Renaissance Naples, Princeton, 1987, pp. 51-137.
    ③ H. Millon ed., Italian Renaissance Architecture, London, 1996, p. 351.
    ① L. Heydenreich, Architecture in Italy, 1400-1500, New Haven, 1996, pp. 133-135.
    ① C. Rowe & L. Satkowski, Italian Architecture of the 16th Century, New York, 2002, pp. 289-290.
    ① R. Mackenney, Renaissances: The Cultures of Italy, c.1300-c.1600, New York, 2005, pp. 63-65.
    ② E.A. Gutkind, Urban Development in Southern Europe, New York, 1969, pp. 91-92.
    ① E.A. Gut.kind, Urban Development in Southern Europe, New York, 1969, p. 105.
    ② J. Hook, Siena: A City and Its History, London, 1979, p. 54.
    ① C. Rosenberg, The Este Monuments and Urban Development in Renaissance Ferrara, Cambridge, 1997, p.25.
    ② T. Tuohy, Herculean Ferrara, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 51-52.
    ① C. Rosenberg, The Este Monuments and Urban Development in Renaissance Ferrara, Cambridge, 1997, p. 110.
    ② G. Argan, Renaissance City, New York, 1983, pp. 32.
    ③ C. Rosenberg, The Este Monuments and Urban Development in Renaissance Ferrara, Cambridge, 1997, pp.110-152.
    ① R. Mackenney, Renaissances: The Cultures of Italy, c.1300-c.1600, New York, 2005, p. 87.
    ② 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,北京:商务印书馆,1979年,第45页。
    ③ W. Gundersheimer, "The Patronage of Ereole I d'Este", The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, vol. 6, no. 1 (1976), pp. 1-18.
    ① 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·巨人的时代》(上),刘耀春等译,武汉:湖北美术出版社,2003年,第400-401页。
    ② I. Lazarini, "Sub siguo principis: Political institutions and urban configurations in early Renaissance Mantua", Renaissance Studies, vol. 16, no. 3 (2002), pp. 318-329.
    ① T. Tuohy, Herculean Ferrara, Cambridge, 1996, p. 234.
    ② 苏阿托尼:《文艺复兴》,夏方林译,成都:四川人民出版社,2000年,第43页。
    ③ B. Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier, New York, 1959, pp. 13-14.
    ① M. King, The Renaissance in Europe, London, 2003, p. 45.
    ① M. King, The Renaissance in Europe, London, 2003, pp. 45-46.
    ① W. Braunfels, Urban Design in Western Europe, Chicago, 1988, p. 59.
    ② L. B. Alberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, trans, by J. Rykwert et al., Cambridge, 1988, p. 190.
    ③ L. Mumford, The Culture of Cities), 伦敦, 1942年,第54页.
    ④ C. Cippolla, Guns, Sails and Empires, New York, 1965, pp. 21-22.
    ⑤ E. Rice Jr., The Foundation of Early Modern Europe: 1460-1559, New York, 1994, p. 11.
    ① J. Ross, The Portable Renaissance Reader, New York, 1968, p.101.
    ② 埃尔顿(主编):《新编剑桥近代史》,第2卷,北京:中国社会科学院出版社,2003年,第650页。
    ③ 辛格(主编):《技术史》第3卷,高亮华等译,上海科技教育出版社,2005年,第255页。
    ④ J. Hale, Renaissance War Studies, London, 1983, 1997, pp. 1-30.
    ① T. Arnold, The Renaissance at War, London, 2001, pp.45-46.
    ① B. Hall, Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe, Baltimore, 1997, pp. 162-164.
    ② T. Arnold, The Renaissance at War, London, 2001, p. 46.
    ③ E. Garin, Science and Civic Life in the Italian Renaissance, New York, 1969, p. 22.
    ④ C. F. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, p. 70.
    ① K. Lilley, Urban Life in the Middle Ages 1000-1450, New York, 2002, pp. 168-171.
    ② J. Burckhardht, The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance, Chicago, 1995, pp. 168-170.
    ① C. F. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, p. 69.
    ① 达维齐宫(Palazzo Davizzi)即今天的达旺扎蒂宫(Palazzo Davanzati)。
    ① 关于15世纪“古典式宫殿”的深入研究,可参考克拉克的《罗马居所—文艺复兴宫殿》(G. Clarke,Roman House-Renaissance Palaces, Cambridge, 2003)。
    ② 这种粗面石建造的立面是托斯卡纳人的发明,在很长一段时间里,也主要在托斯卡纳地区流行,直到16世纪,建筑师桑索维诺才把这种设计引入威尼斯(参见瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·巨人的时代》下,第394-395页)。
    ① C. Burroughs, The Italian Renaissance Palace Fagade, Cambridge, 2002, pp. 104-105.
    ① D. Howard, The Architecture History of Venice, New Haven, 2002, pp. 180-190.
    ① L. Munford, The Culture of Cities, London, 1940, p. 94.
    ② G. Gorse, "A Classical Stage for Old Nobility: the Strada Nuova and Sixteenth-Century Genoa", Art Bulletin, Vol. 79, No. 4 (1997), p. 311.
    ③ 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·巨人的时代》(下),武汉:湖北美术出版社,2003年,第419-420页。
    ④ W. Lotz, Architecture in Italy 1500-1600, New Haven, 1995, pp. 130-133.
    ① L. Satkowski, Italian Architecture of the 16th Century, New York, 2002, pp. 290-292.
    ① L. Satkowski, Giorgio Vasari: Architect and Courtier, Princeton, 1994, pp. 56-59.
    ② 这个濒临阿尔诺河的敞廊是乌菲齐走廊的收尾部分,也是难度最大的部分,正如瓦萨里指出,“在我完成的所有建筑物中,巨大建筑物(指“乌菲齐宫”)向外延伸至阿尔诺河的那个敞廊(Loggia)是最困难的,也是最危险的,因为这个敞廊实际上悬架在阿尔诺河之上。(W. Lotz,Architecture in Italy 1500-1600, New Haven, 1995, p. 166.)”后来的建筑师又把乌菲齐走廊加以延伸,从乌菲齐走廊的敞廊出发,穿越老桥,一直通向美迪奇家族的皮蒂宫。新增加的走廊的宽度只有3.3米,可以供马车通过,气势上不及乌菲齐走廊。
    ① L. Munford, The Culture of Cities, London, 1940, pp. 94-98.
    ① G.Duby, The Age of the Cathedrals, Art and Society, 980-1420, London, 1981.
    ② L. B. AIberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, trans, by J. Rykwert et al., Cambridge, 1988, p. 194.
    ① A. Grafton, Leon Battista A lberti: Master Builder of the Italian Renaissance, New York, 2000, pp. 316-330.
