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在线社会网络(Online Social Network, OSN)为用户提供了分享、组织、查找资料的重要途径,是一种备受用户青睐的网络交流方式。在线社会网络已成为社会网络(Social Network, SN)、复杂网络以及Internet应用的研究热点。但是在线社会网络中存在着数据集中存储以及用户隐私数据泄漏的问题。本文利用社会学、数据挖掘中的社会网络分析(Social Network Analysis, SNA)方法以及图论、概率论等研究方法,针对在线社会网络存在的上述问题进行深入研究,取得了如下创新性成果:
     1.建立了一种基于对等计算模式以及网络节点社会属性的对等社会网络(P2P Social Network, P2P SN)。该网络具有两层结构,底层为根据节点社会相似性建立的社区网络,上层是基于Chord的结构化P2P网络。此种层次化的分布式社会网络,变集中式数据管理为分布式数据管理,解决了目前在线社会网络中数据集中存储所带来的弊端。
Online Social Network (OSN) provides the primary method for sharing and constructing and searching information to users. It is becoming increasing popular network communication. Online Social Network has been a research hot spot in social network and complicated network and Internet application. In Online Social Network, data privacy caused by data centralized management is a major challenge. In this project, using Social Network Analysis (SNA) in sociology and Data Mining and Graph theory and probability theory, we do more research on the proposed problem in Online Social Network and obtained the innovative research result with theoretical value and practical significance.
     1. The distributed P2P Social Network based on peer-to-peer computing model is built up. Using Social Network Analysis (SNA), we establish a hierarchical P2P Social Network model according to the social distance showing social similarity of peers and the centrality metric showing the importance of peers, which changes the centralized data management into distributed management, to resolve the inherent disadvantage of centralized data management.
     2. We propose highly efficient social-aware routing algorithm on resource searching and publishing in P2P Social Network. Information dissemination mechanisms are set up by using social distance and social similarity among peers. The resource and messages are forwarded through the key peers and bridge peers in the network. The routing algorithm deduces searching overhead and improves information transmission efficiency.
     3. The trust model is constructed in P2P Social Network, and the trust evaluation mechanism on peer is set up. We exploit social relationship among peers to set the reputation and evaluate the trust, and design trust (including social-trust and transaction-trust) updating algorithm after each transaction. According to peer trust we define the access authority in order to achieve authorized access and deduce the malicious behavior, and effectively avoid the leaking of users’data privacy.
     Through theoretical analysis and simulation evaluation, we will validate the proposed model and schemes. The research will provide a theoretical foundation and method support for the optimization of next-generation social networks, thus with theoretical significance and practical value.
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