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华北块体经过长期复杂的地质演化,形成了诸如稳定块体、断陷盆地及造山带等多个构造单元,区内断层纵横交错、活动形式各异;同时该区也是强震频发的区域。无论从地质构造演化本身,还是对强震的孕育背景等研究都具有非常重要的理论和现实意义。本文使用纯S 波波形反演方法和T 函数法,利用模拟退火法搜索模型,共得到了华北地区140 个地震台站下方100km 深度的精细壳幔速度结构和50 个台站下方800km 深度的地幔速度结构,建立了华北地区二维剪切波速度剖面。而且利用独立的P 波波形反演得到了相应P 波速度结构,对介质的物理性质等进行了多参数约束。
The North China block has experienced long and complicated geological histories, and formed different tectonic units such as relatively stable block, fault basins and orogenic (tectonic) belts. Many faults crossed each other vertically and horizontally, with different active state. While, strong earthquakes occurred frequently in the region, so it is of theoretical and practical significance to study whatever the geological tectonic evolution itself or the preparation background of strong earthquakes. In this Ph.D thesis, using methods of pure S wave waveform inversion and T function, and analogue annealing method to search the best fitted model, fine velocity structures were obtained in the crust and mantle in a depth of 100km beneath 140 stations and mantle velocity structures in 800km deep beneath 50 stations; as well, 2-dimension shear wave velocity profile were also constructed. Moreover, P wave velocity structures were computed by independent P wave waveform inversion, to constrain the physical properties of sub-surface media in view of a few parameters.
    The general characteristics of shallow velocity structures show that, there exists regional similarity for different tectonic units in North China, but present great differences from each other. They are as follows: (1) The Ordos block is the most steady one, with thick and stable layers showed in the mid and lower crust, and its average velocity ratio is less than 1.732. At its surrounding fault basin belts, the velocity structures are complicated. The stronger the tectonic activity is, the more complex the velocity structure is. The features of velocity structures reflect that, the fault basins were developed from west to east, as well from the mountains on the north and south sides to Ordos block. (2) The crustal thickness differs largely in 10km on the two sides of the Taihang Mountains belt, which is consistent to the distribution of regional gravitational field. The velocity structures are also complicated in fault basins on the east side of the Taihang Mountains belt, and only a few stations in Cangxian upwelling area maintain features of the ancient stable block.
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