    ② 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·辉煌的复兴》,武汉:湖北美术出版社,2003年,第154页。
    ① A. Bruschi, "Religious Architecture in Renaissance Italy", in H. Millon ed., Italian Renaissance Architecture, London, 1994, pp. 123-181.
    ② 帕拉迪奥在其《建筑四论》里所说:“从年轻时开始,就有一种本能的冲动带着我进入建筑的研究领域,因为就我而言,古代罗马人在许多方面极其优秀,我认为在建筑艺术上,他们同样超过了所有的后来人。这就是为什么我将维特鲁威视为艺术大师和引路人。他是古人中唯一一位在此领域著书立说流传至今的人,这也是为什么我开始充满好奇地研究、观察所有这些古老建筑留给我们的珍贵遗产,尽管随着时间的推移以及蛮族的破坏,这些建筑物依然保留了下来,于是,我开始对它们的每一个部分进行细致的研究,最终,我也成了一位目光敏锐的观察家(发现没有一处不是充满理性、优雅之至),我常常自己到意大利以及其他地方去远行,以便从遗迹中发现其原样是怎样的,让后将其绘于纸上。”上述文字出自热斯塔(B.Jestaz):《文艺复兴的建筑》(王海洲译,上海:汉语大词典出版社,2003年,第133页)
    ① D. Howard, The Architecture History of Venice, New Haven, 2002, p. 207.
    ① D. Howard, The Architecture History of Venice, New Haven, 2002, pp. 194-208.
    ① L. Satkowski, Italian Architecture of the 16th Century, New York, 2002, p. 293.
    ① M. Trachtenberg, Dominion of the Eye: Urbannism, Art, and Power in Early Modern Florence, Cambridge, 1997, pp. 280-283.
    ② E. A. Gutkind, Urban Development in Sourthern Europe: Italy and Greece, New York, 1969, pp. 130-131.
    ③ E. A. Gutkind, Urban Development in Sourthern Europe: Italy and Greece, New York, 1969, pp. 133-135.
    ① D. Mayernik, Timesless Cities: An Architect's Reflections on Renaissance Italy, Westview Press, 2003, p. 197.
    ① E. A. Gutkin, Urban Development in Southern Europe, New York, 1969, pp. 131-132.
    ② 这个钟楼在1902年的一场地震中坍塌,1905年,意大利政府下令按照原来的设计将它复原。
    ① L. B. Aiberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, trans, by J. Rykwert et al., Cambridge, 1988, p. 265.
    ① D. Howard, The Architectural History of Venice, New Haven, 2002, pp. 150-152.
    ① 瓦萨里的原文为:“1529年,在圣马可广场中央的两根石柱之间,矗立着一些屠夫屠宰时使用的木桩,此外,两个石柱之间还有一些供人们便溺的简陋木棚。这些东西与宫室和广场的景观格格不入,严重损害了宫室和广场的尊严。更糟糕的是,凡是借道圣乔尔乔教堂进入威尼斯的外地人,第一眼看到的就是这些不雅观的东西。桑索维诺向格里蒂总督陈述了他的整治方案,强调了这样做的高尚动机和实际好处,之后,他把木桩和木棚拆除,并把木桩挪到现在的位置。”(见瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·巨人的时代》下,徐波、刘耀春等译,武汉:湖北美术出版社,2003年,第393页。)
    ② W. Lotz, Architecture in Italy 1500-1600, New Haven, 1995, pp. 85-86.
    ① 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·巨人的时代》下,第394-395页。
    ① W. Braunfels, Urban Design in Western Europe: Regime and Architecture, 900-1900, Chicago, 1988, p. 92.
    ① 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·巨人的时代》(下),第302-303。
    ① W. Lotz, Architecture in Italy 1500-1600, New Haven, 1995, pp. 95-97.
    ② E. A. Gutkin, Urban Development in Southern Europe: Italy and Greece, New York, 1969, p. 169.
    ① J. Escobar, The Plaza Mayor and the Shaping of Baroque Madrid, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
    ② P. Burke, European Renaissance, Oxford, 1998, pp. 192-193.
    ③ J. K. Hyde, Society and Politics in Medieval Italy, London, 1978, p.6.
    ① 关于英国城市建筑古典化的情况,可参考P.Borsay,English Urban Renaissance,Oxford,pp.41-113.
    ① N. Miller, Mapping the City: The Language and Culture of Cartography in the Renaissance, London, 2003, p.2.
    ① D. Buisseret, The Mapmakers' Quest: Depicting New World in Renaissance Europe, Oxford, 2003, ⅹⅲ-ⅹⅳ.
    ② N. Miller, Mapping the City: The Language and Culture of Cartography in the Renaissance, London, 2003, pp. 99-101.
    ① N. Miller, Mapping the City, London, 2003, pp. 104-105.
    ① N. Broc, La Geographie de la Renaissance (1420-1620), Paris, 1980, p. 9.
    ② F. Fiorani, The Marvel of Maps, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005, pp. 6-7.
    ③ N. Miller, Mapping the City, London, 2003, p. ⅹⅤ.
    ④ F.Fiorani, The Marvel of Maps, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005, pp. 169-174.
    ① L. Nuti, "The Perspective Plan in the Sixteenth Century", Art Bulletin, vol. 76 (1994), no. 1, pp. 105-128.
    ② J. Elliot, The City in Maps: Urban Mapping to 1900, London: British Library, 1987, p.9.
    ① L. Nuti, "The Perspective Plan in the Sixteenth Century", Art Bulletin, vol. 76 (1994), no. 1, pp. 105-128.
    ① L. Nuti, "The Perspective Plan in the Sixteenth Century", Art Bulletin, vol. 76 (1994), no. 1, p. 105.
    ② 该书在1616年出版了意大利文译本(Theatro delle citta d'Italia,),弗朗切斯科·贝尔泰利(Francesco Bertelli)又在1629年出版了增补版,取名为《意大利城市大观增补版》(Theatro delle citta d'Italia,con nova aggiunta)。
    ① F.Fiorani, The Marvel of Maps, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005, pp. 17-93.
    ② F.Fiorani, The Marvel of Maps, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005, p. 146.
    ① Naomi Miller, Mapping the City, London, 2003, pp. 174-176.
    ① Lucia Nuti, "The Perspective Plan in the Sixteenth Century", Art Bulletin, vol. 76 (1994), no. 1, pp. 113-115.
    ② L. D. Ettlinger, "A Fifteenth-Century View of Florence", Burlington Magazine, Vol. 94, No. 591 (1952), p.167.
    ① 关于“作坊风格”,可参考刘君的论文:《店铺、工作室和学校:文艺复兴时期的意大利艺术作坊》,《四川师范大学学报》(社科版),2005年第3期,第133-140页。
    ② L. Nuti, "The Perspective Plan in the Sixteenth Ceatury", Art Bulletin, vol. 76 (1994), no. 1, pp. 115-116.
