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Since the internet services emerged in China, many kinds of commercial applications represented by E-business become the object of universal attention. Meanwhile, as the actor of the online shopping, the customers and their online behavior carry out a specific function in the branding of the online shopping. Based on the audience study of western authors, this article will make a thorough research into the subject about how the customer's behavior will influence the build-up of online shopping brand.
     Accordingly, as the study of customer online behavior, this article demonstrate the leading position of customer online behavior in the build-up of shopping site brand through the analysis of the marketing environment, audience perspective, brand mode, the online shoppers'performance and constraints contained. Meanwhile, this article also analyzes the customers'online behavior by many research methods, such as the questionnaire survey, In-depth interview, content analysis and model construction, etc.
     Different from the traditional media, the technique supports supplied by the new media promote the media communication upgrading which make the traditional marketing mode develop towards relation management dominated by the customers of internet times. From the angle of audience study, the online behavior based on the internet platform has shown the different character and style in the audience basis, property source, consumption motivation, etc. In macro-scale, the theory of audience study constitutes the most reliable foundation for the online behavior of customers; in middle scale, the discipline basis of network behavior study is the resource and represent the character of the customers' online behavior; microcosmically, the evolution of the customers'behavior motivate the online behavior.The shopping site, forum, micro blog, social network site have become the marketing environment elements generated by the customers'online behavior. As the basis for the customers'online behavior The new media supply the customers' online behavior with the new environments different from the traditional ones and highlight the importance of customers'online behavior.
     When study the effect of online customers'behavior on the branding of online shopping site, we should make clear the branding mode of the domestic and overseas shopping site. This article concludes five typical online shopping sites:B2C, C2C, B2C, classified information site and group purchase, and make analysis of the rules of their development from the angle of the brand.
     The online behavior of the customers requires the three dimensional analysis. In terms of realistic performance, the article analyzes the multiple roles played by the online propagator and receiver; in terms of the classification of communication, this article discusses the definition, transmission modes and rules; in terms of form performance, this article summarizes six types of customers'online behavior:online searching, clicking, customizing, assessment, interaction, demonstration.
     This article concludes the eight sources of the customers online behavior:online information, online propagator, online audience, brand spreading, A third-party Web site, online shopping community, network spamming and oral spreading, by which the customers'online behavior how to constitute the branding of the online shopping site.
     The politics, economic and technique manipulate the customers'online behavior greatly as invisible hands behind. The political influence can be traced in both the network censorship and internet culture upholding. Economically, the capital control can be seen everywhere, especially the blog trash and the zombie fans. Moreover, the over reliance on the technology and the invisible monitor of technique has made the customers'online behavior easily influenced.
     It needs for three-dimensional to analysis Customer online behavior on the Internet. On actual performance through the empirical analysis to understand the multiple roles of online communicators and online recipient. In the definition of the spread on the definition of online customer behavior, to analyze the mode of transmission and propagation. This article concludes six customer online behavior which including online search behavior, online click behavior, online custom behavior, evaluate behavior, interactive behavior, online presence behavior.
     This article use content analysis to discuss jingdong online shopping mall,whih as the example to explain how customer online behvrior influence the build-up of online shopping brand. Through the panoramic scanning of customers'online behavior, this article explains how it influences the branding of shopping site in flow chart of six stages: Brand Awareness-Brand Recognition-Brand Association-Brand Satisfaction-Brand Broadcast-Brand Loyalty, in which the customers'online behavior plays an important role. Besides, through the model method, eight kinds of elements have an impact on the formation of website brand during the interactivity.
     As a commercial application exists in the internet perform, the shopping site's social values is justified obviously. Despite the drawbacks of itself, the constraints of political, economical, cultural, the shopping site still play an important role in the shopping facility, consumption stimulation and economic innovation. Meanwhile, group purchase rush and C2B trend show that the online behavior of customers have affected the online shopping business. In a word, the state of branding of the shopping site lead by customers'online behavior will not change.
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