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     企业层面的物质和能量集成以新太酒精厂为案例。通过深入调查该厂的生产工艺,首次提出酒精生产的本质上就是碳元素的反应与传递。测定了沼气的组成和原料木薯、沼渣、杂醇油、排放废水的总碳含率,对各物流进行碳元素衡算,做出了酒精生产的碳元素平衡图。结果表明,进入酒精产品的碳元素仅为44.74%,各副产品所含的有用碳元素分别为:沼气8.19%,沼渣4.32%,液态CO2 7.26%,杂醇油0.27%。系统的总碳元素利用率为64.78%。副产品的回收利用使系统总碳利用率提高了20.01%。与未回收利用副产品相比,酒精生产的原料利用率提高了45%。
     探讨了新太能量集成的模式。酒精生产是个高能耗、高水耗的行业。新太通过热电联产,将高压蒸汽发电,发电后的乏汽用于酒精生产的蒸煮和蒸馏工艺使用,实现了能源的梯级利用,企业的吨酒煤耗和电耗均优于国内最佳水平。但是,仍有大量余热没有得到利用。本文运用夹点分析方法,对系统的热交换网络进行能量分析,再辅以制冷机和热泵对系统中的三股热流体进行余热回收,预测结果表明:(1) 以精馏塔塔顶蒸汽(79℃)的余热驱动吸收式制冷机,可
The importance and application of circular economy and the similar theories, such as cleaner production and industrial ecology, are reviewed in this thesis. The relationship between circular economy and thermodynamics is emphasized. Mass conservation and energy conservation are the pillar-stones of the cycling model, which is made up with resource exploitation and manufacturing, product consumption, and waste disposal in series of industrial activities. But according to thermodynamics, the cycle can never be completely closed, because to decompose the wastes into secondary resources involves processes during which the entropy of the system is increased. The driving force of the natural ecology is the solar energy, which exists everywhere but in low density. Luckily, the bacteria can directly use solar energy to degrade organic wastes so that the diverse natural ecology can run circularly. However, to change human wastes into useful secondary resources, people have to put into energy in intensive density. To practice the idea of circular economy is very difficult. It is therefore of urgent need to search methods or ways for the promotion of circular economy, i.e. to run the industrial processes in industrial parks circularly in low cost and on a large scale.
    Within the projects about eco-city planning and eco-industrial park planning, the author collected data and investigated the following cases: Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (SCIP), Shanghai Xinzhuang Industry Park (SXIP), Nanjing Chemical Industry Park (NCIP) , Lubei Co. Ltd. (Lubei) and Xintai Alcohol distillery in Taicang (Xintai). Based on the information collected, this thesis tries to find methods to solve the problems of by-product and waste exchanging, energy cascading and utilities sharing among enterprises in an industrial park through mass and energy integrations so that the harmony between economy, society and environment could be reached.
    The alcohol production in Xintai is the case study of mass and energy integrations of enterprise scale. Based on the intensive investigation of Xintai, it was considered that the essential processes of alcohol production are the reaction and the
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