    ① T. Frangenberg, "Chorographies of Florence: the Use of City Views and City Plans in the Sixteenth Century", Imago Mundi, 46 (1994), pp. 41-64.
    ① Juergen Schulz, "Jacopo de' Barbari's View of Venice", Art Bulletin, vol. 60, no. (1978), pp. 425-474.
    ① 早期的城市图集包括意大利文版的《关于世界主要城市和要塞图录》(Il primo libro delle citta e fortezze principali del mondo,Venice,1567)、《一些最著名城市和城堡图录》(Disegni di alcunep piu illustri citta efortezze,Venice,1568),以及巴利诺的《世界最著名城市和城堡图示》(De’disegni delle piu illustri citta e fortezze del mondo,Venice,1569)。与此同时,法国也出现了类似的著作,如法国人格鲁(G.Gueroult)出版的《城市图鉴》(Premier Livre de figures et poutraits de villes,Lyon,1552)和《欧洲方志概要》(Epitome de la Corographie d'Europe,Lyon,1553),此外还包括A.杜皮内(A.Du Pinet)的《欧洲、亚洲、非洲和印度及新大陆的一些城市和城堡的画像》(Plantes,Pourtaits,et description de plusieurs villes et forteresses,tant de l'Europe,Asie,Afrique que des Indes et Terre Neuves,Lyon,1564)。当然,最有名的是德国人布劳恩(Georg Braun,1541-1622)和霍亨贝格(Franz Hohenberg,1538-1590)在1572年至1618年间在德国的科隆陆续出版的6卷本《世界的城市》(Civitates orbis terrarum)。
    ② D. Buisseret, The Mapmaker's Quest: Depicting New World in Renaissance Europe, Oxford, 2003, pp. 165-175.
    ① 伍德福特:《剑桥艺术史》,第一卷,罗通秀、钱乘旦译,北京:中国青年出版社,1994年,第382页。
    ② E.A. Gutkind, Urban Development in Southern Europe, New York, 1969, p. 116.
    ① 苏阿托尼:《文艺复兴》,夏方林译,成都:四川人民出版社,2000年,第40-41页。
    ② S. Zimmerman et al ed., Urban Life in the Renaissance, London, 1989, pp. 50-79.
    ① E. A. Gutkind, Urban Development in Southern Europe, New York, 1969, p. 120.
    ② F. R. Willis, Western Civilization: An Urban Perspective, D.C. Heath & Company, 1977, p. 516.
    ① 辛格等主编:《技术史》第三卷,高亮华、戴吾三主译,上海科技教育出版社,2004年,第198页。
    ① C. Smith, Architecture in the Culture of Early Humanism, New York, 1992, pp. 126-129.
    ① 巴克:《希腊政治理论:柏拉图及其前人》,卢华萍译,长春:吉林人民出版社,2003年,第538-543。
    ② Horst de la Croix, "Military Architecture and the Radial City Plan in Sixteenth Century Italy", The Art Bulletin, Vol. 42 (1960), pp. 263-290.
    ① L. Benevolo, The European City, Oxford, 1993, p. 102.
    ① E. Gutkin, Urban Development in Southern Europe, New York, 1969, p. 119.
    ② G. Argan, The Renaissance City, New York, 1969, p. 107.
    ③ F. R. Willis, Western Civilization: An Urban Perspective, D.C. Heath & Company, 1977, pp. 515-516.
    ① L. B. Aiberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, trans, by J. Rykwert et al., Cambridge, 1988, p. 331.
    ② 参见P. Boucheron, "Water and Power in Milan, c. 1200-1500", Urban History, Vol. 28 (1998), pp. 180-193.
    ① M. Kucher, The Water Supply System of Siena, Italy, New York: Routledge, 2005, pp. 13-14.
    ② M. Kucher, "The Use of Water and Its Regulation in Medieval Siena", Journal of Urban History, Vol. 31, No. 4 (2005), p. 507.
    ③ M. Kucher, The Water Supply System of Siena, Italy, New York: Routledge, 2005, p. 65.
    ① P. Lavedan & J. Hugueney, Histoire de l'urbanisme, Vol. Ⅱ(Renaissance et Temps modernes), Paris, 1952, pp. 38-40.
    ① E. Crouzet-Pavan, Venice Triumphant, trans, by L. Cochrane, Baltimore, 2002, pp. 14-18.
    ① L.贝纳沃内:《世界城市史》,北京:科学出版社,2000年,第406页。
    ② 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·巨人的时代》(上),刘耀春等译,武汉:湖北美术出版社,2003年,第286-287页。
    ① B. Kohl & R. Witt, Earthly Republic, University of Pennsylvannia Press, 1981, p. 52.
    ② C. Cipolla, "A Plague Doctor", in Miskimin ed., Medieval City, New Haven, 1977, p. 65.
    ① 薄加丘:《十日谈》,钱鸿嘉等译,上海译文出版社,1993年,第8-11页。
    ② B. Kohl ed., Major Problems in the History of Italian Renaissance, D.C. Heanth and Company, 1995, pp.49-50.
    ① B. Kohl ed., Major Problems in the History of Italian Renaissance, D. C. Heanth and Company, 1995, p. 51.
    ② 薄加丘:《十日谈》,钱鸿嘉等译,1993年,第8页。
    ① D. Hay & J. Law, Italy in theAge of the Renaissance: 1380-1530, London,, p. 83
    ② C. Cipolla, "A Plague Doctor", in Miskimin ed., Medieval City, New Haven, 1977, p.69.
    ① C. Cipoila, Miasmas and Disease: Public Health and the Environment in the Pre-industrial Age, New Haven,1992, p. 1.
    ② D. Porter, Health, Civilization and the State, London, 1999, p. 38.
    ① K. Lilley, Urban Life in the Middle Ages 1000-1450, New York, 2002, p. 233.
    ② D. Nicholas, The Later Medieval City, 1300-1500, London, 1997, p. 203.
    ③ F. Petrarca, The Life of Solitude, trans, by J. Zeitlin, University of Illinois Press, 1924, p. 312.
    ④ G. MaClure, The Culture of Profession in Late Renaissance Italy, Toronto, 2004, pp. 90-140.
    ① 加林(主编):《文艺复兴时期的人》,李玉成译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第224页。
    ① E. S. Cohen & T. V. Cohen, Daily Life in Renaissance Italy, London, 2001, pp. 31-32.
    ② 关于艺术家从手艺人向自由艺术家的转变,可参看刘君的未刊博士论文《从工匠到“神圣”天才:意大利文艺复兴时期艺术家的兴起》(四川大学历史文化学院,2006年4月)。
    ① J. Symonds, Renaissance in Italy, Vol. 2, London, 1937, p. 81.
