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Word of mouth is considered as the cheapest communication tool and media that people trust most. Some researches found that, the influence of WOM is seven times higher than media advertisement and four times higher than salesmanship. The reason why consumer changes brands is more influenced by WOM than by advertisement。In the course of changing consumer's attitudes, the effect of WOM is nine times of the advertisements. The study combines the negative WOM and the brand attitude,explores the impact which the negative on-line WOM effects to the brand attitude of the college students.
     WOM messages include three valences: positive WOM, negative WOM, and two-sided WOM. There are a lot of researches which focus on contrasting the influences of different WOM information. It was found that negative information is more informative than positive information, in the sense that it helps consumers discriminate between low-and high-quality products. Also some other researches found that two-sided WOM is more persuasive .
     This research wants to discuss the different influence on consumer's brand attitudes on the basis of negative eWOM, with different moderators. Such as the tone of negative trust and inlovement WOM(eWOM).This research is based on the literature review of WOM, involvement and related issues. An empirical method is used to analyze the factors influencing consumer's brand attitude and grope for how WOM affects consumer's brand attitude.
     This study is divided into five parts: The first part of this study is the research background, the purpose and significance of research and research and analysis framework, The second part is the Review of the relevant literature. The third part is negative word-of-mouth of college students brand attitude of model building, including theoretical models and research on the framework of assumptions, research design, analysis design. The fourth part of is data and analysis, conducted descriptive statistical analysis, data reliability analysis, conceptual model analysis and hypothesis testing. Part five of the discussions, conclusions and recommendations.
     This study focused on the regulation of the different variables under the influence of negative word-of-mouth for consumers brand changes of attitude. Review in the literature on the basis of this empirical research using the method of negative Word of mouth of the brand attitude to explore the role of impact analysis, and by constructing a model of the theory and hypothesis testing amendment. Come to the conclusion that: negative word-of-mouth network of college students change in attitude of the brand has significant impact. Consumer professional ability, involvement and trust as an intermediary variables caused by the negative reputation of the brand attitude change from regulation.
     In this study the innovations are: First, the research perspective, this article will spread word-of-mouth marketing combined with the network. Psychology and communication will be the introduction of management theory and marketing research, select and the introduction of a trust, involvement, the ability of consumers of these professional intermediaries adjustment variables, measuring brand attitude change in the course of them played by the local Role. Secondly, the study methods, the three dimensional design from the "net level" model of external variables, single-factor analysis of variance with the verification of these three dimensions of the variables and brand attitude change.
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