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In the transaction period,the regional credit rationing in China have great difference,the capital flows into the developed east areas and flows out from the undeveloped mid and west areas,which affects the regional stategy of our economic developments.The paper discussed from the regional credit rationing,analyzed the reasons of the great difference in the regional credit rationing of Chinese different areas.
     The paper has seven chapters:First chaper introduced the background,goals and purposes of the paper;Second chaper gathered the materials and documents related to the topic and gave out the paper's own research purposes and stands;Third chaper described the practical problems of the regional credit rationing in China,used models to analyze the causes of regional credit rationing difference in China and its effects on the Chinese regional economy;Forth chaper discussed how to decide in the regional credit rationing under the intererst rate systerm,rist control systerm and management systerm;Firth chaper analyzed the changes of the regional credit rationing under different conditions as the regional economic,credit market and regional legal systerm,concluded the regional credit rationing systerm was formed with rist and gain; Sixth Chaper used the test model of FH and Park,with the datas of 12 cities in Guangdong Province,analyzed the systerm of the regional credit rationing in China with high gain low risk,concluded that such systerm will enlarge the gap and differenece of the regional credit rationing in China;Seventh Chaper gave the suggestion and policies for the differenece of the regional credit rationing in China and so on.
     This paper set up a theoritical stucture to analyze the regional credit rationing systerm,used practical datas to give a picture of the differenece of the regional credit rationing in China and its effects on the economy,gave the policy suggestions of instructing the credit resources well-allocated,and further regional strategies.
1 原文为:"credit rationing is a situation,in which there is excess demand for loam and the market for fails to clean"
    2 经济学中关于“配给”的理论有:(1)将配给作为一个“多货币(Multiple-currency)”的系统。该理论用多货币对单货币系统的替代表示配给,每个家庭得到的收入和支付的支出不只是以金钱形式,而且还以各式各样的配给货币(票证)形式。Tobin认为这种分析混淆了配给的一些本质特征,例如:配给收入的大小独立于家庭提供的工作劳力,配给货币不能储蓄,在单一货币系统中,任何商品有一个价格,但在多货币系统下,不可能存在单一的价格:而且,不同种类的配给是分开的;(2)配给下的个人消费行为理论。始于希克斯的《价值与资本》,二战中英国实施配给制,当时出现了许多关于配给影响消费的讨论。这类文献大多都是以多货币系统为分析框架,其中多货币之间不能以市场机制进行交换;(3)配给下的总需求理论.对不同系统下不同个人的研究,结论很复杂;(4)配给与税收制度下的工作激励。结论为配给的存在减少了人们的工作激励;(5)配给与社会福利。配给减少了社会总福利和福利在经济主体间的再分配。以上详见Tobin(1952)。
    3 新凯恩斯主义学者(stiglitz and weiss,1981等)从信贷市场中的信息不对称出发,论述了信贷配给是市场运行中的一种长期现象,并将其称为“均衡信贷配给”。他们认为,在信贷市场中,利率机制和配给机制同时起作用,市场利率有正向选择效应和逆向选择效应。正向选择效应是指,利率的提高使一些收益率较低的厂商不敢问津贷款,在风险不变的前提下能增加银行的收益,而利率的逆向选择效应是指较高的贷款利率会使那些稳定经营的厂商不再申请贷款,而愿意支付较高利息的正是那些乐于风险投资、预期还款概率低的借款人,从而导致银行收益下降。利率不仅有正逆向选择效应,还会影响厂商对待风险的态度,高利率使厂商更愿意在风险较大的项目上投资,追求高预期收益,但破产的可能性也增大。当利率提高时,利率的逆向选择效应递增而正向选择效应递减,将使低风险的借款人退出市场(逆向选择行为),或诱使借款人选择更高风险的项目(道德风险行为),使得银行放款的平均风险上升。因此,利率的提高可能会降低银行的收益。当利率提高到某一点,正向选择效应和逆向选择效应相抵消,这时银行收益达到最大化,而该利率便是银行的最优利率。通常,过度信贷需求的存在使均衡利率高于最优利率,但此时银行不会继续提高贷款利率,而是理性地以低于均衡利率的最优利率放贷,在过度的信贷需求中加以选择,贷给那些资信度高的厂商,拒绝一部分贷款申请,增加还款概率,形成均衡信贷配给。其结论是信贷利率不能完全反映信贷市场的供求情况,也不能成为完全有的甄别,给可以为一长期衡。
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