    ② C. F. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, pp. 93-95.
    ① C. F. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, p. 91.
    ② C. Cipolla, "A Plague Doctor", in Miskimin ed., Medieval City, New Haven, 1977, p. 69.
    ③ C. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, pp. 91-92.
    ① C. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, pp. 92-93.
    ① C. F. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, p. 95.
    ② P. Partner, The Pope's Men: The Papal Civil Service in the Renaissance, Oxford, 1990, pp. 113-149.
    ① H. Nicolson, The Evolution of Diplomatic Method, London, 1954, pp. 24-47.
    ② G. Mattingly, Renaissance Diplomacy, New York, 1970, pp. 71-82.
    ③ D. Biow, Doctors, Ambassadors, Secretaries: Humanism and Professions in Renaissance Italy, Chicago, 2002, pp. 101-152.
    ① 布鲁克尔:《文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨》,朱龙华译,北京:三联书店,1985年,第127页。
    ② C. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, pp. 96-97.
    ③ C. Black, Early Modern Italy:A Social History, London, 2001, pp. 98-99.
    ① C. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, p. 99.
    ② E. Cohen & T. Cohen, Daily Life in Renaissance Italy, Greenwood Press, 2001, p. 34.
    ① C. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London: Routledge, 2001, pp. 100-101.
    ① C. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, pp. 99-102.
    ② G. MaClure, The Culture of Profession in Late Renaissance Italy, Toronto, 2004, pp. 90-140.
    ① C. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, London, 2001, pp. 72-73.
    ① M. King, The Renaissance in Europe, London, 2003, p. 28.
    ② J. Marino ed., Early Modern Italy, 1550-1796, Oxford, 2002, pp. 92-93.
    ③ G.Duby, The Three Orders: Feudal Society Imagined, trans., A. Goldhammer, Chicago, 1980.
    ① O. Nieeoli, "Images of Society", in J. Marino ed., Early Modern History and the Social Sciences, Truman State University Press, 2002, pp. 101-122, esp. 122.
    ① 威尼斯的社会等级制度很特殊,划分等级的标准并非经济地位,而是政治和社会地位,而且用来表示各个不同等级的词语(如citadini和popolani)与其它城市有很大的差异。关于威尼斯贵族,可参考李洁的未刊硕士论文《文艺复兴时期威尼斯贵族研究》(四川大学历史文化学院2007年5月1日)。
    ② L. Martines, Power and Imagination, Baltimore, 1988, p. 33.
    ③ M. King, The Renaissance in Europe, London, 2003, pp. 139-142.
    ① J. Najemy ed., Italy in the Age of Renaissance, Oxford, 2004, pp. 145-156.
    ② C. Allman ed., The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol.7, Cambridge, 1998, p. 276.
    ① L. Martines, Power and Imagination, Baltimore, 1988, pp. 191-217.
    ② 转引自H. Wohl, Aesthetics of Italian Renaissance Arts, Cambridge, 1999, p. 27.
    ① C. Allmand ed., The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 7, Cambridge, 1998, pp. 563-564.
    ② S. Ugo & A. Saiber ed., Images of Quattrocento Florence, New Haven, 2000, p. 86.
    ③ 刘君:《论洛伦佐·德·美迪奇的艺术赞助》,《四川大学学报》,2004年第2期,第115-124页。
    ④ A. Lillie, "The Humanist Villa Revisited," in A. Brown ed., Language and Images of Renaissance Italy, Oxford, 1995, pp. 193-215.
    ① E. Sereni, History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape, Princeton, 1997, pp. 147-149.
    ② 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,北京:商务印书馆,1979年,第396页。
    ③ A. Rabil ed., Knowledge, Goodness, and Power: The Debate over Nobility among Quattrocento Italian Humanists, New York, 1991.
    ① G. Ciappelli ed., Art, Memory, and Family in Renaissance Florence, Cambridge, 2000, p. 27.
    ② G. Ciappelli ed., Art, Memory, and Family in Renaissance Florence, Cambridge, 2000, p.42.
    ③ G. Ciappelli ed., Art, Memory, and Family in Renaissance Florence, Cambridge, 2000, pp. 215-229.
    ④ A. Molho, Marriage Alliance in Florence, Harvard University Press, 1994.
    ⑤ 布鲁克尔:《文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨》,朱龙华译,北京:三联书店,1985年,第129-130页。
    ⑥ F. W. Kent ed., Patronage, Art, and Society in Renaissance Italy, Oxford, 1987, pp. 7-8.
    ① 关于社会史研究对布克哈特解释体系的挑战,可参考:S. Cohn, "Burckhardht Revisted from Social History", in A. Brown ed., Language and Images in Renaissance Italy, Oxford, 1995, pp. 217-234.
    ② B. Pullan, Rich and Poor in Renaissance Venice, Oxford, 1971; S. Cohn, Jr., The Laboring Classes in Renaissance Florence, New York, 1980.
    ③ P. Burke, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe, Aldershot, 1996, pp. 23-29.
    ① P. Burke, Variety of Cultural History, Cambridge, 1997, pp. 124-125.
    ② S. Cohn, The Laboring Classes in Renaissance Florence, New York, 1980, pp. 125-128.
    ③ L. B. Alberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, trans, by J. Rykwert et al., Cambridge, 1988, p. 118.
    ① S. Zimmerman ed., Urban Life in the Renaissance, London & Toronto, 1989, pp. 27-28.
    ② S. Zimmerman ed., Urban Life in the Renaissance, London & Toronto, 1989, pp. 21-23.
    ③ S. Zimmerman ed., Urban Life in the Renaissance, London & Toronto, 1989, pp. 39-42.
    ④ 布鲁克尔:《文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨》,朱龙华译,北京:三联书店,1985年,第23页。
    ① S. Cohn, The Laboring Classes in Renaissance Florence, New York, 1980, pp. 125-128.
    ② O. Niccoli, "Images of Society", in J. Marino eeL, Early Modern History and the Social Sciences, Truman State University Press, 2002, pp. 101-122, esp. 122.
    ③ 芒福德:《城市发展史》,宋俊岭、倪文彦译,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2005年,第387页。
    ① D. Nicholas, The Later Medieval City: 1300-1500, London, 1997, pp. 280-287.
    ② J. Israel, European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism: 1550-1750, London, 1998, p.4.
    ① G. Brucker, The Society of Renaissance Florence, New York, 1971, pp. 241-243.
    ② A. Toaff, Love, Work, and Death: Jewish Life in Medieval Umbria, London, 1996, p. 118.
    ① M. King, The Renaissance in Europe, London, 2003, pp. 151-152.
    ② J. Israel, European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism: 1550-1750, London, 1998, p. 6.
    ③ S. Miller ed, At the Margins: Minority Groups in Pre-modern Italy, 2005, p.84.
    ① D. S. Chambers & B. Puilan ed., Venice: A Documentary History, Oxford, 1992, pp. 338-339.
    ② Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews, New York, 1968, pp. 347-348.
    ③ P. F. Brown, "Not one But Many Separate Cities: Housing Diversity in Sixteenth-Century Venice", in Nicholas Howe ed., Home and Homelessness in the Medieval and Renaissance World, Notre Dame, 2004, p. 45.
    ① C. F. Black, Early Modern Italy: A Social History, 2001, p. 155.
    ② D. Calabi, "The Jews and the City in the Mediterranean", Alexander Cowan ed., Mediterranean Urban Culture, Exeter, 2000, pp. 64-66.
    ③ D. Calabi, The Market and the City, Ashgate, 2004, p. 133.
    ④ C. Rowe & L. Satkowski, Italian Architecture of the 16th Century, New York, 2002, pp. 303-207.
    ① D. Hughes, "Bodies, Disease, and Society", in J. Najemy ed., Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, Oxford, 2004, p. 113.
    ① Humanism of Leonardo Bruni, trans, by Gordon Griffiths et al., New York, pp. 305-306.
    ① B. Kohl & R. Witt eds., The Earthly Republic, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981, pp. 258-260.
    ② 加林:《意大利人文主义》,李玉成译,北京:三联书店,1998年,第66页。
    ① 阿尔贝蒂:《论家庭》,梁禾译,西安出版社,第141-142页。
    ① 奇波拉(主编):《欧洲经济史》第1卷,北京:商务印书馆,1988年,第71页。
    ② P.Grendler, Schooling in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore, 1989, p. 309.
    ③ P.Grendler, Schooling in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore, 1989, p. 307.
    ④ R. Goldthwaite, Banks, Palaces and Entrepreneurs in Renaissance Italy, Variorum, 1995, p. 419
    ① R. Goidthwaite, Banks, Palaces and Entrepreneurs in Renaissance Italy, Variorum, 1995, p. 432.
    ② 汤普逊:《中世纪晚期欧洲经济社会史》,徐家玲等译,北京:商务印书馆,1992年,第594—595页。
    ① L. Jardine, Worldly Goods: A New History of the Renaissance, Papermac, 1996, p. 103.
    ② 汤普逊:《中世纪晚期欧洲经济社会史》,徐家玲等译,北京:商务印书馆,1992年,第614页。
    ③ 布罗代尔:《资本主义的动力》,北京:三联书店,1997年,第46页。
    ① G Luzzatto, An Economic History of Italy, trans, by P. Jones, New York, 1961, p. 125.
    ② 奇波拉(主编):《欧洲经济史》第一卷,徐璇译,北京:商务印书馆,1988年,第234页。
    ① J.W.汤普逊:《中世纪晚期欧洲经济社会史》,北京:商务印书馆,1992年,第569页。
    ① R. Goldthwaite., "The Medici Bank and the World of Florentine Capitalism", Past and Present, No. 114 (1987), pp. 7-8.
    ① E. B. Fryde, Humanism and Renaissance Historiography, London, 1983, pp. 143-157.
    ① 布罗代尔:《资本主义的动力》,杨起译,三联书店,1997年,第41页。
    ② 布罗代尔:《菲利普二世时代的地中海和地中海世界》上卷,北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第465页。
    ① J. Najemy ed., Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, Oxford, 2004, pp. 134-136.
    ② G Luzzatto, An Economic History of Italy, New York, 1961, p. 107.
    ① R. Lopetz, The Birth of Europe, New York, 1967, p. 278.
    ② G.Luzzato, An Economic History of Italy, New York, 1961, p. 125.
    ③ J. Najemy ed., Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, Oxford, 2004, p. 131.
    ④ L. Mola, The Silk Industry of Renaissance Venice, Batimore, 2000.
    ⑤ G.Luzzato, An Economic History of Italy, New York, 1961, pp. 142-143.
    ① G.Luzzato, An Economic History of Italy, New York, 1961, p. 106.
    ① 马基雅维利:《佛罗伦萨史》,李活译,北京:商务印书馆,1982年,第40页。
    ② J. B. Bury ed., The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. 8, Cambridge, 1936, pp. 230-231.
    ③ G. Luzzato,An Economic History of Italy, New York, 1961, p. 151.
    ① 布罗代尔:《15至18世纪的物质文明、经济和资本主义》第3卷,北京:三联书店,2002年,第2页.
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    ② L. Jardine, Worldly Goods: A New History of the Renaissance, London, 1997, pp. 45-46.
    ① J. Brotton, The Renaissance Bazaar:from the Silk Road to Michelangelo, Oxford, 2002, p. 38.
    ② J. Brotton, The Renaissance Bazaar:from the Silk Road to Michelangelo, Oxford, 2002, p. 2.
    ③ J. Woolfson ed., Palgrave Advances in Renaissance Historiography, New York, 2005, p. 55.
    ④ L. Jardine, Worldly Goods: A New History of the Renaissance, Papermac, 1996, pp. 309-311.
    ① L. Jardine & J. Brotton, Global Interests: Renaissance Art between East and West, Ithaca, 2000, pp. 23-49.
    ① D. Howard, Venice and the East, New Haven, 2000, pp. 65-109, 146-166, 175-188.
    ② J. K. Hyde, Society and Politics in Medieval Italy, London, 1978, p. 165.
    ① 松巴特:《奢侈与资本主义》,上海人民出版社,2000年,第81页。
    ② R. Goldthwaithe, "The Florentine Palace as Domestic Architecture", The American Historican Review, Vol. 77 (1972), pp. 990-991.
    ① P.Burke, The Historical Anthropology of Early Modern Italy, Cambridge, 1987, p. 147.
    ② P. Burke, The Historical Anthropology of Early Modern Italy, Cambridge, 1987, pp. 148-149.
    ③ P. Burke, The European Renaissance, Oxford, 1998, pp. 170-226.
    ① L. Jardine, Worldly Goods: A New History of the Renaissance, London, 1997, p. 126.
    ② R. Goldthwaithe, Wealth and Demand in Italian Renaissance, Baltimore, 1993, p. 255.
    ① C. Davis, "Education in Dante's Florence", Speculum, Vol. XL, No. 3 (1965), p. 415.
    ② P. Grendler, Schooling in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore, 1989, pp. 5-6.
    ① P.Grendler, Schooling in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore, 1989, p. 43.
    ② C. Nauert, Jr., Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe, Cambridge, 1995, p. 42.
    ③ P. Grendler, Schooling in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore, 1989, p. 22.
    ④ R. Black, Humanism and Education in Medieval and Renaissance Italy, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 35-36, 43.
    ① W. Woodward, Vittorino Da Feltre and Other Humanist Educataors, Cambridge, 1905, pp. 102-107.
    ① D.海:《意大利文艺复兴的历史背景》,李玉成译,北京:三联书店,1988年,第138页。
    ② A. Rabil, Jr. ed., Renaissance Humanism, vol. 1, Philadelphia, 1988, p. 270.
    ① R. Black, Humanism and Education in Medieval and Renaissance Italy, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 364-365.
    ② J. Najemy ed., Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, Oxford, 2004, pp. 34-36.
    ① L. Martines, Power and Imagination: City-States in Renaissance Italy, Batimore, 1988, pp. 191-214.
    ② P. Grendler, Schooling in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore, 1989, pp. 409-410.
    ① P.Grendler, Schooling in Renaissance Italy, Baltimore, 1989, p. 406.
    ① P.Grendler, The Universities of the Italian Renaissance, Baltimore, 2002, pp. 3-137.
    ② P. Grendler, The Universities of the Italian Renaissance, Baltimore, 2002, pp. 140-142.
    ① T. Bender, ed., The University and the City:from Mediewd Origins to the Present, Oxford 1988, p. 14.
    ② J. Davies, Florence and Its University during the Early Renaissance, Leiden: Brill, 1998, p. 34.
    ① P.Grendler, "The Universities of the Renaissance and Reformation", Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 57, no.1, (2004), pp. 4-6.
    ① W. Ruegg ed.,A History of the University in Europe, Vol. 1, Cambridge, 1992, p. 452.
    ② P. Grendler, "The Universities of the Renaissance and Reformation", Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 57, no.1, (2004), pp. 8-10, 14-23.
    ③ T. Bender, ed., The University and the City:from Medieval Origins to the Present, Oxford, 1988, p. 15.
    ① 勒高夫:《中世纪的知识分子》,张弘译,北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第149—150页。
    ② J. Woolfson, Padua and the Tudors: English Students in Italy, 1485-1603, Toronto, 1998, pp. 136-139.
    ③ 1591年夏天,帕多瓦大学的学生与耶稣会学院发生严重冲突,帕多瓦大学上诉至威尼斯元老院,在元老院的支持下。将耶稣会驱逐出帕多瓦,从而迎来了威尼斯地区文化创造的一个新阶段.关于这场文化冲突的过程及后果的探讨,可参考缪尔的新著:《文艺复兴晚期的文化战争》(Edward Muir,The Culture Wars of the Late Renaissance, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2007).
    ① G. Brizzi, "The Jesuits and the Universities in Italy" in H. Hammerstein ed., European Universities in the Age of Reformation and Counter Reformation, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1998, pp. 191, 195.
    ② P. Grendler, The Universities of the Italian Renaissance, Baltimore, 2002, pp. 486-496.
    ③ P. Grendler, The Universities of the Italian Renaissance, Baltimore, 2002, pp. 497-508.
    ④ P. Burke, A Social History of Knowledge, Cambridge, 2000, pp. 35-36.
    ① C. Nauert, Jr., Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe, Cambridge, 1995, p. 61.
    ② J. Ross & M. McLaughlin, Portable Renaissance Reader, New York, 1977, p. 79.
    ① J. Symonds, The Renaissance in Italy, London, 1937, pp. 263-264.
    ② B. Michell, Rome in the High Renaissance, University of Oklahoma Press, 1973, pp.7-8.
    ③ A. Rabil, Jr. ed., Renaissance Humanism, vol. 1, Philadelphia, 1988, pp. 274-277.
    ① 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,北京:商务印书馆,1979年,第277页。
    ② I. Rowland, The Culture of the High Renaissance, Cambridge, 1998, p. 14.
    ③ K. Gouwens, "Ciceronianism and Collective Ideatity: Defining the Boundaries of Roman Academy, 1525," Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, vol. 23, no. 2 (1993), p. 174.
    ④ A. Schnapp, The Discovery of the Past, traas. by I. Kinnes & G.Vardeil, Londoa, 1996, p. 126.
    ⑤ A. Rabil, Jr. ed., Renaissance Humanism, vol.1, Philadelphia, 1988, p. 285.
    ⑥ J. Symonds, Renaissance in Italy, London: John Murray, 1937, pp. 263-264.
    ① A. Rabil, Jr. ed., Renaissance Humanism, Vol. 1, Philadelphia, 1988, pp. 296-324, esp. 305-307.
    ① A. Rabil, Jr. ed., Renaissance Humanism, Voi. 1, Philadelphia, 1988, p. 219.
    ② M. Lowry, The World ofAldus Manutius, Oxford, 1987, pp. 180-207.
    ③ D. Cantimori, "Rhetoric and Politics in Italian Humanism , Journal of Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol.1 (1937-38), pp. 86-102.
    ④ F.Gilbert, History: Choice and Commitment, Harvard University Press, 1977, pp. 215-246.
    ① E. Cochrane, Italy, 1530-1630, London, 1988, pp. 63-66.
    ② P. Burke, A Social History of Knowledge, Cambridge, 2000, p. 36.
    ③ 关于这一时期的“学会”与“语言问题”,可参考刘耀春的《语言与文化:意大利文艺复兴时期的“语言问题”》(《四川大学学报》,2005年第6期,第112-122页)
    ① E. Cochrane, Italy, 1530-1630, London, 1988, p. 63.
    ② E. Cochrane, Italy, 1330-1630, London, 1988, pp. 63-66.
    ③ N. Pevsner, Academy of Art: Past and Present, Cambridge, 1940, pp. 25-66.
    ④ G.Holmes ed., The Oxford Illustrated History of Italy, Oxford, 2001, pp. 153-156.
    ① F. Yates, French Academies of the Sixteenth Century, London: Routledge, 1988.
    ② 费弗尔和马尔坦:《印刷书的诞生》,李鸿志译,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2006年.
    ③ D. Finkelstein & A. McCleery ed., The Book History Reader, London, 2002, p. 7.
    ④ R. Darton, The Kiss of Lamourette: Rreficetions in Cultural History, New York, 1990, p. 107.
    ① P.Btrke, Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy, Cambridge,, 1999, p. 70.
    ② 钱存训:《中国纸和印刷文化史》,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2004年,第292页。
    ① B. Richardson, Printing, Writers and Readers in Renaissance Italy, Cambridge,, 1999, p. 3.
    ② 巴比耶:《书籍的历史》,刘阳等译,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2005年,第112页.
    ① J. Bernstein, Print Culture and Music in Sixteenth-Century Venice, Oxford, 2001, p. 15.
    ① P. Burke, "Early Modern Venice as a Center of Information and Communication" in J. Martin ed., Venice Reconsidered, Baltimore, 2000, p. 398.
    ② B. Richardson, Printing, Writers and Readers in Renaissance Italy, Cambridge, 1999, p. 114.
    ③ 费夫贺和马尔坦:《印刷书的诞生》,李鸿志译,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2006年,第254页。
    ① C. Nauert Jr.,Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe, Cambridge, 1995, pp. 52-54.
    ① 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传》,徐波、刘耀春等译,武汉:湖北美术出版社,20043,第438-439页。
    ② A. Petrucci, Writers and Readers in Medieval Italy, New Haven, 1995, pp. 212-216.
    ① Two Renaissance Books Hunters, trans, by P.W. G.Gordon, New York, 1991, pp. 191-192.
    ② A. Petruci, Writers and Readers in Medieval Italy, New Haven, 1995, pp. 219-220.
    ③ Vespasiano da Bisticci, The Vespasiano Memoirs, Toronto, 1997, pp. 102-104.
    ① M. Harris, History of Libraries in the Western World, Metuchen, N. J., 1995, p. 123.
    ② J. Symons, Renaissance in Italy: the Revival of Learning, London, 1937, pp. 126-127.
    ③ Vespasiano da Bisticci, The Fespasiano Memoirs, Toronto, 1997, p. 221.
    ④ M. Harris, History of Libraries in the Western World, Metuchen, N. J.: 1995, p. 123.
    ① E. B. Fryde, Humanism and Renaissance Historiography, London, 1983, p. 162.
    ② Vespasiano da Bisticci, The Vespasiano Memoirs, Toronto, 1997, pp.37, 49-50.
    ① C. Franklin, "Pro Communi doctorum comodo: The Vatican Library and Its Service to Scholarship", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 146, no. 4 (2002), pp. 373, 375-376.
    ① Michel de Montaigne: The Complete Work, trans, by D. M. Frame, 2003, pp. 1158-1159.
    ② A. Grafton ed., Rome Reborn: the Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture, Washington D. C., 1993, pp. 42-43.
    ③ D. Chambers & B. Pullan, Venice: A Documentary History, Oxford, 1992, p. 357.
    ① K. Staikos, The Great Libraries:from Antiquity to the Renaissance, London, 2000, pp. 328-337.
    ① 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,北京:商务印书馆,1979年,第446-541页。
    ② 王挺之先生在《意大利文艺复兴时期的城市生活》(《历史研究》,1996年第5期,第129-143页)一文中对此问题有深入的阐述,本人深受启发,多有借鉴,不过,笔者对这一时期宗教性(religiosity)的判断与王先生有所不同。
    ① H. Grunderman, The Religious Movement of the Middle Ages, 1996.
    ② G Duby, "The Diffusion of Cultural Patterns in Feudal Society", Past and Present, No. 39 (1968), p. 3.
    ③ A. Thompson, Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325, Universty Park (Pennsylvannia), 2005.
    ④ J. Martin ed., The Renaissance: Italy and Abroad, London, 2003, p. 281.
    ① 皮雷纳:《中世纪的城市》,陈国樑译,北京:商务印书馆,2006年,第145-146页。
    ① J. Najemy ed.,Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, Oxford, 2004, p. 60.
    ② J. Najemy ed, Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, Oxford, 2004, pp. 70-71.
    ① J. Henderson, Piety and Charity in Late Medieval Florence, Chicago, 1997, p. 2.
    ② C. F.Black, Italian Confraternities in the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge., 2003, pp. 108-129.
    ③ 英国宗教史家布莱克(C. E Black) 在其《16世纪的意大利兄弟会》(Italian Confraternities in the Sixteenth Century,Cambridge,2003,pp.108-109)一书中明确指出了这一点。王挺之先生也强调了市民宗教生活中注重宗教虔诚外在表达这一特征,见《意大利文艺复兴时期的城市宗教生活》(《历史研究》,1996年第5期),第139-140页。新教改革派反对浮华的外在表达,而强调“上帝在我的心中”,也就是说,注重人内心的良知与上帝的直接沟通,荷兰人文主义者伊拉斯莫的意见颇有代表性:“谁才是真正的基督徒?不只是受过洗礼、坚信礼或上弥散,而是在内心深处信奉基督,并通过秉持基督精神行事来表现这一点.”(《论基督教君主的教育》,李康译,上海人民出版社,2003年,第24页)。
    ① P. Raneft, Women and the Religious Life in Pre-modern Europe, London, 1998, pp. 79-112; G.Duby (ed.), A History of Women in the West,vol. 3, Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993, pp. 137-166.
    ② P. Burke, Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy, Cambridge, 1999, p. 166.
    ③ G. Parsons, Siena, Civil Religion and the Sienese, Ashgate, 2004, pp. 2-6.
    ④ J. Martin ed, ed., The Renaissance: Italy and Abroad, London, 2003, pp. 280-281.
    ⑤ A. Vauchez, Sainthood in the Late Middle Ages, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 397-412.
    ① 黄进兴的《圣贤与圣徒》(北京大学出版社,2005年)对西欧的“圣徒崇拜”和中国的“圣贤崇拜”做了富有启发性的比较研究,尤其参阅该书中的《“圣贤”与“圣徒”:儒教从祀制与基督教封圣制的比较》一文。
    ② D. Weinstein & R. Bell, Saints and Society: The Two Worlds of Western Christendom, 1000-1700, Chicago, 1982, p. 167, table 6.
    ③ 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,北京:商务印书馆,1979年,第142页。
    ④ H. Beltin, Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image before the Era of Art, Chicago, 1996.
    ① D. Herlihy, Women, Family and Society in Medieval Europe, Oxford, 1995, pp. 33-56, esp., p. 56.
    ② G Zarri, "A Typology of Female Sanctity in the Early Sixteenth Century", in D. Bomstein ed., Women and Religion in Medieval and Renaissance Italy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996, pp. 219-240.
    ① 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,第457页。译文略有修改。
    ② 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,第457页。译文略有修改。
    ③ 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,第458页.译文略有修改。
    ① N. Debby, Renaissance Florence in the Rhetoric of Two Popular Preachers, Brepols, 2001, pp. 57-195.
    ② F.Mormando, The Preacher's Demons: Bernadino of Siena and the Social Underworld of Early Renaissance Italy, Chicago, 1999, pp. 52-218.
    ③ T. Verdon & J. Henderson eds., Christianity and Renaissance, Syracus University Press, 1990, pp. 217-218.
    ④ O. Niccoli, Prophecy and People in Renaissance Italy, Princeton University Press, 1990.
    ⑤ M. Kuntz, The Anointment of Dionisio: Prophecy and Politics in Renaissance Italy, Penn State University Press, 2001.
    ① F. Ratte,Picturing the City in Medieval Italian Painting, Jefferson (North Carolina), 2006, p. 190.
    ① 瓦萨里:《意大利艺苑名人传·辉煌的复兴》,刘君等译,武汉:湖北美术出版社,2003年,第95—97页。
    ② C. E Black, Italian Confraternities in the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge, 2003, p. 117.
    ③ N. Terpstra, Lay Confraternities and Civic Religion in Renaissance Bologna, 1995, p. 75.
    ④ 关于兄弟会的文艺赞助,可参考: B. Wisch & D. Ahl eds., Confraternities and Visual Arts in Renaissance Italy, Cambridge, 2000; K. Eisenbichler ed., Crossing the Boundaries: Christian Piety and the Arts in Italian Medieval and Renaissance Confraternities, Western Michigan University, 1991.
    ① A. Campana, "The Origin of the Word 'Humanist'", Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. 9 (1946), pp. 61-73.
    ② P. O. Kristeller, Renaissance Thought: The Classic, Scholastic, and Humanist Strains, New York, 1961, p. 9.
    ③ 布克哈特:《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》,何新译,北京:商务印书馆,1979年,第199—279页。布克哈特所说的“时代精神”是“个人主义”而不是“人文主义”,他对这两个概念有着明确的区分.我国的读者往往粗心大意,把二者混同,这一流弊在今天的学界并不鲜见。
    ④ R.Fubini, Humanism and Secularization: from Petrarch to Valla, Durham, 2003, PP. 66-88.
    ⑤ 赵立行:《宗教与世俗的平衡及其相互制约:意大利人文主义者的宗教观》,《历史研究》,2002年第2期,第132-144页。
    ① 美国学者特林考斯在其的权威著作《依照我们的形象:意大利人文主义思想中的人性与神性》(C Trinkaus, In Our Image and Likeness: Humanity and Divinity in Italian Humanist Thought, Notre Dame,1995)对人文主义者的神学研究作了透彻的分析。
    ② F.Guicciardini, Dialogue on the Florentine Government, Cambridge, 1994, p. 171.
    ③ C. F.Black, Church, Religion and Society in Early Modern Italy, New York, 2004, pp. 19-36.
    ① R. Weissman, Ritual Brotherhood in Renaissance Florence, New York, 1982, pp. 195-235, esp. 235.
    ② E. Horodowich, "Civic Identity and the Control of Blashemy in Sixteenth-Century Venice", Past and Present, No. 181(2003), pp. 3-33.
    ③ G. Zarri, "From Prophecy to Discipline, 1450-1650", in L. Scaraffia ed. Women and Faith: Catholic Religious Life in Italy from Late Antiquity to the Present, Cambridge Mass.:, 1999, pp. 83-112.
    ④ J. Marino ed., Early Modern Italy, 1550-1796, Oxford, 2002, pp. 125-126.
    ⑤ J. Delumeau, Catholicism Between Luther and Voltaire, Westminster:. John Knox Press, 1977.
    ① 其中最著名的当属荷兰文化史家赫伊津哈的《游戏的人:人类文化中的游戏因素》(J.Huizinga,Homo Ludens:A Study of the Play-Element in Culture,Boston:The Beacon Press,1955),中译本取名为《人:游戏者》(成穷译,贵阳:贵州人民出版社,1998年);和美国文化人类学家格尔茨(C.Geertz)的《深度游戏:巴厘人的斗鸡》(见格尔茨:《文化的解释》(上海人民出版社,纳日碧力戈等译。1999年,第471-521页)。
    ② P.Burke,“The Invention of Leisure in Early Modern Europe”,Past & Present,No.146(1995),pp.136-150.关于近代早期人们对消遣、休闲和娱乐的讨论和态度可参考:A.Arcangeli,Recreation in the Renaissance, New York,2003.
    ① 苏托尼乌斯:《罗马十二帝王传》,张竹明等译,北京:商务印书馆,1995年,第90-91页。
    ② N. Purcell, "Literate Games: Roman Urban Society and the Game of Alea", Past and Present, No. 147 (1995), pp. 3-37.
    ③ G.Brucker ed., Renaissance Florence: A Documentairy Study, New York, 1971, pp. 184-185.
    ① W. B. Scaife, Florentine Life during the Renaissance, Hawaii, 2002, pp. 199-200.
    ② J. Hale, The Literary Works of Niccolo Machiavelli, Westport, 1979, pp.138-139.
    ③ J. Walker, "Gambling and Venetian Noblemen, c. 1500-1700", Past & Present, no. 162 (1999), pp. 28-69.
    ① E. S. Cohen & T. V. Cohen, Daily Life in Renaissance Italy, Westpor & London, 2001, pp. 290-291.
    ② J. Huizinga, Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture, Boston, 1955.
    ① M. Mallet, "Horse-Racing and Politics in Lorenzo' Florence", in M. Mallett & N. Mann eds., Lorenzo the Magnificent: Culture and Politics, London, 1996, pp. 254, 255.
    ② G Bracket, Florence: The Golden Age, 1138-1737, Berkeley, 1998, p. 232.
    ③ M. Mallet, "Horse-Racing and Politics in Lorenzo' Florence", in M. Mallett & hi. Mann eds., Lorenzo the Magnificent: Culture and Politics, London, 1996, p. 256; R. Trexler, Public Life in Renaissance Florence, New York, 1980, pp. 262-263.
    ④ W. B. Scaife, Florentine Life during the Renaissance, Hawaii, 2002, p. 213.
    ① The Autobiography of Lorenzo de'Medici the Magnificent, trans, by J. Cook, New York, 1995, pp. 117-118.
    ② M. Mallet, "Horse-Racing and Politics in Lorenzo' Florence", in M. Mallett & N. Mann eds., Lorenzo the Magnificent: Culture and Politics, London, 1996, p. 257.
    ③ S. Silverman, "At the Intersection of Anthropolosy and History'. Territorial Festivity in Siena", in P,. Trexler ed., Persons in Groups, New York, 1985, pp. 34-45.
    ④ J. Hook, Siena: A City and Its History, London, 1979, pp. 223-225.
    ① S. Silverman, "The Palio of Siena: Game, Ritual or Politics", in S. Zimmermann et al eds., Urban Life in the Renaissance, University of Dalaware Press, 1989, pp. 224-239.
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    ① D. Mateer ed., Courts, Patrons and Poets, London, 2000, p. 119.
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    ④ B. Castiglione, The Books of the Courtier, trans, by C. Singleton, 1959, p. 44.
    ① F.Braudel, Out of Italy: 1450-1650, trans, by S. Reynolds, Flammarion, 1991, p. 150; C. Lee, Ballet in Western Culture, New York, 2002, pp. 37-85.
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    ② S. Bertelli et al eds., The Courts of the Italian Renaissance, New York: Facts on File, 1986, p. 151.
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    ② R. Trexler, Public Life in Renaissance Florence, New York, 1980, ⅹⅹⅰ.
    ③ M. Girouard, Cities and People: A Social and Architectural History, New Haven, 1985, p. 119.
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